Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 580: Everything is deserted

There's nothing to say about this. He helped him out that time and never got a chance to repay him. Now of course he agrees with all his heart!

"Everyone, prepare to fight! Take the regiment as a group and cover and advance alternately. If there is a powerful enemy that is difficult to deal with, report it immediately!" Forwarding the action route map to his commanders, he led two regiments of troops to the energy center in the fortress. Rush away.

Along the way, everything was devastated. Countless human awakened people who died in battle were mixed with the corpses of Kilizako people, and all kinds of internal organs and plasma were splashed everywhere! The extremely hard alloy pavement and walls have also been smashed into countless potholes. In some places, they have even completely changed, and the entire wall has been blown away! Showing the brutality of the battle!

A bright starlight rushed along the wide passage, and from time to time, several sharp sword lights shot out, mixed with several blood-red light arrows, killing all the Kilizako people who dared to block the road. ! Behind, thousands of supernatural warriors and a large group of heavy mechas followed closely!

Although there were a lot of enemies encountered along the way, with him opening the way right in front, the team advanced very quickly! Soon we entered the depths of the fortress. The resistance encountered gradually increased! Large numbers of high-star Kilizako warriors rushed to intercept them regardless of the cost. Ye Qingyuan already felt the pressure doubled!

"It's already the dqa112 place!" Beside him, Yang Wentao looked at the map on the photon computer and said: "Go past five districts and we will almost reach the outskirts of the energy center! This is also the place that the devils are determined to win! No wonder the resistance will So intense!”

"Are we too late?" Reid said worriedly, "If they really take over the energy center, we will have a lot of trouble!"

"There's still fighting inside, which means they haven't succeeded yet!" Ye Qingyuan swung his sword and cut a charging Black Crystal warrior into a human stick, "Let's continue to advance and pay close attention to the situation behind. Don't be careless, let's These guys made dumplings!”


The team continued to advance, and Ye Qingyuan extended his brain waves to the surroundings. Although those alloy walls contain substances that prevent brain wave prying, with his powerful and unique brain wave practice method. No visible or invisible obstacles can block his perception! At least within a straight line distance of 500 meters, all changes can be clearly understood!

The terrain gradually became more complicated, and corridors extending in all directions could be seen everywhere. From time to time, they encountered some extremely ferocious Kilizako people besieging a few human awakened people. Naturally, they had no reason to stand by and watch. After killing and rescuing them one by one, the injured were sent to the rescue. Return to the rear for treatment. If your combat strength is still intact, you can move with the team. Before I knew it, a team of thousands of people had gathered!

When encountering an open area, enemies often rush in from all directions. The battle at this time is the most intense, and the probability of casualties is extremely high! Every time, he would directly stop the most powerful opponent, use all his strength to kill it as quickly as possible, and then go to help his teammates.

Fight fiercely all the way, and advance slowly and resolutely towards the target place! Finally, after passing through yet another local isolation wall, the entire team had to stop temporarily!

This is an empty living room with an area of ​​tens of thousands of square meters, originally used for storage. The place where a large number of energy crystals were transferred was now slowly surrounded by tens of thousands of Kilizako people exuding bursts of bloody aura! Their group of more than 5,000 people was trapped in the middle!

There are more than ten different types of warriors named Black Crystal. The most powerful one actually has a twelve-star cultivation level!

"Qingyue!" he called back.

"Why?" She came over immediately.

"I'll launch the attack later. If the effect is insignificant, you can use the material disintegrating ray bullet to finish the attack! Control the distance and be careful not to hurt our people!"

She nodded lightly: "Don't worry, I know why I do it!"

Turning to the group of guys slowly approaching, a cold smile appeared on Ye Qingyuan's lips. bring it on! Let you have a taste of the Demon-Slaying God Art, the power of multiple high-intensity mental storms!


The bright blue stars suddenly lit up. It was like a dazzling sun appeared in the fortress!

Those with enough fighting power can see the center of that star. A terrifyingly huge energy was brewing and resonating rapidly. sublimation!

In just an instant, a circle of silver light shimmered, and substantial ripples spread quickly. Under the horrified eyes of many Kili Zhako warriors, they were all enveloped in it with irresistible power!

Then came the second wave, the third wave...

The continuous spiritual storm swept across the entire living room, and some nearby places noticed the movement here!

"Everyone, take action! Solve the battle as soon as possible!" After several rounds of attacks, Ye Qingyuan, who had consumed 70% of the energy in his body, looked a little pale. However, he still had the energy to kill the surviving Black Crystal warriors one by one!

Only the leader was not easy to deal with, and he actually retained considerable combat power. The two sides fought for a while, but in the end it was Luo Qingyue's light crossbow that solved its resistance!

Under the metal floor, with him as the center, countless fine gossamer golden lights transformed into a dense network invisible to the naked eye. There were more than a dozen black crystal warriors and the energy of a large number of high-star warriors. Through this net, it was extracted in a way that is difficult for ordinary people to understand, and then merged into his body!

After absorbing a large number of crystal nuclei, Lan Yu, who has recovered a lot, has become more and more sophisticated! In such a highly efficient way of plundering energy, in just a few breaths, the energy in the body that had been depleted became full again! And it keeps increasing, until all the meridians feel vaguely swollen!

I hope to be promoted to the next star as soon as possible, he said in estimation!

Of course, that’s just guessing! His current state has far exceeded the level of ordinary human Qianxing. The abundance of source energy is at least equivalent to the sum of dozens of Qianxing! It is estimated that the energy required to be promoted again has reached a level that is difficult for ordinary people to estimate, and it will be impossible to hope for a while!

After dealing with this group of enemies, the team then moved forward. According to the surrounding situation perceived by the brain waves, the situation was extremely unfavorable to the human side! There is not much time left for them!

"Sister, someone seems to be coming outside!" Yun Hongyan said with some uncertainty.

"Huh?" Yun Xinyao squeezed the source energy in her body desperately. Struggling to maintain the stability of the energy shield, large beads of sweat flowed down from her beautiful and smooth forehead!

"They should be our reinforcements!" Zhou Yiwei once again took out two sets of pocket mirror array cards to help Yun Xinyao share the pressure. While chattering endlessly: "I hope they can come here soon, we can't hold on for long! Oh my God. I don't think my aunt will be captured and used as food by these ugly guys! I think it will make her sick to death..." "

Outside the energy shield, the last mechanical war puppet had been torn into pieces by the Kilizako people. The two black crystal war generals grinned ferociously and stood in front of them with the heavy hammers in their hands, smashing them with joy! Watching the panicked look of the three humans inside, they felt a special sense of satisfaction.

It seems that these three humans have high status and have such good self-defense equipment! And according to past experience, the higher the status of human beings. The meat tastes better and it tastes extra tender and delicious! You can have a real treat later!

When Ye Qingyuan rushed into the passage, he saw such a scene.

"Yun Xinyao!"

He was happy at first, and then slightly frowned. The aura emanating from the two black crystal warriors showed that they were at least twelve-star powerful guys!

With his current combat power, one end can be dealt with, but the two ends are not easy to deal with! Plus there are a lot of powerful guys around!

"Let's get out of the way first!" Luo Qingyue secretly said to him. "It's not our people anyway, it's not worth the risk!"

Looking at Yun Xinyao in the energy shield over there, she felt angry in her heart. I wish she would die!

"We are all fighting under the same banner, how can we not save anyone?" Why didn't Ye Qingyuan know her carelessness? It's just that he didn't wear it and used such a high-sounding reason to block her mouth.

"You are the only one who is noble!" She curled her lips.

The corner of his mouth curled up into a slight smile. No longer arguing with her, he rushed over with his sword in hand.

The Kilizako people who were watching the battle immediately gathered around, obviously to prevent his rescue action.

He was forced to stop less than fifty meters away from the two guys. After a short period of brewing, another round of mental storm swept over that made the enemy's expression change!

Due to the extremely close distance and his deliberate control, the two Black Crystal warriors were so shocked that they were dizzy and their mouths and noses were bleeding! He stayed in place for a while, his reaction was extremely sluggish!

Of course there is nothing to say about this. Kill him while he's sick! With two sword strokes, the two ugly heads were washed away by the black blood and flew away for a while! And those guys around who haven't died yet. My own teammates hit the target one by one!

"Are you okay?" He came to the shield and asked.

"Fortunately! If you had been a few minutes late, you would have had to look for us in those guys' stomachs!"

Zhou Yiwei said angrily.

He asked with a smile: "You are the fifth young lady of the Qi family, right? Your grandfather is worried about your situation. Let me come to you! Fortunately, I caught up!"

"Oh! I was just bored and came to visit Sister Xinyao! Who would have thought that those guys would come and kill her!" She explained with a depressed look on her face. )

"Okay, come with me now! Your grandpa and the others are over there at the fortress!"

As he said that, he finally looked at Yun Xinyao unnaturally: "You... are you planning on getting married? Are you going to come with us?"

Isn't this nonsense? If you don't follow him, why don't you rush away alone for a while and die?

Yun Xinyao glanced at him and said with a smile: "Of course, let's go together and take care of each other! By the way, I forgot to tell you, this is my cousin, Yun Hongyan!"

She pulled the girl with a pure and beautiful face over and introduced her.

The little girl looked a little reserved. After saying hello in a low voice, she hid behind her cousin.

"Okay, let's go! Go to the energy center and meet the people there first!" Ye Qingyuan said no more and took the lead in rushing towards the target place.

As a large number of human reinforcements entered, the battle in the fortress became more intense! In key areas such as energy centers, main control rooms, material warehouses, and battleship bases, the fighting is incredibly fierce!

Every minute, thousands of soldiers from both sides are killed!

Yun Xinyao looked at the figure charging at the front, her eyes filled with confusion!

After only a year and a half of absence, he has grown to the level of a Qianxing! And depending on the situation, it's much more powerful than the average Qianxing! That kind of brain wave attack method is something that only a semi-divine level expert can send out! Sure enough, he is indeed the owner of perfect genes!

Ever since that day, when she learned the truth of the matter, she seemed to have lost her mind. After confirming it back and forth n times, she finally accepted this unbelievable fact!

In the immediate following time, she locked herself in the cabin in the name of closed-door practice, thinking back and forth about how to deal with this matter!

Regardless of whether you ask or not, just pretend that nothing happened? That's impossible!

Make it public? That's even worse. For the first time in human history, perfect genes have appeared. This explosive news is enough to shock the entire star sea world! The consequences are definitely not something that the Yun family, or even the empire, can bear!

So, use this secret as a bargaining chip to ask him to do something for himself and his family? Seems like a good idea! But with his temperament, it is probably difficult to make him submit!

After all, the other party claimed to have saved her and asked her to repay her kindness with revenge, but she couldn't do it! So, how should we introduce it?

Looking at that slender and tall figure, she finally made up her mind. After you go back this time, talk to him openly and honestly!

Ye Qingyuan was on the verge of killing, and suddenly, a warning sign appeared in his heart!

Waves of strange whistling sounds sounded at the mental level, making those who suffered from it feel dizzy, bored and nauseous! Circles of deathly gray ripples spread rapidly from a living room outside the energy center!

"Damn it! It's the totem sacrifice of the Kilizako people!"

In an instant, the silver-blue starlight expanded rapidly, only having time to protect the hundreds of people beside him. The remaining people were enveloped in the ripples before they could react!

Sharp screams came one after another, and everyone in the team was injured. In an instant, they almost lost any resistance! Those who are awakened are doing better, they just have splitting headaches and bleeding from their seven orifices! The soldiers of the mecha legion without any special powers were much worse. More than 70% of the soldiers had their heads exploded on the spot, looking for Shuyuanwww.zhaoshuyuan. co cut off all vitality!

Only high-star awakened people who specialize in cultivating spiritual energy or possess targeted protective equipment can protect themselves from too much harm in such an attack.

"I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Seeing the heavy casualties among his subordinates, Ye Qingyuan, who had determined the source of the attack, said angrily.

The starlight suddenly condensed, followed by several flashes, and when it reappeared, it had already reached its destination.

When he rushed into the living room and saw the situation clearly, he couldn't help but gasp!

Thousands of human corpses of awakened people are lying on the ground. The same number of Kilizako people are resting on the ground, and many of them are grabbing human corpses and biting them!

More than twenty Mo Jing generals were busy doing something in the center of the living room around five totem priests in red robes. Each of the five totem priests had a red and black ball the size of a bowl floating on their chests. A powerful aura of blood, cruelty, decadence, and destruction emanates from above! The mental attack just now was obviously caused by them! (To be continued.)

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