"It's very simple, because they have the strongest fighting power!" She smiled softly, "Unification requires fighting power! It is destined that this is not a game that everyone is qualified to play! And of course the one with the strongest fighting power will also It has the best chance of success!”

"There is also the possibility of being regarded as the leader and being killed first!" He said coldly, "At least in our human world, there are many such examples! Among the founders who conquered the world and finally won the country, some of them had weak fighting ability at the beginning. Too many! And those who had the best chance of success died right in front!"

"Do you have no confidence in them?" she asked, "but I can't blame you. Once you see the true fighting power of the Bojiang people, you will know that their determination is not completely unreasonable!"

"I don't know about other civilizations, at least I guess, the human world will never agree!"

"Why? No matter how you look at it, there is not much difference between Eridanus and humans! Even if they unify the star sea, the inheritance of human civilization will not be affected in any way. It is just a change of country name. This is hard for you to accept. What?"

Ye Qingyuan twitched the corners of his eyes: "It's not that simple. You underestimated certain characteristics of the human race! As long as there is a glimmer of possibility, they will never let themselves become a vassal race of other civilizations! People who are not my race Their minds must be different! Otherwise, we wouldn’t have to fight with the Kilizako people here!”

"That's because they eat humans. If they succeed, human civilization will become history! But the Eridanus Empire is different! They won't do such a thing!" she argued.

"That's not the point of the problem!" He smiled. "I won't be able to explain it to you for a while. In a simple sentence: the human race has many shortcomings, one of which is that they love face. They absolutely cannot tolerate themselves. There is a foreign civilization on top of them! No matter how similar this civilization is to theirs! Having said that, you Bo Eridans will never think that you are the same race as humans, right?"

"...But this is for the overall interests of the Star Sea World! Compared to being defeated by those demons one by one and all civilizations becoming their food, this result is undoubtedly much better!" She retorted.

"Maybe! However, I don't think the human world is qualified to participate in this game!"

"The human world is a mess. What can we do to unify it? Ever since the birth of their own civilization, the Eridanus people have had only one political power! Compared to humans, their advantages are too obvious! Moreover, if they are to unify, they will always Is it easier to accept it than unification by other established civilizations? Would you rather let a group of volleyballs ride on your heads? Or the group of red-skinned lizards from the Miriam Empire? Otherwise, the Yanwei Tribe Will those half-human, half-snake guys from the Alliance make you feel closer?" she asked with a smile.

"Of course it's unacceptable! In fact, due to the same appearance and genes, the relationship between human nations and the Eridani civilization is undoubtedly the most friendly compared to other civilizations! However, this does not mean that humans can accept them. Rule!" He insisted, "Even if unification is necessary, it should be unification under the leadership of mankind! The future of mankind should be in its own hands!"

Fang Yuqing's face darkened, and there was a storm brewing deep in her eyes. Affected by her emotions, the folding knife flew a little faster! And he moved closer to him intentionally or unintentionally!

This princess, is she going to kill someone just because I offended her with my few words? He felt a little confused. But he just said nothing and still maintained a calm expression.

"Is this your true estimate?" After staring at him for a while, she suddenly raised the corners of her mouth slightly. The moment of charming charm made him uneasy.

"Yes," he responded shortly.

"Then..." She ticked her eyes with regret, "What a pity! Do you know that if your attitude satisfies me, you will get unexpected benefits?"

"What benefit?"

"For example, I'll give you two more general stars, or I'll give you another two-grade knighthood!" She said with a seductive expression, "Or, have you seen the ten palace guards outside? What do you think of them? "

"Them?" Ye Qingyuan thought about it, "They all have good fighting abilities. Their appearance and temperament are also the best!"

"Oh? You think so too?" Fang Yuqing said immediately, "As long as you can change your attitude, these ten Qianxing women will all be your slaves! You feel like this. Such conditions can satisfy you. ?Don’t forget, any one of them is no worse than the clone next to you!”

"This cannot be compared, Your Highness!" He was a little annoyed, "Moreover, in your eyes, I am just a nobody! Do you need to promise so many benefits in exchange for my attitude?"

"If I agree or disagree with you, what impact will it have on the future situation?"

"Are you angry?" Fang Yuqing said with a genuine smile, "I didn't ask you to do anything? As long as you agree with me, you can get so many benefits. Isn't this a good thing for you?"

"How can there be a free lunch in this world?" He laughed dumbly. "I feel like I'm taking advantage now, but I'm afraid I'll have to pay double the price in the future! I don't even know if I'm being sold out! Although I also like fame and fortune. , but I will never accept such benefits from unknown sources!”

Fang Yuqing tilted her head and looked at him for a while, and finally nodded gently.

"Okay! Everyone has their own ambitions, you can't force it!" She said sternly: "Since you have made up your mind, I won't say anything more! It's just that your path will not be so easy in the future!"

"What I said to you this time does not represent the attitude of the imperial royal family, nor does it even mean my own! I am just passing on messages on behalf of others. You don't have to worry that I will give you little shoes to wear in the future!"

"That's good!" He breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can go!" She raised her hand, and the folding knife returned to her chest in an instant, and the ball of light slowly dissipated.

Bowing gently, he walked towards the sea, but did not notice the complicated look in the princess's eyes at him.

"Okay, I've said everything I need to say! It's just that at the moment, it seems that this guy is not obedient! I'm afraid he will disappoint you!"

She spoke to a deserted place.

The space in that place slowly fluctuated, and the shadow of a huge thing was revealed. It seems to be a spaceship.

A low and sweet voice came: "Why doesn't he agree with you?"

"That's not my opinion. It's yours! I'm just conveying it to you!" Fang Yuqing mocked, "You can't even convince me, and you still want to convince him? I've warned you before. It’s because you don’t believe it! Are you hitting a wall now?”

The voice was suffocated, and then said: "Aren't human beings a life form that likes benefits? As long as there are enough benefits, they can do anything for anyone, even disregarding all moral laws! Past experiences have also proved that I His opinion, why is he an exception? Is it your reason?"

Fang Yuqing snorted coldly: "When I was talking to him, you kept watching from the side. Didn't I try my best? Then go and talk to him personally!"

"Of course I can trust you!" The voice paused and then said: "Is it because the benefits are less and he is not satisfied? I understand, he was there that time..."

"What?" Fang Yuqing asked.

"It's nothing!" The voice was obviously covering up. "You should find a chance to talk to him next time! No matter what he wants, you can agree to it! As such an important chess piece, if we can't be recognized mentally and physically, we will definitely be redundant in the future. Nosy business!”

"You want me to go again? Absolutely not possible!" Fang Yuqing flatly refused, "Looking at our past friendship, I helped you this time! From now on, you can either find him by yourself, or simply expose him for the time being! Stop messing with him! I didn’t think he would be that easy to control!”

"Every human being has a price! He refuses to obey, just because the price offered is not high enough! If the price is right, there is no one in the human world that I cannot buy!" The voice said calmly.

"It's a pity. This time you've been missing for a while! Not all humans are like this." The princess sneered.

"I've been in the human world long enough, and I know everything about them very well!" the voice muttered. "There is nothing wrong with what I am doing! As long as the price is higher, he will definitely change his mind!"

"Huh? Do you feel that you understand human beings very well?" There was a hint of sarcasm in the princess's voice, "You have been running the business for so many years, but you don't seem to have done anything famous! Those guys who can be bribed with money and women, and How many of them can really work for your plan?"

The voice was a little annoyed: "Don't forget your identity. You also have half of the noble blood of my race! It is a natural obligation to contribute to the great cause of my race!"

"What the Shuofeng Empire can give you, we can also give you. As long as you complete Her Majesty the Queen's instructions, your status will only be higher than here! I hope you don't forget this!"

"You don't have to worry about my affairs!" Fang Yuqing snorted. "You should pay more attention to the other candidates! I hope they won't disappoint you!"

Looking at the ten Qianxing palace guards around her, she suddenly smiled and said: "I thought I would find a good man for you. But they don't appreciate it? Or are you not attractive enough? They don't like you?"

The female palace guards looked at each other in confusion. After a while, the leader, a plump woman with a sweet face, said: "Your Highness, what should we do now?"

"How do you introduce it?" Fang Yuqing clasped her hands behind her back and said nonchalantly: "She is thinking of ways to keep you away for a while. Since he is separated, you can think of your own ways to seduce him! This is originally This is your mission and has nothing to do with me!”

The camp of the Kilizako people is less than 800 light seconds away from the wormhole where humans are stationed.

"Lord Commander! The situation on the other side of the wormhole has been roughly figured out!" A golden-robed priest said, "There are three large fixed fortresses, and the garrison force is quite strong! If we want to attack by force, the casualties of the soldiers of my race may be bigger!"

"It's nothing!" the commander said coldly, "As long as we can fight through, any sacrifice is worth it! Our race doesn't have much time left! We must fight quickly!"

"The great lord's palace is about to be restored. If it comes, all the achievements and glory will go to it! We will have no chance! Therefore, this damn war must be ended as soon as possible! Do you know?"

"...Understood, great commander!" The golden-robed priest said helplessly.

etqt9054 Wormhole is one of the several important passages between the Empire and the former Gardley Federation. ) There are large-scale space ports built at both ends of the wormhole, and there is an endless stream of caravans coming and going every day! It is a gold trading port famous in Xinghai!

After the war broke out, this former transportation hub gradually became deserted. Until now, it has become the front line of the battle between the two intelligent races! The spaceport near the wormhole has been dismantled and three large fixed interstellar fortresses have been built! The glyph-shaped guard protects the safety of the wormhole!

The fortress uses the most advanced technology currently available to the empire and is built with the highest construction standards! Up to ten layers of energy shield! The new fortress main gun with a caliber of fifty-nine meters also has an energy center several times larger than the standard size. Making these fortresses a veritable killing weapon!

All the main guns of the fortress are aimed at the entrance of the wormhole and remain ready to fire at any time! At the other end of the wormhole, there were also three fortresses guarding it. However, during the first confrontation, those fortresses were bombarded into space junk by the concentrated firepower of the Kilizako people's war fortress! Although they also paid a huge price in the process! But they finally let them take away control of the wormhole!

The situation in several other wormholes is similar. In order to prevent humans from using the fortress as a base to launch sneak attacks on their camps, the Kilizako people wiped out all the human strongholds on this side of the wormhole regardless of losses!

Now the two intelligent races are competing in the sky across the wormhole! No matter whether their troops or human reconnaissance teams come over, they will be sniped by the other party at the first opportunity! Very few can escape!

Today is the weekly defense change time for the fortress. Tens of thousands of warships came from the rear star field in a mighty manner, delivering next week's rotating officers and soldiers, as well as a large amount of logistical supplies. At the same time, the officers and soldiers in the fortress who had been granted leave were taken back.

Ye Qingyuan's Seventeenth Legion is looking for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan.com There are also the 19th, 57th, 59th, and 85th legions, a total of five supernatural legions with a total of more than 200,000 supernatural warriors. This time they are stationed in the building facing the wormhole entrance. In the fortress. But for the fortresses on both sides of the wormhole, the left side is jointly guarded by the legions of the eight major families, and the right side is handed over to the supernatural legion sent by "Cang Ling", one of the five super commando organizations that has recently arrived!

Among them, they are naturally the ones with the strongest combat power. There are ten legions. All the warriors are five-star or above, and their equipment is all five-star. All warriors above eight-star have five-star supernatural equipment! There are more than 300 people above Qianxing, and the team is led by two super-level experts of the demigod level!

"As expected of a super commando! The number of high-star awakened people and the level of equipment are better than those of the Imperial Regiment!" In the cabin, Ye Qingyuan sighed to the deputy division commander, Brigadier General Hu Mu.

"As a force that has been inherited for thousands of years, it is normal to have some decent family background! I just don't know what the actual combat power of these people is?" Hu Mu said calmly.

"It shouldn't be too bad! By the way, that's why I called you here this time!" As he said that, he pushed eight palm-sized delicate crystal vials on the table to him.

"This is?" (To be continued.)

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