"Well, that is indeed the case at the moment. But I have asked the military police to give priority to investigating the pilots. In this case, we can have a mobile force of about one commando in one day at most. The imperial forces need to adjust at this time. Appeasing some soldiers who were attacked by our army in yesterday's battle should buy us one to three days, allowing us to have enough pilots to pass the review. These pilots should be able to relieve the pressure on the front line. "Qiao Jia sighed. This order instantly switched the offensive and defensive situations of the Federation and the Empire in the Red Cloud area.

"Huh." Ye Ye let out a long sigh. The originally smooth plan went bankrupt because of the suspicion of senior officials. At this moment, Ye was worried about the problems on the front line. The imperial commanders were not fools. It was impossible for them not to notice the anomaly that the federal army immediately switched to passive defense after winning the first battle. Moreover, the Federation has stretched the front line too long. This move was originally intended to confuse the Imperial commanders so that they would not be able to determine the focus of the Federation's attack on the towns, but now it has become a fatal flaw in the fragility of the Federation's defense line. If the Imperial commanders were informed that the Federation's forward mechas were unable to mobilize mutual reinforcements, it would definitely be a disaster for the Federation troops stationed on the front line.

Ye's sigh brought the entire communication into silence, everyone was silent, even the always lively Qiao was no exception. Everyone in the Snowy Night Duke Commando felt the seriousness of the situation, and Qiao Jia and Guderian knew that it was definitely a bad order when they saw the order.

"Sir, what should we do?" After blocking the communication with Tris Base, Joe opened the communication between his commando team and the night tank, and asked in a low voice.

"What should we do? Let's have it cold." Ye shrugged, saying that he didn't know what to do. The orders from the headquarters had wiped out the flexibility of the troops. Such troops were no longer much different from the fixed enemies on the training ground. . The only difference may be that the imperial commander doesn't know that he is already on the training ground.

Hearing Ye's answer, the three of them gave Ye a roll of their eyes. This answer couldn't solve the problem at all. A purely funny answer, but who can laugh at this moment?

"General Joga. Do you have any good solutions?" Richard asked respectfully. In his eyes, General Joga is definitely the pride of the German people. He even fought with Marshal Besmann. Like Major Treyes, he is a model and role model for all German soldiers.

"My method is to let the military police quickly liberate the operational capabilities of our important troops." Qiao Jia replied seriously, "First, we must liberate a certain number of fighter units and restore the reconnaissance capabilities of our fighter planes. Secondly, Liberate a mecha commando team composed of elite pilots who are capable of reserve duties. They will be used for emergencies that may arise on the front line. Then these military police who are trusted by the headquarters will be sent to the front line to give priority to liberating the front line troops. Let us The troops regain flexibility. Of course, this review time will be relatively long. During this period, we can only rely on the elite reserve team for emergency relief. Alas. During this period, all base commanders must organize their own bases. The engineers have strengthened the base defense and built new defense turrets and other heavy defense equipment. The materials will be provided by the rear transport aircraft formation that has completed its review. There is no way to do this kind of passive defense."

"Then can we ambush behind the defense line?" Ye asked something he was concerned about. If an ambush can be carried out, then the defense will be relatively simple.

"You can take some troops that have passed the review out of the base to ambush the enemy. But you cannot command them to attack the empire's base. As for the troops that have not been reviewed, I can only say one thing, they can only attack the enemy's base You can only be dispatched after entering our defense line. Otherwise, some sensitive military police will not know what crime they are going to put on you." Qiao Jia replied that he had already guessed what Ye was thinking and asked the military police.

"Depend on."

After the depressed Ye ended his communication with General Qiao Jia, he looked up to the sky and sighed helplessly. Now there is no need to worry about organizing an attack, it is time to focus all your energy on defense. Ye knew that what had happened was inevitable, so he climbed out of the cockpit and walked towards the command room. As he walked, he said to Richard who was getting off the mecha: "Richard, notify all lieutenants. The above officers come to the briefing room of the general command room for a meeting. Immediately."

"Yes, sir." Richard jumped to the ground lightly and saluted. He left at a trot. There are not many lieutenant-level officers in the 209 base garrison. There is only one school-level officer above the rank of lieutenant, Richard. As for Ye Mo, the federation has not stated whether the rank of special major should be classified at the school level or general level.

In the briefing room, all the mid-level and senior officers of the 209 base, including one school-level officer and thirty-nine lieutenant-level officers, were present. Among the thirty-nine lieutenant-level officers, fourteen were pilots, twelve were Mammoth tank commanders, seven were logistics and maintenance personnel, and only six were in the infantry. There is no way around this unbalanced ratio, because the lowest military rank for federal pilots is second lieutenant, and the commander of a tank unit must also be a lieutenant-level officer.

"All the people in charge should sit in the front row, and the rest of the people can sit wherever they want." Ye stood in front of the display screen in the briefing room and asked a few people in charge to come out to facilitate communication.

"First of all, let me introduce myself, Ye. Huaxia Special Major. Since there is no commander specifically responsible for commanding the base, I will be the temporary commander of the base at this time. Okay, everyone, please introduce yourselves." Ye motioned to the five officers sitting in front to introduce themselves, so as to facilitate communication.

"I'm Captain Mikey Wayne, captain of the Sand Lizard Mecha Squadron. Nice to meet you, sir." The first one to stand up and introduce himself was the leader of the squadron that had been reinforced last night. The young people who came up, who were at most thirty years old, saluted Ye with excitement on their faces.

Ye smiled and returned the salute, then motioned to the next officer.

"Lieutenant Sen. Mutak, all Mammoths are under my control. When your mecha troops attack, we will be responsible for watching your butts, haha." A tall man stood up and introduced in a rough voice. The introduction immediately made the other eleven commanders burst into laughter, and even Qiao joined in the laughter. The lieutenant's words also truthfully stated the current situation of the Mammoth Force. When there are sufficient troops, the Mammoth troops are usually arranged behind the mechas to be used as fire support. In the eyes of some commanders. Apart from the mecha's legs that kept swinging, there was only the mecha's butt. The Federation arranged such a formation. The main reason is because of the mecha's powerful capabilities, excellent defense and the fact that it only requires one person to operate. It is not only more resistant to attacks than the Mammoth, but also can reduce personnel losses.

Ye shook his head and said: "I let you see our butts to protect you and use your maximum firepower. And Mammoth has reduced production at the moment. If one is damaged, it may not be able to make up for it in time. Okay. Already. Next one."

"Captain Brista Allen, commander of the 376th Battalion of Tyrande Group Army, please give me your advice, sir." The next person to stand up was the captain who was in the command room last night. He saluted Ye and then sat down. down.

Ye returned the salute and then turned his attention to the last officer.

"Captain Guy Northland is in charge of logistics. Of course, I am also responsible for all the preparation work in the base at this time." The middle-aged man wearing a pair of thick glasses stood up and introduced himself. This guy's His beard and hair were neatly combed, and his whole body was extremely clean. It feels strange and doesn't look like it was prepared. Moreover, this strange uncle did not salute Ye, the superior, and Ye, who habitually raised his hand to return a salute, was embarrassed by him.

However, I quickly adjusted over the night. There's nothing I can do about it, the people in the army's logistics department are so proud. Who makes all the troops count on the supplies they have. No army is willing to offend the parents who provide food and clothing for them. This leads to the fact that all the logistics officers in the army are like holding special military ranks and dare to point fingers at officers one level above them. Ye couldn't help but sigh that the maintenance staff were cute. They were addicted and mechanical and generous to everyone, unlike Captain Guy, who gave people a sinister feeling. Then Ye pointed at Richard with a smile and said: "Why don't we, the only school-level officer here, introduce yourself?"

Richard never thought that he was also a manager. This time Guderian made it clear to him that he wanted to cooperate with Ye. Listen to the night's command. But now Ye Mingming wanted to introduce himself, and he didn't have the slightest stage fright. He stood up and said loudly: "Major Richard von Richthofen, captain of the Snowy Duke Commando. Now he is directly obeying the whispering command of Pluto." After saying this, Richard winked at Ye.

When Ye heard his last sentence, he couldn't help but roll his eyes. Maybe some of the people sitting here have never heard of his name? Obviously everyone knows that they are the whispers of Pluto.

But to Ye's surprise, the originally arrogant Captain Guy immediately stood up and saluted Ye: "I didn't expect you to be that Pluto's Whisperer. It's a pleasure to meet you." As he spoke, the uncle stretched out his hand He took out his hand and wanted to shake hands with Ye.

Ye's name is so popular among the combat troops, and everyone in the maintenance troops knows it, but in some logistics and supply units, few people can call it out completely. Most of the logistics supply officers at the middle and lower levels only know the whispering title of Pluto. As for who this title refers to, most of them are not sure.

Ye shook the uncle's hand quickly with some disgust, and immediately took it back as soon as the hands came into contact. Then he secretly hid his hand behind his back and kept shaking it, as if the uncle had infected his body with a deadly virus. Average in hand. This action made Qiao standing next to Ye laugh again, and the laughter immediately caused a chain reaction among the officers below. Qiao's laughter was due to Ye's actions, while the laughter of the officer below was due to the ridicule of the logistics officer who changed his face very quickly. The other three officers in charge of logistics lowered their heads in shame, feeling embarrassed by what their commander had done. The four maintenance officers around them laughed louder and louder. The most exaggerated one fell directly on top of his companion. On his shoulder, he covered his stomach with one hand and kept shouting: "No, no, no. I'm laughing so hard, it's a real chameleon show."

Ye didn't stop the laughter below, because this guy is not afraid of the logistics people putting small shoes on him. As the third commander of the entire Capital Star, if he can't even get his own supplies, then there is no need to mess around. If that guy really dares to deduct Ye's supplies, Ye still has the right to shoot a moth with his military rank. Obviously the captain also understood this. He was so ashamed that he directly confessed to Ye and left. Of course, his face still looked quite polite, but the corners of his mouth seemed a little crooked.

Ye immediately persuaded the captain to keep him. After all, it was not good to have less people during the plenary meeting. Looking at the noisy crowd below, Ye stretched out his hand and pressed it lightly, and said: "Okay, stop laughing, it's time to talk about serious things."

The officers below immediately fell silent. At this moment, the environment in the briefing room was in sharp contrast to the noisy environment in front, ensuring that everyone could hear a pin drop.

"We are convening this meeting because we have encountered unprecedented troubles, so we need everyone to work together to overcome the difficulties." After seeing that everyone was quiet, Ye said, "The Supreme Command has issued the highest order to all federal forces. The order is for everyone to stand by and wait for review by the military police." Ye turned off the lights in the briefing room, and then the display screen behind him lit up. On the huge screen was the copy with the large seal of the headquarters. The command.

Ye's words and the content on the display screen immediately caused an explosion in the briefing room that had just calmed down. The officers expressed their doubts and shock to their colleagues around them. It was not until Ye raised his hand again and pressed it several times that he finally tried again. It got quiet.

"I understand the intention of the high command. They are afraid of the emergence of a third Eleventh Fleet in the army. But this order is the last thing we want to see. Find Shuyuanwww.zhhaoshuyuan.com because our offensive has been blocked. This piece of paper is destroyed." Ye said with a bitter smile, and his words once again caused the audience to curse, and these curses were all directed to the Eleventh Fleet.

"Okay, everyone, please be quiet." Ye said when everyone had finished scolding, "I also hate the Eleventh Fleet, but there is no need for us to be angry at the dead. Our offensive was ruined, but we still control the empire. base, we are still on the front line of the battlefield. We are losing permission to attack the empire, but we can still severely damage some imperial soldiers in the defensive battle. So our top priority right now is how to defend the base Work to prepare for possible attacks from the Empire."

Ye's words made everyone fall into deep thought, but Richard, who was standing aside, took the opportunity to come to Ye's side and handed Ye the resumes of all the officers present, which Smith had just compiled.

"Are there any officers among the people in charge of engineering construction?" Ye asked Richard directly without looking at the information.

Richard shook his head and said, "I don't know this, but Smith should know the specific situation." After speaking, he waved to Smith on the side.

"Sir?" After seeing Richard's gesture, Smith immediately came over and asked Ye Dao. (To be continued)

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