Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 591: Destroying the General

"We can't hide forever, right?" Ye Qingyuan asked somewhat depressedly as Fang Yuqing dragged him out of the space fault again.

Both of them looked a little embarrassed. Ye Qingyuan was suffering from continuous high-intensity overdraft of brain waves, which caused his demeanor to be sluggish. Even though he had high-quality energy potions to replenish his losses, the overload on his body was unavoidable!

On Fang Yuqing's armor, there were dozens of scars of varying depths. The nail leaf on her left hand was cracked, and there was blood oozing out from between her slender white fingers. It was obviously the work of those Black Crystal commanders!

A few seconds later, fifteen powerful auras emerged and pursued them relentlessly! The universe is full of terrifying pressure!

"Of course not!" Why did her smile look sinister, "Let's slowly lead them to the command center. Two-thirds of the demigod experts from various countries are sitting there! Let them take action together at that time, Wouldn't it be better to keep all these fifteen beasts here?"

"How many demigods do we have here? Can we take care of them?"

"Including the manpower of the five super commandos from all the major countries, there are about thirty or so!" She smiled. "With the advantage of the home field, it is enough to wipe them all out! Although the combat effectiveness of the Kilizako people Far better than us, but there may not be too many strong men of this type. Dozens of them died today, which is enough to keep them quiet for a while!"

The fifteen powerful auras behind him were getting closer and closer, and the sharp murderous aura stimulated his scalp to numb slightly! Fang Yuqing deliberately slowed down her figure, and slowly led her out of the battlefield during multiple space shuttles, approaching the outer warning circle of the highest command center.

Tens of seconds later, the leader, Commander Mo Jing, finally realized something was wrong and called his companions to stop. But it's too late!

A powerful aura suddenly rose from the human coalition general command center, which was just around the corner. With unparalleled fighting spirit, rush towards them!

Then came the second, third...

More than thirty demigod level experts appeared one after another. Block these fifteen poor guys in the middle! Under the influence of a strange energy, the surrounding space is like glue that is gradually solidifying. It gradually becomes sticky! Blocking their last escape route!

The leaders of Mo Jing realized that they had fallen into a human trap, and when they became angry, they decided to fight to the death to defend the dignity of the Kilizako race!

It's a pity that humans don't even give them this chance. Fang Yuqing waved her hand, and hundreds of golden light arrows shot in from outside the encirclement, covering them all!

The golden light arrow is extremely lethal. The heavy blood-colored crystal armor on Commander Mo Jing's body couldn't stop the intensive shooting of light arrows!

The leading guy watched helplessly as a light arrow pierced his shoulder, and then a ball of light exploded, and half of his shoulder and his left arm were silently annihilated! He couldn't even feel the pain!

After a few breaths, the fifteen powerful Black Crystal Commanders were annihilated by the continuous light arrows!

"Finally done!" Ye Qingyuan let out a long breath, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted on the spot!

"I'll take you back to rest!" Fang Yuqing showed a rare gentle expression and said harmoniously: "It's really hard on you today! Don't worry, the credit is definitely yours! When you wake up, you may be the lieutenant general Got it!"

In the command center. Leng Zhuo finally showed a smile: "The enemy has begun to retreat! Moreover, the losses are much higher than ours! The next evolution of the battle situation, our situation is much worse than expected!!"

"This battle is won! This young man should take the lead!" said the marshal. "It's just that he is a bit younger after all, so it's a bit difficult to arrange!"

"What's not to be arranged?" The wise man said with a smile, "He was promoted based on his military exploits, without any tricks. Even if he is promoted to a general, who would dare to object?"

"That's not what you said!" The marshal's eyes twitched. "If it were purely military, it would be easy to handle! But political matters are not that simple! Let's put it aside for now, I will directly submit his situation to His Majesty the Emperor for decision. Bar!"

in the universe. The Kilizako people finally couldn't bear the huge losses and began to retreat! This bloody battle ended with a tragic victory for mankind! The other side lost more than three million warships. A large number of high-star warriors and mutant beasts died in battle, especially the deaths of dozens of Black Crystal leaders. As a result, they no longer have the ability to launch large-scale battles in the short term!

And the human losses are similar! All countries have paid a heavy price and finally blocked this group of demons from the wormhole. Regarding the ensuing war, the top leaders of each country have regained a little confidence!

Ziqing Star Territory, the planet where the capital is located.

The star system where the planet is located is now filled with countless battleship groups!

The bow of each battleship is engraved with the golden feathered sword logo of the main army of the empire, as well as the five-clawed golden dragon emblem of the royal family, indicating that these fleets are the elite of the elite!

In the universe, which is almost a thousand light seconds away from the capital of the star field, a huge camp appears. At the outermost edge are three million elite battleships, coupled with 80 mobile interstellar fortresses! The hull of the ship is all made of black and decorated with gold patterns. These are the five main legions directly under the royal family: "Xingtao", "Divine Punishment", "Frost Dragon", and "Tianhuan".

Further inside are 8 to 9,000 dark-gold warships with a size one size larger and a larger main gun caliber. These are the Imperial Guards directly under the orders of His Majesty the Emperor! What is equipped is the latest generation of "Xilong" main battleship from the military industrial base under the royal family! Equipped with twenty "sky" grade mobile fortresses!

In the center of the Guards Corps, there is another 80,000 Guards fleet! At the very center of the Guards, there are 3,000 luxurious and gorgeous giant ships surrounded by 8 splendid interstellar fortresses! This is the palace complex of His Majesty the Emperor!

Hundreds of powerful auras emanate from the fleet, and they are connected together. Each of them is not weaker than the powerful Qianxing. Some of the auras are even longer and far-reaching, as vast as the abyss! The transformed aura even caused the entire universe to tremble slightly!

Together with the more than one million fleets cruising in the star system, the number of reinforcements on the front line this time has exceeded 5 million warships!

At this time, more than ten luxurious spaceships took off from the capital planet and headed towards His Majesty the Emperor's royal camp. After going through more than ten tedious and strict security inspection procedures, we finally came to a stop five hundred light seconds away from the imperial camp, where a fortress was waiting.

The spaceship landed at the docking base in the fortress. Hundreds of well-dressed officials disembarked from the spaceship, then transferred to the Imperial Regiment's battleship and took off again. These are all prominent figures on dozens of administrative planets in the Ziqing Star Territory. This time I came to see His Majesty the Emperor.

In accordance with royal practice, His Majesty the Emperor went on a tour. When the fleet arrives, the five hundred light seconds around the palace will automatically become an SS+ grade military dangerous place. Any target that breaks in without permission will be bombarded by the full force of the Guards without warning!

"Dear Steward, Your Majesty summoned me to see you this time. I don't know what instructions you have?" In the main control room of the battleship, Chu Gang, the Governor of the Purple Qing Star Territory, asked the palace steward, Earl Bill, embarrassedly and uneasily.

"Is this..." the old man with white hair said slowly with his eyelids closed.

Looked around. The governor took out a small box from his pocket and casually thrust it into the steward's hand while shaking hands with him.

Weighing the box in his hand, he found that it contained a large-capacity space bracelet. When his brain waves were detected, he found that it was densely packed with crystal cores and crystal bricks, as well as many rare specialties from the Ziqing Star Territory!

A smile appeared on the wrinkled face of the old steward, and his voice became gentle: "Don't worry, Lord Governor! Your Majesty is just passing by this time and just came to take a look! The war on the border of the empire is tense. As long as you all work together. General. Do your best at home and provide full support to the front line! Your Majesty will not make things difficult for you!"

"That's good!" The Governor breathed a sigh of relief, "We are all ministers of the empire. We should try our best to share your Majesty's worries! If something happens in the future, I hope the steward will take more care of you!"

"Well, it's easy to talk about..." the manager laughed.

In the palace, His Majesty the Emperor is watching the latest battle reports from the front line.

"This young man has really given me a lot of joy!" A satisfied smile appeared on the emperor's handsome face. "Such a great contribution! How to reward you is a bit troublesome!"

"Brother, are you feeling better?"

In the ward, Qin Yuanyuan was peeling an apple. While asking Ye Qingyuan with concern.

"Fortunately, my head doesn't hurt as much as it did two days ago!" He responded with lingering fear. "I never imagined that I would be so sad after using mental storm so frequently!"

That day, he was dragged by Fang Yuqing to use this trick constantly in an attempt to reverse the situation. At that time, he just felt tired, but after he came back, the consequences of overloading and overdrafting his brain waves really showed up!

Within two days, he hadn't had a good night's sleep and his brain had a splitting headache! And there is no way to relieve it! In the end, he begged Lan Yu for help, and he suppressed the pain slightly.

"This is a lesson for you!" she said, "Don't be so desperate next time! If it were anyone else, you would have become an idiot!"

Damn it, why not be forced by that demon princess, and why should I suffer this fate?

"That princess is not a good thing at first glance!" Qin Yuanyuan snorted and handed him the perfectly peeled apple in her hand: "Stay away from her in the future, and you can't be plotted by her again!"

"You speak lightly!" He was a little amused, "She is a princess, and your brother and I are her subordinates. Can I disobey her orders?"

"Then she can't harm you like this, right?" My sister felt angry as she thought about how uncomfortable he had been in the past two days.

A cold voice sounded from behind: "Slandering members of the royal family seems to be almost a crime! Miss Qin Yuanyuan, how should I punish you?"

It's unclear when the demon princess appeared at the front door, holding an exquisite flower basket in her hand.

Ye Qingyuan's expression changed and he said hurriedly: "Your Highness, my sister said what she said unintentionally, don't take it to heart! I will apologize on her behalf!"

He gently pulled his sister and gestured for her to say a few soft words. The princess in front of him was moody, and he was not willing to offend her easily!

Qin Yuanyuan, who had always followed him, refused to give in this time. She stubbornly turned her head and remained silent. He spread his hands helplessly and showed an apologetic smile to the princess.

Fortunately, Fang Yuqing didn't care about anything and came over to sit beside the bed.

"You were really tired that time!" She smiled, "I brought some medicines, which are treasures produced by the Royal Research Institute. They should be helpful for your injuries!"

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness!" He breathed a sigh of relief.

All I could understand was that this formulaic answer seemed to make her a little unhappy. She glared at him suddenly and said again: "Your commendation order has come down! His Majesty the Emperor has decided to promote you to lieutenant general and deputy commander of the 17th Army Corps, and your title has also been raised by one rank! There are also a lot of rewards. Go and see it yourself!”

She took out an exquisite gold box and threw it over. Inside was the edict of knighthood, His Majesty's personal commendation order and a list of rewards.

"Is this all what you fought for for me, Your Highness?" He asked, "Actually, you should take the lion's share of the credit for that time. Without your protection, I would be finished even if I had a hundred lives!"

"It's good that you know!" The princess snorted, the corners of her mouth slightly raised, revealing a faint smile: "Those old guys said that young people need to train more, and they are ready to give you some benefits casually! It was me who argued with His Majesty the Emperor and got you this general star!"

Ye Qingyuan thought about it and said, "I know a little bit of the intention above! They are worried that if I am promoted too fast, I will take credit for myself and create a lot of unnecessary troubles in the future, right?"

"Isn't that true?" the princess said with a look of disgust, "Those old guys are full of dirty political tricks! It was all your fault that you were promoted to general! It was that old ghost Wang Guangchang who came up with the bad idea to the emperor. , only then can I get you stuck!"

"Actually, their calculations are reasonable!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "It doesn't matter if the official position is not promoted for the time being. Anyway, the battle has to be fought! Are you afraid that there will be no chance of meritorious service by then?"

Fang Yuqing curled her lips: "You are quite generous!" She took out an apple from the fruit basket on the table, went to Shuyuan and carefully peeled it with the folding knife.

He was speechless for a while, using the artifact that had killed many semi-divine masters to peel fruit, only this His Highness could do it!

"The above is planning to transfer you to the 39th Army Corps as commander!" Fang Yuqing said again, "It was only after a debate between His Majesty and I that the appointment was changed!"

"Is there any problem with this?" he asked in confusion.

"Of course, that legion is controlled by people from the Yun family! With your status, you don't know how many deceptive tricks will be waiting for you after you get there. Those people are working in disguise, and I'm afraid you won't be able to do anything!"

"And this time?" Ye Qingyuan frowned slightly, "One thing I don't know is, how many aristocratic families are there in the Imperial Regiment?"

"Every major race controls one or two legions!" She said calmly, "This is just a political compromise. Most of the real elites of the empire are under the control of the royal family! Like your current one Although the legion is commanded by someone from the Augustin family race, Franz is still relatively close to the royal family!" (To be continued.)

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