Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 531: The great country relies on political tactics

"Since we have such excellent qualifications, it shouldn't be difficult to break through to Qianxing. It's just a matter of time! Do you think we will regret it with a future Qianxing?"

This is indeed reasonable. Ye Qingyuan thought for a moment and finally said: "Okay! You have convinced me!"

"You agreed?"

"Of course! You should have prepared the relevant documents? Take them out and let me take a look!" He said with a smile.

He guessed right. Each of the eight people immediately took out a paper contract and signed their names on it!

In the interstellar era, most information carriers are photonic computers and various large-capacity chips, but for some particularly important documents, humans still prefer such things with black and white words!

He read it carefully and signed his name on it. The status of king and minister is thus established! I originally understood that if it was to be held in public, a solemn and grand ceremony would be held, witnessed by high-quality lawyers, and some prominent figures would be invited to watch the ceremony! It’s just that the current situation is special, so everything has been simplified!

The eight people are Hu Mu, Reid; Frank, Zhao Qingyang, Liu Delin, Wu Hongbin, and Qi Wei. Among them, Hu Mu is an eight-star awakener, Reid and Zhao Qingyang are eight-stars, and the remaining three are all five-stars.

"Okay! The names have been decided. You guys can follow me when we go to war from now on! As long as I don't die, I can always protect you!" Ye Qingyuan said, "But you don't need me for what you should do. Don’t say more, you just know it yourself!”

"I will obey the master's order!" 8 people responded in unison.

At this moment, the closed door of the practice room opened again, and Luo Qingyue rushed in like a whirlwind.

When she saw Ye Qingyuan, her expressionless face showed a genuine smile and said softly: "So you are here! Make it easy for me to find you!"

"Oh, is something wrong?" Ye Qingyuan put away the documents calmly. He asked with a smile.

"Follow me!" She was a little shy, but she still took his hand and pulled him towards the door. From beginning to end, he didn't even look at those eight people.

The few guys standing aside looked at each other. There was a smile on his face that only men knew.

Inside the huge battleship, the commando team members were busy at their respective posts. It was difficult to see many people in the wide corridor. In fact, they are the only awakened people like them. Or the soldiers of the Mecha Legion, so they have time to visit everywhere.

The two of them walked slowly along an aisle. Luo Qingyue lowered her head and never made a sound. Calling Ye Qingyuan out had already exhausted the little courage she had. She originally thought she would have no problem saying anything, but now she was so nervous that she forgot about it!

It's so pitiful, except for her brother. She has never expressed kindness to any man directly before! Since the day she was born, she has been trained as an agent and a killing tool. She knows nothing about these emotional things. I am afraid that a primary school student is better than her! She really didn't know how to interact with a man.

Just when she was at a loss for words, Ye Qingyuan spoke at the right time and resolved her dilemma.

"Have you become a star yet?" he asked gently.

"Yeah! Yes, we are already at the peak of eight stars!" She took a breath, nodded hurriedly and said: "The accumulation was enough in the first place, but I was just worried about the stability of the genes, so I never dared to advance. !Now that I have that treasure, everything falls into place!”

Sure enough, feeling the huge and pure source energy in her body and the new and prosperous vitality are completely different from before! She at that time. Although her combat power is quite good, as long as her brainwaves are sharp enough, she can notice that her energy aura is slightly messy and her vitality is dim! This situation is usually a sign that genes are on the verge of collapse! I don’t know how much Luo Hanxing paid to save the life of his sister!

"I feel that the effect of that thing has not completely disappeared. After a while, maybe it can be upgraded to another star!" She smiled, no longer worried about her life. She smiled very easily and her face was bright. Brilliant! Ye Qingyuan couldn't help but take a few more glances.

The two of them walked and chatted, and soon arrived outside the main control room of the battleship. Luo Qingyue stood still at the door. She glanced at him lightly, but hesitated to speak.

"Is there anything else you want to say to me?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"This... is for you!" After hesitating for a long time, she took out a small box from the space ring, stuffed it into him and said: "My brother gave this to me. I know you have a lot of good things, but maybe I love this! But it’s still a good weapon and can be used at key moments!”

"No problem, thank you!" He said warmly, but received a blank look from the other party.

"Are you still telling me this?" she said angrily, "I owe you such a big favor, and I don't have anything to thank you for. Don't take it to heart! Hmph!"

She unconsciously blushed again, and she thought about saying something else, but she didn't. Finally, she pushed him towards the door and ran away!

Staring at her beautiful back that was quickly retreating, Ye Qingyuan smiled and tickled the corners of his eyes, suddenly realizing that this girl was quite interesting.

Sensing someone approaching, the main control room door automatically opened to both sides and let him in.

In the main control room, dozens of staff members were busy in their respective places. The newly promoted fleet commander Tian Xuanhao was sitting in the main seat, staring at the huge monitor in front of him, fascinated.

"How is the battle going?" Ye Qingyuan walked over and asked.

On the monitor, the imperial fleet and the Kilizako fleet were fighting fiercely.

"It's more difficult!" Tian Xuanhao withdrew his gaze, "Commander Wei Dongyang's commanding ability is about right, but he doesn't have much advantage at the moment, and the Kilizako people are increasing their offensive intensity! The battle situation is gradually turning towards No, there’s no problem with the direction of evolution!”

"Don't we still have some cards to play?"

"It's hard to guess what the Yunzhou family is thinking!" Tian Xuanhao said with twitching eyes, "These major races in the empire have always been in harmony with the royal family. Although they have agreed to participate in the war this time, don't expect them to use their full strength!"

"They won't take out this trump card easily until the critical moment!"

"Don't they understand the meaning of death and coldness of lips and teeth?" Ye Qingyuan asked with some dissatisfaction.

"Everyone understands the principle, but doing it is another matter!" Tian Xuanhao sighed softly, "These races. The first thing they think about is their own interests, and the second is From the empire! How can they really contribute if they don’t earn enough benefits for themselves first?”

At this time. The battle situation on the monitor has entered a white-hot stage.

The 29,000 new warships that the Kilizako people have joined the battle circle have put a lot of pressure on the human side! If it were just a battleship, it would still be bearable. It's just that five spherical war fortresses with a diameter of 80 kilometers were added to it, which greatly increased the opponent's firepower!

Wei Dongyang immediately adjusted his formation, and the tight Queyue formation began to spread moderately to avoid being concentratedly bombarded by the main artillery of the war fortress. At the same time, the main guns of our own battleships were accelerated and recharged, and the original attack plan was modified. The next round of attack targets were prioritized on those fortresses!

The main gun firing frequency of the human fleet is every fifty-five seconds. It cannot be shortened any further, otherwise the output operation rate of the energy reactor cannot keep up. The Kilizako's firing frequency is almost every eighteen seconds. Moreover, the power is much greater than that of the human fleet. The energy shield of the battleship cannot withstand a single bombardment! For this reason, the Imperial Regiment suffers a lot!

Fortunately, there were only 29,000 enemy fleets participating in the battle at this time. The human fleet had an absolute numerical advantage and their tactical coordination was excellent. This way they achieved greater results.

"Commander, the main guns of the 17th to 39th and 51st to 78th fleets have been charged!" the adjutant reported back.

"Okay, order them to aim at the first and second targets and bombard them at full operating rate!" Wei Dongyang stared at the monitor. The five behemoths in the enemy battleship group suddenly ordered.

Two thick white lights cut through the universe and shot towards the densest center of the enemy fleet! The edge of the beam. You can clearly see cracks that are even more eerie and profound than the dark universe! Ninety thousand warships bombarded a target at the same time, and the huge energy tide affected the structure of space!

The beam rushed into the fleet without any hindrance, and the battleship blocking the front turned into space dust in a ten thousandth of a second! After breaking through more than twenty energy shields on the outer layer of the fortress, it hit the outer wall of the fortress heavily!

The outer wall of the fortress, which is thousands of meters thick, still cannot block the destruction beam that has been greatly attenuated by the energy shield. It is melted and vaporized layer by layer under the terrifying high temperature of tens of millions of degrees! The fragile internal structure is exposed!

In the universe, two brilliant colorful fireworks suddenly exploded! The countless elite warriors inside turned into space dust. The violent shock wave knocked the surrounding battleships into pieces! For a time, the formation of the Kilizako people was completely chaotic.

With one full blow from nine thousand warships, two Kilizako war fortresses were destroyed. There were tens of thousands of warships that were closer to the enemy, and they were all beaten into space dust!

Two crimson balls of light flew out from the center of the explosion. Rushing towards the Kilizako people's main formation with great swiftness. Those are two powerful beings who at least have the fighting power of Mo Jing to lead them! The energy shield and the fortress body have withstood most of the power of the destruction beam, and they are powerful enough on their own. That's why I was lucky to escape from this big explosion!

The commander of the Kilizhako fleet was furious and immediately ordered to fight back at all costs! Soon, the remaining three fortresses, together with the battleships that had recovered, opened fire fiercely!

Although the human fleet immediately organized its formation and tried its best to evade after the attack, more than 80,000 warships were still hit by the enemy. For a while, the universe was filled with bursts of dark red fireballs! It looks poignant, touching and tragic! Based on an average of 500 people on a battleship, this wave of enemy attacks caused more than 30 million living individuals to return to eternal darkness! Only a very small number of awakened people with strong enough individual combat power may escape the disaster.

The cruelty of interstellar war is so real and true that it can be seen before everyone's eyes!

"Reorganize the formation immediately, retreat the injured warships to rest, and order the reserve team to fill the gap! The fully charged warships immediately carry out a suppressive attack on the enemy fortress!" Wei Dongyang ordered through gritted teeth. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails had scratched deeply into his flesh, and traces of blood slowly seeped out.

A few seconds later, the second wave of attacks from the human fleet was launched, killing two war fortresses again!

The threat of the Kilizako fleet, which had only one fortress left, was greatly reduced. After a brief period of chaos, the human fleet reorganized its formation and fought steadily. Although there were heavy casualties, the unfavorable situation was quickly restored!

The two sides then exchanged bombardments. The well-trained, well-organized commandos, and orderly advance and retreat of the human fleet paid a huge price, and after half an hour, they successfully reduced the number of 29,000 warships to less than 80,000! All five fortresses were destroyed! But the losses to the human fleet were actually even greater. More than 250,000 warships were destroyed. Adding the losses in the first round of battles, the battle loss rate of the human fleet had exceeded one-fifth at this time!

However, the battle is not over yet. The enemy still has three to nine thousand warships and ten war fortresses that have not yet been dispatched. There is still no dawn of victory in this battle!

"These weak humans seem to have some abilities!" In the fortress, the commander looked at the projection on the crystal sand table and said to himself.

"To be able to cause such heavy casualties to the great Kilizako race, it seems that I miscalculated beforehand! To deal with such a not too weak civilization, we must use all our strength to win!"

"Order the remaining fleet to attack together!"

"The situation is not good!" Tian Xuanhao said with some worry as he looked at the Kilizako people's main formation that was beginning to mobilize.

"Three hundred and seventy thousand versus ninety-nine thousand, our fleet still has a greater advantage! However, those guys are indeed powerful!" Ye Qingyuan stared at the monitor and said slowly, "The ultimate threat , it should still be the ten war fortresses, right?"

"Yes, as long as we destroy those big guys, we still have a glimmer of hope." Tian Xuanhao agreed, "It's just that it's difficult to do now. They must have figured it out and won't let human beings' guesswork succeed. !”

"Now, it depends on what trump cards those two races have, otherwise, we're afraid we'll all be here!"

"That's not necessarily the case. At least the batch of battleships your boy leads will be fine!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile.

"Don't think too much of me! What little ability I have, hey!" Tian Xuanhao touched his nose and said, "If I were put in the position of Commander Wei Dongyang, I wouldn't necessarily be better than him. Do better, maybe even worse!”

"At least I currently don't have the ability to really influence the course of the war!"

"If used properly, ten thousand warships can do a lot of things!" Ye Qingyuan asked, "The enemy has begun to fight with all his strength. When will we attack?" (To be continued.)

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