The stick flew out of my hand! Amidst the heart-rending howls, his forearm was beaten to the point of broken tendons and fractures! But Ye Qingyuan had no intention of just letting him go like this. The iron rod in his hand danced rapidly, and the sound of "clicking" and "clicking" bones was heard endlessly! After a few breaths, all his limbs were severed, and he collapsed on the ground like a sack of tattered flesh. Bright red blood rushed out of his tattered body, forming strips on the granite floor. Creek!

"Okay, my Young Master Yang!" Ye Qingyuan finally retracted his hand, walked to his side and squatted down, smiling and said, "Why, this warm-up is very comfortable, right? For my old colleagues, I am very Passionate!"

Yang Feng stared at him bitterly, thinking about what to say, opened his mouth, and a large amount of blood foam spurted out! After gasping for breath for a while, he tried his best to say: "You... just wait for me..." But his voice was weak, and it didn't match his current appearance. Why do you think it's funny!

"Bang!" He hit him hard on the face with a stick, smashing his blood-stained face out of shape! Then there were a few more sticks, the bridge of the nose was shattered, the teeth were flying, and even the chin was detached and flew away for a while!

"Have you forgotten why I told you that time?" Ye Qingyuan said solemnly, "Don't threaten me or make me angry. Don't talk about you. Even your father will teach me the same lesson! No. Convinced? Go home and practice hard before coming back! We are always waiting for you!"

Finally, he hit this guy with another stick and knocked him unconscious completely! Ye Qingyuan stood up and walked towards Chen Yan.

"Yes, it seems that this period of training has some effect, sister's hard work is not in vain!" Chen Yan said with a smile.

"How do you deal with these two guys?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"I'm afraid of getting dirty! I can give you a beating!"

"Okay!" The stick shadows flew everywhere, and after a burst of sharp screams, all seven people collapsed on the ground, breathing in but not out. Blood everywhere!

The police finally arrived. It seems that the official commando team is like this, always waiting until the dust has settled before reacting!

With a slight smile of disapproval, Ye Qingyuan took out his ID card and handed it to the leading police officer.

"Awakened one?" The police officer's face froze. The voice became humble. After he learned that all those present were Awakeneds who were officially registered with the Awakening team, he said simply: "Sao Rui. This matter has exceeded our authority, let them handle it!"

The "they" mentioned by the police officer refer to the Awakened Inspection Bureau under the Empire's Ministry of Security, and they usually take over cases involving the Awakened.

So the two of them were sent to the nearby office of the Awakened Inspection Bureau along with the seven sacks of meat on the ground. After routine questioning and taking notes, it became clear that the entire responsibility lies with the other party. The two were released immediately!

The status of the Awakened Ones in the empire is quite high. Even if they really commit a crime, as long as the nature is not too bad, nothing will happen. At most, they will only be fined. But it would not be so cheap to replace it with an ordinary person! Confinement is considered light. If not, he might have to be sent to a mining planet to undergo purely physical labor transformation! Legal inequality is most intuitively reflected here!


On the tarmac in front of the Governor's Mansion, a butterfly-shaped spaceship with a diameter of 100 meters and covered in bright red slowly landed. The cabin door opened, and a group of well-dressed and arrogant-looking officials walked down the gangway arrogantly.

Lin Yulian and a group of heads from various departments on the Blue Algae Star stood at the tarmac to greet them.

"Lord Andnu, you have worked hard all the way!" Lin Yulian said enthusiastically, "I didn't expect you to come here this time, and the reception was not good. Please forgive me! I don't know how the Prime Minister is?"

Unfortunately, his hot face was pressed against his cold ass. The official named Andenu snorted with his nostrils raised to the sky and said coldly: "Okay! Why not? Very good!" As he spoke, he seemed not to see the governor's outstretched right hand. Walked over on his own! He left the other party there.

Lin Yulian's heart thumped, and she knew something was wrong! However, he didn't quite know that this Andnu was a close confidant of the Prime Minister. Just like him, he is a Prime Minister! I thought it would be easier to talk to him, but I didn’t expect that the other person would do this to him just after they met!

"Mr. Governor, what should we do now?" The subordinates behind him came over and asked anxiously.

"What to do? You ask me, I'll ask who will go!" Lin Yulian responded angrily.

"We have taken care of everything that needs to be taken care of in the Imperial Capital. According to the words of the Prime Minister's secretary, Bloom, it shouldn't be too sad this time! But looking at it like this, it seems that things have changed again!" An official said in confusion. Words.

"Could it be the Prime Minister's old enemies who are causing trouble?" another official judged.

"Let's expose it for now. It's over. It's useless to speculate! Let's see why Mr. Andnu took action!" Lin Yulian ended everyone's discussion with one sentence, "The reception banquet in the evening. Give me a fight. Be energetic and prepare everything that is fine to check again! Don’t make any mistakes!”

in the crowd. The general who had appeared on Satellite 3 walked to the side of the spacecraft. An officer with the rank of colonel walked down the gangway, whispered a few words to him, handed him a palm-sized sealed box, and then returned. The spaceship.

Staring at the box in his hand, the general picked at the corners of his eyes and said to himself: "Your Highness, you have given me a good mission..."

"The manpower alone is not enough!"

"That guy Xing Feng is still lying in the hospital pretending to be sick. You asked me to..."

"Sir, this is all the information on villas for sale on this planet. You can easily choose!" At the ultimate residential trading center on the Blue Algae Star, the charming instructor called up the information in the photon computer and said respectfully to Ye Qingyuan .

"Well, no problem. I'll take a look!" Ye Qingyuan began to flip through the information, and the instructor stood aside to explain to him.

"This is an original sea view villa located on the seaside! It covers an area of ​​5,500 square meters, is finely decorated, and is equipped with a second-grade automatic security defense system..."

"This is a health-care villa located next to the only virgin forest on the Blue Algae Star. It covers an area of ​​​​5,000 square meters, is finely decorated, and has an independent ecological circulation system. It is equipped with thirty armed security robots..."

"A luxurious palace-style villa located in the space synchronous orbit, with an area of ​​​​5,000 square meters and ultra-luxurious decoration. It has a battleship using an energy power system, which can easily change the orbit..."

"A closed tourist villa located under the sea three hundred meters deep. It covers an area of ​​8,000 square meters. It has a first-class security defense system, a self-sufficient small ecological environment, and it also comes with fifty biological chemical beauty servants..."

"A suspended drifting villa located in the high-altitude stratosphere. It covers an area of ​​7,000 square meters. It is super luxuriously decorated and equipped with a hundred living chemical maids. It circles the planet once a week. When you live there, you can experience all the wonders of the planet. Scenery…”

After browsing through it, there are quite a few good houses! He didn't even know how to choose.

"Of course, if you are not satisfied with these villas, we can also build them specially for you! Every design will be based on your preferences! No matter where it is, on land, in the ocean, in outer space synchronous orbit, or even on a certain planet. You can build a house on an uninhabited planet..."

"What? You don't like it? Then are you looking for excitement and going to the deep sea? Don't worry, we can also meet your requirements here, a trench base-type villa that can adapt to extreme environments! Everything is in accordance with the standards for bases used by the Space Force It is designed to be enough to protect against the intrusion of any dangerous things..."

"Stop..." Ye Qingyuan raised his hand to interrupt the instructor's tirade. "I just figured that I need a place where I can practice with peace of mind. I don't have too many requirements! Of course, the comfort of the villa must be guaranteed. It must have an independent energy supply center and its own spacecraft take-off and landing place, with an area of ​​no less than five Thousand square meters, more..."

Although he said he didn't have many requirements, when he finished speaking, he found that there were nearly 20 records on the instructor's photon computer!

The instructor entered his request into the photon computer and the result was quickly obtained. There are more than ten places that meet the conditions.

After picking for a while, he finally settled on one. It is not too far from the city, with a construction area of ​​7,000 square meters above ground and 1,500 square meters underground. Ultra-luxurious decoration with independent ecological and energy systems. First-class security defense system, the villa is equipped with one hundred special biological chemical maids. There are also 80 "Defender" armed robots. Moreover, all kinds of furniture and furnishings inside are all available, and they are all top-quality products in this star field. You can move in immediately!

"Okay! This is it!" Ye Qingyuan finally made up his mind.

"A total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-five crystal cores. Would you like to pay by credit card or..." the instructor asked, her face slightly red with excitement. She would benefit from such a big deal. No less!

Ye Qingyuan took out his credit card and transferred the money to the trading center account.

"Very well, this is a physical contract, as well as a land deed. The electronic contract will be sent to your photon computer later! From now on, this villa and the surrounding five-hectare forest lake have become your private property. ! This contract is valid forever!" the instructor said excitedly, and there was a lawyer witnessing it on the spot.

After everything was settled, the instructor reluctantly said: "Sir, I can explain to you in detail some precautions after moving in and some operational details of the villa's automatic control system! I have this opportunity. Want to have dinner with you?"

Looking at the expectant look on the girl's face, Ye Qingyuan smiled calmly and said: "No need, if there are any questions in the future, I will contact you!"

"Then... okay! This is my business card. If you have anything to do in the future, you can always come to me!" the instructor said with some disappointment. Being able to spend so much money to buy a house at once, ordinary awakened people simply don’t have such fighting power, and the other person is so young! She has already determined that Ye Qingyuan is a young man from a certain race! When meeting such a man with impeccable wealth, appearance, and fighting ability, a girl will inevitably have some thoughts in her heart!


Three days later, in the spacious and bright study.

The antique rosewood bookshelf is densely filled with hardcover ancient books. These are all goods shipped from the earth, so the price is naturally astonishingly high!

"Interstellar Age! A piece of grass on the earth can be sold for the price of a gold bar even if it is transported nine thousand light years away!" This is the famous saying of Constantine, the great tycoon of the human world, and it is indeed true! The price of any product produced on earth would be at least hundreds of times higher when shipped to the cyanobacteria star on the edge of the empire! Not definitely available yet.

Ye Qingyuan sat at the desk, flipping through the pages and looking at them casually.

"Master, the renovation of the basement has been completed! Do you have any other orders?" A soft voice sounded behind him.

Turning around, a young girl walked in from the door of the study, charming and beautiful. Her skin is as fair as the finest mutton-fat white jade! The well-made, well-pressed red uniform accentuates her plump figure even more perfectly! If it weren't for the nameplate on her chest, no one would know that she is a biochemist.

After waving gently, the life-chemical beauty walked over gracefully and sat obediently on his lap, carrying a faint fragrance.

The so-called biological chemical people are no different from normal humans in terms of body alone. They are all made of flesh and blood. It's just that their brains are controlled by high-quality intelligent brain chips.

In this era of highly developed technology, all housework can be done by robots, but not all people like to live with cold metal creations every day, so the biochemistry came into being.

With the advancement of the times, biochemistry and human technology are gradually becoming more and more perfect. The top-quality products have their faces and bodies shaped according to the standards of the fifth level of human DNA awakening. In addition to helping their owners with housework, they can also satisfy their owners' physiological desires. A high-quality brain is enough to be competent in housekeeping management. After buying a house, buying a biochemical maid to serve as a housekeeper and lover, and looking for Shuyuan is already an extremely common behavior in the middle class.

There are also some people who have been emotionally traumatized and have lost confidence in their significant other. Instead, he seeks solace in his biological chemical companion. After all, the appearance and character of the biological chemical person can be customized according to the owner's wishes. He has all the advantages that the owner wants, but does not have many of the shortcomings of a real companion!

At least a biochemical beauty will not endlessly ask her master to buy all kinds of clothes and expensive jewelry for her! He won’t cheat! If the owner is not satisfied, he can replace it at any time, as long as he is willing to spend money! Therefore, many people would rather stay with a biological person for life than marry a real person.

His hands caressed the smooth and round thighs, and a fire gradually rose in his heart. A slight blush appeared on the maid's face, she straightened her legs in response, and gently unbuttoned her uniform. The black hollow lace shirt, paired with the dazzling white breasts, was like a barrel of gunpowder that almost destroyed the desire in his heart. Completely detonated!

He managed to hold down the delicate hands that started to take off his clothes, and said with difficulty: "Okay, put on your clothes!"

The maid was a little puzzled, but unconditionally obeying her master's orders was the highest order, so she stood up quickly. (To be continued.)

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