"Why might they be unprepared?" Luo Qingyue asked suspiciously. "There must be a heavy concentration of troops on the other side of the wormhole. Our people will be besieged by them as soon as we show up. Why is it possible to achieve the planned plan?"

"Of course we know this, and we didn't plan to go through those wormholes this time. Instead, we used a secret route to bypass them!" Ye Qingyuan said.

"Even if the sneak attack is almost successful, our losses will not be small, right?"

"Then what are the methods?" He spread his hands helplessly, "In the face of a powerful enemy, we can't do nothing, right? No matter whether we succeed or not, we have tried our best, and we have a clear conscience!"

"Will you go too?" she asked with concern.

"Of course, I definitely want to go! Shi Yanlong, deputy director of the Imperial Superpower Corps and Imperial Marshal, was the first to call my name!" As he was speaking, he suddenly noticed that her face turned pale.

"Why did you do that?"

She leaned close to his ear and whispered: "Just yesterday, the commando team found out that the Yun family had a secret meeting with the marshal for an hour, and sent him a generous gift. The purpose is for you!"

"Is this possible? The marshal's reputation has always been good. He can't be bribed so easily, right?"

"Profits come first, how much is reputation worth?" she said disapprovingly, "Cheng Guiyun gave him hundreds of billions of benefits at once, and promised to marry a direct woman to him after the event was completed. Huh! How much! I am a hundred years old, but my lust is still there!”

"That's right! That's nothing!" He smiled softly, "My current identity is also a famous high-level general in the empire. He can't obviously send a group of strong men to surround and kill me, right?"

"It's better to just break up and use some conspiracy and trickery, and he can't do anything to me!"

"On the battlefield, anything can happen! He is not a fool, he will definitely kill someone with a borrowed knife!" She said worriedly, "How about I go with you? Let my brother send more people to keep an eye on him!"

"Don't worry! I'm fine..." A delicate hand covered his mouth.

"Don't think about leaving me to take risks alone!" she said fiercely. "This is the only thing settled!"

"...Okay! I really can't do anything to you!" He reluctantly agreed.

However, he didn't plan to just let the other person off like this. Stretching his arms around the enchanting body wrapped in the general's uniform, he pressed her down on the desk and began to undress her.

"You... you bastard, you're trying to do something bad again!" Her face was red, and she risked her life under his clutches!

But resistance was futile, Ye Qingyuan easily disarmed her. Tasted the fruits of victory once again...

No matter what tricks the Yun family used behind the scenes, Ye Qingyuan still set off with the fleet two days later!

The frontier of the empire, somewhere in the inaccessible universe.

This place is about 8,000 light minutes away from the war front line. It is an extremely desolate place. There are only a few red dwarf stars that have entered their twilight years and are still spraying the remaining light and heat into the universe.

Near a stone planet, there is a wormhole that is extremely secretive and not very large in diameter. This is one of the many secret passages discovered by the expedition fleet of the Imperial Security Department, and it comes in handy at this time!

Thirty thousand of the empire's latest warships, combined with some of the Kilizako technology, slowly jumped out of the wormhole entrance one after another!

"Nine thousand elite awakened ones have been carefully selected. I hope they can live up to the destiny!" Marshal Shi Yanlong, the marshal of the empire and a powerful semi-divine warrior, looked at the warships that filed out and began to line up. I thought privately in my heart: "However, everything is almost as smooth as ever! Huge casualties are inevitable, and there will always be some people who will never go back!"

His sinister eyes looked at the young man at the other end of the main control room who was talking to several colleagues.

Imperial Marshal Shi Yanlong also came from an ancient family race in the empire. His ancestors even had a history of marriage with the royal family, and his status was not insignificant. Although it is not as good as the eight major aristocratic families, it is still a first-class everyone's race!

This family has always been close to the royal family, and Shi Yanlong is no exception. This time, he actually took advantage of the Yun family, which seemed to outsiders to be contrary to common sense.

Only he knows. What on earth is it for?

His qualifications are undoubtedly quite excellent, but as a semi-divine level expert. Generally speaking, we have reached the pinnacle of spiritual practice. Without great adventures, we will never make any progress in this life!

At his current height, he has two ultimate wishes: one is to reach another star, and the other is to possess an artifact!

Let’s not talk about the first one, but the second one is what bothers him the most.

He has been thinking about that artifact for a long time! Relying on a relatively good personal relationship with His Majesty the Emperor, he once asked His Majesty to give him this sword, but was sternly rejected by His Majesty!

According to the tradition of the empire, those ministers who are extremely capable in combat, have outstanding military exploits, and are loyal enough to the royal family may be able to obtain artifacts given by the royal family! Of course, this kind of gift is not permanent, but only for the period of time when the minister who receives the gift is alive. Once the minister dies, this artifact must still be returned to the royal family!

Just like Ye Qingyuan, as long as he is alive, the right to use the Haolan Sword belongs to him. Once he dies, the artifact will be taken back by the royal family!

As a semi-divine powerhouse and a veteran of the empire with outstanding achievements, he did not have access to the divine weapon. I have to say it’s a big pity! If that's not the case, after all, artifacts are hard to come by, and there are many strong people with similar experiences, so he doesn't feel particularly uncomfortable.

However, he never expected that His Majesty the Emperor would actually give that artifact that symbolized the royal family to a previously unknown boy! It is said that he has made a lot of achievements, and his talent is said to be excellent, but so what?

He had served the royal family for hundreds of years and had made numerous contributions to the empire, but he had not been able to win an honor. How could he be embarrassed that a young boy who was nothing in his eyes could get such an honor?

Although with his many years of experience and government, he could vaguely guess that His Majesty might have a deeper meaning, there was one thing wrong with him. He was always the same in everything. Taking something too seriously! Originally, he had no prejudice against Ye Qingyuan, but on the contrary, he was somewhat interested in new rewards, but this happened. Why does he dislike him now?

In fact, it's not just him. Because of the emperor's actions, everyone in the government and the public began to pay attention to this young lieutenant general! There are those who are envious, there are those who are jealous, there are those who are regretful, there are those who are gloating over misfortune... All kinds of criticisms are rampant!

When the Yun family appeared at this time, he naturally knew what the other party was thinking, and he didn't know what kind of unnecessary trouble getting involved with them at this time would cause him. But he still agreed with a trace of luck! In fact, he knew in his heart that his own selfish desires were the focus of this matter!

In fact, the battlefield is extremely dangerous and anything can happen. Even a demi-god-level expert can't guarantee that he is safe and sound. The child is just a Qianxing at the moment, so he may not be able to get into trouble! Maybe, he doesn't have to do anything at all to achieve his wish and be able to pay homage to the Yun family! Why not?

The marshal thought this and his mood became better and better. The war was about to begin, but he still had time to enjoy a latte, of course. In the eyes of outsiders, this is a sign that the marshal has a clear mind and is unfazed by changes!

The fleet maintained silent communication and moved cautiously along a secret route determined in advance! Because the chosen wormhole was too remote and secretive, and it was not as good as attracting the attention of the Kilizako people, it was not a very long journey, but it took more than ten hours to complete!

After arriving at the predetermined star field, the fleet chose a hidden meteorite belt to hide temporarily, and then released a large number of detectors to detect the movements of the Kilizako camp.

Results come out quickly! On this side of the wormhole. The group of devils have occupied several nearby star fields and carried out large-scale transformations. Those formerly prosperous administrative planets were all filled with bases as dense as ant nests!

But for the underground. Needless to say, there must also be temples for worshiping them!

"Now we have to discuss it carefully!" The marshal looked at the circle of high-ranking generals around him and said slowly: "Judging from the situation we have grasped, there are as many as three planets within a ten-hour voyage of our fleet. There are more than a hundred of them, and most of them have their bases!"

"We currently have two choices! One is to choose the nearest planet, destroy their base with all our strength, and cause as many results as possible before the opponent can react!"

"The second is to find the location of their command center and carry out a beheading operation! If they can kill their senior officials, the purpose of this operation will be achieved! Of course, this road is risky, and one careless move may kill them. The entire fleet will pay for it!"

"I don't know what your opinions are?"

The generals thought for a while and expressed their opinions. Most of them agreed with the second point. In the final analysis, just destroying a few bases will not help change the current situation. Only by making dangerous moves and killing all their senior officials can we truly reverse the situation!

"That's it! Send out more detectors for further investigation!" the marshal ordered, "The fleet is on standby at any time, waiting for opportunities to act!"

In the following hours, countless nano-detectors and hyperspace scanners were released for a period of time. All kinds of image data are fed back continuously. Since this star field is the territory of humans, it is relatively easy to find out clearly!

"If my eighth sense is correct, their base camp should be here!" Marshal Shi Yanlong pointed his finger at the display, which marked a star system with more than ten planets.

There, there are fifteen war fortresses parked near different planetary synchronous orbits. The asteroid closest to the star is the commander's fortress! Millions of battleships cruise around the star system!

The expressions of the generals present all changed. With so many war fortresses gathered together, this bone is not as easy to chew as the elephant. Even if it takes the entire fleet, it will not reach the commander's side!

"Judging from this, it would be difficult to kill their command center without knowing it!" Franz frowned, "A hard attack is not advisable. Maybe, we should try other methods!"

"What means are there?" the marshal asked.

"Adopt the first plan, attack their outer bases, but control the intensity, try to attract a small number of their troops each time, and then choose a location to annihilate them!"

"Is that so? Isn't it a bit risky? After all, we only have 30,000 warships. If they send out too many troops at once, we will be under too much pressure!"

"Wars always involve risks! At least, the risk of this plan will not be greater than the beheading plan. What we brought this time are the elites of the empire, so they should be able to do the job!" Franz said.

"Just like this, it will be difficult to achieve the set goal! Even if some results are obtained, it will be of little use!" The marshal was not interested in this suggestion.

"Sir, if this is not the case, we will have nothing to do! We will go back with empty hands, and we will not be able to give instructions to the superiors!" Franz said.

"Beheading operations are too risky, and generally have no chance of success. The only option is to settle for the next best thing!" Zhou Junyi also said.

The marshal pondered for a moment, and then asked other generals for their opinions. Most of them were in favor of changing the established strategy, focusing on eliminating their effective forces, and then deciding whether to take new actions depending on the situation!

After the plan was confirmed, the fleet immediately turned around and slowly circled around the perimeter of the Kilizako people. Plan to launch an attack from there and destroy all the bases on the discovered planets.

The first one to bear the brunt is the Fengji star in the Hongze Star Region. This planet has an atmosphere and the environment on the surface is pretty good. It used to be a second-level administrative planet of the Federation. Today, hundreds of Kilizako bases for different purposes are stationed on it.

"There are less than 20,000 warships left behind, so there is no problem in eating them!" Fleet Commander Tian Xuanhao said. It was only after Wei Dongyang's strong recommendation that he had the opportunity to command the most advanced fleet in the empire!

"Well, turn on the fleet's mirror stealth system, keep the communication silent, and launch an attack only when it is within range!" the marshal ordered.

Although there are many bases on the surface of the planet, there are not many signs of enemy activity. They are lifeless! Only about half of the nearly 20,000 warships are cruising in low-Earth orbit, and the remaining half are lying in the parking base of the space port!

Suddenly, looking for the book garden www.zhaoshuyuan.com Tens of thousands of blue and faint beams of destruction suddenly pierced the universe and bombarded them with lightning speed! In a few breaths, more than three thousand battleships were smashed into pieces!

"Open all the missile launchers and carry out a carpet strike on them! Each part of the main gun takes turns to charge and cover the attack alternately. We must not let them catch their breath!" Tian Xuanhao nervously issued instructions while adjusting the attack coordinates. , strive to achieve the ultimate result with lower casualties!

Soon, the Kilizako fleet on this planet had been completely annihilated, followed by the major bases on the planet's surface. Without the protection of the fleet, they are like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. The commando team cannot mount a decent resistance at all!

More than ten minutes later, the surface of the planet was devastated, and all visible bases turned into a sea of ​​fire!

"Something's wrong, it's almost a sneak attack. Their resistance seems to be too weak!" Ye Qingyuan said with some confusion.

Tian Xuanhao also agreed with his view: "And the number of enemies in the base is very small, it seems to be almost like an empty city!"

"Then where have they gone?" the marshal asked, tapping the table gently. (To be continued.)

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