After the Blood Prison Commandos were out of sight of the Imperial fighter planes, they ran towards the right wing of the Imperial base as quickly as possible. They were going to attack from the right wing of the Imperial base to the rear of the base. Since there is a beam cannon with a terrifying range and power in front of the base, then go around and attack where those giant cannons can't hit. As for why they chose the right wing, that's why they are not sure about the hangar on the right. Is there also that kind of terrifying weapon? Maybe only the hangar on the left wing of the empire base has that kind of weapon.

The Imperial fighter planes wanted to climb high several times to see the movements of the 177 attack force, but the Hellfires of the two groups above them could not easily let go of the rising Prussians. After losing four Prussians , the imperial pilots would never climb higher again.

"This is the first and second commando of the Sand Fox Squadron under the 146th Attack Force. 177th Attack Force, I heard that you are in trouble, and we are here to support you." Another unit of federal soldiers appeared on the right wing of the imperial base. , they were responsible for attacking the right-wing imperial base of the 177th Attack Force. Obviously, the 146th Attack Force, composed of the Sand Fox Squadron as the main force, had completed their mission, and half of the mechas were sent to support them, led by their squadron leader. .

"146 Attack Force, have you captured the empire's 604 transit base? How did you deal with those beam cannons with terrifying range and power?" Qiao asked in surprise. Although there is an entire squadron of soldiers in the 146th Attack Force, Joe does not think that his unit's attack power will be worse than theirs. From the fact that they can easily take down nine Bears without anyone being seriously injured, we can know the source of this guy's confidence.

"What beam cannon? The 604 transfer base only has two twin-mounted defensive cannons." The sand fox squadron leader was confused by Qiao's inexplicable words.

Qiao opened his mouth and was stunned for a moment, then wailed and said: "Are you sure? Why are we so unlucky, not to mention encountering a shift change at outpost 177. We also ran into the only base in the empire with secret weapons. Oh my God, today Is it April Fools’ Day?”

"That's it. Joe, stop complaining." Garth stopped Joe's howling. And the pilot of the Sand Fox Squadron welcomed him and said, "Thank you for coming to help us, Sand Fox Squadron. We are worried that we will not have enough firepower when we break into the imperial base later. Your arrival is really timely."

"This is what we should do. There is nothing worth thanking, 177th Attack Force." The squadron leader of the Sand Fox Squadron said politely, and then asked Gars about the terrifying beam cannon in Joe's mouth in front of him: "Boss. Can you tell me what the scary thing the boss mentioned earlier is?"

"The beam cannon is the beam cannon used in the two giant turrets at the front of the Galileo class ship. It is suspected that the mecha is used as a bombardment platform." Garth explained simply.

"What? My God, the mecha is used as an artillery platform. Is the empire crazy? If it is true, those beam cannons will attack us if we attack from behind." Captain Shahu shouted, attacking from the rear If so, the Imperial beam cannon with the ability to move would still be able to attack them, and at that time. They will also be attacked by turrets and mechs in the base.

"So Ye. The Chinese special major stayed in front of the empire's base, and he was responsible for containing the empire's heavy firepower. The empire's beam cannon cannot have high mobility, and we can completely avoid their attack angle. Moreover, Ye The special major is planning to send some explosive bombs from behind when these guys turn around. Haha, let’s see how the empire’s commanders deal with our front and rear attacks. Originally, I felt a little unsure about attacking the empire base from the rear. After all, our mechas Too few, it might be difficult to face twelve mechas at the same time, but I didn’t expect you guys to come, haha, now there will be no problem." Gals smiled.

The captain of the Sand Fox Squadron scratched his head. Said: "We actually came here after receiving a call from Major Ye, haha. Originally, we were planning to rest at the 604 transit base."

"That's it." Garth suddenly realized. The night before, they had ignored their objections and insisted on asking them to attack the imperial troops from the rear. It turned out that Ye had already borrowed enough troops for them, and the time was just right.

Just when Gars fully understood what Ye was doing, the commander of the Empire's 609 transit base was restless at the moment. The reason why he had received news was that the Empire was facing the Federation's first defense line consisting of outposts in the Tyrad Desert. Already around noon, the federal army had captured the entire front. As the transfer base for the second line of defense, more than half of it fell into the hands of the Federation. The Empire's frontline lost nearly forty mechas in just one morning. It can be said that the Federation's tactic of using the morning sunlight to disrupt the vision of the Empire's sentries was very successful. Most of the Empire's bases caught the Federation troops by surprise. After all, It is impossible for the imperial base to maintain level one alert at all times, and those patrols with only jeeps cannot fully take care of every inch of the imperial defense line.

"Damn it, in that case, we will be surrounded and isolated, damn it." The colonel analyzed the overall situation as quickly as possible and found that his situation was quite bad. He already had plans to retreat, but he couldn't let it go. Those two heavy tanks were something he independently built by gathering the resources of the entire base.

The 177th attack force did not give the commander of the 609th transfer base enough time to consider whether to fight or withdraw. Prue, who was above the base, discovered the Blood Prison Commando and the Sand Fox Squadron outflanking the rear, and warned the colonel.

"Are you attacking us from the front and back? Do you think this can avoid the attack of our porcupines?" The colonel's mouth curled up slightly with disdain, and then ordered, "Let them drive the porcupines out of the hangar and give those federal troops who are a little smart a little. Lesson learned." The Porcupine tank is the type of tank with a naval gun-level beam cannon used in Sniper Night. These mobile tanks make the Imperial base vulnerable to long-range attacks from all directions. However, the imperial commander forgot to ask the fighter pilots if there were Night Land Kings among the outflanking mechas. He just thought that these federal troops were cutting off his retreat.

An attack siren sounded in the giant hangar at the front of the empire base. A red flash illuminated the entire hangar, and a huge tank lit up its bright red one-eyed monitor. As a shock wave spread, the air cushion covering the bottom of the entire tank expanded, lifting the tank off the ground. The movement of the porcupine tank turned out to be roughly equivalent to that of a hovercraft, which made Ye and Gals' original estimate of the tank's poor maneuverability completely wrong. The heavy hangar door slowly opened. This giant tank finally appeared under the desert sun and within the sight of federal fighter planes.

The image of the porcupine chariot caused the hellfire hovering in the sky to be teleported to Ye and Gars for the first time. And the two aces took a deep breath. This giant tank looks like a huge rectangular parallelepiped. The length and width are about the same as the King of Land, and the height is about the same as the upper body of the King of Land when the mecha is upright. However, its appearance is much different from Ye's tank. . There is an inclined slope in front of the boxy tank, where the protruding head monitor of the mecha protrudes. There are no arm parts of the tank in the picture. It may be that it is quite hidden like the King of Land. Among the huge bodies behind. A thick beam cannon barrel extends from the rear of the tank to the front of the tank for five meters. The rear of the gun body is protected by a large amount of armor, and these armors are designed in the form of heat sinks. It seems that this weapon may generate huge heat energy when firing. This heat energy is not caused by the beam cannon itself, but by the large transformer used to supply the voltage required to generate the magnetic field. The battleship can convert this thermal energy into electrical energy through special liquid cooling equipment, but it is obviously impossible for the Porcupine to install such a huge liquid cooling equipment on the tank body. As for why the cannon warriors don't need a transformer to pressurize the magnetic field generator, that's because the battery output voltage used by the warriors can just meet the beam cannon, and the power output of the battleship is usually the voltage of the naval gun.

"Damn, there are so many ugly boxes." The first sentence that came out of Ye's mouth after seeing the image of the porcupine was actually a comment on the appearance. This made Ye have already contacted Ye and wanted to hear about it. Garth almost slipped from the seat of the mecha as he thought about the next action. But fortunately, Ye's next sentence was more serious, saying: "I didn't expect it to be an air cushion. Gals, you should be careful. These boxes are much more flexible than expected. Use smoke bombs if necessary. This kind of Although the method of shielding long-range attacks is relatively crude, the effect is still very good."

"Understood, boss, we will continue to attack." Garth understood that Ye meant that they should continue to attack as originally planned, so he began to explain to his team members and the Sand Fox Squadron what might happen next.

The silver chariots also started. According to the latest news from Hellfire, the two empire chariots had already passed the hangar and started moving into the base. It's almost ready to attack.

The sand and dust kicked up by the tracks of the silver chariot easily alerted the Imperial pilots to the strange phenomenon in front of the base, and they immediately informed the colonel who was waiting for the Blood Prison commandos to enter the range of the porcupine.

"The whisper of death is in front of my base? Humph. Let Porcupine 2 turn around to deal with the Federation's first ace, and Porcupine 1 continue to move to the back of the base. Try to get a wider shooting angle." The colonel thought as expected in the night The two tanks need to be dispersed. The troops outflanking the rear cannot be ignored, otherwise these troops will be able to overwhelm the empire's rear defense line. The fixed defensive turrets have limited shooting angles. A squadron of mecha colonels alone have no confidence that they can stop the Blood Prison assault with half a squadron of reinforcements. Team. And the colonel who is whispering about the god of death in front cannot ignore it. He is also planning to use the glory of killing Ye to push himself to the rank of major general. Besides, Ye's King of Land is equipped with cannons that are extremely capable of demolishing buildings. . Since the rear of the base was the main direction of the Federation's attack and needed support, and the front was the person the colonel most wanted to kill, the colonel naturally chose to separate the two tanks. The reason for his long-range sniper attack on the pilots of the two tanks was He was very confident in his abilities. After all, these two men were recruited from the military academy by the colonel himself. They were among the best in sniper ability in the military academy. They should be able to hit the King of Land, which has poor lateral movement ability, and also be able to kill ordinary federal machines. division.

Even though the porcupine's maneuverability greatly exceeded Ye and Gals' expectations, the tank's steering ability with its huge fuselage was still very slow. After Ye had already entered the firing range, the No. 2 aircraft completed the turn and turned its muzzle to the target. Pinpoint the direction in which the dust is flying. That is the general direction of the location of the King of Land. Although there are several sand dunes blocking the two tanks, the powerful cannons on both sides have the ability to hit their opponents.

It was at this time that the excellent qualities of the Federation pilots were revealed. They suppressed the Empire's Prussian fighter jets without any concern, successfully causing the Empire's fighter fleet to panic, and then the Empire's air defense firepower was about to severely damage them. The Imperial Air Defense Circle was evacuated. At the cost of three fighter planes, these heroic pilots successfully disrupted the movements of the Imperial fighter planes, causing the rookies to only focus on avoiding bullets from above and neglecting to pay attention to the location of the King of Land.

A brief disturbance is the key to victory or defeat on the battlefield. Ye, who was the first to get the exact position of his opponent, directly fired the grenade while moving and flew towards the porcupine with a harsh scream. The Porcupine pilot had no choice but to dodge, while constantly urging the fighter planes above to transmit coordinates.

"Asshole, I let you escape before, but I won't do it this time." It turned out that the guy who accidentally injured Qiao during the sniper night attack was the pilot of the No. 2 aircraft. However, this rookie who had just graduated from the military academy had passed through the gap between the two buildings in front of him and accurately aimed at the coordinates provided by the fighter plane. However, he did not realize that he had made a mistake, that is, he did not understand the enemy's giant cannon. The power and characteristics of the tank you drive.

The moment the rookie pulled the trigger, the explosive bomb exploded a hundred meters behind his vehicle. After the powerful shock wave successfully demolished the buildings on both sides of the road, it pushed the porcupine suspended on an air cushion forward. This caused the rookie's shooting to go awry. The huge beam deflected directly to the right, cutting off half of the building on the right side of the original trajectory. After being attacked by the beam, this pitiful building was baptized by the shock wave of the remaining cloud bombs, and turned into a pile of reinforced concrete ruins in a cloud of dust.

"Hey, look for Shuyuan How could this happen?" The rookie slammed the control panel in front of him, but he didn't realize his mistake at all. The porcupine's dead weight is indeed very heavy, so in order to solve the problem of poor maneuverability, it chose to rely on air cushion drift. However, this method not only solved the original problem but also brought a new problem, that is, the ability to withstand recoil. is greatly reduced, or more precisely, the resistance ability becomes worse. Of course, the Imperial engineers chose a recoilless beam cannon as the main weapon of the tank. However, the problem of resistance capability was not discovered by these engineers. After all, who would throw a blockbuster next to new equipment for fun, and there are only two Porcupines, which are roughly the same as the King of Land, and are out of print.

Ye's grenades exploded unceremoniously around the Porcupine. It seemed that the God of Luck was still standing beside Ye who used the lob attack. Otherwise, how could the impact point of the shell be farther away from the Porcupine? It's close.

The Porcupine, which was continuously bombarded by cloud bombs, could not help but panic. Although the cloud bombs could hardly seriously damage the armor of the Porcupine if it was not a direct hit, the surrounding buildings were turned into ruins and the sound of the fuselage was constantly heard. The sound of building debris hitting the armor made the pilots in the Porcupine, who had never really experienced war, start to fear and start making mistakes. He was so focused on avoiding that he had no ability to carefully aim according to the coordinates provided by the fighter plane. The air waves generated by the continuous explosions made the porcupine's balance extremely poor, leaving this top student who was originally ranked second in snipers in the military academy unable to There is no way to stabilize his aiming circle, let alone attack Ye. (To be continued)

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