Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 58 The riots before the war (Part 1)

The night is gloomy and the cold wind howls;

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, it was already completely dark. The already overwhelming dark clouds, coupled with the endless night and the increasingly shrill cold wind, made everyone in Chengshan Port even more nervous. Everyone feels a sense of despair and madness from the depths of their bones...

At this time, Chengshan Port has long lost the hustle and bustle of the past. Whether it is in the streets, alleys, or inside and outside the city walls, it is dark and dead at this moment, except for the occasional messengers from various gangs who hurried through on bicycles. Walking through the dark streets, there was not a single figure, not even a ghost;

"Ah——! Ah——!"

"Oh my God——!"

The shrill screams cut through the dead night, as creepy as the screams of the dead souls crawling out of the grave;

I saw a woman with disheveled hair, naked body, and injuries slowly crawling out of the flower-street willow-alley that used to be brightly lit but today is lifeless. The woman who was already on the verge of collapse completely collapsed;

At this time, the woman only has the instinct of an animal. In addition to letting out heart-rending screams from time to time, she just grabs the dirt on the ground and eats desperately, laughs desperately, and cries desperately...

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind fills the building;

At this time, Chengshan Port is experiencing the calm moment before the storm...

At the same time, completely different from the dead silence of Chengshan Port, there was a hustle and bustle on the road between the headquarters of the Black Ling Gang and the Iron Wolf Gang;

One, two, one wave, two waves, one group, two groups...

Some are strong, some are thin, some are as skinny as a stick, or some are so weak that they can only crawl...

Under the illumination of countless torches on the roadside, countless men and women were pouring into the territory directly under the jurisdiction of the Iron Wolf Gang's headquarters like a tide, making the Iron Wolf Gang at this moment crowded and noisy;

"It's enough! It's enough!"

"Everyone has enough to eat! Just eat as much as you want! As much as you want!"

As the shouts of "game" echoed in the howling cold wind, in the territory of the Iron Wolf Gang, in the open spaces inside and outside various factories, large and small, large pots were set up at some point. In the big pots, sweet potatoes, Potatoes, wild vegetables, gnocchi...the tangy aroma spreads everywhere with the cold wind;

"The Iron Wolf Gang is mighty! The Iron Wolf Gang will win!"

"Congratulations to the leader of the gang for unifying the world for thousands of years!"

In that permeating fragrance, those who are able to pass the screening of the gate and enter the territory of the Iron Wolf Gang only need to stand in front of the big pot and shout like this, and they can get enough food from the big pot;

Just like that, with the sound of competition and the disgusting flattery, every corner of the Iron Wolf Gang's territory was filled with dirty and smelly men, each holding various bowls and eating desperately;

Although many people know that this may be the last full meal in this life;

However, a very hungry person, even if he knows it is his last full meal, will eat him first without hesitation;

"Brothers! All heroes!"

"When you're full, come and play!"

"Go straight ahead, you can play in all the factories! All women can play freely, for free! You can play as much as you want! You don't have to pay if you die while playing!"

Following another shout, the men with full stomachs walked into the nearby factories one after another, roaring and glaring like wild beasts;

At this moment, in the smoky factory building, under the dim light of countless torches, countless shining women were lying on the cold ground with their legs spread apart. They were either numb, dying, or already cold and stiff... ...But even though they were covered with bruises and bruises, and there were puddles of white liquid everywhere on their bodies, they still couldn't stop the men who were like wild beasts with only instincts from jumping up one after another...

This is the current Iron Wolf Gang. It seems prosperous, but everyone knows that this may be the last prosperity;

Although it is said that the Iron Wolf Gang will surely win if they bring in foreign aid, but...

The ones above will always win, but those who die will always be cannon fodder like them!

The cold wind is still howling, and the crowd is still noisy. At this moment, in the thick crowd, an ordinary member of the Iron Wolf Gang is burping and following the crowd with a numb face, walking towards the place full of people. A factory filled with men’s roars and women’s screams;

"Duan Xiao! Duan Xiao!"

"You've eaten a lot! You've eaten enough for two people at least!"

Just when the gangster named Duan Xiao had just entered the factory, a Chinese character suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, reached out and patted his shoulder, then put his arms around his shoulders and shouted loudly;

"Let it go, let it go! Can you kiss a man or not? Who am I to rub against you?"

Seeing the man hugging his shoulders, Duan Xiao quickly struggled, while glaring and cursing;

"Me, Ge Laosi! Your eyes are dizzy after eating too much, aren't you? You can't even recognize me!"

"Oh, fourth child, I'm a little full from eating, and my eyes are a little dizzy." Duan Xiao was startled, and then said;

"It's okay, it's always like this. It's like this even after not having a full meal for a long time. I just recognized the wrong person." Ge Laosi said nonchalantly: "But you are really awesome. You actually want to go in and play with women? "

"What's wrong? Are you very opinionated?" Duan Xiao said boredly without even looking at Ge Laosi;

"No, look for Shuyuan I just came out of the factory. Those women... are just rotten meat. Damn it, I feel like vomiting after looking at it!"

"It's okay if you want to vomit," Duan Xiao still said in annoyance;

"Damn it, did you eat gunpowder today? Look at how annoying you are! Don't you think we should save some energy to play with their women after defeating the Black Ling Gang tomorrow? It's not like you don't You know, the woman from the Black Ling Gang is so charming, so voluptuous, that..."

"Oh? Really?" Duan Xiao seemed to be a little surprised and turned his head and glanced at Ge Laosi lightly, then suddenly curled up the corner of his mouth and put his arms around his waist;

"Get out of the way, get out of the way! Don't be so close!"

"Let me tell you, I saved up a month's worth of food last time and went there. Damn it, that woman is called a woman. Even though she is not sick or injured, she can still cooperate with you like she did before the end of the world. Wow... of... of..."

Ge Laosi was shaking Duan Xiao's hand, and his saliva was flying in all directions. But in the middle of his words, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his lower back. Then he instinctively turned his head to look, and was horrified to find that Duan Xiao's index finger unexpectedly pierced his lower back without knowing when;

"Duan...Duan Xiao! You..."


There was a muffled sound, and Ge Laosi slowly collapsed to the ground with an unbelievable look in his eyes. He kicked his legs and lost his breath.

"Ah! Killing! Killing!"

"Ge Laosi was killed!"

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