After a while, Meng Xuan had come to a conclusion.

"Thirty scientific research ships, 8 motherships carrying mechas and space fighters, 20 main battleships, 80 light and heavy cruisers, 150 destroyers, 20 special rescue ships, and 2 logistics supply ships Ten, and thirty large cargo spaceships!”

"If all the above types of ships are purchased new, and they are the most advanced models we can buy, then the cost will be about five million crystal cores!"

"As for shipboard auxiliary equipment, we need five sets of dimensional space detection systems, five sets of hyperspace locators, ten sets of space evacuation systems in case of emergencies, and thirty sets of large star gates for short-distance transmission! This is The most important part is directly related to the success or failure of the extra-system investigation! Therefore, I do not recommend saving money in this area. You must choose the least problematic model. The technical level of the human world in this area is not satisfactory, so it is best to buy from the ghost race! The usage is about eight million crystal nuclei!”

"In addition, it is the reserve and replenishment of various types of logistics supplies. This is a long-term operation. In order to avoid the cost problems caused by rising prices, we must reserve enough supplies as soon as possible! There is also the choice of ship-borne weapons and ammunition. Although it is impossible for us to buy the most advanced warships, it is still possible to partially modify existing warships and enhance some of their protective performance and firepower."

"Energy crystals, large-scale mining equipment, various highly intelligent robots, air modification and purification systems, magnetic field generators, reactors used in large interstellar bases, and various auxiliary equipment, all of which need to be purchased and stored in large quantities! "

"Finally, there is the most important manpower issue! Since major commando organizations and groups are recruiting manpower, people who are familiar with this industry are currently extremely in demand! Even those ordinary soldiers have more than doubled their salaries. High-quality Needless to say, talent! The annual salary of a qualified mecha pilot reaches tens of millions of credit points. It is still not absolutely possible to recruit!"

"Since the automation level of the battleships is quite good, and some less important positions can be replaced by biochemists, the entire fleet needs about 120,000 manpower! It is estimated that so many people will be recruited in a short period of time. People who agree with you. The easiest way is to increase your salary!"

"Ordinary manpower is easy to handle, but the problem lies in those high-end talents! Candidates for battleship commanders of each ship, mecha pilots, and various experts who are proficient in extraterrestrial galaxy inspections! These people are always in demand, not to mention It’s time! You may not be able to find the right one even if you pay a high price!”

"To put this team together, the annual salary expenditure is estimated to be around one hundred and fifty-nine thousand crystal cores! Not counting the use of disability and death benefits after an accident!"

"If all the above factors are solved smoothly, it will take at least five months before we can see the fleet ready to go! The equipment is easy to find, as long as you have money! The point is that recruiting manpower takes too much time!"

It's not unclear, her analysis. A group of young people discovered that this matter was not as simple as they thought! Not to mention the huge cost, there are a lot of problems in all aspects, and it is not easy to solve!

"It seems like there are a lot of unnecessary things to do!" Tongshan said with a wry smile, "I thought it was too simple before!"

"Yeah! I thought I could just buy a few boats and set off! Who knew..." Ziyuan Lan also shook his head.

"Your guess is right! Many people do the same thing, but..." Meng Xuan took a sip of wine gracefully and said with a smile: "The safety factor of that approach is too low! I guess something will happen. The probability of harvest will not be higher than if you win a billion-dollar jackpot!”

"Since the boss asked us to come here, it's obvious that it's not just for fun. He is really thinking about doing something. We are currently employed by others. Let's listen to his opinion!"

For a moment, all eyes were focused on Ye Qingyuan.

"It sounds a little difficult, but as long as you are willing, it is not impossible to solve it!" He put down the wine glass and said lightly: "Now that you have decided, do your best! Meng Xuan, make a detailed plan when you go back Come out! Regarding the equipment issue, I will estimate the means and leave the recruitment to you. I will first give you a start-up capital of one million crystal cores!"

As long as you can discover something, no matter how big the investment is, it doesn't matter! By then, these young people may be worth a fortune and establish their own business. Become the founder of a human race! This is also the dream of most young people in the empire!

"Qingyuan, you are quite confident!" Randall said with a smile.

"It's not me. It's us!" Ye Qingyuan corrected, "Our current ambitions and interests are one! As long as we make achievements, everyone can become prosperous! So we all have to have confidence!"

"Qingyuan! Have you ever thought about becoming a king?" Tongshan was already a little drunk at this time, shaking his wine glass and said: "As long as you can find a few planets that are valuable enough, you can build your own country for fun. Quite interesting! Hmm..."

"Haha! That's okay! You will be the founding fathers by then! How about making you a duke?" Ye Qingyuan smiled and punched him.

Meng Xuan stared at the handsome boy opposite with hazy eyes, and a guess suddenly came to her mind: He could really do it! Until then……

Not just her, everyone here had similar calculations. With the example of the empire, no one dares to say that there is no such possibility, and Ye Qingyuan's luck is generally recognized to be extremely good! If that day comes, their wealth can be estimated!

Once the seeds are planted, and given the right soil and timing, they will naturally break through and sprout! None of them understood it as they expected. Because of this unintentional remark while drunk, many years later, an unprecedented empire was truly born in their hands!

"Boss! I have an estimate!" Meng Xuan suddenly said, "There are too many things to do in the next year and a half, so I suggest that a few of us simply transfer our office here! If something happens, It’s also easy to contact! What do you think?”

"Well, that's a good idea!" Ziyuan Lan agreed.

"Is this necessary?" Ye Qingyuan stared at her with some confusion,

"Of course it's necessary!" Meng Xuan said plausibly, "You often play missing and work here. I can always come to you to discuss anything if I have anything! And don't you think it's a waste for you to live alone in such a big place? I'm here It also helps you save money!”

save money? I think you're looking for a reason to come and eat, right? Watching her malicious smile. Ye Qingyuan muttered in his heart.

In the bedroom, Ye Qingyuan squinted his eyes and lay half on the bed.

Send them away one by one. He felt a little dizzy and came back to rest. I was dragged by those guys to drink more than a dozen glasses of strong liquor, but I didn't feel it at the time. Now that I'm drunk, I'm walking a little unsteadily.

After lying down, he couldn't sleep again! I started to figure it out again.

Chen Shuhua suddenly appeared today and got mixed up with Ziyuan Lan, which made him a little difficult to deal with! He had always stayed away from this scheming and unscrupulous woman. Don't fall into her scheme!

Ziyuan Lan is his good friend, with a simple and peaceful temperament, but a bit stubborn. He has always had a crush on Chen Shuhua, but unfortunately the gap between the two was too big in the past, so he gave up on it. But later, the godfather fell and Chen Shuhua regained her freedom. And after he owns those shares, he already has the capital to pursue her.

It happened that Chen Shuhua had the same idea, and the two hit it off and became a couple!

However. Is it really that simple? This woman's ambition is not small. Will she just live with him like this?

"Let's put it aside for now, I can't control this matter! Just find a chance to remind him." He sighed lightly. "But as for Chen Shuhua, if you dare to hurt my friend, I will never make it easy for you!"

The heavy door opened gently, and just by the sound, he knew it was Shuangyan who had walked in.

"What's the matter?" He narrowed his eyes and asked vaguely.

"Master, I just came to see if you were resting." A soft voice sounded in his ears.

"Yeah! Wait...I'm going to bed!" He responded lazily.

There was a rustling sound, and a faint fragrance came, which was the kind of extremely high-grade spices.

A pair of delicate hands pressed on his shoulders. Massage him gently.

He finally opened his eyes, and Shuangyan had already taken off her uniform. Wearing only an almost transparent pink tight skirt and no shirt. Between the round and straight peaks, there is an alluring arc-shaped deep ravine, and the bright red on the top of the peak is about to burst out! The waterfall-like black hair hangs easily on the chest!

Going down from the exaggeratedly plump breasts, the line shrinks sharply, reaching the extreme point at the waist. After crossing the slender waist, it expands rapidly, harmonizing to create a beautiful buttocks like a full moon, and further down, there are slender and graceful hips. thigh!

She was half-kneeling and leaning against him, the thin skirt on her hips was stretched tightly, her smooth and fat skin, and the curves that made her mouth dry were clearly visible!

Seeing him staring straight at her, Shuangyan's face turned a little red, and she smiled shyly at him, but the movements under her hands did not stop, and she deliberately pushed out her tall breasts.

His eyes gradually became wild. It was probably because he had just drank a lot of wine, and his control over his brain was far less than usual. The impulse in my heart is stronger than ever!

Noticing his reaction, she moved her delicate hands down and gently untied his pajamas...

The morning bell rang, and Ye Qingyuan woke up on time.

Shuangyan snuggled quietly beside her, a pair of lotus arms around his neck, and her long, round legs wrapped around his waist. The waterfall-like black hair covered half of her charming face, and the traces of pleasure still remained on her fair and jade-like breasts.

Thinking about the madness last night, he was slightly stunned. Since Chen Yan left, he has never touched another woman. Although he has so many beautiful maids as companions and no moral burden, he is not willing to indulge himself.

It's just that he is a normal man after all. A year and a half of abstinence has had a considerable impact on his body. In addition, he drank a lot last night, so some things happened naturally!

She moved her body slightly and tried to get up, but Shuangyan was startled. Yingying opened her eyes lazily and called softly: "Master, are you awake too!"

She turned over and sat up. There were still faint tooth marks on her plump breasts. His eyes gradually became intense, and the desire in his heart began to stir again.

Shuangyan glanced at his majestic figure, smiled softly, and immediately wrapped her around...

By the time the two fought fiercely again, it was already more than an hour later.

Several maids came in to help him get dressed and came out. Breakfast was already set in the dining room. The staple food is three large bottles of concentrated nutritional supplements, followed by his favorite crab meat buns and preserved egg porridge. This thing currently only functions as a condiment. The awakened ones have a huge demand for energy, so they can only rely on nutrients to fill their stomachs!

Shuangyan put her uniform back on and resumed her role as housekeeper, but her face was slightly flushed and there was a hint of spring between her brows. After last night's entanglement, the relationship between the two is different.

"Come and sit down!" he laughed.

She responded obediently, came over and sat on his lap, her plump buttocks pressed heavily on his body, and also in his heart. Her towering breasts were right under his eyes, and she could clearly see them in the extremely low neckline. I can't help but see that alluring deep ravine!

"Master, this is this month's expense list!" She opened the photon computer terminal, and a series of numbers were densely listed on the monitor.

For such a large sky villa, the monthly losses will naturally be considerable, and the ultimate expense is energy! Others are small numbers in comparison. He took a rough look at it and found that there was nothing wrong with it. He nodded lightly and closed the photon computer.

In fact, given that the owner has the highest control authority over the smart brain chip, there is no need to worry about the life chemical housekeeper being suspected of corruption. This kind of inspection is just a formality.

After breakfast, Shuangyan still drove him out in the spaceship.

On the vast sea, various fleets have set off, and day after day they continue to snatch food from the mouth of the God of Death. The spacecraft turned in a large circle, bypassing the operating waters of those fleets. Come to the depths of the ocean. Find the book garden

Based on the complete map of the cyanobacteria star left in the Yuangu base, Ye Qingyuan discovered dozens of noteworthy targets from which he could make enough profits while controlling risks. The commando team spent a lot of money to build a fleet, and the funds in their own accounts were less than nine thousand crystal cores. If they don't figure out how to make money, their dream of going to alien galaxies to pan for gold will probably come to nothing!

Looking at the coordinates, I have arrived at the scheduled place. He still ordered Shuangyan to go back, went down to the sea, took out a thirty-meter-long diving cabin from the space weapon belt, opened the hatch and sat in.

After starting the diving cabin, we dived all the way and soon reached the seabed at a depth of 5,000 meters.

The seabed is covered with a thick layer of milky white gravel, and the sand is dotted with blue-gray stone pillars, hugged by several people, ranging in height from tens to hundreds of meters.

The stone pillars are covered with holes the size of water tanks, and many holes reveal a white light, with faint green smoke coming out from time to time. Apparently there are a lot of living creatures living in it!

I understood something was wrong. Apart from the life forms in the stone pillars, there were no other species in this sea area. There was not even a blade of grass to be found on the nearly endless white beach! (To be continued.)

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