"How do you two feel?"

Ye Qingyuan looked at the silent Cheng Guiyun and said calmly: "I have no objection. In fact, I have always had this attitude. As long as he doesn't come to try on me, I won't embarrass him at all! It's just that he has something in his heart. You ghost, coupled with your arrogance, are causing trouble for yourself! Who can you blame?"

The emperor nodded lightly with satisfaction, then turned his head and asked, "Brother Yun, I don't know why you said that?"

Cheng Guiyun stared coldly at the young man in front of him who was making him sleepless and eating, with a lot of thoughts in his heart.

Sure enough, he is of that person's bloodline, and his facial features are extremely similar. But the talent is so good that it makes people jealous! such a pity! Why is such an outstanding talent not the heir of me, Cheng Guiyun? No, he was originally supposed to be! However, it was all because of that damn Yun Yuxi, who took away everything that should belong to me! Originally, everything belonged to me, so why did the outside world think that I had taken over everything from Yun Yuxi?

How great would it be if he were my heir? With him, the Yun family may not be able to take a step further or even replace him in a few decades! But currently...

The more he thought about it, the more jealousy burned in his heart!

"Brother Yun!" The emperor called him again, with a hint of coldness in his voice: "I don't know what you mean!"

How to introduce it? It's impossible not to agree. His Majesty the Emperor has to give him face! However, with such a serious concern, I still find it difficult to rest at ease!

However, there is no way to deal with it!

"Okay! I agree!" His Highness the Prince said, with a hint of subtle weirdness flashing in his eyes.

"That's good!" The emperor took a breath and said with a smile.

"However, I still have a condition!" Cheng Guiyun said again, "As long as you agree, it will be done!"

The emperor frowned slightly. He asked, "Brother Yun, what other conditions do you have?"

"First: The three artifacts you took must be returned to the Yun family!" Cheng Guiyun stared at Ye Qingyuan and said. "That is the property of the Yun family and must be returned!"

Anger burned in my heart. His Highness the Prince actually said such shameless words, which was clearly meant to insult him! For the sake of the emperor's face, he might as well have drawn his sword and chopped it down!

"How many more are there? Let's tell them together!" He said coldly.

Cheng Guiyun said without shame: "Second, for the sake of the peace and stability of our race, you will not be able to enter other major races in the future. Even if they recruit you, you cannot agree!"

"Third, you must hand over your genetic samples to the family for racial research. And you must never disclose your genetic information to any other force!"

His attitude was so arrogant and unreasonable that even the emperor changed his face.

Ye Qingyuan laughed angrily: "Cheng Guiyun, don't you think you have gone too far? I don't owe you anything. I got those magic weapons by my own ability. If you think you want to go back, just Send someone to get it yourself!"

"But as to which race I will join in the future, does this have anything to do with your credibility? I am loyal to His Majesty the Emperor, so what qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks?"

"The last thing is the genetic sample. I don't know what kind of confidence you have to make such a request of me! If I say no, I will die immediately without a burial place!"

"I'm sorry to have to comply with your request! If you have the ability, just take it yourself!"

Cheng Guiyun's face darkened. He sneered: "Then you don't want to? The responsibility for this is all yours!"

"I guess it's not impossible for me to agree!" He suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth, "However, in exchange, you should give up your position as the head of the family! Because it is not something that belongs to you, so it is fair. !No?"

"You..." Cheng Guiyun glared at him, and just as he was about to get angry, he suddenly remembered that this was in front of His Majesty, and managed to suppress his anger!

"Prince Yun, your demands are too much!" The emperor's voice turned cold, "It seems that you are no longer planning to reconcile. Are you not even giving me my face?"

Cheng Guiyun's face changed wildly, and he said hurriedly: "Your Majesty, I don't mean that! It's just because of him that the previous family's race has suffered too much. It has to be like this, and I hope your Majesty will forgive me!"

"Okay!" The emperor patted the desk gently, "Just return those few artifacts to Yun Qing! Of course, I will give you enough compensation! You can rest assured!"

"But for the last two, those are your personal rights. According to the relevant laws of the empire, no one can force you! So you don't have to take it to heart!"

"In that case, I have no objection!" Ye Qingyuan said immediately.

Cheng Guiyun hesitated for a moment with a gloomy face, and finally reluctantly said: "I have no objection!"

"That's good!" The emperor nodded lightly, "Both of you are important ministers of the empire. From now on, we must work together to contribute to the country! No more entanglements!"

He turned back to a female official beside him and ordered: "Bring the wine! I want to drink with you two nobles!"

When the wine was served, the emperor filled two glasses himself, handed it to him and Cheng Guiyun, and then poured another glass himself: "Come, you two, after drinking this cup, the past grudges will be put aside!"

"Understood, I will obey your Majesty's will!" Ye Qingyuan also raised his cup.

Cheng Guiyun held the wine glass in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and then thought about what to say. As soon as he raised his head, he met the emperor's deep eyes, and a cold light flashed inadvertently in the calmness!

His heart trembled, and he finally said: "I will obey your Majesty's will!"

The three of them raised their glasses, touched each other lightly, and then each drank it in one gulp.

"Your Highness, the things are here, please put them away!" Ye Qingyuan took out the "Tingtao" sword, "Shadow Demon Sturgeon", and "Yuanxi Demon Luo Dragon Killing String"!

"You'd better hide them tightly! Don't come to me eagerly to give them to me one day when your head gets hot!" He secretly said to him with his mental fluctuations.

Cheng Guiyun glanced at him coldly and said nothing.

"Brother Yun, if it's okay, you can retreat!" the emperor said again.

"Understood, I take my leave!" Cheng Guiyun bowed slightly in greeting, turned around and retreated slowly for a while.

Dear Emperor Fang Xu, I don’t know how long you can protect him? When the group of demons from the opposite side come over, I don’t know if your throne is still secure! What if I, Cheng Guiyun, just tolerate you for a while?

His Highness the Prince sneered in his heart and quickly walked out of the palace gate. Boarded the speed car and left in a hurry! He wants to go back and discuss it with his cronies.

"What other orders does your Majesty have?" Ye Qingyuan asked in the study.

Fang Xuqing smiled slightly and said: "Your most powerful weapon at the moment is that sword, right? You sent it away for a while not long ago, but there will be no one who can take advantage of it when you go to the battlefield!"

"Forget it. I will give you a suitable weapon!"

As he spoke, he clapped his hands gently. A person came in at the door, and it turned out to be the purple-clothed palace lady whom I had seen before!

"Get my 'Hao Lan' sword!" he ordered.

A flash of shock flashed across the calm face of the female officer. She thought about what to say and held back! He ducked behind the screen.

When she came out, she already had an ancient and elegant long sword in her hand.

The sword body resembles black ice that has not melted for thousands of years! A dazzling golden light shines through the crystal clear surface. The sword's edge is a color darker than the darkest universe. Like a black hole, it absorbs all the light that shines on it!

The emperor took the sword and poured his own energy into it slightly. The sword edge trembled slightly, letting out a faint trembling sound! Immediately, a killing intent that was so sharp that it was about to tear the universe apart filled the air! Even the space around the sword's edge was experiencing unstable fluctuations!

"This is the sword of Fang Hongqian, the great emperor of Hui Yao, the previous generation of the empire!" The emperor gently stroked the blade of the sword and said solemnly: "One of the top ten magic weapons in the Star Sea world, the empire's national treasure! The late emperor once I have relied on it to kill a peerless strong man with a fifteen-star cultivation level!"

"I will give it to you today! Are you willing to accept it?"

Ye Qingyuan's face turned pale, and a chill ran through his heart.

The emperor had said before that he would compensate him, and he thought that at most he would be given a piece of artifact, but unexpectedly, it turned out to be a handful of artifacts. This is no ordinary artifact!

He had also heard about the reputation of this sword. It was a magical weapon that the hero discovered from the ruins of a lost ancient civilization. It is said that people with enough combat power can easily break through space and split stars if they use it! Fang Hongqian didn't know how many powerful men he had killed with it!

Now the emperor actually wants to give him this artifact that is a symbol of the royal family? what does that mean?

"Your Majesty! Do you think I am worthy of the important weapon of the country left by the late emperor?"

After thinking for a while, he asked in a dry voice.

What is an artifact? That is an existence that many semi-divine powerhouses have no hope of getting involved in their entire lives! The number of artifacts in the entire Star Sea World is much rarer than that of the so-called semi-divine powerhouses! For a big country like Shuofeng Empire, the numbers on the surface are no more than one hand!

He is just a star, maybe he has good potential. But currently, he is absolutely not qualified to possess a divine weapon. Because it cannot exert its power at all!

If he really accepts it, with his current fighting ability. There is no way to protect this magic weapon! Everyone understands the reason why it is a crime to have a jade in your hands!

"Why are you not worthy?" the emperor asked with a smile. "Your talent determines that your future achievements will never be inferior to any so-called genius! Combined with your loyalty and contribution to the empire, I think you are fully qualified." Get this sword!"

Seeing that he still didn't respond, the emperor sighed again: "This artifact has been sealed in the warehouse for too long! Since the death of the late emperor, no monarch in the past dynasties has been able to use it. After I ascend the throne, I can only use it. As a collection, you can enjoy it all the time! But you don’t have the opportunity to use it! This is unfair to it. The magic weapon should be where it is needed and in the hands of those who can use it!"

"Although you are not strong enough, I am optimistic about you! Therefore, I will hand it over to you. I hope that what you do in the future will live up to my expectations!"

"Now, let me ask you, will you accept this sword?"

The purple-clothed palace lady standing aside gently touched the jewelry on her waist, with a hint of understanding in her eyes.

There was a long silence in the study.

"Okay! Thanks to His Majesty's kindness, I... accept it!"

Ye Qingyuan clenched his teeth and finally nodded gently and agreed.

He vaguely guessed the deep meaning of His Majesty's words, but he couldn't completely figure it out for a while, so he could only go back and figure it out later!

When he held the legendary divine sword in his hand, his heart was just like the heavy sword body, and he felt like he was out of breath!

"If your Majesty has no other orders, I will resign!" he said.

The emperor nodded lightly and said to the purple-clothed female official: "Manager Yan, just send Yun Qing off!"

The female official in purple bowed in understanding and led Ye Qingyuan out of the door.

The entire journey was silent.

In the study room, the emperor pondered for a long time, twitching the corners of his eyes slightly, with a hint of loneliness on his face.

"Your Majesty, I'm back!" A faint voice sounded from behind. It was unclear when the female official in purple had appeared at the door.

The emperor seemed to have great trust in her and did not care about her somewhat relaxed behavior.

"Do you think what I did was inappropriate?" he asked. No outsiders were present, and he had already changed his name.

Manager Yan nodded slightly: "If you do this, you may indeed harm the child!"

"What he said just now is right. With his current combat power and status, he can't keep the magic weapon at all. Instead, he was defeated by the sword and caused a lot of unnecessary trouble out of thin air!"

The emperor heard this and said: "I know all this, but I still did it! I just tried to figure out whether this child is qualified enough to complete the important task I will give him in the future!"

"Your Majesty, but he is currently too young and has not grown to a strong enough level. Are your tests too hasty?"

"It's not that I'm too hasty, but the current situation is so urgent that we don't have much time! Otherwise, how can we make arrangements?" The emperor sighed softly, "I hope he won't disappoint me in the future!"

It wasn't until he walked out of the palace that Ye Qingyuan's mind became clearer. ) It would be better if he still held the national treasure in his hand, and he thought everything just happened was a dream.

Your Majesty, you really have posed a difficult problem for me! Looking at the divine sword in his hand, he thought silently in his heart.

After leaving this palace gate, I don't know how many pairs of eyes full of hostility and murderous intent have been staring at me! Not just because of this sword, but because of the political meaning behind the emperor giving this sword to a new leader with no background!

The emperor's favor is not always a good thing for the subjects. On the contrary, the reason why most famous ministers and generals did not end well is precisely because of the monarch's excessive favor! Take history as a guide, there are too many bloody examples!

However, now that you have accepted it, there is nothing to regret! In a word, no matter how many unnecessary things you will face in the future, no matter who thinks it is bad for you, you will definitely pay a heavy price!

He grasped the hilt of the sword and poured his energy into it. The sword immediately reacted, and a powerful thought came through: "You are the person chosen by His Majesty the Emperor? Why are you so weak in combat effectiveness?"

"Are you... the original consciousness of Divine Sword?" He asked hesitantly.

"Of course, it's me!" The brain wave said arrogantly, "I fought in five directions with Emperor Huiyao, and I don't know how many powerful enemies I killed! It's a pity that after the death of the emperor, there were no more powerful monarchs in the empire. A strong man who is qualified to hold this image! I have been silent in the secret room for many years. I didn’t expect that the emperor of this generation would invite me out again, and I never expected that he would hand me over to a fighting force like you. Unfashionable boy!"

A faint blood-red shadow appeared in his mind. It looked like a dragon but not a dragon. It should be the original consciousness of the artifact! (To be continued.)

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