Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 388 It’s not that simple

Ye smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I'm afraid it's not as simple as this time. The commander of this empire base behaved really weirdly. Why on earth did he choose the tactic of sticking to the base?"

"Perhaps when attacking outpost 177, our attack destroyed the imperial base communication device and lost contact with the rear base. Therefore, the commander of 609 transit base did not know that we have a fixed defense killer like the Land King. What?" Joe's imagination was extremely rich, and he immediately found a reason for the imperial commander's strange behavior, but this reason did not seem to be tenable.

Smith said silently and disdainfully: "Qiao, can you please use your brain? Where is the contact device we used when we notified Tris to dispatch the follow-up troops?"

"I used the one from the Imperial command room, damn." Qiao said smoothly, but he immediately realized that the liaison device was from the Imperial base. There is no way that a liaison device that can communicate with Tris can't contact Bitris. It's the nearest 609 transit base.

After Gals, who had been studying the images, saw Qiao Meng, he said: "There is nothing unusual about the imperial base in the picture. I don't see any weapons with a range that can surpass the King of Land. I really don't know their command." What do you think? Lieutenant Colonel Bruce should have told him about the attack on Outpost 177 by the King of Land. There is no reason not to be on guard."

"Could it be that the commander of the 609 transit base is Wu Jian who was installed by our federation in the empire?" Qiao put forward another hypothesis, but this hypothesis was less credible than the previous one. If this commander is a high-level spy, there is no reason why several intelligence agencies should not tell Ye Ye about this. If the attacking troops who do not know the details regard this seamless surrender as a false surrender and kill the commander, the Federation will The loss would be huge. To know a man who could become the commander of the base. It is also very important for the federation. Just because such a talent was sacrificed due to intelligence communication issues, the top federal officials would never let go of the intelligence department. At least the intelligence chief in charge of the Tyradh desert area wants to remove the senior officials and investigate.

Before Ye could refute Joe, Smith, the think tank of the Blood Prison Commando, said: "That's impossible, Joe. If that guy is Wu Jian, even if we don't know the level enough. Ye is a special major, our second in New London Star." Wouldn’t the senior officials know?”

"Um, wasn't the Special Major just parachuted into our desert a few days ago and was promoted? Maybe the intelligence department didn't have time to tell him?" Qiao immediately found another reason.

Smith rolled his eyes and said: "Please, we have radio communication. The intelligence department will not tell the boss through the communication device. It's not like ancient times. Information transmission relies on horses. If the conditions are poor, use Route 11."

Qiao scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "Then I can't guess what the imperial commander is thinking. What do you think?"

"I don't know." Garth and Smith shook their heads at the same time. Obviously, they were also very suspicious of the 609 transit base, so the three of them asked Ye Dao at the same time: "Boss, what should we do?"

"I don't know." Ye's answer was only three words. Now Ye was confused and could only come up with a solution that was not a solution, "How about we respond to the changes by staying the same and attack as usual. Just be careful. "

"..." The three of them were speechless, but now only Ye's method was feasible.

There were bursts of sand and dust on the horizon in front of the 609 transfer base, and the 177th attack force had arrived within the sight of the imperial base watchtower. It was not the three commandos of the Blood Prison Commando that stirred up the most dust. The dust these mechas kicked up when walking was nothing compared to the tracked chariots around them.

Before entering the range of the three defensive turrets in front of the 609 transfer base, Ye signaled all the troops to stop and began to call the fighter jets hovering in the sky. He needed the latest situation at the imperial base.

"177 Attack Force, the image is being transmitted. The imperial troops seem to have entered the first level of alert. All their mecha troops have entered the mecha trenches." The fighter planes in the sky clearly saw the scene in the imperial base.

"Thank you very much, Skyhawk Brigade." Ye began to rely on the transmitted images. Comparing it with the map on his own tank, he calculated the coordinates of the empire's key targets.

When calculating coordinates at night. Joe, who was waiting on the side, connected everyone's contact and said: "It seems that we are not very backward. Not only did this 609 transit base not make us hit the shift change time like the 177 outpost, but the commander seemed to be an idiot. Yes. Can this kind of regular position defense formation block the perverted artillery of the Land King? I am now more and more worried about my guess that Lieutenant Colonel Bruce did not tell the 609 Base Commander about the Land King's information. I'm confident now. Maybe Bruce has a personal grudge against that guy, so he deliberately didn't say anything in order to make that guy suffer. It's best to commit suicide to accompany him. Hehehehe." As Joe said, he let out a sinister laugh, his face He also showed a complacent look.

Garth and Smith had a headache over their delusional teammate. Smith retorted directly: "Joe, is Bruce like that kind of person? Stop making such random speculations. Things are a little weird now. I don't know." Is that commander just being mysterious?"

"Never mind it, let's fight first. The major's calculations are almost finished, and the bombardment will begin soon. Whether the imperial base is acting cryptic or has been prepared will be revealed immediately," Garth said.

Next to the red Iron Cross mecha, the Land King began to raise its stabilizing arm, and the huge gun barrel also stood up. Ye had already completed the calculation of the coordinates and was preparing for the first artillery strike.

"Target, the left wing turret of the Empire 609 transfer base, explosive shells, three consecutive shots." Ye chose the defense turret of the Empire base as his first target. Explosive bombs can hit and destroy these immovable thick targets very well, but for mechas that have completed their attack preparations and are hiding in the large mecha trenches, this killing effect will be greatly weakened. After all, it is too difficult to directly hit a mecha that can move flexibly with a projectile with a long flight time.

Boom, the King of Land spit out his first cannonball at the moment of shooting. Ye felt a hint of danger, a hint of danger that made her hair stand on end. The alert Ye immediately put away his auxiliary stabilizer arm and drove the chariot away from its original position.

"What's wrong, boss?" Seeing Ye's inexplicable behavior, Garth, who was about to attack, stopped his mecha. asked curiously.

Ye frowned his eyebrows and said: "There is a very dangerous smell at the 609 transit base. Although I don't know what it is, my intuition tells me that if I stay where I am, I will be fatally injured." Attacking."

Smith and Qiao also stopped the assault and turned back. Wuye's long-range attack took down the heavy turrets that were the most threatening to the mechas and disrupted the mechas in the imperial mecha trenches. The two of them did not dare to face twelve. Machine guns launched an assault. That kind of behavior is no different than seeking death.

After hearing Ye's explanation, Qiao didn't take it seriously, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Boss, you also believe in that kind of trumped-up perception. That kind of thing is not trustworthy. Do you think I'm fine now?" This guy said while He said, while moving his mecha to the position where Ye Yuan originally bombarded the imperial base, and controlled the mecha to make a shrugging motion.

"Be careful." Smith, who had been paying attention to the direction of the empire base, suddenly said, and at the same time, his mecha gave a strong tug to Joe's mecha, which was facing away from the empire base.

A dazzling beam of light flashed, and a powerful stream of particles surged through the original location of Qiao and flew into the distance. Fortunately, Smith has quick eyesight and quick hands, otherwise Joe would not be in his original position. This beam of light will definitely pass through the chest and turn into the most basic particles. But even if Joe's commandos escaped the direct hit of the beam, those particles escaped. The thickness of the shield on Joe's left arm closest to the beam was still cut by more than half, and it was penetrated in many places. It looked like countless needles had been pierced through it, all of which were small holes. The entire outer armor of the left arm was also riddled with pits from the particles, and the elbow and wrist joints of his left hand were completely disabled. The commando's left hand was completely useless.

"Holy shit, what the hell is that?" Qiao Rang was startled by the light beam that was so close to him. The face with the white skin unique to Caucasians became even whiter with fright, and had a tendency to transform into a zombie. .

Smith, who was pulling his mecha, shook his head. Said: "I don't know, I just confirmed that the guy who shot this beam is the support of the imperial commander. He wants to use this weapon to contain the artillery fire of Major Ye Special, or even kill the leader. Now. His leader Each goal has been achieved, and if it weren’t for the leader’s intuition, I’m afraid the second goal could also be achieved.”

"Boss, is it true that there is a god guiding you?" Qiao, who had regained his composure, asked the night with a look of fear on his face. Don't look at Qiao's usual carefree appearance and not afraid of anything. This kind of ghosts and gods has been what Qiao has been afraid of since he was a child. , the fear that penetrated into the bone marrow made Joe's voice tremble a little.

"No, it's just my intuition. I don't do anything about God." When he mentioned God, Ye's heart ached. Even though a long time had passed, the scars in Ye's heart still didn't fade with the passage of time. And healing. Ye gently pinched the ring hanging on the necklace on his chest to relieve the sadness in his heart, and then quickly organized his thoughts and said: "Let's retreat first. This base is not as easy to break as we expected, and that one The commander is not as stupid as he expected, on the contrary, this guy is very cunning."

"Retreat? Then I didn't suffer in vain." When Qiao heard that Ye was about to retreat, he shouted directly regardless of fear. He was not a master who let others beat him up. When he saw his beloved mecha Joe, whose left arm is paralyzed, now desperately wants to regain his place.

"Stupid, your mecha's left arm is disabled, and the shield's defensive capabilities are negligible. How can you face the empire's mechas squatting in the trenches? I don't want you to get killed." Smith retorted. On the commando's mecha status monitor, he clearly saw the two most important joints of Joe's mecha's left arm flashing red.

Gals controlled his mecha and patted Joe's mecha on the shoulder, saying: "Joe, Smith is right, your commando's current condition is not suitable for combat, and your mecha needs to return to Outpost 177 for training. repair."

"Then I'll just forget about the beating this time?" Qiao muttered, still a little unconvinced.

Ye curled his lips slightly and said: "The 609 transit base will not escape. We will attack this base sooner or later. Then you can just maintain them well. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. It is not too late in ten years. Besides, we are just We just need to go back and repair the mecha, it won’t take long. And while we are repairing, we can also study the videos taken by the Hellfires to see what the empire is, there are quite a few perverts.”

The Hellfires flying inside the atmosphere are equipped with cameras, while the fighter planes flown by squadron leader-level personnel are equipped with more advanced cameras, which will help the fighter planes better complete their reconnaissance missions. But because fighter planes are not specifically designed for reconnaissance, they are limited by their own communication capabilities. These hellfires can only transmit picture information when flying. As for large files such as high-definition videos, they can only rely on the large liaison device in the base to transmit them. On New London, a planet without contact satellites, ground contact transmissions also rely on relay contact stations to expand the contact range. Who makes the communication satellites in space so fragile that only one fighter plane can easily destroy satellites in a large area of ​​airspace. The Federation and the Empire are naturally unwilling to create such expensive targets for their opponents' amusement.

Although Qiao was still a little unwilling, he knew that now was not the time to act out of anger. If he was angry earlier, it was just because this guy was temporarily dizzy. Now after everyone's persuasion, Qiao agreed to return to Outpost 177 for repairs. The infantry had no say in the retreat. Without mecha support, even if they came three times more, they would not be able to capture the Empire's 609 transit base.

Just when they set off to retreat at night, the commander of the empire base was opening champagne in his headquarters and murmuring to congratulate himself in advance for killing the god of death. In his opinion, this earth-shattering attack and the whisper of death must be impossible to escape. The reason why according to the information Bruce passed to him was that Ye had no habit of changing shooting positions when attacking outpost 177. Moreover, he had read the information on the King of Land developed by the empire and knew that this kind of tank would not have time to retract its auxiliary stabilizing arm inserted in the sand after discovering its own attack. Therefore, in his opinion, the beam fired based on the trajectory of the grenade will definitely penetrate the murmuring chest of the god of death, adding the most important military merit to his replacement of the rank of colonel. (To be continued)

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