The original villa has been rebuilt and is left there. It would be nice to live there occasionally in the future.

With the orders of Luohan Star, Achilles' influence on Cyanobacteria Star has been uprooted. In the past, the godfather of the underworld, who had great reputation in the world and was a man of the truth, was pushed to the end of his life because of an unsuccessful blackmail!

On the big bed in the center of the palace, Ye Qingyuan sat on it, silently performing the exercises, and the source energy surged through the meridians like clouds and flowing water.

At the door, Shuangyan walked in lightly.

"Master!" She came to the bed and called softly.

"what's up?"

"The three hundred and thirty special life chemical maids you ordered have all been delivered. They are outside. Do you want to take a look?"

"Let them in!"

Shuangyan nodded gently, raised her hand slightly, and the gorgeous semicircular palace door slowly opened to both sides. A large group of charming women rushed in.

A group of young girls came in front of me, all of them were elegant and charming, with slim figures, bright and attractive. The visual impact was extremely strong! He almost felt it now!

"Master!" The girls bowed slightly and called out softly.

The girls were uniformly dressed in low-cut long skirts as white as snow. As they leaned over, Ye Qingyuan's eyes were filled with a dazzling white greasy, as white as a pile of snow! The graceful arc-shaped ravine between the towering domes makes your mind sway!

Forced to suppress the restlessness in his heart, he calmly said to Shuang Yan: "Okay! I have already seen it and I am very satisfied! Go and arrange them!"

"No problem!" Shuangyan rolled her eyes and signaled the girls to exit the palace gate.

After a while, when Ye Qingyuan opened his eyes again, he found that five women in white skirts came in again and stood quietly beside the bed.

"Why did you come in?" he asked with some confusion.

"Butler Shuangyan ordered us to serve the master!" A woman in the lead leaned forward. She responded softly.

To serve? With them here, I can't even think about practicing with peace of mind. He ticked the corners of his eyes and asked them to wait outside.

"Ziyuan Lan. Is there any new news recently?" In the dormitory, several boys were chatting together.

"Is there any news? Yes. The Gardley Federation's expedition fleet discovered three ancient wormholes in a small star field near the Haoting Xiaodutian galaxy!" Zi Yuanlan fiddled with the photon computer in her hand and brought up the three-dimensional projection. , "According to the reporters on board the ship, those ancient wormholes seem to lead to the depths of that large galaxy!"

In the three-dimensional image, there is a dim starry sky with three dark objects distributed in irregular triangles in a small star system, hundreds of light seconds apart from each other.

Ancient wormholes refer to those structures that are unusually stable. Existences that have existed for more than tens of millions of years. Such wormholes are generally very large, and the communication distance is beyond estimation. Ordinary wormholes, whether they are naturally transformed or created by intelligent civilization, Yes, the communication distance is only a few hundred light years at most. This is not only a technical and cost issue, but also a military security issue.

The communication distance of ancient wormholes is often tens of thousands of light years, and the farthest is even nine thousand light years! Their other end often directly communicates with one or several distant and unfamiliar galaxies! There are not many such wormholes discovered by humans so far, but every ancient wormhole is an important boost to human beings' outward expansion!

Whenever new ancient wormholes are discovered. That generally means that a new wave of expansion is coming! All major countries and major financial groups will compete to send huge fleets to search for precious resources. Crystal core mineral veins, a planet suitable for immigration and development! If you encounter a new intelligent civilization, you will formulate a response strategy based on the other party's level of development and civilization characteristics, either making friends, conquering, suppressing, or massacring. There is only one core purpose, which is the ultimate in human self-interest!

"Is it leading to the interior of the Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy? That's good news!" Tongshan said with a smile. "It is estimated that more fleets will head to that place soon to look for opportunities to make money!"

"Not only them, many private adventure groups will also try their luck!" Link said. "I just understand that risks usually coexist with opportunities! In such a big galaxy, I don't believe that there will be no intelligent life forms in it! It's hard to say whether it will be a blessing or a disaster!"

"That's right!" Tongshan also agreed with this. "If you encounter a particularly powerful civilization that is aggressive! It would be great fun! It might be another interstellar war! I don't know whether there will be casualties or casualties. How many people! For example, the Sycamore War a thousand years ago! It was so tragic! Hey..."

The Sycamore War took place thousands of years ago. At that time, an ancient wormhole was discovered, and all countries sent large fleets to investigate. As a result, a powerful alien civilization was discovered in the area called the Sycamore Galaxy!

The cause of the war is no longer known. According to the official statement of the Crotorian Alliance, the most powerful country at the time, one of their expedition fleets went to a certain star field, but when it came back, it was secretly intercepted by the fleet of the Sycamore civilization. After tracking down, the main base set up by humans there was locked, and then the war broke out!

In the early days of the war, mankind was almost suppressed. The main fleet was retreating steadily. Not only were the original colonial strongholds wiped out, but that crazy civilization almost invaded the territory of the human world!

Later, the major powers abandoned their prejudices and joined forces with commandos to form a coalition, with the military god Bahram as the commander. The two sides fought near the ancient wormhole of Xikmou, ultimately costing billions of casualties and the destruction of millions of warships. , drove this barbaric civilization back to its hometown!

The Crotoria Union suffered the heaviest losses in this war, and its combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. After the war, due to poor economic decisions, the country's fortunes deteriorated, and it eventually became a second-rate country! Only then did the Gennerrock Empire rise!

This time, three ancient wormholes were discovered in succession, and there is such a huge galaxy on the other side of the wormhole. No one with any common sense would believe that there is no intelligent civilization.

The Gardray Federation borders the Empire and is not too far away from those wormholes. The Gardray Federation is first-come-first-served, and the Empire's advantages cannot be ignored! In the new wave of exploration and development, these two countries will definitely be at the forefront of other human countries!

Of course, if there are unpredictable risks, these two countries will be the first to bear the brunt!

"Tell me! Can we talk to Qingyuan and build a commando expedition fleet to go there," Ziyuan Lan said. "If you can find one or two planets with considerable resources and get the priority to develop them, you will make a fortune!"

"Yeah! What a good idea!" Link agreed. "We just signed a contract of prostitution, so we have to plan carefully for our boss. If he eats meat, we can also drink soup, right? Hmm!"

Just two days ago, Ye Qingyuan had signed a long-term contract with them. These three people will serve his newly established interstellar mining organization for at least eighty years. In exchange, each of them will receive 1.5% of the organization. of equity! It’s not a huge amount, for now, they can get dividends of hundreds of crystal cores every year. However, as the organization grows larger in the future, their benefits will increase!

When the first ray of morning light fell on the crystal glass window, Chen Shuhua opened her eyes.

After getting up, take a shower, which is something you must do every day.

The plump body was soaked in the warm water, mixed with the fragrance of the shower gel.

Ten minutes later, Yingying stood up, and the beautiful outline of a female body was reflected in the hazy mirror opposite her. The shadows were blurry and indistinct.

He walked over slowly and brushed his slender hands on the mirror. The water mist was wiped away, and her impeccable jade body was reflected in the smooth and bright mirror. Snow bones and ice muscles, high breasts, round and flawless. A slim waist and slender thighs.

She stared blankly for a while, feeling a little sad in her heart for no reason. For a girl, such a perfect body is undoubtedly her most precious asset!

With this body, she got everything she liked for herself, but it also meant that she had to give her body to a man she didn't like.

If she had a choice, she would not take this step, but does she, who comes from the lowest level, have a choice?

Many people despised her behavior, but she didn't care. In this cruel world. It is estimated that if you want to live well, you must use all available resources! her approach. It's just an ordinary transaction.

Currently, the man who gave her a good life before is no longer there. But she also gained enough things, including a fifth-grade DNA awakening physique, a luxurious speed car, and various precious jewelry, which was not a loss.

She just understands that this is not enough. She has to continue to maintain such a life and needs more resources to improve her combat effectiveness! For this reason, she needs to find another man, a man who is willing to spend a lot of money for her! She is like a vine on a big tree. After the trunk is cut down, she must find a strong enough support!

The most desirable candidate is undoubtedly the boy named Ye Qingyuan. In the beginning, in her memory, he was just a poor boy with a pretty good looks. Can't even remember his name.

Needless to say what happened next, this guy seemed to be the lucky protagonist in a wild history novel. He had achieved incredible achievements in just a few months. Even her eyes were high above her head and she could only look up at him!

It's a pity that the other party has no shortage of women now, and I almost got him by using the wrong method in the past. Although I tried to remedy it afterwards, it had no effect!

The other party is so young, and given time, his achievements will be immeasurable, and even the people around him will benefit a lot! She was shrewd enough to see this point clearly.

After a while, she woke up, dried herself and left the bathroom.

Back in the bedroom, she chose a set of pure white casual clothes for herself and dressed up carefully in front of the mirror for a while.

Looking at the beauty with a calm expression and watery eyes in the mirror, she smiled.

Turning on her personal photon computer, she sent a call request, but did not turn on the video.

The call was quickly connected, and the other party's voice sounded very excited: "Chen Shuhua! You are finally willing to come to me!"

She smiled softly at the corner of her mouth and said softly: "I heard that you have been very busy recently, so I didn't bother you! Why? Don't you go to work today?"

"I'm a little busy. Qingyuan left everything to us, but he became a hands-off shopkeeper! However, if something happens to you, it's okay for me to take a day off. He won't blame me!"

"Well, you can leave with me for a while today!" She smiled.

Naturally, the other party hurriedly agreed.

She turned off the photon computer, a triumphant smile appearing on her lips.

Since it's almost impossible to reach him, then settle for the next best thing and choose the person next to him!

In the dormitory, Ziyuan Lan hurriedly exited the virtual office space and closed the photon computer. With a look of joy on his face, he said to Link beside him: "I'm going to be away for a while today. Tell Qingyuan for me! Just treat it as a vacation!"

"What? The organization's financial budget hasn't been reviewed yet! This can't be delayed. Qingyuan has already explained it." Link said in surprise.

"This life-long event cannot be postponed! You guys should take more care of it..." With that, he had already walked out the door.

"What's wrong with this guy today? He's so drunk, but I haven't heard that he's looking for a girlfriend?" Link frowned and muttered in confusion.

"General, the handed-in mapping map of the Phobos Trench has been sorted and analyzed!" In the base, an officer pointed at the huge projection display and reported to Luo Hanxing, "The mission is almost at the end, except for the most central area. Others. The local situation has been clarified!"

On the display is a roughly shuttle-shaped topographic map. The map is extremely accurate. As long as the cursor points to a place, all the data on that coordinate point will automatically appear, such as depth, water temperature, salinity, water pressure, and life. The body distribution situation, terrain features, etc. are extremely detailed! Only the central area is still blank.

"Have you discovered anything?" Luo Hanxing asked. Then he speculated about the secret. Since the other party's status was not enough to participate, he asked in vain.

"Discovered? Yes, we have discovered many rare minerals here! And the reserves seem to be quite high! I just know that with those devil-like life forms guarding them, it is impossible to estimate the development!" The officer was a little regretful. responded.

It seems that the focus of the problem is still there! Luo Hanxing stared at the blank space in the center, thoughtfully.

"There are still the last eighteen missions! Once completed, you're done!" On the spaceship, Ye Qingyuan looked at the mission information.

"Don't you feel a little strange? Why are there so many rewards for this mission?" Lan Yu's voice rang in his mind, "Judging from the current situation, there is nothing surprising about that place. There are some rare minerals, but There is no possibility of mining! What is it for? The empire is willing to pay such a high price?"

"I also feel something is wrong. The answer probably lies in that unexplored place!" Ye Qingyuan said. Find Shuyuan

"I have a hunch that something is wrong, and it's very strong!" Lan Yu said solemnly, "This time I go to sea, I may encounter an accident. How many crystal nuclei do you still have in your body?"

"Including what's in the account, there are still more than seven million!"

"Exchange them all and take them with you in case of emergencies!" Lan Yu said.

"No problem! I'll go right away."

"Dream Rose" turned around and landed in front of the bank square.

An hour later, the spacecraft took off again. There are already 800 more crystal bricks in the space ring!

"I should be the richest man with the most cash in the Jihua Star Territory right now, right?" He took out the pile of crystal bricks and piled them on the carpet, like a hill!

Judging from Meng Xuan's horrified expression, he found it funny. More than 7 million crystal cores, but the total working capital of that sales department was not that much. In the end, some of it had to be temporarily transferred from several other sales departments to collect this huge sum of money! (To be continued.)

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