As long as these elite children can survive this war safely and earn enough credit. Naturally, you will find a good position in the empire, your status within your family's race will also rise, and your future will be bright!

The fleets of all major races were moving quickly as they approached the capital star. The huge fleet was divided into two. Except for the more than 100 warships heading to the capital star, the rest of the fleet was diverted to a nearby military base, where they would be temporarily stationed.

The federal military's welcome fleet appeared, and hundreds of luxuriously decorated silver-white ceremonial spacecraft led the way directly in front, welcoming these more than a hundred warships to the space port in the capital's star-synchronous orbit.

The highest commander of the imperial fleet stationed in the Federation, the imperial duke, first-class admiral Fang Yukun, and a group of high-ranking generals were here to greet him.

The huge battleship slowly approached the berth, the thick hatch opened, and a stream of bright mist-like liquid poured out from the hatch, connecting to the berthing platform like a living thing. After a few seconds, the liquid condensed and transformed into an arc-shaped ramp, like a beautiful white rainbow. The welcome staff of the spaceport immediately spread the golden carpet under the gangway.

Hundreds of girls, dressed in exquisite jade robes and with impeccable looks, filed out and lined up on both sides of the welcome aisle. Then a group of awakened beings with strong figures and majestic aura, all wrapped in dark purple light armor, emerged. On their shoulders, they were all decorated with a silver-white half-moon emblem.

The awakened ones spread out with skillful tactical movements and formed three lines of defense around the battleship.

"Shuoyue Guards?" Fang Yukun's eyebrows jumped, "They are indeed good elites!"

"It's just not bad!" A major general beside him said calmly. "Compared to His Highness, your personal guards are inferior, let alone the royal guards!"

"Don't underestimate them. As the number one race in the empire, why do they only have this little fighting power?" Fang Yukun said with a smile.

"That's natural. The most powerful trump card cannot be revealed until the critical moment!" The major general nodded lightly.

When the defense line of Shuo Yue's guards changed, another group of high-star awakened people wearing blood-red light armor appeared from the door and walked through the gangway in an orderly manner. A curved blade dripping with blood was engraved on their chests. The whole body exudes bursts of murderous aura!

"Blood Cloud Guards? The Yun family really showed some decent fighting power this time!" Fang Yukun gently held the hilt of the sword at his side.

"So Fang looks like the same race!" The Major General's face became solemn.

Finally, Yun Qingfeng took the lead. Under the escort of a large number of strong men with long and calm auras, hundreds of young handsome men and beauties finally walked out of the hatch and walked along the golden carpet.

These are the elite children of the Yun family who are going on this expedition. Their respective statuses can be distinguished from the nameplates on their chests. In the center, those with jade-patterned nameplates on their chests are direct descendants, those with purple-and-gold patterned nameplates are close descendants, and those with gold-patterned nameplates are collateral descendants.

"I see, the first to seventh heirs of the Yun family are all here!" Fang Yukun narrowed his eyes slightly.

"They all look like good seedlings. I don't know how many of them will come back alive this time!" the major general said with a soft smile.

"With so many strong men protecting us, there are only five strong men from Qianxing! That Yun Qingfeng's fighting power is even more surprising! There shouldn't be any surprises!" Fang Yukun said with a smile, "When this war is over, his military exploits will be outstanding. They will become important figures in the new generation power structure of the empire!"

"I hope so!" the major general said coldly.

At this time, members of other major families also got out of the battleship and gathered in the square close to the docking platform.

It can be seen that the combat effectiveness displayed by all major races this time is similar, and the Yun family has a slight advantage. Each family race has sent out a different number of direct heirs, and the total number of Qianxing powerhouses reaches nineteen!

Tens of thousands of elite awakened people gathered in the square, filled with murderous intent. Unparalleled pressure is coming! The expressions of all the experienced imperial officials present changed!

It is worthy of being a super-class race that has been inherited for thousands of years and can rival the royal family. There is no doubt about its fighting strength!

"Let's go! It's time for us to greet him!" Fang Yukun simply tidied up his appearance. Walk towards them.

"Lord Yun Qingfeng! It's been a long time!" Fang Yukun enthusiastically hugged the middle-aged man with bright eyebrows opposite him, and said with a smile: "The situation is tense now, and those devils are really difficult to deal with! You can arrive in time, but It couldn’t be better!”

"Your Highness, you're welcome! You are one of the most outstanding talents among the younger generation of the royal family. With you here, even if the battle fails for a moment, it doesn't matter! It is very easy to reverse the situation! Well..." Yun Qingfeng's face was filled with confusion. He smiled kindly, patted his shoulder in a friendly manner and said.

"What the hell! Your Majesty, you are too modest! The current situation of the empire is not very optimistic. Without your wave of assistance, we can't sustain it for much longer!" Fang Yukun said with a smile.

The two foxes, one large and one small, just smiled and said some useless polite words, and the leaders of several other major races also joined in. They said hello to each other, and after exchanging pleasantries, they boarded the welcome spaceship together. A welcome banquet has been prepared on the ground.

After the banquet, it’s time to get down to business. The empire will exchange views with several major races on the current situation, and agree on the defense zones of each major race, the cooperation between its troops and the empire, arrangements for promotion of the descendants of the major races after their meritorious service, etc.

The ancestors of the eight major families in the Shuofeng Empire were originally one with the royal family. Thousands of years ago, seven desperate miners followed the craze of interstellar exploration and came to this still wild star field. By chance, several huge crystal core deposits were discovered, which served as the starting capital. After a hundred years of struggle, this country was established.

Those seven miners are the royal family of the empire and the ancestors of the eight major families.

When the empire was first established, the seven miners were still able to work together and were as close as brothers. However, a hundred years later, as these founding fathers passed away one after another, the empire's territory grew larger and its national power flourished. The new generation of people in power no longer have the mentality of their ancestors to share weal and woe. The fascination and pursuit of power has become mainstream.

The royal family is trying every possible means to centralize power and completely control the empire, and several major races are naturally not willing to sacrifice themselves to help the royal family. Yu Ming understands that the overt and covert struggles between the royal family and the aristocratic families run through the history of the entire empire! Sometimes the royal family has the upper hand, and sometimes several major races unite to suppress the royal family. But neither one has enough power to completely eat the other!

The closest the royal family came to success was hundreds of years ago when Emperor Huiyao, Fang Hongqian, was on the throne. Relying on the help of other races, several major races were almost forced into a situation of genocide. But in the end, the goal was not achieved! Since then, the eight major families have restrained themselves a lot. Royal authority has never been stronger.

Hundreds of years have passed, and the combat power accumulated by several major families has unknowingly reached a surprising level. It is almost impossible for a single family to compare with the royal family. But the combined power of the eight families is enough to shake the imperial power!

Faced with the resurgence of the eight major aristocratic families, today's royal family will naturally not remain indifferent. Taking advantage of this foreign invasion, it became an unspoken consensus among the royal family to find ways to weaken some of their combat effectiveness. The second wave of reinforcements was sent by each major race, and it came from the emperor's order!

The top leaders of several major races are not fools. Although the emperor's orders cannot be openly violated, there must be some secret methods. If we can find an opportunity in this war. Let the royal family suffer some losses, and they don't mind stepping on it a few times!

When international public opinion described the power structure of the Shuofeng Empire, they used a vivid metaphor: "A dragon versus eight elephants!" "It has not stopped since the birth of this country. Perhaps, this pattern will continue! "

"Until this country is drowned in time!"

Not to mention the apparent incompatibility between the eight major families in the federal capital and the royal faction, the battle for the crystal core in the Rohtak Star Territory has ended, ending with the complete victory of mankind.

Although not many battleships were destroyed, the proportion of battle losses was so low that it was enough to alarm the top brass of the legion. As the first contributor, Tian Xuanhao is naturally the focus of attention.

Regretfully understood. Although he has nothing to hide, his personal situation is unique, and there is no way this kind of tactics can be generalized!

Lieutenant General Wei Dongyang, commander of the corps, was disappointed. His contribution was not ignored, and he was given the command authority to reorganize a fleet. From now on, he no longer had to do anything to help others!

The Kilizako people on the opposite side were not idle either. This failure seemed to have angered them. In the following week or so, the scale and frequency of harassing the fleet increased greatly! Later, a large number of advance fleets were simply dispatched to directly occupy the inhabited planet!

Fierce planetary battles are unfolding on various planets! In less than a week, several planets have fallen into enemy hands. The forward of the Kilizako people has pointed towards the capital of the star field - the star Rohtak!

The empire did not plan to hold on and followed the predetermined plan. It is to make use of the vast territory of the Federation to delay their attack as much as possible. At the same time, consume as much of their combat effectiveness as possible!

Therefore, in the battle for every planet. The empire will go all out, but it will never really fight them. Just focus on destroying their effective forces. When you feel it's almost done, you will evacuate directly, conserve your combat power, and repeat the same drama on the next planet!

Just two days ago, the Kilizako people began to attack the planet Rohtak. This is the capital of the entire star field, and the empire is not ready to pass it by easily.

At this time, the game in the federal capital also came to an end, and the Yun family's fleet was assigned to this star field as reinforcements. Wei Dongyang finally decided to have a serious fight with them here. Even if he couldn't defend, he would make them pay a sufficient price!

"Okay, I found another one!"

On Rohtak, in an inaccessible primeval forest, Ye Qingyuan stood on a big tree, hiding his figure under the dense canopy. Behind him were more than eight dozen companions.

More than ten kilometers away, at the edge of the virgin forest, a ground base with a structural style that is completely different from human construction is almost completed.

Since the beginning of the attack, the Kilizako people have built bases in certain important areas on the ground without scruples in order to quickly control the planet's surface, echoing the fleets in the sky in order to reduce the strategic maneuvering space of the human army!

On the premise of having control of the air and the sky, these bases are scum! It’s useless no matter how much! The fleet's main guns can easily destroy them from a high position!

However, the Kilizako people at this time used some unknown technology to hide the location of their base. Viewed from the sky, no matter how advanced the reconnaissance instruments are, they can only detect abnormalities on the ground! Moreover, the air and sky control at this time are both half and half! The fleets of both sides are confronting each other in outer space, and no one can do anything to the other! We can only maintain a balanced situation of mutual restraint!

In desperation, the military decided to send a small force to conduct on-the-spot reconnaissance. Whenever a suspicious target is found, try to destroy it as much as possible. If the target is more difficult to deal with, call in air firepower to attack it!

"Which number is this?" Reid emerged from behind him.

"This is the fifteenth one!" Hu Mu also squeezed out, "These guys are quite enthusiastic! But there is nothing useful for them on this planet!"

"The things are gone, but the territory is still there! It is a first-class administrative planet, and the geographical location is also very good! Why is it not used?" Ye Qingyuan said.

The resources of this star field have long been exhausted by the empire. After enough, the empire finally showed some kindness and relaxed the control of the waterway, allowing the civilians to find their own way to leave. Strategic Command transport ships were even dispatched to help relocate civilians. Of course, the ferry ticket is not free, and it is also surprisingly expensive! It's just that the situation forces it, and no one dares to care about anything! If the money is gone, you can make it again, but if your life is gone, there is nothing to talk about!

"Why deal with it? Should we call the guys above for help? Or should we contact several nearby units and solve it ourselves?" Hu Mu asked.

"The scale of this base is a bit larger. If I'm right, there will be about 8,000 troops inside, and there will be some powerful guys among them!" Ye Qingyuan said, "How many energy blocks and ammunition do we still have?"

"There's not much left!" Reid said. "The operations in the past few days are almost exhausted! The enemy's counterattack is very fierce, and our supply ship will take great risks to come over, so..."

In the past few days, I have been looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com Ye Qingyuan and his party discovered more than ten bases. If the scale is small, friendly forces operating nearby will be contacted and assembled to take them out. If a large base is discovered and cannot be solved by oneself, air firepower will be requested for help.

It's just that the empire's air power is not dominant, so there is not much fire support. If you call three or five times, there will only be one response at most. It's just a drop in the bucket,

"It seems that we can only expose it temporarily? Or ask those guys in the sky for help?" Ye Qingyuan frowned and said, "I don't know if they are free!"

"Let's try it!"

"Okay!" Ye Qingyuan nodded gently, and the liaison officer immediately turned on the portable hyperspace liaison device. The electromagnetic signal interference on the battlefield is beyond imagination. Only this kind of expensive space liaison device can be used without being affected!

"There's a response!" the liaison officer said happily, "The coordinates have been sent, and it says there will be a fire coverage of the target location in five minutes! The time is fifteen seconds, and then it's up to us!"

"Fifteen seconds? That's enough!" Hu Mu nodded gently and said, "Then just wait!" (To be continued.)

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