"While those devils haven't moved yet, let's seize the time to implement the plan!" Ye Qingyuan spun the light pen in his hand a few times quickly, clicked on one of the monitors and said: "The data shows that this area we are responsible for , with a total population of approximately 1.8 billion!”

"About one-fifth of the population has been awakened through second-level DNA, about 80 million have been optimized through third-level DNA, and about 3 million have been optimized through fifth-level DNA! They are all elites from all walks of life! Our goal is to pass the All the population with awakened third-level DNA will be transferred away, and the population with optimized second-level DNA will be selected as appropriate! Those below first-level are generally not considered!"

"This is a population transfer plan, and then there is the equipment aspect. There are thousands of large and small factories on these planets, including the largest federal mines, a first-class metal smelting research institute, 8 federal energy reserve warehouses, and several Large transport ship production line..."

The data on the photon computer is densely packed, and they are all valuable resources to collect. There are hundreds of items listed!

"These things are all included in the scheduled transfer plan. We must cooperate with our transport fleet to get them onto the spaceship at the right time and by the gentlest means possible and transfer them to our country!" Ye Qingyuan finally said. .?`c?o?m?

"Captain, will this cause a conflict? There are also some federal troops stationed there! If they want to stop them, how can we stop them?" someone asked worriedly.

"I have been told to use gentle methods as much as possible. However, if there is any problem, it won't happen!" Ye Qingyuan said coldly, "You know what to do!"

"There is no need to worry about the negative consequences. Bocharhan will take the blame for everything!"

Feimeng Star Territory Mansion, Feimeng Star.

The wealth of this planet is second to none in the entire star field, even in the Federation.

Now, the war is about to begin, and the people of Bocharhan are sharpening their swords, and this star field will inevitably be affected. People are in panic, and many wealthy people are trying to figure out how to leave.

A speed car repair center on the outskirts of the city.

"I heard. Bocharhan's people are about to call!" Geese said vaguely with half a cigar in his mouth, flipping through the news on the photon computer.

"Yes! Those man-eating devils are not easy to deal with." Tikalo, the tall and thin manager, sighed lightly, "Soon, this place will become a battlefield. By then, this business will be out of business!"

"If you can't do it, you can't do it! Anyway, I've made enough in the past few years!" Geese is open-minded, "At that time, we will go to other star regions, buy a piece of land, and open a new one!"

"This is a good idea, but boss. Now the channels to other star fields have been blocked! Civilian spacecraft are absolutely prohibited from passing! We probably won't be able to leave!" Tikaro said sadly.

"Find some connections and get a pass certificate! The worst thing is to spend more money!" Geese still didn't think there was anything to worry about.

"Relationships? There is no need to use today's relationships!" Ti Carlo shook his head and said, "Today's Feimeng Star Territory is no longer in charge of the federal government!"

"Why?" Geese's face finally turned slightly serious.

"According to the newly established decision of the seven-person joint command team, the Feimeng Star Area is already the defense zone of the Shuo Feng Empire Fleet! Since the federal army suffered heavy losses in the previous battle, they will serve as the main force to resist Bocha here. The offensive of the Erhan Tuo people! The channel blockade order was issued by the commander of their fleet! And the federal government has been evacuated at this time!"

"In other words, now I estimate that leaving this ghost place that is about to become hell! Do you have to give a gentle nod to the guys from the Shuo Feng Empire?"

"Yes, that's it!" Ti Carlo said.

"This is going to be a bit difficult!" Geese said distressedly while biting his cigar, completely unaware that the cigar had already been extinguished.

"Things are not without hope!" Ti Carlo said again, "It's just that..."

"But what? Say it quickly. Don't hesitate!" Geese said unhappily.

"People from the Empire have privately released a message, saying that the future of the Federation is in doubt. As long as you are willing to join the Empire as a citizen, you can take the Imperial transport ship to a safe star field for free! Your family and property will be protected by the Empire! "

"Is there such a good thing?" Geese asked with some confusion, "There must be conditions, right?"

"Yes, the specific situation is like this..." Ti Carlo told everything he knew.

"Only people who have awakened through third-level DNA or above have such rights? Hey... the empire's calculations are very shrewd!" Geese spit out the cigar in his mouth and said angrily: "Those ordinary people just ignore it? "

"People who have been awakened by the second-level DNA will be selected as appropriate. They have skills and talents that the empire needs. They will also be given the opportunity to immigrate. However, it is limited to themselves, and their families will not have this treatment!" Ti Carlo said, " But for those below the first grade, I generally won’t think so!”

"Don't think so? Are you going to let them fend for themselves? These guys are too cold-blooded!" Geese cursed. ?`

"You can't blame them. After all, we are citizens of the Federation, not the Empire! They have no obligation to help us!" Ti Carlo shook his head slightly, "I think their actions are easy to understand! How can there be anything in this world? Free lunch?”

"That sounds like it!" Keith picked up the cigar on the ground, lit it again, and took a deep breath: "Okay! Fortunately, I collected the funds for the awakening of the third-level DNA, and put it together a year and a half ago. The operation was done! Now there is nothing to worry about!"

"However, Ti Carlo! You are the second-grade gene, how should you deal with it?"

"Boss, my flying car maintenance skills are quite good. I have passed the federal high-quality technician qualification examination. The empire may not reject my immigration application."

"Okay! Even if you can leave, how about your wife? And your two children? I remember little Tom is not yet one year old!" Geese asked.

Tikalo buried his face in his hands and didn't make a sound for a long time, as if he was in extreme pain!

Giese stood up, took a few puffs, walked around for a while, and finally said: "Okay, old man! Don't worry! I still have several million credit points in my account, and I'll lend them to you." Let’s go! With your personal savings, you should be able to collect the cost of level three optimization! Then you can take your family with you!”

"Boss!" Ti Carlo raised his head in surprise, "That's all your savings for many years. You gave them all to me, how do you deal with them?"

"Well! If you run out of money, you can make more! It's not like we are incapable!" Gis smiled, "You have been with me for so long, what can we be polite to each other? When we go to the empire, let's open another one That’s the shop!”

"Boss..." Ti Carlo's eyes were moist.

No matter what the imperial officers and soldiers thought, the resource transfer plan was implemented in an extremely low-key manner.

All soldiers are required to keep secrets, and reporters accompanying the army have already obtained a gag order, and no words are allowed to be revealed about any situation.

The empire's approach is quite civilized, every time it reaches a planet. They will use military control as an excuse to use large-scale electromagnetic countermeasures equipment on battleships to electromagnetic shield the entire planet, turning it into an isolated "island".

Then, the security department staff accompanying the ship were dispatched, using various identities to infiltrate the people, and unhesitatingly publicized the news that the Bochar Khanto people were about to attack. Supplemented by various processed three-dimensional image data, it caused widespread panic on the entire planet!

Finally, when the time was almost up, the Imperial Fleet Commander came out to appease the people and expressed his willingness to use some transport ships to help the people move. Help the factory base relocate and so on.

Because the information channel with the outside world is completely cut off. Such an approach can indeed deceive a large portion of the public. Many people believed it to be true and rushed to the Imperial Fleet ground base to register and submit immigration applications. Leave your destiny in the hands of soldiers!

The empire will not care about ordinary people. They will only choose those outstanding talents who are of use to the empire!

When such an immigration plan is implemented, of course there will be some accidents, such as those who would rather die in the Federation than go to the Empire. The empire's approach to this was to forcefully relocate them and use force to get them onto the spaceship!

Some prefer to ignore the opportunity to immigrate for the time being because they cannot take their family members with them. For this group of people, the empire just let it go.

There are also those who, in desperation because they couldn't get a quota, gathered a crowd to attack the Imperial Army base and try to snatch the spaceship. Of course, there is nothing to say about this, so we decisively dispatch the army to suppress it!

During the entire transfer process, many people died due to various reasons, but the empire didn't care. It is impossible for such a situation to be harmonious in the first place. Hello I'm everyone is fine.

The relationship between countries is originally based on interests. The Imperial Fleet is not a charity. Everything must be considered as investment and return!

There was a discrepancy between the estimates of the imperial security department and the number of talents finally obtained was not as high as expected. Of those candidates who met the requirements, a considerable number of them left through various connections when the war first started. This is also easy to understand. These people are social elites and naturally have many connections. When control is not strict, it is quite easy to leave.

But for those mineral resources, large factories, production lines, high-precision machine tools, energy reserves and the like, most of them are well preserved and almost all have fallen into the hands of the imperial war parties!

To transfer all the wealth of so many planets away, the amount of work is not ordinary! A large number of special service personnel from the Imperial Security Department are pouring in, "scraping the ground" on all major planets every day!

On every planet, there are tens of thousands of giant transport ships with a body length of more than three thousand meters, eyeing them in low-Earth orbit. From time to time, several ships receive orders and land on the surface of the planet, packaging all kinds of materials and swallowing them. Enter the warehouse and take off!

A large number of transport ships are constantly shuttling back and forth on various planets, like a group of insatiable gluttonous beasts!

"You bastards, what do you think you're doing?"

Federal National Energy Reserve Base No. 5087. At the gate, a group of federal officials were blocked there. Facing the heavily armed imperial troops in front of them, one of the officials angrily shouted with a livid face.

"Lord Niu Yuansong, the war is about to begin. We are ordered by the military to move the supplies in this area to a safe area! Please don't stop us!"

On the Emperor's side, the leading officer wearing the rank of brigadier general said expressionlessly.

"An order from the military department? Transfer?" Niu Yuansong sneered, "Which military department is it? Transfer to where? You bastards, this is the property of the Federation! I am the top administrator of the Feimeng Star Territory, no You have no right to interfere with the consent of our government!"

"Lord Governor, according to the order of the Supreme Command Commando, this star field has become the defense zone of the imperial fleet! We have the right to intervene in everything in the prevention zone! The war is imminent, and we must concentrate all available resources to defend it. here!"

"Yes, it is your defense zone, but this is still federal territory. The people here are federal citizens, and the property here is also federal property and is protected by federal law! You have no right to infringe on our property!" Niu Yuansong argued. Strive.

"The Federation? The Federation is almost over!" the Brigadier General sneered, "Your government no longer has the power to protect you! Only we can guarantee your safety now! Don't forget that once those devils on the opposite side come over! You all They have to be used as food for those guys! Rather than making them cheap, it’s better to transfer these resources away first!”

"Sir, I personally admire your courage. Maybe you can go to our empire! There you will have the opportunity to continue to use your talents! The Federation is doomed to the end, where to go! Just watch and do it! And everyone present Gentlemen, don't you think about your future?"

Niu Yuansong's face was pale. What the brigadier said did not make him clear that the federal government had lost all its prestige. The control over local governments exists in name only. That’s why various countries embezzle federal property so unscrupulously!

But he is the highest administrator of the Feimeng Star Territory, and he cannot remain indifferent while watching outsiders plunder his people's property! In the energy base behind you are 50 million tons of high-quality energy crystals stored by the federation. Find the bookstore www.zhaoshuyuan.com He knew that what he was doing was useless, but his duty did not allow him to pretend to be deaf and dumb, so he came down with his subordinates.

It's just that the only people he can mobilize currently, apart from a group of civil servants sitting in the office, are some police officers with light equipment! The commander of the federal garrison has been unable to be contacted. Who knows what happened?

Facing the imperial mecha troops armed to the teeth, there are also a large number of awakened ones. The officials beside him began to waver, and some of them began to whisper, as if they were ready to compromise.

"You can't go in!" He still insisted.

"It seems you are stubborn!" The brigadier general had lost his patience and his eyes became sinister.

"it is my responsibility!"

"Okay! Please get on your way!" The brigadier general waved his hand, and the particle gun on a mecha beside him burst out a ball of white light, instantly opening a big hole in his chest! (To be continued.)


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