Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 451: Even if you have a lot of money, you must have a life to spend it.

"That's right!" The guys started talking about each other. The two positions should be said to be pretty good, but there are differences. If you become a captain, you won't have to go into the water again, and your safety will be guaranteed! However, the benefits are generally fixed.

But for the Trench Commandos, it's hard to say. That's the part that specializes in activities below two thousand meters under the sea. Such a deep seabed is basically a barbaric and unfamiliar territory for humans! In addition to a lot of dangerous things that are worth tens of thousands of dollars, that place also has quite a lot of mineral resources. The number of people who can stay in the Trench Commando for a period of time without dying is a surprising number!

However, risks and benefits are equal! The Trench Commando is the most powerful part of the Cyanobacteria Star's seagoing fleet! Generally speaking, they are composed of awakened commandos with three stars or above! But it is also the part with the highest battle loss rate. Under normal circumstances, if ten people go into the water, it is extremely lucky to get one or two back! Even situations where the entire army is wiped out are common!

"Boss, what do you personally think?" Alsace asked.

"I can't be sure either, so I'm asking for your opinion!"

Yun Qingshan said hesitantly, "I thought about going to the trench commando team. While I'm young, it's more serious to make more money and practice. Not long ago, I broke through the five-star level! The losses will only be greater in the future! It's just that That place is too terrible! Maybe I’ll tell you! It’s really hard to decide!”

"No matter how much money you have, you have to spend it with your life! It's better not to go! Why is it better to stay on the boat than to go into the water!" Charhan said, and several people immediately echoed his opinion.

Yun Qingshan hesitated a little, looked around, and his eyes fell on the silent Ye Qingyuan!

"Brother Qingyuan, why are you looking?" he asked politely. Ye Qingyuan has been in his commando team for a year and a half, and he has gained the most every time. It's hard to compare with the people in the commando team, and it's never just an accident, as if those fatal and dangerous things have a nepotistic relationship with him. This young man's fame has spread within the organization!

That he was able to get the chance to advance was largely due to this kid! Therefore, he attaches great importance to Ye Qingyuan's attitude.

Ye Qingyuan's lips curled up slightly: "If you, boss, decide to go to the trench commando team, then I will go with you!"

He said so. Everyone looked at him in surprise. Arthas wanted to persuade him, but he stopped talking because he thought of his previous "glorious achievements!"

As if he couldn't see the eyes of others, he continued: "No matter what your plan is, boss, I have decided to change places! Although the trench is dangerous, the money is the fastest! And I am confident to protect myself!"

At this point, he shook his head slightly and said, "Everything is for practice! Our methods are all the same!"

Yun Qingshan suddenly drank two glasses of wine, clenched his teeth and said: "That's it! Very good! I'll go crazy too!"

In the dark, empty, cold and dead universe. A fleet is traveling at one-tenth the speed of light.

Hundreds of iron-grey warships with a body length of more than a kilometer are surrounded by thirty shuttle-shaped warships with bright silver surfaces moving forward at high speed. This batch of white warships has beautiful shapes and harmonious lines! There is an aura of nobility and elegance blooming all over the body. In comparison, the ordinary battleships around it are as humble as the servants of the superior!

In the combat command room in the flagship, Xing Feng was concentrating on checking the data on the photon computer.

"Did you find anything?" Chen Nan came over holding two cups of latte.

"I've read it back and forth countless times, but it doesn't seem to be anything special. They just asked us to escort that thing back to the imperial capital and prevent the infiltration of the ghost race at the same time!" Xing Feng frowned and said.

"Just for this matter, do we need to come together?" Chen Nan handed him a cup of latte. "There must be something wrong here!"

“I also feel that the focus is almost on the ghost race!” You may not have been able to sell many things last year!”

"Let's talk about it for now. Don't speculate if you don't know the truth. Maybe there will be new orders from above after we get to the place! We just need to do things!" Chen Nan picked up the latte and drank it in one gulp!

Xing Feng gently picked at the corners of his eyes. The sharp eighth sense of the Qianxing strongman gave him a vague omen in his heart!

"Two generals, the next jumping point is right ahead!" the battleship commander came over to report.

"How much distance is there?" Chen Nan asked.

"This place is already at the edge of the Ziqing Star Territory. After five more wormholes, we will enter the Jihua Star Territory!" the battleship commander responded humbly.

"Okay. Go ahead! Let us know when you get there!" Chen Nan waved his hand.

The wormhole with a diameter of tens of kilometers is getting closer and closer, compared to the dark starry sky. The color of the wormhole is much darker, which is a color similar to that of a black hole. The darkness that can swallow up all light! As the fleet approaches, the wormhole becomes larger and larger, filling the perspective, like a huge mouth that silently fits the entire fleet...

At around 8 o'clock in the morning, Ye Qingyuan walked into the door of the Awakening Team again. ***

When he came out two hours later, the ribbon on his chest had been changed to orange with an extra star on it. His uniform had been changed and the light gold decoration on it was more complicated!

From activating the superpower to breaking through to three stars, it took less than half a year. This speed is indeed surprising! However, the breakthrough cost him the last bit of savings in his account, and he couldn't even afford a car anymore!

There is already an additional piece of information in the photon computer, which is the most detailed one about the situation in the deep sea that he can obtain with the authority of a three-star awakened person!

For this reason, he had to owe the Awakener team a large amount of money! But fortunately, with his current status, he can obtain low-interest and high-interest loans of no more than 10 million credit points at any time! Alsace provides him with a guarantee so that things can be settled!

He drove straight to the military port, followed the prompts, and met Yun Qingshan at a closed military port. Judging from this, the other party has been waiting for him for a while.

"I'm not late, am I?" Ye Qingyuan asked a little embarrassed.

"It's okay, it's not too late! This place is different from ordinary fleets. The Trench Commando's schedule is specially adapted to the situation in the deep sea. We won't set off until almost noon!" Yun Qingshan said with a smile.

The two of them walked and talked. We arrived at our destination in a short while. There is only one lone ship in the berthing area of ​​Nuoda. Somewhat similar to a submarine. The ship was more than 300 meters long, and its entire body was covered in blue-gray color. The thick hull was engraved with countless strange lines. This pattern is densely covered every inch of the hull surface.

"This is the Trench Battleship! Our organization spent a lot of effort to get it from the Strategic Command!" Yun Qingshan introduced.

"What are these lines?" he asked in confusion.

"It's a defense system, but you'll know the specific effect after you go down there!" the leader said with some regret, "This is just an older model. The latest model is said to have a multi-layer energy shield. Unfortunately, it was The Strategic Command is hiding it like a treasure, but we can’t get it!”

Stepping onto the hull, opening a watertight door, the leader led him inside.

The space inside the ship is very large, and there are already many people inside. At a glance. The vast majority are awakened ones, with grades ranging from three to eight stars. They were all gathering together to chat or play cards. Seeing the two of them coming in, most people just glanced this way and ignored them.

"There's still a while before departure. You can go over and get to know them. I'm going to find the battleship commander!" Yun Qingshan said to him.

Ye Qingyuan nodded slightly and went to find a place to sit down.

There are free high-end food and drinks in the living room, but there is no wine. There are also various entertainment facilities, including women!

He saw with his own eyes a guy pulling two sexy women into the cabin. Here, the demands of the Awakened are simply too much. will be satisfied. After all, no one knows whether Dao will still be alive after going to sea. The last act of indulgence before death is a common behavior, and no one will say anything in such a situation.

I guessed that there wasn't much to do. Just turn on the photon computer and play games.

Not long after, a beautiful voice sounded in my ears: "Young man, can I sit here?"

He looked back and saw a fresh and elegant woman with a graceful figure standing in front of him. She was dressed in a black outfit that perfectly harmonized her devilish figure. She had pure white skin and black hair hanging on her chest. She wore a jade-colored strand of hair. Yun Jin tied up easily. Looking at him with a smile. Seeing that he didn't make any sound, he sat down on his own.

"Chen Yan!" She directly stretched out her hand.

"Ye Qingyuan!" He couldn't stop pretending to be careless and clenched the stretched out hand. Her hands were cold. So smooth and delicate that it's almost perfect.

"Why are you here alone? Don't you want to have some fun? Maybe you won't have a chance in the future!" She asked a little uncomfortable.

"Huh? I feel so good." He disagreed.

"This is your first time here! No wonder you're a little unfamiliar. Will my sister take you to do something fun?" She suddenly said with a nonchalant expression,


Looking at the young man's embarrassed look, Chen Yan raised the corners of her mouth softly: "Are you sorry? Don't say you haven't found a woman yet! It's really rare! Why don't you go with your sister! My sister will definitely It will make you feel very comfortable!"

"Well, no... there's no need!" It was the first time he saw such a domineering woman, and he really didn't know what to do with her!

Chen Yan blinked her eyes. She had never seen such a young man before. It was almost like she should use some means to get him! Such a young man should feel good playing it!

Ye Qingyuan suddenly felt goosebumps on his body. The way this woman looked at him was like a hungry wolf that found its prey! He subconsciously moved to the side to keep distance from her.

Seeing him like this, Chen Yan became more courageous and simply changed places and sat down next to him! The lotus arm stretched out and wrapped around his waist, and the other hand went around his neck.

"What are you afraid of?" Chen Yan whispered in his ear, exhaling like a blue breath!

Just when he was at a loss, the electronic bell in the ship rang several times, and a mechanical prompt sounded: "This ship will set off in ten minutes. Please prepare the crew. Unrelated personnel please exit immediately!"

Chen Yan frowned slightly and reluctantly let go of her hand. Ye Qingyuan took this opportunity to escape and hid on the other side. The women who were temporarily invited to serve the soldiers packed their bags, took the money and left.

Yun Qingshan accompanied the battleship commander out. He was a slightly fat white man. The soldiers who were doing their own business immediately arranged their appearance and lined up. Ye Qingyuan was surprised to find that Chen Yan was also in the queue. He thought she was also one of those women!

As if she felt his gaze, she turned around and smiled at him gently, took out a bright yellow ribbon and pinned it on her tall chest. There were eight stars on the ribbon! I bet she was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger!

After a brief polite greeting and some instructions, the huge battleship slowly started and sailed towards the open sea.

Taking the identification card, he came to the cabin assigned to him. The cabin was very luxuriously decorated! Moreover, there are various high-quality deep-sea equipment in the cabinet next to the door, which you can choose according to your own preferences. He checked it over and was not satisfied.

None of these equipment can compare to your own "Trench Protector"! Might as well use your own. Take out the equipment from the space seal tied around your neck and press the switch. Photon development flashes! A few seconds later, the whole body was wrapped tightly! I picked a few more weapons that I had handy, put them on my belt, opened the door and left for a while.

There were fifty awakened people going out to sea this time, most of them brought their own equipment. He had already seen several trench protectors like him. It seems that the economic situation of those who hang out here is not much different!

The hour hand pointed to twelve o'clock, and the trench battleship began to dive. The ship gradually became quiet. As the depth continued to increase, an invisible pressure lingered in everyone's hearts.

On the seabed two thousand meters deep, the speed of the battleship slowed down, and a gray-white brilliance appeared in the originally dark environment. The light source came from a life form that was as pale as a water bird. Looking through the porthole, wherever you looked, It’s all densely packed with this kind of stuff!

"This is a gregarious life form called 'Tie Rhinoceros Blue'. It can only survive in the sea area about two thousand meters underwater!" That Chen Yan didn't know when he stood up to him. side.

"Are there many extra things to do?" he asked.

"Indeed, these things themselves are not very effective in fighting, but there are too many of them. Moreover, their living habits are very strange. They spend most of the day in a dormant state. When dormant, their bodies will secrete an extremely strange gas, which is similar to After contact with sea water, complex chemical reactions of living organisms will occur, eventually forming a low-temperature gel-like substance with extremely high adhesion and strong corrosiveness! It is a fatal threat to our warships! As long as they sleep! That substance will It will be generated in large numbers, creating a deadly isolation zone in the sea at this depth!"

"Only in the few hours near noon will these guys wake up, move around, and look for food, and those nasty substances will disappear! Right?"

"Yes, that's right! That's why we all choose to go to sea at this time. Little brother, you are quite smart! Do you want to give him some rewards?" Chen Yan began to tease him again.

The Iron Rhinoceros Blues were obviously not interested in this big guy who suddenly broke into their territory. Many Iron Rhinoceros Blues came around aggressively, using their weak bodies to slam into the hull of the ship. (To be continued.)

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