Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 609: It’s hard to escape the blame

The great lord became more and more angry as he spoke, and in the end he almost roared: "You worthless waste, you have ruined the honor of the great Kilizako race, you have betrayed my trust, you are not worthy of being my descendant at all. !”

Qilizaluoqi trembled and said: "The omnipotent Great Lord, I am really responsible for the defeat of the war. However, what I want to say clearly is that human beings really have the ability to discover and deal with me. The method of racial sacrifice to the Heavenly Palace!”

"Nonsense!" the big lord angrily yelled, "The technology of my race is the most advanced in the star sea. Even the race of the ancient gods cannot match it! Why did that primitive and backward civilization possibly discover it?"

"You are definitely looking for excuses for your incompetence!"

"You! You really disappoint me!" As soon as these words came out of his mouth, Qili Zhaluoqi suddenly felt horrified. He could no longer hold on, and his whole body collapsed on the floor.

"Send it away for a while!" The big lord finally ordered, "Let it confess to the omnipotent God! I don't need weak people among my descendants!"

Immediately, several blood spirit commanders came over and dragged this formerly noble man down!

In the main hall, hundreds of strong Kilizako people were silent and did not dare to express their anger!

"Great Lord! What should we do now?" After a while, a golden-robed priest bravely asked.

"How do you recommend it? I would like to listen to your opinions now!" Alastam Qiqig chuckled with unknown meaning. "A fool has appeared under my command. I don't know if there is another one." Two, the third..."

The golden-robed priest's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "Omnipotent Lord, we are all your loyal warriors. For the revival and strength of the tribe, we are willing to obey all your orders! Even if it means sacrificing our own lives life!"

"Yeah! That's good!" The big lord laughed in a low voice, "Humanity's defense line is right in front of us. What do you think we should do to deal with them?"

"In front of the great lord's palace, nothing dares to disobey your will!" The golden-robed priest immediately said, "Their defense line cannot stop the bombardment of the main artillery. They are almost the same as the Blood Spirit God King. There is no way to fight against the power from the Great God!”

"No!" the big lord responded coldly, "I'm not planning to take action for the time being, let the fleet I'm waiting for go up first! I want to see how those weak humans can actually bring disaster to my race. Such a heavy loss!”

"However," the golden-robed priest said hesitantly, "my race's time is really running out! Nearly half of the warriors in the fleet have reached the transformation stage, and we can't delay it any longer!"

"Do you think it will take a long time to break through that fragile line of defense?" Alastam Qiqig said suddenly, "I order, within a hundred hours! We must break through there!"

"If you can't do that, let the fleet commander accompany that loser!"

Hengcharhan Defense Line, the highest command center of the coalition forces.

On the huge projection sand table in front of the great sage Leng Zhuo, a new round of battlefield deductions has already begun, and data collected through various channels are pouring in like a flood. After being summarized and classified by dozens of wise men of different positions around the sand table, they were initially processed and then put into the sand table.

The war in the sandbox has entered the stage of all-out confrontation, and the red and blue light spots representing the strength of both sides are fighting inextricably! Leng Zhuo paid close attention to changes in the overall situation, issued some instructions from time to time, and made flexible adjustments based on the enemy's reaction. If reasonable results can be obtained, they will be transformed into specific tactical guidance and forwarded to Marshal Gurungs, who will be responsible for implementing specific battlefield command matters.

At this time, Fang Xuqing was standing next to him, staring at the sand table with a solemn expression, and he was silent.

Gurungs beside him whispered: "Your Majesty, all fleets are in place! All necessary preparations are in place. My opinion is: You can wait for the other party to launch an attack first, and then use it as you see it! The situation determines whether to fight back or not!”

"Is your assessment too conservative? I remember that your performance a while ago was quite good! Now that the enemy is so powerful, do you not even have the courage to attack anymore?" Fang Xucheng said slowly.

Gurungsi said helplessly: "Your Majesty! I don't think so! However, the asteroid stopped behind and has not moved. No one knows when it will take action! If the opponent we are waiting for is only their fleet. , Nachen can definitely attack directly! But at the moment, we must keep a considerable part of our strategic cards to prevent it from suddenly attacking!"

"Currently relying on the Hengcharhan star field defense line, with the assistance of thousands of various military fortresses, armed satellites, and military spaceports, we will definitely be able to block their fleet and control the losses to a minimum. Within the acceptable range!”

Fang Xucheng thought for a while after hearing this, and then asked: "What's the status of the friendly forces we're waiting for?"

"Not bad!" Gurungs said, "The Xuanluo Federation's fleet is in areas a4 to a6, the Genaslok Empire's fleet is in areas b3 to b7; the Tiloan Republic's fleet is in area c11; and the Black Kingdom, The reinforcements from the Rockefeller Empire and other countries have already allocated defense areas in advance! Their commanders have also promised that all movements will be subject to the arrangements of the Supreme Command Center!"

"However, the awakened troops organized by Cangling and Yanyue commandoes, and the mechanical war puppet army organized by Yuanshuo commando have also been assigned to the front line. With their assistance, the stability of the battle line can still be guaranteed!"

"That sounds like it! However," Fang Xu said, "the premise of all this is that the asteroid will not enter the battle! Right?"

Gurungs hesitated for a moment, then responded: "Your Majesty, you are right! That is the fact!"

Fang Xucheng was silent for a moment, and then asked, "If all the trump cards I'm waiting for are brought out, I can sort them out, right?"

"This... it stands to reason!" Gurungs said cautiously, "I just understand that this involves the empire's top secret. If it is used at this time, it can certainly solve the problem. But in this way, the reactions of various countries will It’s hard to predict! It may very well affect the situation after the war, and..."

"Your Majesty has a grand plan for the future of the empire!" The last sentence was expressed with mental fluctuations.

It seems that the relationship between the staff-wielding marshal and the emperor is not only that of monarch and minister, but also an extremely close private relationship, so that he can learn the most core secrets of the empire!

Fang Xucheng looked at his expression and suddenly curled up the corner of his mouth: "Why should you be nervous? Those things have been produced at a huge cost just so that they can be put to use one day! They are not just for display in the warehouse to look good. , Now that the empire is in a critical situation, if you still hide it and keep it to yourself, you will never have the chance to use it!"

"Don't worry! The trump card is gone, just think about the means to build it! As long as the empire is still there, what kind of weapons do you need?"

"Yes! Your Majesty is wise!" Gurungs breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Kilizakos are ready to attack!"

In the main control room of the flagship, Ye Qingyuan stared at the endless universe outside the porthole window and said slowly: "I don't know how many of our brothers in this legion will be left after this battle?"

Beside him, the deputy commander of the legion, Pedroel, responded softly: "This is inevitable. Since the war began, the blood of hundreds of millions of soldiers can almost fill the ocean of a planet! However, for the sake of the relatives behind me, I wait You still have to persevere until the moment you fall!"

"To die in battle is the fate of a soldier!"

Ye Qingyuan nodded slightly: "You are right, this is our fate! No matter what, as a member of the human race, we have no reason to let those demons break into our home and wreak havoc! As long as There is still breath left, so we must fight!”

At this time, the offensive on the opposite side has been fully launched!

More than five million saucer-shaped warships of the Kilizako people began to charge at the same time! It's like a dark tide of death rolling towards the defense line of the human camp! Every 10,000 warships form a square formation, with a war fortress as the center. Inside the fortress are a large number of elite warriors!

The great lord has given the death order to attack! Attack at any cost! No matter what, we must break through the human defense line in a short time and achieve the final victory!

In the vast universe, two huge fleets of unprecedented scale are slowly mobilizing! The majestic and magnificent Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy hangs quietly on the background of the starry sky, and the brilliance of countless cold and bright stars shines silently, pouring on the fleet of ships fighting for their lives!

In the invisible fault space, there are many pairs of eyes or other sensory organs, closely watching the fierce competition for survival between the two major civilization camps!

The Human Alliance Strategic Command is also full of elites. More than nine million warships, plus hundreds of mobile interstellar fortresses, form the first interception network, blocking the front of the Kilizako people!

The 97th Superpower Legion was assigned to Area A1. Together with them were members of the imperial race, three battleship legions under Duke Fang Yukun, and tens of thousands of elite awakened people transferred from the Yanyue Commando Organization.

"They have already arrived!" Fang Yukun said, "The number of enemy ships in our defense area is about three to nine thousand. It is estimated that it will be quite difficult to stop them!"

"Don't worry, I will win easily later!" Wei Dongyang said on the monitor.

"What means do you have?" asked the Duke.

"It's not me who has the means, but him!" Wei Dongyang pointed to Tian Xuanhao beside him, "With this young man here, our record will definitely be ranked first! I guarantee it!"

Fang Yukun said with a smile: "Tian Xuanhao? I have heard of you before. Since General Wei Dongyang praises you so much, I guess you are really capable! Show off your skills!"

Tian Xuanhao did not speak, but nodded lightly and confidently.

As they spoke, the fleets of both sides were approaching at high speed. When the distance was extremely close, the main guns that had been ready to fire began to compete with each other!

In an instant, billions of beams of different colors and calibers, symbolizing death and destruction, flashed across the universe! With each salvo, a large number of battleships will be hit, and bright fireworks bloom beautifully in the dark universe! The appearance of every firework means that hundreds of lives have been wiped out!

The entire defense line has been enveloped in blood and fire!

"Fleets 7801 to 7805 will immediately carry out a covering strike at the predetermined coordinates. After twenty seconds, they will move down to an angle of thirty degrees at full speed..."

"Fleets 5551 to 5555, move forward immediately, and the main gun group will conduct a covering bombardment for thirty seconds. The coordinates are xxxx, xxxx..."

"How many times have I told you, don't worry about the energy shield! Except for the engine, all energy is given priority to recharging the main gun! Don't think that your energy shield, which is more fragile than ***, can block it. Their bombardment! Before the opponent destroys you, the best way is to do your best to kill the opponent first!"

In the main control room, Tian Xuanhao stared at the battlefield situation map on the monitor. While giving orders, he did not forget to scold his subordinates. In fact, with his extremely precise control skills, not many battleships under his command have been hit by the enemy!

The fleets of both sides just exchanged fire, dodged, charged the main guns, and then shot again... After more than ten rounds of polite exchanges, the distance between the two sides had almost reached the point where they were almost face to face!

By this time, less than a third of the Kilizako fleet was left, and many of them were injured. The war fortress had been completely destroyed under intensive care!

"Their soldiers on board have already left the cabin, and a melee will follow!" Fang Yukun immediately ordered, "All officers and soldiers of the Ninety-Seven Superpower Corps, prepare to leave the cabin!"

Then he said to a middle-aged man beside him: "Please send some help!"

The man nodded lightly: "General, the Yanyue Commando Weaving Corps is waiting for your orders!"

On the opposite side, countless Kilizako warriors have already left the battleship, carrying a large number of mutant beasts, flying towards this side at first-level speed!

Here, more than 100,000 awakened human beings have already raised their light crossbows and are ready in the universe!

When the opponent's distance came into the range of the optical crossbow, Ye Qingyuan gave an order, and a large and gorgeous meteor shower suddenly appeared in the universe!

Nine thousand blue light arrows carrying unparalleled beauty and destructive power rushed into the Kilizako array!

Plasma fireballs exploded all over the sky one after another, ruthlessly harvesting lives!

The second round of light arrows struck immediately, then the third round, and the fifth round... did not give them any chance to breathe!

By the time the eight rounds of light arrow strikes were completed, the number of Kilizako people on the scene had been reduced by nearly half! Humanity's advantages in equipment are fully demonstrated!

Ye Qingyuan took out the Death Night Knife, and opened the magic square matrix and the energy shield of the light armor to the extreme. ) That time, he was attacked by the Commander-in-Chief Qili Zhaluoch, and both of his artifacts were damaged. In desperation, he went to Dronnikov again, but fortunately the other party did not embarrass him and let him order two more. set.

The officers and soldiers behind them are already ready to go. Those high-star awakened ones with seven stars or above, in addition to the photon development effect of their equipment, also have energy light balls transformed from their own source energy, which are divided into different colors according to the different energy attributes. For a time, the universe was filled with colorful balls of different sizes and brightness! Colorful and colorful, it’s really spectacular!

He handed over command authority to Pedrol and took the lead in charging into the Kilizako formation!

The silver-blue ball of light was wandering in the universe, and from time to time, streaks of blood-red sword light shot out, and each sword light would take away more or less lives! Almost nothing failed! (To be continued.)

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