Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 566: The storm rises again

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Volume 1: Chengshan Cold Autumn Chapter 566: The Storm Rises Again

Marshal Gurungs, the only remaining stick-wielding marshal in the empire, the director of the empire, and the minister of defense, came to the front line to preside over this huge battle that determines the fate of mankind! The third princess of the royal family, Fang Yuqing, the duke, General Fang Yukun, and dozens of royal family members gathered on the front line, and elite children of various races also mobilized in order to make contributions in this massive war! Leave a name in history!

The Kilizako people dispatched a total of more than 5 million elite warships and more than 500 powerful war fortresses this time! The quantity and quality of Gao Xing's warriors are unmatched by the Human Alliance! Fortunately, we understand that the great lord's palace is still within the territory of the former Federation. Perhaps it has not been repaired and has not caught up with the war. Otherwise, this battle will be even more difficult to fight!

In the command center of the human coalition camp, inside the "Heavenly Punishment" interstellar fortress, in the extremely huge central command room, senior officials gathered, and the stars were shining! Countless officers and technicians were busy at their respective posts. The supreme commander, Marshal Gurungs, was sitting in the main seat, listening to the adjutant beside him reporting on the progress of various combat preparations, while looking at the huge monitor in front of him. The dense data dots above show the battlefield situation of both sides in every detail!

"Are all combat units ready?" the marshal asked casually while slowly sipping the black tea.

"According to the feedback from various departments, they were ready half an hour ago! Sir!" the adjutant responded in a solemn voice.

"What's the mood of the soldiers?"

"Excellent, my lord!"

"Huh?" The marshal smiled noncommittally, put down the tea cup in his hand, and said to himself: "The energy efficiency of their battleships is indeed powerful enough. They are more than one generation ahead of us! Why not, because of this? Are you so passive?"

The adjutant was slightly startled. He responded: "Marshal, the empire's new warship has been designed and has been equipped with troops on a small scale this time. We just have to wait for this battle to complete the final series of tests. Then it can be finalized and put into large-scale production!"

"What is the energy efficiency of the new battleship?"

"There is still an absolute gap compared to them, but it has reached an acceptable range! Their tactical command level is not as good as ours. Therefore, excluding the factors of high-star warriors, the combat effectiveness of the two sides can be roughly equal!"

"Is that so? That's alright! Time is short, and our scientific researchers have already worked very hard! It's hard to ask for too much in a hurry!" The marshal sighed lightly.

The adjutant said: "Actually, we have obtained many of their warship wrecks for research. The guys at the Imperial Academy of Sciences are quite good. They only understand. This kind of high-tech product from another galaxy, another civilization, short-term It’s impossible to fully understand it within the time required! Among other things, the smelting process of certain metal materials is a nerve-wracking subject. What’s more, some special materials have never been heard of in the human world. It’s productive!”

"Therefore, we can only slowly estimate the means in the future!"

Gurungs nodded slightly and said nothing. His eyes glanced to his side.

Close to him is a huge three-dimensional projection sand table, which is lightly powdered by one person. A woman with an elegant and graceful face and graceful postures sits at the top of the table, wearing a graceful ornament on her head. Silver light flashes, an extremely delicate ring. There are twelve small pyramids suspended around the body. There are countless symbols as fine as gravel on the towers that are constantly flying and flowing, shining with the hazy moonlight! It's obviously a set of extremely high-quality wise man equipment! Around the sand table, there were more than a dozen young men and women, all wearing varying amounts of brainwave amplification equipment, working together to deduce the battle situation.

At this time, countless data collected through various methods are first transmitted to the ordinary wise men below. After their preliminary analysis and sorting, they forwarded it to the leading woman. After her final analysis and deduction. Give the most possible result, and finally put it into the sand table in front of you.

With the continuous addition of data streams, the sand table in front of you becomes clearer! Like a huge nebula! Inside, the simulated fleets of both sides have already started fighting, and the battle is inextricable. Under the control of the wise men, the battle situation has obviously developed in the direction they expected!

"Your Highness Leng Zhuo!" The marshal stood up and came to the sand table, "How is the battle scenario going? If we act according to the planned plan later, what is our winning rate?"

That woman named Leng Zhuo is a famous wise man in the empire, the favorite concubine of His Majesty the current emperor, the brains of the empire’s think tank, and a 13-star demigod expert! It's just that her ability is not good at fighting.

"The situation is better than expected, but it's not very optimistic either!" She opened her eyes slightly and said expressionlessly: "The most reasonable estimate of the situation is that both sides have a 50-50 chance of winning or losing, but our side is almost Even if we win, less than 50% of the fleet can be saved!"

The voice of the great wise man was crisp, cold, and without any emotion, as if it were the final judgment of a god in the clouds on all the living beings under his feet!

Beside her, a young girl who was busy trembled involuntarily, as if she was extremely nervous. A young man standing next to her immediately stopped what he was doing and gently held her hand, as if to comfort her.

Leng Zhuo looked at the two of them, and a smile appeared on his calm face for the first time: "Jiangying, don't be afraid, it's the same for the first time on the battlefield, you will get used to it gradually!"

"Teacher, I'm fine!" The girl with skin as bright as snow and extremely beautiful whispered in a low voice.

This girl turned out to be Ye Qingyuan's sister, Qin Yuanyuan. The young man beside her is her twin brother Zhong Zixia.

Since the brothers and sisters separated more than half a year ago, they came to the imperial capital to study and heal their parents. After undergoing fifth-grade DNA awakening surgery, the two brothers and sisters unexpectedly developed supernatural powers and had the rare potential to develop into wise men!

Later, by chance, the two brothers and sisters were spotted by the great wise Leng Zhuo, and were accepted as disciples and taught carefully. In this battle, Leng Zhuo brought a large team of wise men to the front line to help in the battle, and brought the two of them with him!

Qin Yuanyuan came to the front line with some thoughts in her heart. A year and a half ago, Ye Qingyuan sent back his last message, stating that he had joined the Imperial Regiment and was going as the first batch of reinforcements to a strange country thousands of light years away to fight face to face with those demons! From then on. The two parties have lost contact!

As the war progressed, news reports were full of unfavorable news, and the human coalition forces were retreating steadily. The casualties reached astronomical numbers! But there has been no news about the brother she was concerned about, and she doesn’t know whether he is dead or alive!

For a year and a half. She can't eat well and can't sleep on her pillow! After finally getting this opportunity, she immediately made a request to the teacher. Leng Zhuo also felt that it would be good for the two of them to practice more. Although the battlefield was dangerous, he could still be safe on his side, so he agreed to their request.

"Brother, where are you? How are you doing recently? You should be fine! Why haven't you contacted us for so long?" Qin Yuanyuan stared at the vast universe outside the porthole.

There, the empire's army was all in place. Under the coordination of the wise men, with the interstellar fortress as the support point, a neatly arranged 80 diamond-shaped three-dimensional battle formation was formed!

At this time, the location of Wei Dongyang's legion was only tens of light seconds away from the command center, and Ye Qingyuan was staying on the flagship of the 3371st Fleet!

"Yang Wentao, we finally meet again!" Ye Qingyuan smiled and extended his hand to the young officer in front of him.

After a long and tedious political review, this batch of talents from the former Federation finally gained their freedom and were allowed to become citizens of the Empire. You can join the Imperial Regiment and enjoy the same treatment as your own soldiers.

"I haven't seen you for a year and a half, and you have been promoted to general?" Yang Wentao's eyes were full of shock. There is also a trace of envy and jealousy.

"There's no need to be jealous of me! With your ability, it's not difficult to become a general!" Then he said with some regret: "Actually, you should be commanding battleships! That's where you can best use your talents. place!"

Yang Wentao twitched his eyes sadly: "Don't mention it! With my previous status, which country dares to let me command the fleet? A defeated general dare not speak bravely!"

"Don't worry, as long as you can make enough contributions, I will find ways to fight for you!" Ye Qingyuan patted his shoulder.

This time Yang Wentao was assigned to his command, which was the result of his secret operation. With Luo Hanxing's relationship in the Imperial Security Department. Of course it’s a piece of cake!

After that incident, his mentality had undergone some quiet changes. Don’t say anything else. At least for now, he has begun to consciously manage his own power! He saw an opportunity to recruit Yang Wentao. It was his first attempt!

No one can know everything about what the future will bring! But he has reason to believe that the future power center of the empire will definitely have its own place! He will rely on the sword in his hand to kill any force that dares to harm himself and those around him with thunderous means!

Outside the porthole, the empire's army has begun to maneuver, and the war has officially begun!

Deep in the Kilizako camp, in a war fortress in the center.

The great commander, Qili Zaloch, was sitting high on the throne. Around his body, there were five huge heads of unknown life forms suspended! The flesh and blood on the head have been corroded away, leaving only the pale skeleton bones mixed with a trace of black energy! The surface of the skull is engraved with complicated and strange lines. As the skull floats and sinks around it in some mysterious trajectory, the lines on it also follow a certain rhythmic rhythm and appear and disappear!

Infinite blood, killing, cruelty, and vicious aura emanated from those heads, filling the entire fortress and spreading far away for a while! The nearby universe, millions of kilometers away, is shrouded in this terrifying aura!

As a direct descendant of the great lord, he is only one step away from becoming the powerful existence of the Star Black Crystal God King. It has the authority within the tribe second only to the three major lords, and its wisdom and strength also prove that it is fully qualified to command the fleet and deal a devastating blow to the weak human fleet opposite!

At this time, Qili Zhaluoqi was closing his eyes and meditating, deducing the possible direction of the future war situation! It is said that that group of abominable humans had no fighting prowess, but relied on extremely despicable means to damage the palace of the great lord! A large number of sacrificial temples were also destroyed!

Damn it, this group of primitive and backward savages dare to harm the great Kilizako people. Aren't you afraid of being completely genocide? Our combat effectiveness is beyond your ability to measure! Although the great lord is not here, our current strength is enough to crush your defenses!

"Dear Commander!" A Black Crystal warrior came in and humbly reported, "The human fleet has begun to mobilize! It is estimated that they will launch an offensive soon!"

"Oh? How many troops did the other side send out?"

"Almost eight to nine thousand battleships!"

Thunderous laughter echoed in the hall: "What can they do with their junk warships that look like tin cans? Send an order to dispatch three to nine thousand warships to attack! Be sure to eat them all, I can't wait to do it." Taste the taste of fresh flesh and blood!”

Soon, three to nine thousand disc-shaped warships left the formation and attacked the human fleet in the distance.

"There must be no mistakes in the first round of offensive! Are the prepared methods okay?" Gurungs asked in the central control room.

A high-quality engineer with the rank of lieutenant general immediately responded: "Marshal, don't worry, we have tested it many times, and the results are absolutely satisfactory. We can completely clean up that fleet!"

"That's good, this is related to our morale. If something goes wrong, the battle behind will be difficult to fight!" Gurungs nodded lightly, and then stared at the monitor.

A few minutes later, the human fleet had entered the opponent's range.

The commander of the Kilizako people was unambiguous and immediately ordered to fire. A few seconds later, thousands of lights of destruction spewed out from the muzzle and attacked the human fleet on the opposite side!

As soon as they found out that the opponent was firing, they went to Shuyuan The human fleet immediately made a quick evasion! Withdrew from the intended coverage area of ​​the opponent's artillery fire. But thousands of battleships were still blown up and turned into gorgeous fireworks in the starry sky!

But the human fleet did not retreat, and still accelerated towards the Kilizako people!

"Are they crazy? They didn't even open the energy shield! They didn't fire back, they just kept charging!" the Kilizako commander asked in surprise, "Who can tell me why this is?"

Naturally, no one can answer its questions. However, there is no need to worry. With a few more salvos, this fleet can be completely disabled, and they don't even have to think about going back!

"Inform the fleet to fire a salvo at full operational rate!" the commander said nonchalantly, "This fleet is finished. We will clean up the battlefield later and collect all the human individuals we can find! Your Majesty, the Commander-in-Chief, is waiting for extra food. !”

The energy efficiency of human warships is far inferior to the technical level of the Kilizako people! As one of the important technical indicators, the defense of the energy shield cannot withstand the bombardment of the opponent's main artillery. I guess I understand that when faced with a heavy machine gun fire, whether you wear clothes or not, the result will be the same! (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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