Although they knew that Ye was changing the subject, when it came to lunch, the three members of the Blood Prison Commando also felt their stomachs growling. The bread they ate at four o'clock in the morning had long been eaten after the previous battle. Let the digestion be complete.

"Let's go eat first. After dinner, go to the maintenance workshop to see how Joe's mecha is repaired and how long it will take to complete the repair. Then come back and study how to break through that damn 609 transit base. How about it, boss? "Garth has already made a simple arrangement in his mind for what he will do next, but he still wants to ask the supreme leader for his opinion.

Ye nodded, stood up and walked towards the door, saying: "Okay, just follow your plan. The most important thing now is to fill your stomach. There is a saying that the emperor has no shortage of hungry soldiers, how can he fight with an hungry stomach? Woolen cloth."

As senior pilots, the food provided by the army is naturally not much different. Ye fiddled with the carrots on his plate, thinking that if it didn't have this thing, today's lunch would be considered very good. But when he thought of the head chef who opened the small stove when he heard that the ace pilots were coming to the cafeteria for dinner, it was hard to complain anymore. At that time, when he saw the head chef enthusiastically putting a large portion of carrots on his plate, Ye Lian felt like crying, but he was too embarrassed not to take it away, so he could only eat three times the standard pilot meal. Receive the radish. Now Ye could only poke at the radishes with her chopsticks in frustration, trying to find a way to get rid of these foods she hated most.

Joe on the side also kept complaining, saying: "We are no longer pilots, why do you give us carrots? It makes me feel like I have become a rabbit now, phew."

Gals and Smith on the side did not complain, but their frowns showed that the taste in their mouths was not good.

"Let's dump these things secretly." Ye suggested. When the uncle saw the Federation's first ace come to his cafeteria to eat, he specially gave Ye an extra portion of carrots, what was in front of Ye's eyes. There were fully twice as many members as the Blood Prison Commando. No wonder Ye Yao was the first to suggest how to deal with these unpalatable carrots.

The four aces secretly asked a staff member for a few bags. He quietly stuffed the carrots on the plate, then stood up and left the canteen. It would be unacceptable if people in the canteen saw them wasting food, so the four of them went to the trash can near the base command room to throw away the radishes.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the afternoon that the maintenance personnel went to the command room to inform Qiao that the mecha had been repaired. At this time, Ye had already found a room to take a nap, while the three members of the Blood Prison Commando were playing cards with great interest on the large table in the command room. These guys had forgotten to formulate an attack plan and were all bored waiting for notification from the preparation staff.

Joe, who heard that his mecha had been repaired, was naturally the most excited of all. Although this guy kept complaining that the maintenance crew was too slow to repair, the smile on his face still told everyone how happy this guy was.

Gals motioned to Smith to accompany Joe to check the mecha, while he walked towards the room where Ye took a nap. It's time to set off. This time, the Empire 609 transit base must look good.

That night, rubbing his sleepy eyes, he and Garth appeared at the place where the mecha was parked. Joe and Smith were about to finish inspecting Joe's mecha. The maintenance personnel with sufficient spare parts can repair an assault trooper with ease.

Under Garth's order, the ground crew began to remove the camouflage net on the mecha again, although the empire's air force was weak. However, the federal air force cannot guarantee 100% safety in the skies above it. After all, the Tyrad Desert is too large, and it is impossible for five groups of Hellfire fighters to maintain 24-hour surveillance over such a long front line. It's all the fault of Mega Particles. Originally, an early warning aircraft with high-precision night radar could do the job, but due to the interference of Mega particles, it had to be completely replaced by a brigade of fighters. This greatly increased the burden on the federal air force, and also gave the empire's fighter planes the opportunity to penetrate the federal air surveillance network and enter federal-controlled areas for reconnaissance. The ground crew responsibly added a thick camouflage net to the mecha in order to prevent the extremely low probability of Imperial fighter planes from flying over them.

Ye was still half-asleep and half-awake, not suitable for giving orders at all, so Gars on the side took over the command and ordered all the infantry to board the vehicles and stand by, and all the pilots to board the planes and set off, while contacting Tris Air Force Base. Garth felt that it was safer to have his own fighter planes flying above his head when attacking. This can not only drive away the fighter planes that the empire may have reinforced for the purpose of secret weapon bombardment correction, but can also play a large-scale reconnaissance role. Prevent an ambush from that cunning Imperial commander.

Tris Air Force Base was very responsive to the request for reinforcements from the 177th Attack Force. The standby Skyhawk Group was dragged directly from the hangar onto the runway. After taking off and organizing, they quickly flew to the 177 outpost.

Troop attacks always create a chaotic scene in the base. After the ground crew removed the camouflage net on the mecha and removed all inspection cables and charging cables, the three commandos and the Night Land King reunited Collecting the troop transport armored vehicles that had been assembled at the entrance of the base, they set off again to the Empire 609 transfer base. Above their heads, 50 Hellfires from the Skyhawk Brigade flew through the sky and began their reconnaissance work.

The commander of the empire still did not arrange an ambush force. This shrewd man knew that a squadron of mechas in his hand would not be able to defeat the Blood Prison Commando with extremely mobile commandos in the desert wilderness. Moreover, after the 177th Attack Force retreated, this guy sent soldiers to recover the destroyed Land King, but the news brought back by the scouts made the commander very disappointed. The reason why there were only some small ones at the scene, suspected to be federal shields The remains of the fragments did not penetrate the King of Land with a big hole in his chest as he imagined. This depressing news made the commander, who originally thought he could step into the ranks of general officers, furious. He poured all the champagne in his hand on the liaison soldier's face, and pulled out the weapon with a murderous look on his face. He pointed his pistol at the soldier who was already trembling with fear.

"Damn bastard, you dare to lie about the military situation. You must be a federal spy, trying to cover up the news of Death's death." The commander said with a ferocious face.

Facing the black muzzle of the gun, the liaison soldier kept shaking his head and said: "Boss, I am definitely not a federal spy. There is nothing like what you described at the scene. There are really only a few fragments of shield armor. I didn't lie to you. .You can find those scouts to confront me, I really didn’t lie to you.”

The commander still pointed his gun at the soldiers who kept arguing in front of him. Gritting his teeth, he said: "How is that possible? The Death God's Whisper couldn't have moved during the bombardment, and our ballistic calculations were correct, so how could it not have hit. Damn it, it must be because you don't want to see me become a glorious empire General, you deliberately concealed the military situation, didn't you?" The commander's hand holding the gun was trembling slightly, and the knuckle of the index finger holding the trigger was already a little white, which was a sign of exertion.

"That's not possible, boss." The adjutant on the side quickly snatched the gun from the commander's hand. The adjutant who had been following his boss for many years knew that with his boss's character, he would definitely shoot and kill the soldiers in front of him. This was why the news this man brought hit him so hard. The adjutant had been following the commander since he was a major commander who had just graduated from the military academy. He knew that his boss had an almost crazy obsession with being promoted to general officer. This madness made the commander even more enthusiastic about war after becoming a colonel, and took the initiative to apply to be on the first line of the battlefield to gain military merit. And with this gentleman's intelligence, his achievements are only one step away from being promoted to major general. Yesterday, the Imperial High Command even sent an encouraging telegram, saying that as long as there is one more victory, this colonel can be glorious. Enter the ranks of Imperial Generals. This telegram of encouragement made the colonel focus on the federal troops attacking his 609 transit base. Especially at night. The colonel wanted to use the life of the Federation's first ace as his best gift to the Imperial Army to commemorate his glory of becoming a distinguished Imperial Major General.

The colonel who asked his adjutant to take away the weapon also calmed down, regarding the adjutant who had followed him throughout his military career. He will not blame. The reason why he knew that his loyal friend must have collided with him was when he lost his composure, so he immediately began to reflect on his behavior and calmed down as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry, soldier. I was too excited." The colonel, who realized his mistake, apologized without any hesitation to the liaison soldier who was too frightened to speak. Then he called the guard and sent the poor guy back to the dormitory. .

"Notify Terrance's air force that we need their help and ask them to come no matter what." The colonel said to his adjutant.

The adjutant nodded slightly. He said: "Tell them that we want to kill the Federation's first ace, that way we won't be afraid that they won't come." The tacit understanding of cooperation for many years allowed the adjutant to understand his boss's thoughts immediately. And supplement and improve.

The two looked at each other and laughed, it seemed to them. With a fighter-calibrated beam cannon, it will definitely be able to reduce the death that frightened the Imperial pilots into the tiniest atoms.

"This is the first commando team of the Second Squadron of the Skyhawk. We have found Imperial fighter planes. Repeat, we have found Imperial fighter planes. Number. A commando team. Requesting permission to attack." An Imperial fighter formation appeared in the airspace of the Skyhawk Brigade. These fighter planes were the first batch of fighters from the empire to take off. In the sky behind them, small black dots began to appear one after another.

"Damn, correct the number, at least one group, and the number of enemy planes is still increasing. We need reinforcements, boss." The pilot who was originally a little excited to see his opponent was so frightened by the fleet of aircraft that appeared behind the three black spots that he even announced his voice. They were all trembling. In the past, the Federation used its superior air force to bully the Empire's Prussians, but now the situation is completely opposite. This is probably the first time that there are more Empire fighter planes than Federation fighters on New London.

"This is the Sky Eagle Brigade, calling Unit 177, do you hear me?" The captain of the Sky Eagle Brigade even shortened the title when calling the troops below.

"This is Unit 177. It's very clear. Skyhawk Brigade, what happened?" Ye was a little curious why the pilot's voice was a little panicked. He didn't think that on New London, the Empire had anything that could keep the Federation at high altitude. Eagle was panicked.

"The enemy has a large number of fighter planes, estimated to be one and a half squadrons in size, approaching us." Captain Tianying briefly reported the situation in the air.

"What?" Ye couldn't help but be stunned after hearing the news. He simply didn't believe that the empire's fighter planes could actually surpass the federal army on the battlefield.

After receiving a positive reply from Captain Skyhawk again, Ye realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately contacted Tris Air Force Base and said: "This is the 177th Attack Force, Tris Air Force Base. We have discovered a group of Imperial fighters and need support. Please send two more groups of fighters over."

"What? 177th Attack Force, Tris Air Force doesn't understand your intention." Obviously the commander of the air base didn't believe it either, but he still asked Ye to repeat it very cautiously.

"Damn it, hurry up and send two more groups of fighters." Ye Ye saw the black spots on the horizon and hurriedly shouted at the communicator.

"But boss, we don't have many reserve fighters in our base." The commander of Tris Base said with a sad face. Operations across the board have overloaded the base and its pilots.

"Then bring in all those who can fly. Find Shuyuan" Ye said angrily while signaling the Sky Eagle Brigade and his own troops to retreat.

"But we can't leave a reserve team in our base. What if an emergency occurs?" The commander of the base was still nagging. He didn't want to have no soldiers at all.

"Idiots, idiots, stupid pigs, the guys in the Air Force are all fools." The commander of the Empire's 609 transit base pointed at the Imperial fighter jets flying on the huge display screen in the huge command room and yelled, "These bastards are destroying the Federation." All the troops were scared away, so why are we fighting? Do those pigs think that the range of our beam cannon is unlimited? Is it not affected by the planet's atmosphere? Oh my God, no wonder our air force can't compete with the Federation for the blue sky , the reason why all our fighter planes are in the hands of these damn bugs."

"Boss, please don't get too excited. The federal troops will definitely attack us. Their retreat is only temporary." The adjutant could only comfort his boss in this way, and at the same time, he kept cursing the Tai in his heart. Commander of Reims Air Force Base. The adjutant had made it clear in the previous contact that a certain number of fighter planes were required to be used for artillery correction. Unexpectedly, Terrance Air Force Base, which was originally unwilling to send fighter planes, actually sent out all its own fighters after hearing that the target of the sniper attack was the whisper of death. The fighter planes completely destroyed the 609 transit base plan. (To be continued)

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