"Tell them that they must achieve complete victory! If they can't even deal with a group of weak humans, then there is no need to come back to see me! Go and repent to the great god yourself!"

A battleship numbering about nine thousand separated from the Kilizako array and rushed towards the human fleet on the opposite side.

The camp of the human fleet was stationed near the synchronous orbit of a solid planet without an atmosphere. With two mobile interstellar fortresses as the core, the commandos formed a three-dimensional "moon" formation.

When the Kilizako fleet's vanguard entered the intended firing range, the human fleet opened fire!

Nine thousand death beams that had been preparing for a long time swept across the sky, shrouding thousands of enemy warships!

Then came the second round of attacks, and the third round...

The battleship that had completed the attack immediately maneuvered in an absolute location according to the predetermined plan to avoid the enemy's return fire. At the same time, the main gun began to recharge in preparation for the next wave of strikes.

After a minute, the attack paused. All the warships were moving quickly, constantly dispersing, and the assault team was heavy. When the charging was almost complete, a new "queue moon" formation began to appear!

The "Queyue" formation is a formation that has appeared since the cold weapon era, and is good at defeating the weak with the strong. A monarch who invented this formation defeated the enemy's 70,000 elite cavalry with 20,000 old and weak soldiers! In the interstellar age, this formation still has its place!

Because the "Queyue" formation is arc-shaped, from a physical point of view, the arc can disperse the intensity of enemy attacks and has good impact resistance! As for the attacking party, since the arc-shaped attack surface is small, the closer the enemy is, the greater the blow will be!

Wei Dongyang improved this formation from a flat surface to a three-dimensional formation, which looked like a huge concave mirror. About nine thousand kilometers in front of the center of the mirror is the "death zone" where the fleet's firepower is the most intensive!

The energy efficiency of the Kilizako people's warships was better than that of humans, but after several days of observation, human wise men discovered that their strategies and tactics were not very clever. Even a little dull and rigid! When war begins. Their fleet can only charge in one go, and has never had the concept of flexibility, maneuvering, and weaving!

Why would such a powerful intelligent civilization make such low-quality mistakes on the battlefield? The wise men gave an analytical conclusion that may be close to the truth. That’s because this civilization is too powerful!

There is a famous saying in the human world: "In the face of absolute combat power, all conspiracies and tricks are meaningless!" This may be the only reasonable explanation for this abnormal phenomenon!

The Kilizako Empire has not encountered a powerful opponent for a long time! Their technology, the individual combat effectiveness of their species. With their rich heritage, no civilization in the known starry sky has the qualifications to challenge them! Except for the ancient civilization that has long been lost in the long river of time!

With no strong enemies outside and no disputes internally, some aspects of this powerful civilization have naturally deteriorated! Since you can easily win without using any strategy or tactics, why bother to study them?

It is this abnormal situation of the Kilizako people that gives the human fleet a glimmer of hope to turn defeat into victory!

Of course, this formation also has obvious flaws. That is to say, the coordination and cooperation requirements between the various squadrons are very high! If you make a mistake, you will be in danger of being penetrated by the enemy from the flank or making a massive advance from the rear flank. If the enemy outflanks you from behind, this formation will not be effective! There is only a special case like the Kilizako people. Only then did this formation have a place to use! By using this slightly conservative style of play, you can effectively kill the enemy while protecting yourself to the maximum extent!

The enemy fleet's counterattack soon arrived, with countless green beams pouring towards the human fleet. The energy shield of any warship hit by the beam was easily torn, and the ship's hull disintegrated silently, with almost no officers and soldiers inside. Spared!

A wave of attacks came down, although the human fleet tried its best to dodge. The number of hit battleships is still more than that of the enemy, and the exchange ratio between the two sides is almost one to two!

"Inform all squadrons. The original plan remains unchanged!" Wei Dongyang looked sternly and ordered in a deep voice: "The formation gradually moves forward. Increase the intensity of the attack and definitely block this fleet! Let the mecha army and the awakened army Be prepared to implement the second-star segment plan!"

"Also, tell Yun Qingfeng that the Yun family has any other trump cards that they can take away now!"

Queyue's formation moved slowly. Under the precise control of Wei Dongyang, the firepower concentration point in the center of the formation began to slowly adjust its direction, sweeping towards the densely populated areas of enemy warships.

"Commander, the 8305th to 8323rd fleets have arrived at the scheduled attack position, and the main guns have been charged!"

"Okay, inform them to immediately carry out a covering strike on D6, with an output operation rate of 90%!" Wei Dongyang ordered.

The order is transmitted to the relevant fleet through the hyperspace liaison device at an almost infinite speed. The part that received the command reacted immediately. With the cooperation of the photon computer and the fire control instructor, just one second later, the target place was hit by a violent storm!

The reason why the hyperspace liaison device is used as the first choice for battlefield information exchange at such a close distance is that the Kilizako people have a strong ability to interfere with signals. In order to minimize the probability of variables, This extremely costly method of contact has to be used.

The main guns of the 90,000 battleships opened fire at once, and nine thousand watts of blazing blue beams instantly poured out of the muzzles and rushed towards the target in the distance! Before the Kilizako people on the opposite side had time to react, they were violently blasted. Covered by a tidal wave of energy!

The orange fireballs generated by the explosion of the battleship emerged one after another. The originally powerful energy shield cracked like pieces of paper and collapsed under the intensive artillery fire! The solid battleship shell was directly vaporized by the terrifying high temperature! By the time this wave of attacks was over, more than a thousand battleships had been turned into space junk forever!

After the attack, the battleship group immediately moved back, with the energy reactor operating at full operating rate, racing against time to replenish energy for the main gun and prepare for the next wave of attacks! At the same time, the defensive cover was opened to the extreme, and the area in front of the battleship facing the enemy fleet's gun muzzle was heavily blessed! To cope with the ensuing counterattack!

The Kilizako people quickly counterattacked. The main guns of about 30,000 warships were aimed in this direction. A second later, more violent artillery fire suddenly came back!

Although the fleet performed evasive maneuvers immediately after the attack, it was for the sake of maintaining its formation. The range of their movement cannot be too large, and the enemy's counterattack is fast enough. There are still thousands of warships that have no time to move out of the opponent's fire coverage. In an instant, he was annihilated by fierce artillery fire! There was a crack in the originally neat formation.

Soon, the reserve fleet at the rear of the formation was replenished. Repair the cracks. The entire attack formation was still tight and there was no gap to take advantage of. As the admiral's second order was issued, the fifteen fleets on the left wing moved forward slightly, and the fully charged main guns were aimed at the center of the opponent's formation.

"At location A1, the output operation rate is 90%. After the attack is completed, your troops will immediately maneuver according to the planned plan, and the space fighters are ready to dispatch!"

The order was followed to the letter. The target place was enveloped in an overwhelming fire net a second later. When the energy of the main guns was released, the fleet immediately separated to both sides, retreated to the rear of the formation, and then returned to the main formation after going in a circle. Behind them, nine thousand miserable green beams of light almost grazed their butts and chased them. Fortunately, the fleet's luck was pretty good this time and they generally avoided the attack.

The beam passed through the fleet and hit several meteorites passing by in the distance. Stones thousands of meters in size were blasted into dust in an instant! The counterattack of those guys was really fierce!

The Kilizako fleet was in the shape of a long and narrow cone, with the tip of the cone facing the direction of the human fleet array. From the beginning, the commander leading the team ordered the most violent attack and the fastest speed to attack the human fleet, striving to destroy their formation in one fell swoop. Thus establishing the victory!

As the distance between the two sides gradually approaches, under Wei Dongyang's deliberate arrangement, the tip of the cone has slowly entered the center of the Queyue formation, which is the most lethal place!

"How much strike power do we have at our disposal right now?" Watching the other party fall into the trap set by his side in confusion, a sneer appeared at the corner of Wei Dongyang's lips.

"Excluding the Yunzhou and Zhou fleets, there are five to nine thousand battleships whose main guns have been charged!" the adjutant beside him responded immediately.

"Leave 20% of the battleships temporarily to hold back fire to deal with possible accidents. The remaining battleships should aim at the densest position of the opponent's fleet! Shoot at full operational rate!"

Five to nine thousand warships, millions of main guns fired at the same time, the momentum was earth-shaking! Countless death beams flashed in an instant. Cover the entire front half of the cone-shaped fleet!

"After the attack is completed, the entire formation accelerates forward! Half of the space fighters are dispatched. All battleships' secondary guns fire and attack the opponent's wounded battleships with all their strength! Try to maximize the results!"

"The fleets of the Yunzhou and Zhou families are preparing for the next round of attack. Then the fully charged Imperial fleet will carry out the third round of attack! After the attack, the mecha army will be dispatched immediately!"

"Inform Tian Xuanhao that they can prepare for action!" Wei Dongyang issued the order in an orderly manner.

A few seconds later, the first round of strikes ended. It seemed that the effect was better than expected, and the scene at the target place was terrible! About 20,000 battleships were completely destroyed, and the same number of battleships had their energy shields collapsed, leaving their hulls undefended and exposed to the cannons of the human fleet.

Battleships, space fighters and secondary guns that have lost their energy shields can blast away their armor, severely damaging or even destroying them completely!

After the battleship's energy shield collapsed due to the excessive attack force it endured in an instant, it was overwhelmed. Just restart the shield generator, replenish energy, and you'll be back in no time! It's just that every second counts on the battlefield. These tens of seconds, which may seem insignificant in ordinary times, actually determine the life and death of the fleet at critical moments!

The destruction of the more than 20,000 injured warships is a foregone conclusion under the focused "care" of countless space fighters and millions of secondary guns!

The commander of the Kilizhako fleet, Bizak Charhan, was not affected by this round of attacks. His ship was located behind the center of the conical formation. Even so, it was also shocked by the sharp blow of the human fleet. When it came to its senses and saw the miserable state of its own fleet, it couldn't help but become furious!

"Damn it! How can these hateful humans have such powerful firepower?" It roared through gritted teeth, "How dare they cause such heavy losses to our fleet? This group of humans is only worthy of the great Kilizako. The guys who treat this race as food! They all must die! Attack, order all the battleships to attack me with all their strength!"

Under its almost irrational order, the Kilizako fleet that could still fire all fought back like crazy, and light cannons of various calibers vented their firepower on the human fleet as if they were worthless!

The human fleet was not to be outdone. While trying its best to dodge, the second wave of attacks soon came! The private fleets of the two major families are more advanced than the standard battleships of the Imperial Regiment, with larger main guns and more powerful firepower! In an instant, the second half of the conical array was also enveloped!

After another round of attacks, the Kilizako people's conical array could still remain intact. There were less than 3,000 warships. Those were the personal guards of Commander Bizak Charhan. Their energy efficiency was compared with ordinary ones. The battleships should be one level stronger, and they should be hidden deep in the formation, using their subordinate battleships as human shields! This way it can withstand the covering attack of the human fleet!

"Why did you do it?" Inside the spherical fortress, the commander stared at the image fed back on the crystal projection sand table and cursed angrily: "Bizak Charhan, this waste! Nine thousand battleships can't even take care of a group of incompetent humans. ! Is this a very difficult thing? It’s really a disgrace to the great Kilizako race!”

"Order Guli Qiqike to find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com and let him lead 29,000 battleships to attack! We must definitely clean up those hateful humans! But for that incompetent Bizak Charhan, call him Go and bring back the opponent’s commander’s head! Otherwise, it can just go see the master by itself!”

More battleship groups swarmed out of the Kilizako camp and rushed over.

The previous nine thousand warships had been eaten by the human fleet, but their counterattack before their death also cost the human fleet a huge price! About 80,000 warships were destroyed, and many were injured and withdrawn from the battle!

"Reorganize the formation. The injured warships can withdraw from the rest! The enemy's reinforcements have arrived, be careful!" Wei Dongyang ordered.

At this time, in an asteroid belt thirty light seconds away from the battlefield.

Tian Xuanhao, who had been promoted to colonel, finally obtained the qualification to command a fleet by himself, and for the success of this operation, Wei Dongyang specially dispatched an additional fleet and put it under his command. This is also the ultimate number of battleships that he can command with his current capabilities. (To be continued.)

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