This is a bit difficult to handle. His current equipment is all of high quality, but compared with the danger he is about to face, it is still not good enough! But as a newly promoted brigadier general, the highest grade equipment he could get was five-star grade. It is difficult to buy 8-star equipment. It is a truly rare resource, and only a few big forces have some reserves. But for sub-artifacts, there are even higher-grade artifacts! Those are something that can only be found, and there are only a few dozen of them in the imperial royal family! Those who have been famous for a long time and are strong men with twelve stars or above only have one artifact in their hands at most! There are only a few artifacts in the treasury of a big country!

That time the Yun family dispatched all their manpower, and all the supernatural equipment that had been preserved on site became his trophies, including Yun Qingfeng's sword "Ting Tao" and another sub-artifact dagger "Shadow Demon" Sturgeon's shackles." There are also a lot of five-star and 8-star weapons! But what he needs most right now is powerful enough defensive equipment. If he can get a set of light armor that is at least a sub-artifact, it will be of great benefit to deal with the dangerous situation in the future! It's a pity that he was just guessing, and there was no way he could buy this kind of equipment if he had the money! We can only slowly figure out the means in the future!

In an underground base of the Imperial Security Department, Luo Hanxing stood at the door of a secret research institute with a gloomy face, staring at the countless busy human figures inside, silent.

"General!" a school officer beside him called softly.

"What's the situation?" He stared at him coldly.

"It's not optimistic!" He responded helplessly, "That blow hurt her too seriously! Although the rescue was timely, the physical damage has been repaired as much as possible! But that weapon contained a genetic virus, and there was no way to find it in the hurry. But there’s a way to crack it! Her genes… are already showing signs of instability!”

"It's irreversible?"

"This will continue to be observed for a period of time. If the situation does not worsen, there is almost hope of recovery. But there will be no breakthrough in the future! If things develop in a bad direction, then..."

"So what?" Luo Hanxing's voice became colder.

"Her genes will inevitably collapse completely within two weeks, which means she has at most two weeks to live..." the officer's voice became lower and lower.


A deep fist mark appeared on the half-meter-thick alloy wall. The entire institute trembled slightly!

"General, there is nothing we can do about this!" The young officer stared at his gloomy face. Then he mustered up the courage to say: "According to the relevant laws and regulations within the Ministry of Security, her current situation is already a situation that can be recycled..."

"Recycle?" Luo Hanxing's eyes suddenly stood up, and a fierce and fierce killing intent burst out uncontrollably.

The officer shivered in fear and took a few steps back involuntarily.

Staring at Luo Qingyue in the distance, who was enclosed in the medical cabin and covered with various instruments. He finally suppressed his anger and said in a hoarse voice: "Let's observe it for a few more days! If it doesn't work, there is only..."

Sister, I’m sorry for you as a brother! I have tried all kinds of methods, but I still can't save your life!

Of the batch of experimental subjects that came out together, only the two of us are left alive until now. Now, are you even going to leave me?

Unconsciously, the general's eyes were filled with tears.

In the imperial capital, in the Yun family's villa.

"Did the operation succeed?" Cheng Guiyun asked impatiently, staring at the image in the hyperspace liaison device.

In the image, his eldest son. Yun Hui, the first heir in line, looked gloomy and twitched the corners of his eyes.

"What do you mean? Could it be...failed again?" Cheng Guiyun looked at his son who was hesitating to speak. He became angry and his tone became a little higher: "Asshole. You are talking!"

"Yes, you can say that!" Yunhui told the story with a sad face.

As he told the story, Cheng Guiyun's face gradually darkened, until it turned as dark as the bottom of a pot!

"Thousands of elite warriors from the Dark Moon Division, who were even more powerful than the Blood Cloud Guards, were all wiped out! The three Qianxing powerhouses and the three Eleven-star powerhouses in the worship hall were all wiped out! They were all wiped out! The secret mechanical war puppet created with the vast resources of the race was completely destroyed! Even Yun Qingfeng didn't know whether he was alive or dead..." He muttered and repeated Yun Hui's reply, and his body trembled involuntarily.

"Why? Who can tell me why? There are so many people. They are enough to deal with demigods! They all died at the hands of that kid! Why is this? What trump card does he have?" His Royal Highness is an extremely noble prince, a man who dominates the empire with only one hand. The master of the family, who was deeply scheming and indifferent to emotions and anger, finally broke out hysterically: "Which idiot said that he only had eight-star combat power? Who is in charge of intelligence collection for the family? Those incompetent and stupid bastards. I want to kill them Kill them all!"

Close behind him, stood a row of noble middle-aged people, both men and women, dressed in black robes, with a calm demeanor. They are all loyal ministers of the family.

Hearing his roar, several guys on the spot turned pale and almost couldn't stand still. It was obvious that they were the persons in charge of the intelligence system under the family head.

Cheng Guiyun vented his anger and finally calmed down.

"Father, although the loss is difficult to accept, it seems that the matter was successful!" Yunhui said carefully.

"What did you say? That kid is dead?" He refreshed and asked quickly.

"Not dead, but not far away!" Yun Hui said, "According to reliable information, the guy was also seriously injured and was poisoned by a gene toxin secretly developed by the ethnic research institute! You know Yes, there is currently no way to cure those poisons! No matter how stable the genes are, no matter how excellent the awakened ones are, they cannot withstand its power!"

"So..." Cheng Guiyun asked excitedly.

"Therefore, this operation was successful! It's just that the price was higher!" Yun Hui said.

The head of the family was relieved: "That's good! As long as that kid dies, everything will be fine! It will be worth any price!"

Seeing his expression improve, the group of retainers behind him also breathed a sigh of relief. One of the guys immediately spoke up: "Your Highness, now that the operation has ended successfully! It's time to deal with the aftermath!"

"Oh? What do you think?" Cheng Guiyun was in a good mood and showed a rare smile.

"The first thing is the compensation for those who died in the battle, of course. It only requires spending a few more crystal cores! The most important thing is to understand that this operation has lost so many elites and has alarmed the Venerable Association of the entire race. Venerable We have jointly made a resolution requesting Your Highness to give a clear explanation to the His Holiness Council regarding this incident!" the retainer said.

Cheng Guiyun frowned. Then he said with a smile: "What about this? It's nothing! The venerables of our line will not embarrass us, but for other people, just give them more benefits and shut their mouths. ! It’s really nothing!”

"There is one more thing!" This time the retainer's words were not so relaxed, "Venerable Yun Qingfeng is not dead, and is currently being detained by the Third Princess Fang Yuqing! This matter has been spread, and His Majesty the Emperor is very angry! He has been sent The special envoy will investigate the matter thoroughly and order the family to give an explanation. The perpetrators will be handed over and severely punished!"

Two days later, Ye Qingyuan left the ward with ease.

The injuries on his body have been healed, but Lan Yu's ability is still nothing to say. He vaguely felt that his source energy seemed to have changed again, becoming more pure and condensed than before!

They have done their part, and then it is time to fulfill their promise! He was going to take a trip to the Imperial Central Bank branch in Cyanobacteria.

"Sir General!" A beautiful life chemistry nurse came over and said, "General Luo Hanxing from the Security Department is already here. He is in the living room downstairs!"

"I know, I'll go over right now!"

Luo Hanxing's face didn't look good. He looked worried.

"How is Luo Qingyue?" Since they were acquaintances, he asked directly without being polite.

"Let's not talk about this first!" Luo Hanxing shook his head. He took out a document and said solemnly: "That incident has been concluded!"


"The head of the Yun family was severely reprimanded by His Majesty the Emperor! He had to give up many benefits to appease the anger of the empire's top officials! He also promised not to do the same behavior of flouting the laws of the empire in the future! Moreover, it is said that within the Yun family, There are also many voices of dissatisfaction with Cheng Guiyun!"

"All your situations have been reported to His Majesty the Emperor by the princess! His Majesty is very interested in you, in view of your loyalty and outstanding performance in the war! He has decided to grant you the rank of Major General. He plans to summon you at the appropriate time! "

"Just these?" Ye Qingyuan asked with an unkind expression.

Luo Hanxing knew what he was thinking at a glance, and sighed softly: "The Yun family has deep roots in the empire. It is simply unrealistic to think that they will be destroyed all at once! What's more, the empire is facing an unprecedented crisis. Internal stability Above all else, all forces must join forces to overcome the difficulties, and the current result is already very wrong!"

"I know that as long as the Yun family does not plan to rebel, no matter how many extraordinary things they do, the royal family will never really fall out with them! This includes such a blatant attack on high-ranking imperial officers!" Ye Qingyuan sneered again and again, "However, , I have no intention of just letting them go like this! How can I eliminate the hatred in my heart without cutting off that guy’s head?”

Luo Hanxing's face darkened and he said solemnly: "Don't be careless! The superiors have already reached a conclusion on this matter. Her Highness the Princess specially asked me to keep an eye on you. At this moment, you must never get into trouble with the Yun family again." There’s a conflict!”

He was a little angry: "If I don't find their unnecessary troubles, will they let me go? Don't forget that your sister almost died in their hands! If they do such an ambush again, will I have to Are you going to stand still and let them kill you?"

"I just asked you not to provoke them directly. I didn't say that you don't even have the right to protect yourself!" Luo Hanxing slowed down and said, "But as for whether they will make any further moves, I can assure you that the Ministry of Security A large part of our attention is currently focused on them, and even if they don’t give up, they won’t be able to escape our surveillance!”

"Now that the war is imminent, everything should focus on the overall situation! Stop focusing on this matter. As long as you can make enough contributions, your status will only get higher! By then, no matter how powerful the Yun family is, they will not dare to No matter how easy it is to touch you!"

Ye Qingyuan was silent for a while, and finally said: "Very good! As long as they stop provoking, I won't take action directly! Of course, if they don't know whether to live or die, then they can't blame me!"

"As it should be!" Luo Hanxing breathed a sigh of relief.

Tianhua Star Territory, a small star system near the Imperial Capital Star.

This is the territory of the Yun family in the Tianhua Star Territory. After thousands of years of construction, the eleven planets in the entire star system are all blessed with beautiful environments, pleasant scenery, and rich and prosperous lands!

At this time, on Planet 1, in a magnificent palace that combined Chinese and Western elements, a meeting of the venerables of this super-class family was being held.

In an ancient hall that exudes a rich historical atmosphere, there are hundreds of beautifully carved bronze seats placed on the high platform in the center of the hall, which are divided into three floors from the inside to the outside.

At the innermost level are the twelve most powerful venerables, who are members of the twelve most powerful direct lineages within the family race. Among them are many powerful figures who have served as family heads before, such as the previous family head Yun Tianque.

The middle layer is made up of 85 Executive Masters, who are only direct members of the family race, who have made significant contributions to the family race, and who are powerful enough in their branch, such as the uncle Yun of the current family head. Qingfeng is one of them.

The outermost layer is composed of 388 honorary lords. Close relatives who have made significant contributions to the family race, members of collateral clans, and guest ministers with high combat effectiveness can become one of them.

This super-class race that has been passed down for thousands of years has far more members than outsiders can imagine!

The larger the family race and the more members it has, the more intense the interest disputes will be! Over the years, countless branches that were once prominent have declined, disintegrated, and finally disappeared due to cruel internal struggles! But the twelve direct descendants of the commando team, which became the highest power conference, have always stood firm! They are the guarantee for the longevity of this family!

Although Cheng Guiyun is the head of the family, he controls most of the resources and power of the family! However, here, in front of these powerful elders of the family race, he still did not dare to show any contempt!

Currently, he was standing in front of a circular speaking platform in the center of the high platform, describing the causes and consequences of the ambush incident on the Blue Algae Star to the attending venerables.

"...Dear lords! This is what happened. This child is the blood of the rebellious Yun Yuxi of the family race, and his mother is a clone. This is not allowed by the laws of the empire! His His existence threatens the stability of our race, which is why I want to use the force of my race to obliterate him!" Cheng Guiyun finally said.

There was deathly silence all around, and the sages were silent. (To be continued.)

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