Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 562: Cloning VS Real Person

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Volume 1 Chengshan Hanqiu Chapter 562 Clones vs Real People

Outside the base, it was night, with a bright moon in the sky and brilliant stars!

The speeding car was speeding thousands of meters in the sky. Ye Qing looked at the woman beside him from afar, feeling confused! He had snatched her out with a strong attitude just now, but he had no idea what to do next!

He had already explored the condition inside her body. Although he had been prepared in his heart, the real situation was worse than he expected! The disintegration of genes has reached the final moment, and her fire of life is like the candle in the wind, which may be extinguished at any time! It's like this, I'm afraid even the gods can't save him!

what to do? Is there really nothing we can do to save ourselves?

"Can you talk to me?" Looking at his helpless look, Luo Qingyue said softly: "You have tried your best, I won't blame you! In fact, if you can come to see me at this time, I There is nothing to regret anymore!”

"Don't say that, absolutely, absolutely there will be means!" He said anxiously.

She smiled softly at the corner of her mouth and said suddenly: "You and I have been together for so long. What kind of existence am I? You should see through it, right?"

Ye Qingyuan looked at her hesitantly: "You are..."

"You guessed it right! I am a clone!" Seeing his expression, she knew that the other party already knew: "And my brother, too!"

"I see!" He muttered, "No wonder your genetic status is so unstable. It must be due to a congenital deficiency, right?"

Luo Qingyue slowly sat up and began to talk about his past softly.

"In the interstellar age where science and technology are developing rapidly, for various purposes, the Shuofeng Empire and the entire human world are cloning human bodies on a large scale!"

"After these clones are created, they are generally used in various human experiments, new drug development, reserve human organ storage, and various taboo research projects! There are also many individuals who are specially used as Those stand-ins for big shots, engaging in all kinds of dangerous public appearances!”

"Since we are clones, we naturally have no rights! Even from a genetic level, there is no difference between us and normal humans!"

"They have no dignity. They have no freedom, no emotions, and they don't even have the most basic right to survive! The only purpose of their lives is to satisfy the various almost cruel and unbelievable needs of human beings! As far as I know, there are many big shots who have private rooms. There are a group of cloned women kept here for them to vent their sexual desires at any time without worrying about any consequences! Because they are not treated as human beings at all! Their status is no different from those of pet dogs, and there are even It’s worse than that!”

"Once their use value is squeezed out, they will be recycled into the incinerator like garbage! Even if they don't go through this process, very few of them can live for more than ten years! From birth. Their genes Fatal flaws have been deliberately set in it! To ensure that there are no accidents!"

"Then you are also treated like this..." He was about to speak, but she stopped him.

"Listen to me! Just over 20 years ago, I felt that the eight aristocratic families were submissive to the royal family, and they became a powerful force in the country! Her Royal Highness the Princess proposed a 'Creation of Gods' plan to the emperor!"

"The purpose of the plan is to study the genes of awakened people and find practical cloning methods, so that high-star awakened people can be created in batches! The commando team builds a clone army in order to transform the eight major families in terms of high-end combat power. Overwhelming advantage! Contain their imminent ambitions!"

"The plan was quickly approved. Her Highness the Princess personally supervised all aspects of the entire project, and a large amount of resources were given priority to this project! The funds obtained in the first year alone reached tens of billions of crystal cores! From now on There has been a huge increase over the years!”

"This top-secret project has been going on for many years, but the results are unfortunately not satisfactory! On the surface, the genes of the High Star Awakeners seem to be little different from ordinary people, but they must be accurately copied and the clones' abilities must be guaranteed to be immune to any The impact and difficulty have exceeded all participants’ expectations!”

"It was successful in the end, right? How could you brothers and sisters be so powerful in fighting?" He finally found a chance to interject.

"Understood, not entirely! This plan used the genes of tens of thousands of awakened people. At the same time, millions of experimental individuals were cloned! After massive screening, focused observation and optimization! In the end, it seemed like fate We have produced several experimental subjects that meet the requirements! My brother is one of them!"

"What about you? Doesn't it count?" he asked again.

"I can be considered a semi-finished product at best! After five stars, the stability of genes no longer meets the requirements! According to the relevant regulations, I should have been recycled long ago! It was my brother who couldn't bear it and concealed my situation. Try to repair my genes. But fortunately, my luck has not been bad, and I have managed to survive until now!"

"After meeting you and getting the heart of a rhodium-based shark, I thought that my chronic illness was finally solved, and from now on I can live like a normal person in the sun without any worries!"

"However, a defective product is a defective product! Its ability to resist external damage is far from as strong as expected. One injury is enough to knock it back to its original shape! The disintegration speed of genes is even faster than expected!"

"Therefore, my fate has been determined!" Her voice was extremely calm, as if she was describing something that had nothing to do with her.

"No, it won't be like this!" he shouted excitedly, "I definitely have the means! I will never give up until the last moment!"

"I don't have much time!" Luo Qingyue held him down gently, "I have to tell you something, my brother and I, the commando behind us!"

"Are they all clones?"

"Yes, we are all existences living in the darkness! Thousands of years ago, because they were unwilling to accept their destined tragic fate, a few clones used various opportunities to avoid the eyes and ears of the relevant departments of the empire and established such a Commando Organization! Aimed at helping each other and fighting for the right to survive for the same kind!"

"Less than ten months after the commando organization was established, more than half of the leaders were sent to the incinerator! Later, they suffered a series of blows and were almost on the verge of extinction! But even so, we did not give up hope! Countless similar people came forward and followed suit. Silently. He has dedicated everything he has to the continuation and development of the Commando Organization!"

"After the initial difficult years, the Commando Organization finally gained a firm foothold. It began to develop and grow! Over the course of thousands of years, the Commando Organization has developed into a behemoth covering the entire human world!"

"In every star layer, every country, and all kinds of power systems, as long as there are clones, there are commandos! It can be said that in addition to the inherent flaws that make our military force unsatisfactory, The various resources we directly control are no less than those of a country!"

As soon as this news came out, it undoubtedly shocked him greatly.

Previously, he had always thought that these brothers and sisters were senior officials of the Empire's Ministry of Security, and they were the most loyal people to the Empire! Now it seems that this is not the case at all!

The opponent's power has far exceeded his expectations! Even such a key department as the Imperial Security Department has their personnel. No wonder this commando organization has grown so powerful and hidden so deeply!

"Why are you telling me this?" he asked after thinking for a moment.

"Because you are half of our kind!" she said with a smile. "We have always planned to bring you in!"

"Same kind? Well! It can indeed be calculated that way!" Regarding this point. He was doing well.

"The ultimate goal of our commando organization is to free countless similar people in the darkness from their tragic fate and get the opportunity to come into the sunshine. Like those normal humans, enjoy the same dignity and rights and pursue the life they like! "Speaking of this, there was a martyr's enthusiasm and understanding in her eyes.

"I feel that your calculation is reasonable!" After thinking about it for a while, he said slowly: "Everyone should have their own dignity and corresponding rights, and everyone should live with dignity! No matter what, Is he a clone or someone else!"

She asked in surprise and joy: "Huh? Do you really think so?"

"Of course, don't forget that I'm also half a clone!"

At this time, her heart really relaxed: "That's good, originally we were worried that your views would conflict with ours, but now it seems that the worries are unnecessary! You can definitely become a suitable leader of the commando organization. The winner!"

"Leader? What do you mean?" He was confused.

"In order to achieve the established goal, we need a suitable person to lead us. At first, we chose clones who were also in the dark. Unfortunately, every time they passed by, they would be killed for various reasons. Recycling, in a situation where we cannot protect ourselves, there is no way to effectively manage the commando organization! During that period, our leadership always maintained a multi-person system and changed frequently!"

"Later, we realized the drawbacks. We began to think of those normal human beings under the sun! Looking for those who were sympathetic to human cloning, but also capable enough and willing to pay for the interests of human cloning. After a long period of research, we Observe and confirm that he is trustworthy, then absorb him into the commando organization!"


"It has an absolute effect. At least the commando organization will not be temporarily paralyzed due to frequent accidents in the leadership! However, since we are normal people, we inevitably have all kinds of ****. These have the characteristics of normal people Many leaders with different identities have begun to become corrupted because of the power in their hands!"

"At first, what they wanted was wealth, beauty, and a higher status in the human world! If it was just these, the Commando Organization could satisfy them! As long as they get what they want, don't forget the interests of the Commando Organization That’s fine! However, we found that our estimation was too wishful thinking!”

"The lust and ambition of these people are getting bigger and bigger, and the various demands that are almost blackmail are making the commando organization unbearable! If the commando organization cannot satisfy them, they will use all kinds of despicable excuses to threaten them! The commando organization will use all kinds of despicable excuses! The team organization has been used by them as a tool to satisfy their own selfish desires, completely forgetting the responsibilities they should bear!"

Ye Qingyuan sighed softly: "Then I know that's the case! You are definitely too talkative. In order to win over these normal human beings, you will definitely respond to their requests and try your best to meet their various requests, no matter how reasonable. Right and unreasonable! Just ask them to perform their responsibilities better, right?"

"That's right!" She nodded lightly.

"Because of your shady status, you all have a kind of heartfelt envy and respect for those similar people under the sun! Coupled with the fabrication, the normal people who use you are deliberately misled, and you always think that you are humble. Yes, they are inferior beings! They are incomparable to normal people! Therefore, you have to compromise on their various unreasonable demands, giving in again and again, is that so?"

"You actually guessed it all?" She stared at him in surprise.

"As long as you have a general understanding of human nature, you should know that this is an inevitable result! Then! Why did you do it?"

"We finally realized that pinning all the hopes of the Commando Organization on these scum was basically suicidal! So we had to take decisive measures to eliminate these people one by one! From then on, we Much more cautious!”

"All scheduled candidates must go through a long period of observation and testing! We will not give them too many benefits when we first contact them, and once we find any signs of problems, we will decisively eliminate them!"

"Just like this, the commando organization has been developing until now! Although its power has become stronger and its members have become more numerous! However, there has been no substantial progress in achieving the ultimate goal! The various controls imposed on us by humans are too tight!" Luo There was a touch of sadness in Qingyue's voice.

"But we have not revealed it for the time being. We have been looking for a candidate with qualified character, strong enough ability, and who can represent our interests. We are looking for Shuyuan He must have legal human status. For cloning, His attitude is friendly enough, and the most important thing is that he is responsible! Only people like this can lead us!"

"So you found me?" he asked.

"We have been searching and have had some candidates. Unfortunately, due to various reasons, they have not been able to fulfill our expectations of them! But for you," she braced herself and said seriously:

"From your character, your attitude towards clones, and the potential you have shown! I have reason to think that you will be the most suitable candidate so far! Now, on behalf of the commando team, I will ask you, are you willing? Will you take this responsibility and fight for the opportunity for the countless clones in the darkness to come out into the sunlight?"

The woman in front of him stared at him eagerly, expecting him to give the words he had been waiting for for a long time.

Seeing that he hesitated to speak, she added: "Don't worry, we won't let your efforts go in vain! All the huge resources at the commando organization can be used by you! Especially the unique advantages in information , which is unmatched by the intelligence system of any major country! With the commando team as your backing, you can accomplish something in a relatively short period of time!" (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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