Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 43: Guanci Cigarette

The sky is still hazy and the wind is still biting;


As the roar of the engine rolled away, a Toyota pickup truck covered in mud and covered with a rainproof sheet appeared outside Chengshan Port, and then sped into the main hall of the Black Ling Gang by the Yellow River;

Looking at the muddy pickup truck driving into the yard, looking at the three Yue Hongs in tattered clothes and covered in blood through the broken windows, the Black Ling Gang members looked at each other and quickly closed the heavy door, and then summoned the nearby people. All the gang members gathered around, their tired eyes filled with doubts and worries;

"Second brother! What happened?"

"Aren't we going out for fifteen cars? What's going on..."

"Did we encounter a large group of corpses?"

Seeing Yue Hong and the others stepping out of the car door with gloomy expressions, several leaders with tattoos on their bodies quickly gathered around them and lowered their voices and asked worriedly;

Everyone can see that the magnitude of the matter this time has exceeded everyone's imagination...

"Yanzi, drive the car into the main hall;"

Yue Hong looked around at the dark crowd with a sullen face, and then shouted in a low voice without looking back. Then he separated from the crowd without saying a word and strode towards a main hall that was converted from a former factory. Everyone saw each other. After taking a look, he quickly arranged the sentry guards, and followed them in one by one without daring to breathe;

This is an empty factory building, clean and tidy, with almost no major damage. It is completely different from other crowded factories;

At the end of this factory building, there is a half-person-high cement platform that was obviously built after the apocalypse. The platform is divided into three floors. There is a simple screen on the highest floor, and in front of the screen, there is a large A luxurious single sofa and a simple side table;

Just behind the sofa and above the screen, there is a huge plaque hanging horizontally on the rusty steel beam of the factory building. On the plaque, there are four large characters painted with iron and silver hooks, but as tough as willows -

through thick and thin!

Under the luxurious large single sofa, on the second floor of the high platform, there is a small single luxury sofa, and on the third floor further down, there are two ordinary home single sofas, one on the left and one on the right. sofa;

This is the main hall of the Black Ling Gang, and the four sofas are obviously the seats of the gang's top leaders, which are also the legendary-top chairs;

The layout of the main hall is very simple and simple, but if an outsider comes in, it will be obvious that the Black Ling Gang seems to be trying to express something;

After all, the prosperous era before the end of the world left behind a lot of high-end and luxurious materials. Although the Black Ling Gang was short of food, they were able to decorate the entire main hall in a luxurious and majestic way;



As the rusty rolling shutter door crashed down, the dark gang members lined up in order and stood on both sides of the pickup truck. On the other side, Yue Hong reached out and took off his tattered shirt, wearing only a tattered shirt. The rag-like black vest walked up to the second floor of the high platform, then scanned the crowd again, then slowly sat on the second chair with his back straight, and then slowly nodded towards Jin Yutang who was seated below. nodded;

"Third brother, give the brothers some cigarettes, Yanzi, get me a pack too;"



Listening to that familiar term that seemed to exist only in the depths of their memory, everyone couldn't help but be stunned, and then their eyes widened for a moment, and they watched Jin Yutang take out two brand-new Su Yan from the cab, and then opened it with a swipe. Open and throw a pack to Han Yan, then wave to two helpers and ask them to spread cigarettes for everyone;


It turned out to be really smoke!

Looking at the fresh and eye-catching Su Yan in their hands, the big men couldn't help but trembling with their hands. In the last three years of the last three years, even taking a sip of dried cow dung was a luxury, let alone such a fresh smoke!


Everyone could see that although Yue Hong was still so majestic and full of momentum, his slightly trembling spine clearly told everyone——

He couldn't hold it anymore, he was just holding on with his last breath!


heavy depression;

As the two cigarettes dissipated, the dim main hall was filled with a breathless depression. Everyone held the cigarettes in their hands, which were as light as willow leaves, but felt as heavy as a boulder;

This cigarette may be the last cigarette...

"Brother, we are together through thick and thin! Let's work together!"

"I dare to ask my second brother, what kind of cigarette are you smoking? And what kind of drama are you singing in?"

Just when everyone was doubting, a 1.9-meter-tall, muscular man with long cheeks stepped forward, reached out and patted the red silk wrapped around his left arm, then arched his hands and said loudly according to the opening rules;

dead silence;

a despairingly oppressive silence;

After the first song, the huge main hall once again returned to the despairing silence. At this time, Yue Hong did not respond deeply and calmly as usual, but after a slight tremble in his body...

He leaned heavily on the sofa, his tense face could no longer suppress the heavy fatigue!

"There aren't so many rules anymore, just feel free to do whatever you want;"

After an unknown amount of time, Yue Hong waved his hand tiredly, then picked up a cigarette and lit it, then smoked half of the cigarette in one breath, then lit another cigarette and smoked out half of it.

Seeing the tiredness on Yue Hong's face, everyone's hearts sank to the bottom. In their hearts, the second brother had always been the backbone of the gang. In the past three years, no matter how hard it was, they had never seen him so tired...


After smoking three cigarettes in one breath, Yue Hong finally regained his composure, then took a deep breath, forced down his tired eyes, and then stood up suddenly, regaining his previous sharpness and domineering attitude;

"Brothers, this cigarette, I can tell you, this is-"

"Stop smoking!"

Quit smoking!

Quit smoking!

Guantou cigarette——! !

As Yue Hong's voice echoed in the huge and dead hall, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air after hearing the words. Regardless of whether they were in the world before the end of the world, they had all heard of the three legendary offerings -

wine on the road;

deboned meat;

cigarette smoke;

Once these three kinds of offerings are sacrificed by the gang, go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com only represents one meaning——


"Third brother! Let the brothers take a look;" Yue Hong took a deep breath, then waved to Jin Yutang, and then heard a "crash", Jin Yutang reached out and grabbed the rainproof cloth on the bed of the pickup truck and suddenly peeled it off——

Bah——! !

As the rainproof cloth was opened, the sound of gasping air echoed in the huge factory, and almost everyone's eyes widened instantly;

I saw that the back compartment of the pickup truck was actually filled with a truck full of all kinds of weapons——

Police micro-rams, gunshots, five-shot guns, gunshots, homemade muskets... There are also a few all-steel crossbows with poor workmanship and not poor performance at all, which rely entirely on motors to pull the string, and some unknown What is it used for, but it is obviously murderous?

Moreover, every weapon was stained with coagulated blood, and some even had broken fingers and pieces of human flesh and skin stuck in the barrels of some guns...

"Brothers, fifteen cars, more than 130 brothers;"

"He died by these guns!"

Yue Hong stood on the high platform, looked at the gang members with a gloomy face, and said in a deep voice while suppressing the sadness and anger in his eyes:

"As for where these guns came from, I believe all brothers know in their hearts. After three days and three nights of continuous pursuit, interception, and fierce pursuit..."

"If my eldest brother hadn't arrived in time after receiving the summons, I'm afraid..."

"Today's Black Ling Gang no longer exists!"

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