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Volume 1 Chengshan Hanqiu Chapter 569 Fierce Attack

The magic square matrix did not disappoint him. The dark golden energy shield fluctuated for a while, but nothing happened! It can be seen that this level of ferocious beast is not as scary as he expected!

A hundred-meter-long light blade suddenly passed by. The beast could not dodge at all, and its ugly head was cut into more than ten pieces!

"Don't be too far apart. It's best to fight close by so that we can take care of each other!" he said.

"Understood, sir!" the big guy responded.

He fully activated all the effects of the 8-star light armor, and a ball of golden light enveloped his body. He rushed to the side of the dead beast, drew his sword again, and cut its ugly body into several pieces. !

Soon, the violent energy stored in the beast crystal was completely absorbed by Lan Yu with clever techniques!

In the universe, the fierce war has been going on for several hours.

In accordance with wartime regulations, command was temporarily transferred to the deputy division commander. Ye Qingyuan went all out and personally led hundreds of elites to rush towards the place where the ferocious beasts were densest.

These ferocious beasts are indigenous life forms from the territory of the Kilizako people. Their living habits and evolutionary methods are absolutely similar to those of the Kilizako people. They all live underground and rely on devouring various mineral energy essences to survive. Improve your own combat effectiveness. Just look at the more or less crystalline bodies on their bodies. It's just that these guys were a bit unlucky and failed to evolve wisdom. No matter how powerful they are in combat, they are just a bunch of beasts!

Compared with the Kilizako people, the power of these life forms is more surprising, and they are also more cruel and bloodthirsty. Before silicon-based civilization was not strong enough, it suffered greatly. These ferocious guys would often gather together to destroy an underground city in groups, and then eat up all the edible things in it, including Kilizar. Humans are also a delicacy in their mouths! There are even tragic experiences of some prosperous underground dynasties being wiped out by large groups of ferocious beasts!

That period of history was the dark age of silicon-based civilization, which lived and developed slowly in the teeth of countless ferocious beasts. It was not until a powerful technological empire was finally established that this status quo was completely reversed!

Silicon-based civilization entering the interstellar age. In order to compete for more territory and development resources, a series of foreign wars were launched! These groups of ferocious beasts that they used to regard as a strange disaster have, after absolute transformation, turned into high-quality cannon fodder units under their command! The empire could expand so freely. In tens of thousands of years, they have become the dominant civilization in the Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy. The contribution of these beasts cannot be ignored!

During this expedition, the Kilizako people did not plan to take them with them at first, because according to the intelligence obtained at the beginning of the war, the civilization on the opposite side was too weak. This is not necessary at all! Later, for the sake of safety, the second batch of fleets that set off with the great lord brought a batch of immature bodies that had been catalyzed not long ago and were finally put to use.

These ferocious beasts have been transformed many times by the Kilizako people. All unnecessary fragments in their genetic sequences have been deleted, and certain specific factors have been added to make them more violent and addictive. Bloody and aggressive, more adaptable to extreme environments! It does not have the weaknesses of ordinary life forms, and is a killing machine that exists purely for war!

A vast silver-blue starlight rushed back and forth in the universe, and little stars continued to burst out. After circling and flying at first-level speed for a while, it disappeared into nothingness. From time to time, a few rays of extremely sharp sword energy shot out from the starry sky, which was as bright as the full moon. Wherever it went, all objects that dared to intercept were easily torn apart! Occasionally, dozens of blood-red light arrows would suddenly appear, blasting those fierce beasts with powerful combat power into pieces!

Ye Qingyuan's consciousness has been immersed in a mysterious and mysterious artistic conception. Everything around him is clearly presented in his mind, including the maneuvering trajectories of a large number of battleships, the movements of the ferocious beasts, and the fluctuations of energy. There are also subtle changes in the space structure under the violent energy tide, etc.! He didn't even know it, but his brain waves had greatly improved!

As countless energies were taken away by Lan Yu and injected into his own body, the starlight transformed by the source energy became brighter and brighter. In the end, it felt like all the stars in the sky were focused on me! The fit between the body and the surrounding spatial environment is getting higher and higher, slowly approaching a certain critical point!

The long sword in his hand was swung lightly and freely, seemingly carelessly, but in fact the attack angle and direction were different. The strength is impeccable and perfect, with a return to nature, exquisite and unworked charm!

How many have you killed already? One thousand heads or two thousand heads? All ferocious beasts that dared to attack him were killed by him one by one, and their energy was plundered! Although these ferocious beasts are powerful in combat, each one has a combat power comparable to that of a high-star awakener. Unfortunately, they are a group of brainless beasts that can only mechanically follow the instructions of the control chip in their brains, and their coordination and cooperation are unsatisfactory! It's not as difficult to deal with him as I thought!

The only unnecessary trouble is that there are too many opponents! The total number of crystal spheres released by those war fortresses has exceeded 100 million! Although these guys are brainless, they can still cause a lot of damage if they gather in large numbers! Moreover, their body's defense and vitality are extremely surprising. Unless they are directly hit by the battleship's main gun, or chopped into pieces by an energy knife, don't expect to kill them completely!

No matter how strong he is, he can only ensure that his own area is unimpeded. In other directions on the battlefield, the situation is not optimistic. A large number of Awakened warriors fought hard. With the assistance of the mecha legions and space fighters, they could only manage to become evenly matched!

In just these few hours, the casualties of the awakened ones have made the commanders feel heartache! The other parts are unclear at the moment, but more than 500 people in the 17th Division under his command have been killed, and even more soldiers were injured! And the opponent's ferocious beasts are still being released in a steady stream!

"It's not a good idea to continue like this!" Luo Qingyue swung his sword to kill a bat-winged monster in front of him, and said close to him: "We suffered heavy casualties, but all we killed were worthless cannon fodder. This This business is a big loss!"

"Then how can we correct it?" He smiled bitterly, "Retreat without fighting? That is the result that the other party's commander wants to see most! They will drive these beasts to be the vanguard, chasing and fighting all the way! That way The consequences will be worse!”

If this group of beasts were really allowed to rush into the empire, it would undoubtedly be a disaster for the civilians on the major administrative planets! Therefore, no matter how heavy the casualties are, we can only grit our teeth and endure it!

Luo Qingyue took out a few gamma ray bombs, activated them and threw them from a distance into the group of ferocious beasts, and then pulled him back quickly.

The silver-red terrifying ray storm swept through the space with a radius of several kilometers, and the pained howls of the vicious beasts continued to sound on the spiritual level!

By the time the storm dissipated, thousands of beasts within the strike range were already dying! The originally muscular body seemed to be like a dehydrated mummy, which had shrunk by a large margin. That is the external manifestation of the vitality in the body being destroyed by the ray storm! The originally dazzling crystalline body has also dimmed a lot!

The surrounding warriors took action and sent them all back into the eternal darkness!

The situation eased slightly, and then the Kilizako people on the opposite side noticed the situation here. More ferocious beasts were sent to press in this direction!

"Let's see how much cannon fodder you have left!"

Ye Qingyuan swiftly swung his sword a few times to take down the troublesome guys in front of him. Taking a deep breath, the Heavenly Demon-Slaying God-Slaying Technique was running with all its strength. The stars around him became brighter and brighter, until they finally looked like a dazzling sun. It is particularly eye-catching on the entire battlefield!

On the spiritual level, a vague vibration came, and circles of silver ripples like waves in the water emitted from the starlight. Spread briskly in all directions! Wherever the ripples shrouded the human warriors, they felt no discomfort, but those ferocious beasts were in bad luck!

Although the fighting power of the ferocious beasts is good, they lack intelligence and the thinking centers of their brains are extremely fragile. They are almost defenseless against such a mental blow!

The screams of countless ferocious beasts on the verge of death echoed in the spiritual level! Within a range of tens of kilometers, all kinds of ferocious beasts stopped their attacks. Hold your head and roll around in the universe! Some ferocious beasts were so mad with pain that they even uncontrollably grabbed the same kind beside them and bit them desperately, in order to slightly alleviate the heart-piercing pain!

The totem priests who were hiding behind and responsible for mobilizing them were horrified, and they activated various mental control devices in their hands in order to calm the restless beasts! Unfortunately, they soon discovered that the situation had completely exceeded their expectations!

As the silver ripples swept round and round, the struggle between the ferocious beasts became weaker and weaker. By the time the last circle of ripples disappeared, there were less than a hundred ferocious beasts still alive within tens of kilometers. They are all so powerful in combat that they are comparable to those of high-grade Qianxing!

With a full blow, Ye Qingyuan, who was almost exhausted, took out a few crystal bricks from the space ring and recovered slightly. Then he rushed into the group of beast corpses and searched them without any scruples, and when he encountered those who were still alive, he just hit them!

The soldiers behind him stared at what was happening in front of them in stunned silence. The terrifying power of that blow just now could only be delivered by a demigod who specializes in spiritual attacks. How did he, a guy with no skill level, achieve it?

"Why are you still standing there? Go help!" Hu Mu was the first to react and yelled: "Clear the battlefield immediately, collect all the dead animals, and send some back. Let the experts study it. Destroy everything else!"

"The enemy's next offensive will come soon, so hurry up and prepare!"

The surrounding soldiers reacted so quickly and began to take action. A few of each type of dead ferocious beasts will be picked out, sealed in large refrigerated boxes and sent back to the rear. The rest will be gathered together using tractor beams, and then sprayed with special incinerator to burn them!

In the base camp, Marshal Gurungs stared at the sand table in front of him, and there was a hint of surprise on Gujing Wubo's face.

"Who made that blow just now? There was such a big movement!" He asked, "It seems that our demigod-level experts haven't taken action yet, right? Did they break through not long ago?"

In that area on the sand table, the densely packed red light spots representing countless ferocious beasts suddenly disappeared, revealing a rare clean vacuum. No wonder it attracted his attention.

"The specific situation is still unclear!" A small pyramid in front of Leng Zhuo emits a thin beam of golden light. He lightly clicked on that area, and in an instant, a delicate display appeared there, like a tide. The data is rolling in at a dizzying speed!

"That place seems to be in charge of the Seventeenth Superpower Legion!" She said, "That legion has a lot of high-star awakened people, but the most powerful legion commander Franz Augustin only has Twelve Stars, did he break through not long ago?"

Gurungs smiled and said: "Send a message right away to inquire! The results will be available soon. With the addition of a semi-divine level expert, this battle will be more certain of victory!"

The wise man nodded gently without comment, disapproving in his heart.

Compared with the group of guys on the opposite side, the role that a semi-divine powerhouse can play is really limited. What the marshal said is just to boost morale. It is estimated that he will win this battle, but he still has to be busy. !

That round of silver-blue starlight shuttled at first-class speed in the ocean transformed from the beast's corpse. The inner layer of the starlight was lined with a circle of bright golden light, which looked extremely gorgeous, like a delicate work of art. ) Every time the starlight passes by the corpse of a ferocious beast, it will stay for one-tenth of a breath, and the golden light will branch out into an imperceptible golden thread, touching the crystalline body. receive! Then Xinghui flew to the next target again!

As time goes by, the starlight that once dimmed becomes dazzling again!

After more than ten minutes of searching, the source energy had been exhausted, and the body was like a dry lake that had bottomed out. With the continuous replenishment of energy, the body was filled again! Under the internal vision of brain waves, the major meridians and acupoints are filled with surging silver source energy, even more than before!

Great, it's time to strike again!

"Qingyue, send a few hundred people to follow me and prepare to hit the target!" Watching the beast tide that gathered again dozens of kilometers away and then surged back driven by the totem priests, look for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com He ordered.

"Oh... no problem!" She was slightly startled, then nodded slightly and started making arrangements.

Turn the engine speed to the extreme, and in just a moment, that round of starlight rushed into the densest place in the depths of the beast tide! After a few breaths, the vibrations on the spiritual level sounded again, and the terrifying spiritual storm rolled out in waves of silver ripples! Wherever you go, gods and ghosts will make changes, and mourning will be everywhere!

When the storm subsided, the beast tide that had changed its size again collapsed like a castle on the beach! Even the group of totem priests at the back were affected. They were shocked and vomited black blood!

Then, the warriors who were ready to go swarmed forward, finishing their blows and collecting specimens. And he began to search for energy again, repeating the previous steps. Densely packed beast corpses were floating in all directions, blocking the sight of those high-star awakened people behind, and they were not worried that anyone would discover his secret.

After a while, the energy in the body reached a full state again, and it was possible to go crazy again! Just doing this for a few rounds can really affect the battlefield situation here, right? And I may very well get the opportunity to break through, break through again, and become a veritable Qianxing strongman! (To be continued.) Mobile phone users please visit

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