"A month!" Fidel said uncertainly.

"I feel it should be between two to three months!" Tian Xuanhao said, "The Federation's financial resources are strong enough, reinforcements from major countries are still there, and new reinforcements are coming! They need more from the Federation. Support it for a period of time so that they have time to deploy a new strategic line of defense and accumulate enough strength to prepare for future counterattacks! Therefore, the Federation will not fall yet!"

"It makes sense, I think so too!" Ye Qingyuan agreed.

"It won't be less than three months! And maybe even longer!" Luo Qingyue picked up the jade-colored wine glass and sipped slowly: "Once this big country collapses, it will be our Shuofeng Empire's turn to shoulder the responsibility. It’s stressful!!”

"No matter why you look at it, defending the enemy outside the country's borders is the safest option! Therefore, the empire's senior officials do not expect the Federation to collapse. They must at least hold on for a while, so that our empire's defense system will be more complete! "

"However, the current major powers have their own plans, and people are not unified!" Tian Xuanhao said, "Out of common interests, we believe that the Federation is still safe for the time being. However, all countries in the Star Sea have transitioned to a wartime system and are aggressively expanding their armaments to prepare for war. All countries are almost ready! The Federation will be like an old rag that they will throw away without hesitation!"

"You can't blame them for making such a choice!" Luo Qingyue said coldly, "The federal government is really disappointing! According to the information sources I have, in the current federation, even the slightly powerful officials are trying their best to make money. Then try to move abroad! Move to a country on the other side of the star sea, or even an alien civilization like the Eridanos Empire!"

"Their family members were no longer in the country to a large extent before the war started! This is true for cabinet officials, congressmen, and local officials! If the intelligence from the security department is correct. That federal president Tang Tingjun, this is He already had the passport of the Gennerslok Empire in his pocket! His family had immigrated there as early as when he was sworn in not long ago, and the mansion they live in is said to be comparable to the prince's villa! "

"Such a country. What future does it have?"

Everyone fell silent for a while, everyone was thinking about the future situation.

"In that case, what is our main task here now? Is it to reduce the combat effectiveness of Bocharhan's people?" After a moment, Ye Qingyuan looked at her and said.

As a senior official of the Ministry of Security, Luo Qingyue naturally had much more information than they did. That's why he asked this question.

Seeing Ye Qingyuan ask her, Luo Qingyue's face softened a little and said: "You are only talking about one aspect! Another task that is not humane to outsiders is to transfer as much resources from the Federation to the Empire as possible!"

"What?" several people asked in unison.

"The Federation cannot be saved to a large extent! But after all, it is a big country with a lot of wealth!" Luo Qingyue said with a smile, "So the new order received by the Empire's reinforcements is clear. In the fight against Bocharhanto At the same time, we will transfer the resources in the defense area as gently as possible and send them back to the country!"

"The meaning of this resource is multi-faceted. It includes high-end talents from all walks of life, as well as rare mineral resources, life body resources, folk awakeners, various advanced machine tools, and industrial equipment! Energy crystals, in bank vaults Crystal cores and various precious metal reserves! There are also large spaceships. Space ports, military industrial enterprises and other facilities!"

"Anything that can be moved will be dismantled with reasonable excuses. Pack it up and transport it away! This excuse is Bocharhan's entrustment!"

"What's the difference between doing this and...?" Tian Xuanhao whispered.

"I know what you're guessing!" The beautiful colonel gave him a sideways glance, "Isn't he just a robber? What are you embarrassed to say? That's the fact!"

"How much did our empire pay to assist the Federation? Not to mention anything else, the interest-free usury loans given to them alone amounted to hundreds of billions of crystal cores! But seeing that the Federation is about to become history, all this money It’s all wasted! You have to find ways to take it back, right? Besides, even if we don’t do this, other countries will not be idle, they have already started to take action, but everyone tacitly understands it!”

The beautiful colonel smiled like a demon who had just eaten a person: "Anyway, these things on the territory will soon change hands! Rather than leaving them to Bocharhan's entrustment, it is better to 'use' them to enrich the empire's power!" Is there anything wrong?"


"Soon. We have to transform from soldiers to bandits, right?" Fidel said gloomily.

"Of course, so you have to prepare yourself. Adapt to your new role as soon as possible!" Luo Qingyue sipped her wine gently, "And you have to work hard! I might as well give you a thorough understanding of what the senior management is saying about such a situation. The operation has a strict plan! Anyone who makes outstanding contributions in the operation will be converted into appropriate military merits and receive rewards in terms of military rank and position! This is much easier than fighting life and death on the battlefield! Therefore, everyone, please work hard!"

"The so-called people will fly away when disaster strikes! That's what it means!" Tian Xuanhao sighed softly, "It just hurts hundreds of millions of people in the Federation!"

"There's nothing to sigh about!" Luo Qingyue's voice carried a hint of chill, "If one day, our empire faces a similar situation, those countries will only search harder! Between countries , where is there any friendship at all? It’s all about interests!”

"Lieutenant Colonel, don't forget your identity! Righteousness does not lead to business, kindness does not lead to military affairs! You will be a general in the future, and this kind of personality is not suitable for your future path! Don't you feel that in a place where our empire is so close? , is the existence of such a big country a very reassuring thing? How can you allow others to snore on the side of the bed! If you have the opportunity to weaken it as much as possible, why not do it? "

Tian Xuanhao ticked the corners of his eyes, but said nothing. He knew that what the other party said made sense, but he just couldn't accept it psychologically for the moment.

Although the people here are all about the same age, this colonel has been working in the security department for a long time. What kind of conspiracy, dirty and ugly things have he never seen? The mind is naturally much more mature than theirs!

This high-end bar is not big, but it has an elegant environment and is relatively quiet. )Besides them, there were several officers and Awakened people around another table, looking at the ribbons on their military uniforms. It's an army from the Xuanluo Federation.

With the war, all industries were in ruins, but in the federal capital star field where heavy troops gathered. This sight cannot be seen yet. All walks of life are prosperous, especially the service industry. On the streets, in bars, nightclubs, and various entertainment venues, there are full-blooded soldiers wandering around everywhere, showing a kind of prosperity that reflects back on the past!

A group of people were chatting in a bar at night in Qingyuan. At this time, the voices of the officers at the table became louder, gradually attracting their attention.

"Hey! Do you know?" The leader, a colonel with an arrogant expression, said. "Marshal Bevis, the military god of the Gardre Federation, has fallen!"

"I know! This doesn't seem to be news anymore! It happened three days ago." A captain next to him responded.

"I heard that he committed suicide out of fear of crime! Hey! A majestic marshal with a staff! He died in such a useless way!" the colonel said with disdain, "It is said that he used to be the number one figure in the sea of ​​stars, but he ended up like this!"

"Yes! It's really unpredictable." A chubby major next to him said, "I remember that thirty years ago, when our Xuanluo Federation and the Gardley Federation went to war, our country's famous general Marshal Ston was defeated by him. inside!"

"At that time, Marshal Stone was a genius that our country has only seen in a century. When he first sent troops to the Gardley Federation, he took down more than a dozen vassal countries around them in less than ten days. Many heads of state even There was no time to escape! Later, he went all the way to capture the city and conquered 8 star regions of the Gadre Federation!"

"But such a famous general suffered a big loss in front of that old guy Beavis! That old guy was in the Yilan Star Territory. He only used 250,000 old-fashioned warships to defeat millions of people commanded by Marshal Ston. The elites were completely defeated! Then they intensified their efforts and fought all the way back to the Xuanluo Federation, forcing our country to cede territory and pay compensation! For this reason, the marshal was so angry that he died in depression! This old immortal!"

The colonel said with a sinister smile: "But now, the politicians of the Gardley Federation destroyed the Great Wall and forced him to death! It's a good thing for us! And that annoying Yang Long is also finished! This country has already There is no famous general who can take the stage!"

"The two of them are finished, and this country is almost finished! Bocharhan is not easy to deal with! It's just that I don't know. Those two old guys are very powerful in fighting, why are they so unbearable this time? Are you going to lose the battle?"

"What's going on! Who knows!" The fat major said while drinking. While making wild remarks: "Perhaps he is just a silver-colored wax gun head, and he likes the guy who doesn't like to use it!"

"But after all, he is a marshal with a staff. Maybe he has nothing in his stomach, right?" Another captain said.

"Maybe! However, that handsome staff is definitely not worthy of its name!" The colonel may have given too much information, and his words became more presumptuous: "Maybe his reputation is deliberately promoted by the Gardley Federation, maybe his staff is just a flower. Bought with money!”

"Haha, why didn't you say that his wife sold her butt in exchange for it..."

"That's right! Why didn't I guess that?" The fat man had a dirty smile on his face, "I never guessed that he was still an old bastard!"

A group of drunken guys began to slander the marshal's female relatives using all kinds of nasty words. But he didn't notice that in the corner, a young man stood up with eyes blazing!

"Let me tell you! There's nothing special about this handsome staff! For example, my brother!" The colonel said, "If you lead the fleet to fight, you won't have to worry about insurance, hard work, and hard battles! Not even... Um...ah!"

Before he could finish his words, a sudden plate spun at high speed and hit his mouth with a sharp sound.

Caught off guard, the colonel with the seven-star superpower was knocked over on the spot, his mouth was bleeding, and his teeth were flying all over the floor! Then the howl like a killing pig sounded.

Several guys hurriedly lifted their heads up.

"Who can't open your eyes! How dare you hit your uncle!" The fat man cursed arrogantly.


Another wine bottle flew over and suddenly "kissed" his round nose. The sound of the bridge of his nose breaking was clearly audible! The guy fell down without even making a sound!

The remaining seven or eight people were so quick to notice where the attackers came from.

"Who are you, kid? How dare you hit our brothers!" a captain cursed with a red face.

"What's wrong with beating you! Trash!" The young man cursed and waved his hand and another plate flew over.

However, this time I was prepared and the plate didn't work. The guy easily caught it and smashed it back!

"Brothers, go ahead and teach him a lesson!"

A group of awakened people from the Xuanluo Federation rushed forward with bottles of wine and curses! The young man picked up an alloy seat and faced it without fear!


He quickly swung the alloy seat in his hand several times and suddenly hit the leader on the head! There was a dull impact, and the hard seat was completely deformed. The guy shook his head, managed to steady himself, and rushed over again.

The Awakened One's physique is strong, and his resistance is far better than ordinary people. Even though the young man also has a five-star ability, against the seven-star one, just a chair is not enough to defeat him.

Several guys gathered around and punched and kicked the young man. The young man fought back without any sign of weakness!

It was probably because they drank too much and were not so clear-headed, or they looked down upon each other too much. Those guys did not use source energy on a large scale, but only relied on their physical strength to compete head-on with the young people. Otherwise, this bar would have been demolished to pieces!


The sharp sound of breaking through the air and the dull sound of gun impact caused by the rapid attack continued to sound. The seat in the young man's hand had already been kneaded out of shape like plasticine. The clothes on his body were also torn to tatters! But he still fought back fiercely.

His counterattacks are also quite methodical. He doesn't just hit back whoever hits him, but he catches the leader and beats him to death! Pay no attention to the punches and kicks of the remaining people!

A group of awakened people started to compete with each other. Even if both parties showed some restraint, the bar still suffered a disaster!

After a while, look for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com There are no complete tables and chairs around. Except for Ye Qingyuan's table, all the indoor facilities are in pieces! The exquisite and hard crystal floor tiles cracked inch by inch, exposing the reinforced concrete underneath!

The young man was already covered in blood, and three people from the Xuanluo Federation were lying on the ground and could not get up again!

Two fists were no match for five hands. There were more and more wounds on the young man's body, and his counterattack speed and strength gradually weakened.

"He can't hold it anymore! Don't stop, kill him for now!" A major yelled suddenly, "He's a bastard from the Gardley Federation, just beat him to death! It's no big deal!"


The few guys who were still standing agreed excitedly, adding a little more energy with their hands!

"These guys are really vicious!" Tian Xuanhao said with a frown.

"A bunch of scum with no moral integrity! The military discipline of the Xuanluo Federation is too lax!" Yu Jichang couldn't stand it anymore.

"I'll go help him!" Ye Qingyuan stood up. (To be continued.)

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