The kind of fool who fights with all his strength against a powerful and dangerous thing and finally wins, only to be taken advantage of by other dangerous things because his energy is exhausted! There have been too many examples in the past!

As quickly as possible, she removed the blood-patterned stone and Jialan Rouge's benefit space weapon belt, and then used a rapid freezing gun to freeze the body of the purple-blood sea anemone. Then she took out a can of life-form chemical spray and placed it on the ice. After a few quick sprays on the surface of the ice cube, the light gray liquid quickly spread on the surface of the ice cube, emitting a faint fragrance that completely covered up the pungent smell of blood. It only takes more than ten seconds to finish all this!

Finally, Chen Yan took out a powerful handle, pressed the switch, and sent out an arm-thick, orange tractor beam that was attached to the ice. She just dragged a large ice cube several meters in diameter, effortlessly moving towards it. Swim far away! There are already many dangerous things around that are paying attention here. She must leave this dangerous place as soon as possible!

After swimming a few hundred meters away and making sure she was safe for the time being, she stopped and started calling Ye Qingyuan with an embarrassed and uneasy feeling! What surprised her was that the other party responded quickly and was already looking for her in the same place!

She reported her location, and within ten minutes, the young man's figure appeared in her field of vision.

The boy seemed to be in good condition and showed no signs of injury! What worried her even more was that his expression was normal and he didn't feel angry after realizing that he was being used!

Ye Qingyuan was originally worried about Chen Yan's safety, so he returned to the original place to look for her after recovering not long ago, but unexpectedly found nothing. When he was worried, the other party had already called him on the contact channel. ! His worries are obviously unnecessary, this beautiful woman's fighting ability is enough to protect herself!

"As long as you're fine..." both sides said in unison!

The scene suddenly fell silent, and no one expected that the two of them would say the same thing after meeting! The two sides looked at each other for a while. Chen Yan made a "Puch" sound and the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Ye Qingyuan also curled up the corners of her lips slightly! Unconsciously, there was a slight wave of excitement in the hearts of the two of them!

Then comes the division of the spoils! Chen Yan took out the trophies from the space weapon belt. Use the energy knife to cut open the blood-patterned stone, and there are more than thirty pieces of Jialan Rouge. half each. But for the big guy next to him who was sealed in the ice, it was not easy to deal with!

"Should we..." Before Ye Qingyuan could finish speaking, Chen Yan waved her hand to signal him to stop talking.

"I plan to take this big guy away for a while and auction it! If we hand it over to the organization, they will give us half of the price at most. It's such a loss!" Suddenly there was a small voice in her head. It was her communicating with him through mental fluctuations. !

Ye Qingyuan was slightly startled, and then he knew. Talking on the contact channel may be listened to by people on the battleship.

"I also feel a loss, but once I take it out, it will definitely attract people's attention!" He also expressed his meaning through mental fluctuations.

"Don't worry! My sister knows some friends. Just ask them to hold an auction within the Awakened team! Just wait and count the money!"

"Very good! But do you have enough space?"

"Originally it was enough, but my space weapon belt already contains a lot of things! So..." she said with a frown.

"Then don't worry, you can take out some things and put them here with me first!" Ye Qingyuan suggested,

"Yes, yes! Why didn't I guess it? Brother, you are wise!"


She put her arms around Ye Qingyuan's shoulders, and her whole body emitted a cyan halo, pushing away the sea water. An energy shield was quickly transformed to protect the two of them!

"Sister is so awesome!" he praised! Indeed, it is really amazing to be able to withstand the huge pressure of thousands of meters of sea water on your own!

"Are you finally willing to call me sister? In fact, it doesn't matter. You will reach this point in the future! Although you are a bit weak now, as long as you are willing to be nice to sister, sister will definitely teach you well!" Chen Yanyu said with a sweet smile.

Opening the space weapon belt, she began to take out the items one by one and handed them to Ye Qingyuan. He took them and put in his own space seal. It's nothing more than some weapons and equipment, as well as potions and the like.

However, gradually he felt something was wrong! This beauty actually carries all kinds of miscellaneous things with her! Various snacks, ancient books, exquisite jewelry and cosmetics. There were also sets of fashionable clothes, and finally there were even various styles of shirts! While taking it, he warned carefully:

"These are all exquisite products specially ordered by my sister! They are purely hand-embroidered! Limited edition..."

"You have to take good care of it! It was damaged a little bit. My sister is not done with you anymore..."

"Hey! Why did you pick it up? This can't be crumpled anymore..."

Looking at the blushing look of the young man in front of her, she felt so happy in her heart! It's okay to tease him a few words. The days to come will probably be very pleasant and pleasant...

Finally finished the tossing. As soon as she raised her hand, the armed belt emitted a golden light and shone on the ice cube next to it. In the blink of an eye, the ice cube disappeared!

"Sure enough, it's big enough!" He touched his space seal with a volume of only two cubic meters, feeling a little inferior in his heart. It seemed that he needed to change to a larger one, but large-capacity space equipment was only available to the ghost race. For sale, those volleyball players are not just ordinary black guys!

"What do you plan to do with the other things? If they are all embezzled, it won't be easy to tell them when you get back!" Ye Qingyuan asked. If the organization finds out about concealing trophies so easily, it will range from fines to expulsion! Moreover, there will be bad records on the files, which will be detrimental to future job hunting!

Of course, most of the loot can be handed over. Only a very small number of good items are needed by the Awakening team and are willing to pay a higher price for them, so there is a need to hide them!

"That's okay, let's just wander around a bit more, grab something and go back to work! It's not too late!" She said disapprovingly. It has been less than two hours since the work started, and the battleship will not return for nearly twenty hours, which is enough!

Just like that, the two of them walked around for a while and grabbed some more things. They were almost done! Ye Qingyuan turned on the monitor. After confirming the location of the battleship, we began our return journey.

On the trench battleship, everyone stared at the man and woman in front of them like monsters. However, it took more than three hours of work! The trophies brought back by the two men had already filled the ecological box, and Ye Qingyuan was still holding a vine in his hand. There are several foot-sized blue-blood anemones on it!

"No way! The box can't fit in it!" he said with a smile.

Yun Qingshan had worked with him for several days and had already become accustomed to his incredible luck. He immediately recorded the amount of loot under the witness of the battleship commander! Then he asked: "Brother Qingyuan, and this beautiful lady, are you still planning to leave for a while?"

"I'm tired, go back and rest for a while!" Chen Yan said and went into her cabin.

"I thought so too! Today's harvest is enough!" Ye Qingyuan also said.

"Very good! You can move around easily on the ship. Just call me if you need anything!" Yun Qingshan said with a smile. One harvest is worth thousands of crystal cores. There is really no need to leave for a while to take risks!

Return to your cabin and close the door. Pressing a secret button on the weapon belt, pieces of photon development appeared, and the entire set of equipment of the Trench Protector slowly fell off his body. When the photon development dissipated, the entire set of equipment returned to a rectangular box!

I took a shower, changed my clothes, and found that I had nothing to do! Then continue practicing!

The underwater battle made him realize that he still had many shortcomings. Although he has been promoted to three stars due to resources and luck, his actual combat ability has collapsed! It is estimated that a two-star awakened person with considerable experience can easily defeat him. It is better to have Chen Yan here today. You might suffer a big loss yourself. He is quite grateful for this beautiful woman with a strong personality and equally strong fighting ability!

"Practice blindly is not a means, and working behind closed doors is not the right approach!" He was calculating in private, and now he has no shortage of resources! What is urgently needed is a master, a guide on the path of spiritual practice, who can guide oneself, adapt quickly, and master various combat skills!

Thinking for a while. I find it difficult to find a suitable candidate! He also knows a few awakened ones whose combat prowess is higher than his own. It's a pity that the relationship is not very good, we are just familiar with each other! Although Lan Yu is a great awakener. But her practice method is not suitable for her current self, nor is it suitable for this world!

Yun Qingshan is busy with work and may not have time to teach himself! Alsace himself has only been promoted to five stars, and there are only a few who are better than him! Of course, the Awakened Team also has a place for consultation, but that costs money. Not to mention the extremely high price, there is no way to teach students in accordance with their aptitude! After much evaluation, only Chen Yan was more suitable.

"I don't know if she is willing or not!" Although the other party likes to tease him, and the two of them have fought side by side, after all, they have known each other for less than a day! They don't know each other very well. Is she willing to spend a lot of time and energy giving guidance to herself? Of course, I will definitely pay, but judging from the opponent's combat effectiveness, it is obvious that he will not be short of money! You may not think highly of your own wealth!

"No matter whether it works or not, it's best to give it a try! If she doesn't agree, we'll figure out another way!" With a feeling of embarrassment and uneasiness, he connected to the photon computer in Chen Yan's cabin and initiated a call request. There was a response soon, and the monitor appeared in front of me!

"You're guessing your sister so quickly?" the beauty on the monitor said with a smile.

"Well! I'm interrupting this time because I have something to ask for! I don't know, sister..." He hesitated.

Upon hearing this, the beauty opposite her eyes lit up and she said: "Can I ask for something? What do you want from my sister? Well, for the sake of you calling me sister, there is no need to say this word. Got it!"

After a pause, she added: "I am currently free. If you have anything to do, come to my sister's cabin to talk! My sister is waiting for you!"

Before Ye Qingyuan could say anything, she cut off the contact.

It seemed that he could only take one trip, so Ye Qingyuan got up, opened the door, and walked towards her cabin.

Arriving at Chen Yan's cabin, he gently cheered up and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and the dazzling Chen Yan welcomed him in.

The beauty in front of her has changed out of her black tights. A translucent silk bathrobe is close to her exquisite and embossed breasts. The hem of the bathrobe can cover her upper legs, revealing her round, firm, dazzlingly white and slender thighs. ! From the thighs up, there is a slender waist, high chest, slender jade neck, flawless face, black hair coiled on the top of the head, and there is an amazing charm blooming all over the body!

"Is sister beautiful?" she asked,

"Beautiful!" he responded honestly.

"Do you like it?" she asked again,

"...I like it!" He suddenly regretted it, he shouldn't have come at all!

There was a soft "click" and the door was locked! A slender lotus arm held his arm and led him to a sofa. After he sat down, the beauty let go of her hand and walked to the wine cabinet next to her, which also allowed his fast-beating heartbeat to calm down slightly!

When she came back, Chen Yan had two more glasses of red wine in her hands. The mellow red liquid in the glasses swayed slightly, leaving layers of light red traces on the walls of the glasses.

"Are you nervous?" She stood in front of him, staring at him with her big bright eyes.

Ye Qingyuan raised his head. From his angle, he could see almost everything he expected to see! She should, no, absolutely wear nothing underneath! Although only Samsung has the capabilities, it is more than enough to confirm the answer to this question! The heartbeat that had calmed down not long ago started beating at a surprising frequency again!

Chen Yan curled her lips slightly and asked Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.com to hand him a glass of red wine. Then he lowered his body and sat next to him naturally, with his plump chest pressed tightly against his arm. The surprising elasticity was transmitted from his arm to his brain, and then fed back to his heart, making it work at a high load. My heart is even more overwhelmed!

"Come on, drink it!" Chen Yan whispered in his ear. The voice is low, hoarse, and full of magnetism! Enough to drive any male crazy!

Staring at the glass of red wine, he hesitated for a while, and finally drank it in one gulp!

Chen Yan also drank it in one gulp, and then poured him another glass. She watched the young man holding the wine glass awkwardly, with an inexplicable complicated expression gradually appearing in his eyes.

Once again, he drank all the wine in the glass, and before he could take a breath, another glass was handed to him! After going back and forth like this for a few times, he finally couldn't stand it anymore! He opened his mouth and said: "I'm not here to drink..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Yan stopped him: "Of course you didn't come here to drink! You have something to ask for. However, don't you know the truth! Is it easier to do things after drinking? If your things are more difficult If you can, then drink more wine with your sister. Once your sister is happy, things won’t be so difficult for you!” (To be continued.)

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