Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 384: If you want to hit, hit hard

Lieutenant Tom was speechless and once again reported the precise hit without corrective contact. In his opinion, the Reaper No. 1 was almost overlooking the 177th outpost shooting from the air. Otherwise, how could there be such precise shooting.

Ye also smiled bitterly after hearing the news. This attack was really lucky. You must know that without coordinates, the initial hit rate of a 15-kilometer lob shot based only on photos and maps was less than 10%. But in his own hands, It was over 60%. This result made Ye himself feel a little weird.

After two bombardments, the Imperial base gradually returned to order. The commander's order was conveyed to the mecha troops. The Imperial pilots who had already climbed into the bear control room and were on standby activated their weapons. Most of the mechas were buried in the ruins of the hangar. In the base, except for the bear that was attacking directly, there was still no reaction at all. The other eight mechas all struggled to shake off the broken cement blocks on their bodies and stood up. These mechas, which were not harmed by explosive bombs at close range, looked miserable. Their whole bodies were covered with scars made by building fragments. The originally smooth green armor surface was riddled with pits and was exposed where the paint was scraped off. Inside is silver-gray super-tension ceramic composite steel. The bulletproof glass in front of the head monitors of two mechas was also penetrated by gravel. The unique one-eyed monitor of the imperial mecha was destroyed. Their pilots could only switch to the auxiliary monitor with a limited viewing angle.

"Garth, all enemy tanks have been wiped out. One mecha has been disabled. The remaining eight Bears have been activated. The fighters above said they seem to want to break out of the base. You can kill them outside." Communicate with the guidance crew. After that, Ye, who knew the results of his victory and the latest trends of the imperial forces, contacted the captain of the Blood Prison Commando.

"Okay. Boss, can you help us take out those Imperial position cannons? These guys are still a great threat to us." The Blood Prison commando team who had already rushed into the pitiful 10 kilometers range of the Imperial howitzers demanded, These cannons have begun to sling fire. This method of shooting, which can greatly increase the range, is now used by the Empire to attack three red assault troops. He wanted to blow these three mechas into pieces on the outside of the base.

"Okay. It'll be done right away." Ye responded. The empire's first wave of artillery shells had exploded around the Blood Prison commando team, but unfortunately none of them hit. It just blew up sand pits next to the three assault troops, raising up yellow sand all over the sky. All three mechas were covered up. As the anti-mecha weapons of the base, these short-bore howitzers adopt a short-bore design in order to pursue the rate of fire and high-speed rotation. However, this design not only reduces the range, but also reduces the accuracy.

Outpost 177 has six turrets. This number far exceeds the maximum configuration of two turrets in general outposts. Who makes it the most important outpost in the empire? These turrets were cleverly hidden behind some sand dunes, preventing federal assault firepower from sniping at them. Instead, they could kill and injure federal troops by hanging with the help of watchtowers and concealed ground locators buried in the desert in front of the base. . Once the Union troops wanted to attack them and walked up the sand dunes. These cannons can be easily adjusted to a flat-fire mode, blasting the opponents' heads the moment they reveal their heads. It's a pity that these cleverly designed turrets have encountered the King of Land, which has a longer range than them. Now they can only fire more shells at the Blood Prison Commandos before they are destroyed, praying to hit one or two mechas, and save themselves. The mecha troops share some of the pressure. Outpost 177, as the base with the most heavy fire defense turrets on the Empire's front line, seemed helpless in the face of the King of Land's ultra-long-range artillery.

Ye prioritized the four turrets on the front of the base, which pose the greatest threat to the Blood Prison Commandos. Then, after estimating the map coordinates and adjusting the gun barrel, two consecutive shots were fired at the first target.

boom. A huge fireball rose again in the empire base. The pilot's announcement made Ye decide that after returning from this mission, he must buy ten lottery tickets of the same number, no, he must buy a hundred. In the briefing of the guidance crew, the two shells fired at night not only directly hit the turret, but also detonated the ammunition stored in the turret, turning the entire turret together with the surrounding defense facilities into a sea of ​​​​fire.

"Next one. Hehe." The consecutive hits made Ye heart happy, after looking at the map and photos. Shoot again at the next turret.

The commander of the imperial base looked up helplessly and looked at the four heavy turrets in the front of his base, allowing the opponent to destroy them with precise shots, and then his mecha troops rushed up the sand dunes in front of the base. These sand dunes also affected the Empire's counterattack when blocking Federation attacks, so when encountering opponents with longer ranges, these rigid turrets suffered a big loss.

"Damn it, why are our mecha troops moving so slowly? Our opponents have destroyed all the turrets in front of us." The imperial commander threw the laser pointer on the ground angrily and stepped on it hard. It seems that that can roughly crush the bastard who took advantage of the range and bombarded his base unscrupulously.

"Boss, it's not that our pilots move too slowly, it's just that the pilots of the federal giant grenade tank are too powerful. They all hit with one hit." The adjutant defended his mecha troops. For ordinary people, with the cooperation of guided fighters, it is quite good to be able to hit the target in two rounds of attacks, but the guy they faced this time hit one at a time, which saved more than half of the time. This time is just enough time for the mecha troops to finish sorting out, equipping them with weapons, and walking to the gate of the base. Who let Ye give a blow to the hangar, which destroyed most of the weapons and buried them under the rubble? Shan Empire's logistics personnel cleared out some usable weapons from the rubble with the help of mechas. Just wasted a lot of time.

The Blood Prison Commandos and the Imperial Mecha Troops saw each other on the dune slope almost at the same time. They each raised their weapons and started shooting. The imperial troops also separated three mechas, bypassed the defense line of the Blood Prison Commandos, and ran towards the King of Land.

"It's just a commando. You underestimate me." Ye saw the three Bears appearing on the horizon and pounced on him, feeling a little dissatisfied silently. The Land King's gun barrel was lowered and turned into a flat-firing state, but the mechanical arm used to assist stabilization was not retracted in the night.

"Try that Imperial pilot's tactics." Ye Yin smiled and chose the first incendiary bomb. Configuration of secondary armor-piercing projectiles. The Land King's automatic loading machine deftly ejected the loaded explosive bombs, then loaded the incendiary bombs needed for the night, and took out an armor-piercing bomb to stand by.

Ye gently manipulated the Land King to aim at those bear styles. He aimed his crosshair at the sandy ground in front of the first Bear. The Bear kept moving forward and moving irregularly from side to side. This method is best for dealing with snipers with slow shooting speeds, but unfortunately Ye has a way to face this situation.

"Just stop for a moment, haha." Ye whispered as he pulled the trigger of the incendiary bomb in the barrel. With the help of the powerful propellant explosion, it spun out of the barrel at high speed and flew towards the bear. of sand.

The Imperial pilot saw a point of light flying towards him, which was the trace of a tracer bullet. With some actual combat experience, he had already judged that the blow was just on the sand in front of him. There was no danger to him, so he tilted his mecha to the right, then accelerated in a straight line, taking advantage of the opponent's inability to fire quickly, and approached the opponent at high speed.

As he expected, the light spot made close contact with the ground on the left front of the mecha. Suddenly a flame exploded, and a large sea of ​​​​fire directly engulfed the bear.

"Ah, Captain, I'm surrounded by fire." The pilot still couldn't get rid of the weakness of all creatures that are afraid of fire, and raised his hands in fear to block his eyes. As if this could protect him from the flames, surrounded by bright flames, he lost his calm and asked his captain for help in fear. And this Bear also stopped because of the pilot's movements. The black figure appeared and disappeared in the sea of ​​fire.

"Move quickly, don't stop, fire can't burn through the mecha." Xiong Shi in the middle reminded loudly. The onlookers clearly understood Ye's intention immediately, but it was still too late.

"Idiot." Ye easily aimed at the figure in the sea of ​​fire and pulled the trigger. The Land King's muzzle spat out a light point again, but this light point was an armor-piercing projectile that caused the most damage to mechas, rather than an explosive projectile that could kill lightly armored targets or an incendiary projectile with continuous lethality.

The frightened Imperial pilot woke up to his captain's words, and calmly put his hand on the control stick again. He raised his head. But a light flashed before his eyes, and he no longer had the ability to control his mecha.

The figure in the sea of ​​fire was easily broken into two pieces by the high-speed flying light spots. The flying parts splashed onto the mechas of his two teammates, making a clanging sound.

"No. Damn that guy." The captain of the imperial pilots roared angrily, manipulating his mecha to jump and move at high speed close to the sand. Although the Bear cannot maintain a floating state like the Assault Trooper or the Wolf Cavalry, smart pilots still invented a method that can move at high speed in a short period of time in a relatively flat combat environment such as the desert. The ion-jet sub-engine is used to eject at a certain oblique angle, which reduces the burden of the mecha on the ground while maintaining a strong forward thrust. Coupled with the kicking action of the feet, the mecha can move forward in a situation similar to floating. Of course, the speed is not as fast as floating, and the duration is only as long as the engine burst power, but when used in assault, it is still Can have unexpected effects.

"Huh?" Ye noticed the sudden burst of high speed from the Bear-style aircraft and couldn't help but twitching his eyebrows. This high-speed movement method has never been used by Imperial pilots during the Emma battle.

In fact, it is normal that no one in the Emma area uses this method of movement. The reason is that the terrain in the Emma area is not suitable for this kind of movement technique. There are too many trees and rugged terrain in the mountain forest, so even the commandos can only move. And with the debris everywhere in the city, it would be strange to use this kind of movement to prevent the debris from being killed.

After successfully evading Ye's three snipers, the captain's aircraft successfully rushed to a place 800 meters away from Ye, officially launching the empire's attack on the King of Land. The bear jumped high, and the machine cannon in its hand began to pour bullets into the night, causing the land around the King of Land to scatter sand.

"It's very good. It can be expected that the speed of the tank's gun barrel raising can't keep up with the speed of the mecha's jump. And this jump, haha, you want to jump behind me." Ye murmured to himself, This pilot's performance seems to be that of an elite who has experienced hundreds of battles. He has a strong ability to judge the attack of enemy equipment and a good insight into the defensive shortcomings of enemy equipment. It’s a pity that the King of Land is really a tank? It looked like a tank on the surface, so the pilot wanted to jump behind Ye, so that the giant cannon that seemed to him to be coaxial with the body would not be a threat to him. But things are always not as beautiful as people imagine. Amidst a roar, the upper body of the Land King stood upright.

"What?" The imperial pilot was stunned. The tank in front of him was simply a mecha. Moreover, this mecha actually held two machine cannons in its hands.

Under Ye's control, the King of Land retracted the mechanical arm for stabilization assistance as quickly as possible, and flew backwards driven by the tracks, avoiding the unfavorable situation of being attacked by two Imperial mechas. The sniper cannon, which was replaced with explosive shells, attacked the bear in front of the King of Land, which was still some distance away.

"Damn it, you underestimated me." The pilot saw Ye shooting in front of him again and felt that he was being underestimated. Thinking that Ye was repeating his old tricks, he ignored the shell. , still driving his mecha forward.

The poor Bear was once again baptized by explosive bombs. The entire mecha was repelled by the powerful shock wave and flew backward heavily. When the pilot was about to adjust his landing attitude, a light spot pierced the dust in front of him and accurately kissed the Bear control room from the side, splitting the Bear into two and spinning on the sand. .

After successfully killing a pilot again, Ye adjusted the direction of his mecha and faced the captain's mecha. Due to the speed of the mecha's turn, Ye sadly missed the perfect sniper opportunity when his opponent landed on the ground.

"How dare you engage in close combat, haha, I do as you wish." Seeing Ye moving the tank closer to him, the commando captain gritted his teeth and laughed. In his opinion, this kind of cumbersome... The most taboo thing about mecha tanks with sniper expertise is letting people get close to them. And the federal pilot in front of him actually took the initiative to drive towards him. Is this confidence or stupidity? The imperial pilot believed that Ye was the latter.

The three machine cannons started roaring at the same time. Ye Yi relied on the heavy armor of the King of Land to directly resist the opponent's attack, while the imperial pilot cleverly blocked the mecha's left arm in front of his vitals, resisting some that did not dodge. passed bullets. Sparks burst out from the mechas on both sides, which looked extremely intense. (To be continued)

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