"My father left this to me!"

"A despicable and dirty bastard! He is not qualified to use this sword!" he said harshly.

"You..." Ye Qingyuan was furious, "Old dog! Do you really think I can't kill you? Who do you think you are? Commander Mo Jing?"

In anger, he planned to lose ten phantom war figures, and this old guy would be reincarnated in the cycle of life and death!

"Wait a minute!" A humanoid afterimage flew quickly and stopped him.

He took a closer look and saw that Luo Hanxing had arrived.

"Even if you kill him, the matter will not be resolved, it will only get worse!" The general whispered to him, "Don't be impatient! I will handle everything!"

Then, he said loudly: "Lord Yun Qingfeng, you ignored the laws of the empire and attacked the officers of the empire. I will report this matter to His Majesty the Emperor and issue a question to the head of the family! You should go back and figure out how to deal with it, right?"

"Today's matter ends here. If there is a similar situation in the future, I will exercise the power granted to me by His Majesty the Emperor and impose the most severe sanctions on the relevant personnel! I hope you will not make a mistake!"

Yun Qingfeng's face was extremely ugly, and he sneered and said: "Okay! Very good! I remember, that bastard, just wait for me!"

With that said, he took off from the ground and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant.

"One day, I will chop off your head with my own hands and make it into a wine bowl!" When he left, Ye Qingyuan's cold mental fluctuations entered his mind.

Back at the base, Ye Qingyuan was still furious.

"This old dog! We will fight until death!" he said suddenly. He picked up the teacup on the table and threw it against the wall.

The cup easily penetrated the half-meter-thick alloy wall and flew away for a while! A piercing siren sounded.

Luo Hanxing waved his hand and signaled the guards who came after hearing the news to retreat. Locking the door, he said: "Of course this matter is not over! Since the Yun family has targeted you, they will not let it go! They will also mobilize a large number of resources to deal with you. Until you are completely wiped out!"

"I don't doubt their determination, but I am currently an officer of the Imperial Regiment. If they want to kill me, they won't ignore the royal family's reaction, right?" Ye Qingyuan said. "Unless the Yun family plans to completely fall out with the royal family!"

"That's what I say! But it also depends on what the head of the Yun family thinks! In fact, the Yun family has no conflict with you. The conflict is between you and the prince named Cheng Guiyun! It's him who wants to If I kill you, it doesn’t mean that the entire Yun family will have trouble with you!"

"Can't the family head represent the entire family race?" he asked.

Luo Hanxing smiled and said: "Of course not. Although the head of the family manages the entire family race, it does not mean that all the resources of the family race are in his own hands. There are also many powerful figures and the family race's Venerable Association. It’s not something he can control. However, after all, the head of the family is the highest leader of the family race, and the various powers and resources he holds in his hands are quite surprising.”

"This time. It should be Cheng Guiyun who has murderous intentions against you and instructs Yun Qingfeng to kill you with a sneak attack to avoid future troubles!"

"Why does this family leader want to kill me? It seems that I have never seen him!" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"It's not you, it's your father who had some festivals with him back then!" Luo Hanxing said, "Your parents probably never told you, so you don't know anything about it!"

"That's right, they never expected that one day I would be related to the Yun family!" He said: "What is going on? General, you must know, right?"

"I almost know a little bit. But not everything!" Luo Hanxing took a sip from the tea cup in front of him and said slowly: "Although the previous head of the family, Yun Tianque, had many wives and concubines, he did not have many children. He only had two sons and one daughter, yours After your uncle was the first heir, he died in an accident that year. Your father became the popular candidate to be the next head of the family!"

"It's a pity that something happened to your father later. He turned against the family leader and was expelled from the family race! And the third-ranked heir was also deprived of the qualification of heir because he committed a major mistake! From then on, it was the turn of the third-ranked heir. The fifth heir, the current head of the family, Cheng Guiyun, takes over!"

"Three heirs have had accidents happen one after another, which naturally has a huge blow to the reputation of the family race. It has also caused various judgments from the outside world, but the truth is. Only the parties involved really know! According to the situation ascertained by the secret spy agency of the Imperial Household Office at the time, all All the evidence points to the current head of the family, Cheng Guiyun!"

"You mean. He did all this?"

"Maybe! Although the evidence is insufficient, it is an indisputable fact that he was the ultimate beneficiary of the entire incident!" Luo Hanxing said, "This family head, because of his limited talent, is not suitable for practicing supernatural powers. Until now, it is said that he is the ultimate beneficiary." Only a five-star level! The reason why he rose to the top was because of his outstanding brains and scheming! In addition, he made a lot of contributions to his family's race, and married the fifth heir, and won the position behind her. With the support of the direct lineage forces, this way Fang can stand out among many competitors and win the big position!"

"He wants to kill you now, or maybe he is worried that what happened back then will be exposed, so that he will not be able to tell the clan's lords! In order to maintain his status, he has done a lot of shameful things over the years! And this person The ambition is not small, and he is one of the key targets of the royal family!"

"I know! What he values ​​​​is nothing more than the power in his hands!" Ye Qingyuan muttered, "It's just that I don't know the rights and wrongs of the grudges back then, and I have no intention of being an enemy of him! Why does he definitely want to put me to death? ?”

"Even if you don't know clearly, you have no intention of competing with him for power, but he doesn't think so himself! There are some factions in the family who have lost power. In order to regain power, they may use you to make a fuss and force him to do certain things. Concede! Therefore, in his view, you are a factor that threatens the stability of our race and a scourge that threatens his throne of power! Let you disappear forever! In fact, it is a decision once and for all!"

"I never expected that I would be on the opposite side of them. I thought that even if they refused to admit me, at least they wouldn't do it so cruelly!"

"You think, why do they say they are from the same race as you, with the same blood flowing in their bodies, so they always take into account a trace of family affection, right?" Luo Hanxing said.

"Isn't that so?"

"You are still a little naive. It seems that I need to explain it to you in detail!" Luo Hanxing said with twitching eyes, "A common race only needs to be passed down for more than ten generations. The blood relationship between different races is very weak. Oh! What’s more, it’s a super-class race like the Yun family that has lasted for thousands of years!”

"Now this family race has more than ten direct branches, more than fifty close branches, and hundreds of collateral branches! There are also distant branches and countless vassal small families! The entire family race. The population of direct descendants alone is There are millions of them! Although these different direct descendants all have the same surname, the blood relationship is extremely thin and almost non-existent!"

"You are from the lineage of the previous head of the family, Yun Tianque, and the current head of the house is from the line of Yun Qingfeng. In fact, there is not much connection between the blood lines between them! You just go to the street and grab a random person named Yun to compete with you. If you look at the genes, the blood relationship will almost always be closer than them!"

"Besides, that's not the point of the problem!" Luo Hanxing said solemnly, "In the face of huge power and wealth, all so-called family ties are a joke! Even if you are their relative, so what? For profit. Father and son are at odds with each other, and the same roommates are at war with each other. A lot of things have happened in the past! Why should you be an exception?"

"I understand, you are right!" After a long silence, Ye Qingyuan finally breathed out and said bitterly: "Originally, I also knew this truth, but I still had a trace of luck in my heart! Now that we have broken up, There is no point in talking more, the only thing you can do is prepare yourself for the upcoming challenges!”

"That's right! The Yun family's next actions will be endless. Once the head of the family knows that you have moved closer to the empire, he will definitely use the huge potential power of his family's race in the military and political circles to deal with you! He will even ask other races for help. , I will strangle you at any cost!"

"How should I correct this?" Ye Qingyuan asked.

"You don't have to worry too much!" the general said with a smile, "I brought a supernatural legion from the Imperial Security Department this time. There are also a thousand 'flying jackal' guards entrusted to me by Her Royal Highness the Princess, which are secrets directly under the royal family. Elite! There are five Qianxing strong men! I will arrange for them to pay close attention to the movements of the Yun family! I will inform His Majesty the Emperor of the matter and put pressure on the Yun family through the upper levels. Even if the head of the family cannot be exposed temporarily, at least We need to make him have some scruples and not dare to do anything too blatantly!"

"But for you, the current task is to step up your efforts to improve your combat effectiveness! Make a lot of military exploits! Only then can I speak for you, and the higher ups will pay more attention to you! The higher your status, the less they can do to touch you. It’s getting more and more difficult! You know?”

"Got it!" He nodded lightly. "If they attack me in the future, how should I respond? I have to fight back, right?"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess has already said. Except for those direct heirs, you cannot kill! Anyone else who dares to attack you." Luo Hanxing said coldly, "Kill without mercy!"

"The operation failed?"

Cheng Guiyun couldn't believe his ears, and shouted with a livid face: "You took action yourself, a bastard with only eight stars, how could he escape? Even Qianxing couldn't. Isn't he a god?"

Suddenly, his eyes turned cold, and he asked coldly: "I know, it's definitely you who is letting the water go, right?"

"Nonsense! Why might I hold back?" Yun Qingfeng in the three-dimensional image said angrily, "That kid has a very powerful piece of equipment on him, at least it's a divine weapon, no! It should be a divine weapon! That's why he blocked that fatal blow. !”

"Moreover, the guy from the Qi family was there at the time. Without him infiltrating, the second attack should be able to kill him! Later, even Luo Hanxing from the security department came to join in the fun! How do you want me to intervene?"

"The Qi family? Are the people from the Imperial Security Department protecting that kid?" Cheng Guiyun frowned slightly, "What does this mean?"

“The Qi family must have considered recruiting him,” Yun Qingfeng analyzed, “But as for Luo Hanxing, he is a confidant of Her Royal Highness the Princess, and judging from his tone, the Princess already knows about this and intends to infiltrate it! That means……"

"say what?"

"He may have completely fallen to the empire!" Yun Qingfeng said coldly.

"It should be like this, otherwise why would the other party protect him like this?" Cheng Guiyun sneered, "Now that this has happened, he will only live longer if he hugs the princess's thigh tighter!"

"However, as an enemy of the Yun family! No one can protect him!" The head of the family said grimly, "As long as the enemy of Cheng Guiyun is the royal family, don't expect to protect him!"

"Why are you planning to do this? This is the first time, that kid will definitely be wary of our people. It will be much harder to attack us in the future!" Yun Qingfeng said, "Luo Hanxing has already used the power at hand to start monitoring us. , and our people are not allowed to get close to the headquarters of the 17th Legion easily! That kid has never been outside recently, and I don’t know what he is doing!”

"As long as he is still a member of the Imperial Regiment, there will always be a time when he comes out to join the war!" Cheng Guiyun had calmed down and began to think quickly: "As long as he leaves the base again, we will have a chance! For example, using the family Due to his connections in the military, I figured I could transfer him away for a period of time to carry out some dangerous tasks!"

"This is not feasible!" Yun Qingfeng said with some disapproval, "That Wei Dongyang is from His Highness Fang Yukun, and he is almost from the royal family. Franz, the commander of the 17th Legion; Augustin comes from the Augustin family race , He has no friendship with us at ordinary times! He may not be willing to help! But there is no need to say anything about that Alves!"

"Although these people cannot be relied upon, their subordinates may not all be of the same mind as them!" Cheng Guiyun sneered, "We also have some people who serve as mid-level officers in that war zone. Looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com In order to avoid causing trouble to the empire Due to the attention of the intelligence department, they are usually not used. Now for this kid, you can use some! In addition, if you temporarily bribe some people, anything can happen on the battlefield. As long as you create an accident! This redundant situation can be solved. Nosy business!”

"Okay! I'll do it right away!" Yun Qingfeng said.

"Notify me, as long as I can kill that kid! The family race will give a huge reward of one billion crystal cores!" Cheng Guiyun said, "If someone from the family race completes the task, in addition to the reward, there will be additional rewards. Benefits, for example, one artifact after another! You can also get a good position within the family to manage several rich resource planets and so on! As long as they can do this well, I, Cheng Guiyun, will not treat me badly. them!"

Yun Qingfeng's eyelids twitched. This reward is really heavy! Even he was a little moved!

"No problem, I understand! We will definitely get this done as quickly as possible!" Yun Qingfeng nodded lightly and turned off the monitor.

Poor guy, I don't know what you are doing now? Don't think that just because the empire is protecting you, you can sit back and relax! Seize the time and enjoy the little time left, your head will be delivered to the head of the family soon! (To be continued.)

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