Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 611 She is here again

As time went by, a total of more than 300 such life forms crawled out of this hive, and there were hundreds of hives, adding up to more than 30,000!

With so many monsters showing off their power at the same time, the millions of newly dispatched Kilizako warriors on the opposite side were instantly surrounded by this strange and extremely strange smoke. Except for a few strong ones who saw the opportunity quickly and escaped in time, this attack Almost all the elites in this batch were wiped out, and they all died from cannibalism!

"This is a dangerous thing from the Sand Celestial Star Territory, called the Spider Black Smoke Deer!" Fang Yuqing explained to him with a smile, "This thing can emit this kind of strange and extremely poisonous smoke, and it is extremely toxic and can confuse people. Disrupt the nerve centers of higher intelligent life forms, making them unable to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, and completely lose their minds!"

"The empire spent a lot of money and devoted hundreds of years of research to find out the secrets of domesticating and raising them, selecting the most powerful individuals among them, and cultivating such a powerful army of mutant beasts!"

The Kilizako people on the opposite side responded quickly. A large number of powerful mutant beasts were also released by the war fortress and began to launch a fierce counterattack against this group of guys! There are also a group of elite troops who failed to transform and transformed into living dead to provide support!

Tens of thousands of spiders and black smoked deer have defeated their opponents and are now eating contentedly! When he saw the other party charging towards him with great force, he immediately dropped the food he was eating and faced him without showing any signs of weakness!

The two sides fell into a melee, with more than nine thousand mutant beasts fighting selflessly, leaving their masters alone to watch the show!

"These guys are strong, but they still have some shortcomings!" Ye Qingyuan looked at it carefully for a while and said, "Their poisonous smoke is very powerful, but their physical fighting ability is a bit poor. Once the opponent gets close, they will Generally speaking, there is no easy way to fight back! Judging from this, the casualties will not be small!"

"However, being able to drag this batch of mutated beasts on the road is almost worth the loss!" Fang Yuqing said with a smile. ?

Half an hour later, the battle between the two sides was almost over. The other side's mutant beasts were once again wiped out, and the Spider-Qin Black Smoke Deer had lost more than 25,000 heads.

"Send more soldiers and continue the attack!" In the palace, the great lord looked at the image on the spar monitor and said expressionlessly: "The totem priests can go out. We must teach them a lesson they will never forget!"

The Kilizako people's array changed again. The launch ports of more than ten war fortresses were opened. Each metal platform with a diameter of about 30 meters and a dark green light glowing all over was pushed out by the tractor beam. The texture of the platform It's a bit like bronze, with countless strange patterns engraved on it. ) On each platform sits a totem priest who is completely wrapped up.

The grades of the totem priests are all very high. Judging by their aura, there are almost none below seven stars! As the distance quickly approached, they all ended their slumber, opened their eyes and stood up. The leader, a golden-robed priest, gently waved a scepter made from the bones of an unknown beast in his hand. Slowly, a black light appeared on the back of its head, and the light snaked down from the top of its head like a spirit, reaching the platform at its feet.

As soon as the platform came into contact with the light, it seemed as if a secret switch had been touched, and the entire platform shone brightly. After absorbing enough spiritual energy, those extremely strange patterns seemed to come alive, twisting and changing one after another! There were waves of subtle sounds on the spiritual level, like the sound of gears shifting!

Immediately afterwards, other totem priests followed suit, using their own spiritual energy as a medium to activate and move the platform under their feet! For a time, the universe was filled with darkness, and the photons seemed to be integrated into the universe. The sounds of gears on the spiritual level were superimposed together, creating a huge wave of sound!

"No! Are they also going to launch a mental storm attack?" Ye Qingyuan's expression changed. He had already seen that the brains of these priests were extremely developed, and they were probably all experts specializing in brain waves. ! If so many guys join forces to launch a mental attack, the defense line in this area will collapse immediately!

"Do you have the means to deal with it?" Princess Fang Yuqing tilted her head and looked at him, asking with some expectation.

"...If I were a semi-divine powerhouse, there would still be a chance!" He said awkwardly, "But currently, I only have 11-star combat power, and I can't stand up to so many guys! "

"How will you know if it works if you don't try?" Fang Yuqing held him back and flew over together: "Judging from this, it will take a long time for them to jointly launch a round of attacks. It's better to strike first!"

Ye Qingyuan had no choice but to run the Heavenly Demon Killing God Technique with all his strength. After the huge spiritual energy was enhanced and blessed by the Soul Devouring Bell, it turned into a spiritual storm of unparalleled power and spread!

At this time, you can see how extraordinary these guys are. Tens of thousands of totem priests integrate their brain waves with the platform under their feet, transforming into layers of light curtains that appear to be thin but are actually extremely tough. Block the rolling silver wave!

Under the continuous erosion of the silver wave, the light curtain weakened layer by layer, disintegrated and disappeared, and was regenerated layer by layer! Those platforms are also a kind of high-star brainwave equipment, called "The Sorrow of the Pagoda", which can greatly enhance the power of spiritual attacks and also have effective defense against enemy counterattacks, which can effectively make up for the weak physical abilities of the totem priests. Shortcomings!

The Munegrans tribe is not good at making equipment. From a human perspective, even the weapons used by high-level warriors like the Blood Spirit Warlords are crude and crude. Only the powerful ones above the Blood Spirit Commander level can There are one or two useful pieces of equipment! Moreover, these equipments are not made by themselves. Judging from the pattern characteristics and casting style, they are all obtained through exchanges with other tribes!

These "Sorrow of the Buddha", which have remarkable effects on spiritually awakened people, are the proud work of a large tribe close to them! It can be seen that the status of these totem sacrifices in the tribe is quite high, even higher than that of ordinary blood spirit warriors! Otherwise, the great lord would not be willing to equip them with so much good equipment!

Ye Qingyuan launched three rounds of spiritual storms in succession. As a result, only the hundreds of totem priests with weak combat power on the outer edge could not hold up. The speed of the light curtain could not offset the speed of collapse. In the end, they were submerged by the silver wave, and their whole head was like a balloon. They swelled up and exploded one by one!

Fang Yuqing waved his hand, and the folding knife turned into a large piece of light that enveloped more than a hundred platforms. With all his strength, the light curtains on the platform were shattered, and the totem sacrifices there were cut into pieces!

"It's not easy to deal with!" She frowned. There was a slight sense of stagnation in the flight path of the folding knife. It showed that the defense power of those light curtains was really amazing. It was estimated that they would be killed in a short time. Tens of thousands of totem worshipers are generally an impossible task!

"Kill as many as you can!" He raised the Death Night Sword and swung it with all his strength. A hundred-meter-long bloody sword light pierced the universe. All the Sorrows of the Pagoda that were swept away were shattered with one blow! However, he can only clean up more than ten platforms at a time, which is far worse than the princess's record!

The totem priests began to fight back! Accompanied by bursts of heart-stopping shrill howls, circles of black ripples blended almost perfectly with the universe, rolling towards the human camp seemingly slowly but really quickly!

With his interruption right in front, the human side gained a brief moment to activate protective measures. All fleets temporarily shrank and retreated. The supernatural warriors and mecha legions in the universe also activated positrons that neutralized and shielded mental attacks. shield.

The black tide swept over and washed away the human camp's defense dam like crazy. Under the joint attack of tens of thousands of totem priests, the power of the black tide was beyond imagination. Many of the people who were closer were unable to retreat in time. The awakened human beings could not withstand the offensive, and their brains exploded one after another!

Ye Qingyuan and the princess were located closest to the totem sacrificial camp, and the impact they received was also extreme! In desperation, he mobilized all the energy in his body, and the silver-blue sword light shrank into a ball with a diameter of about two meters, as if A sphere of substance! Wrapping him and Fang Yuqing in it.

The black wave rushed violently outside the light ball, and from time to time, a shimmer of silver blade light was torn off by the black wave, decomposed and swallowed! The color of the light ball dimmed slowly and uncontrollably! He only has 11 stars of combat power. Even if his brainwave intensity is extremely high, his control skills are unusually powerful, and he has the assistance of an artifact, it is impossible to fight against so many totem priests joining forces!

Judging from this that collapse is only a matter of time, it is not clear whether it can survive until the moment when the black tide disappears!

"Why are you so difficult to deal with?" Ye Qingyuan desperately squeezed out the last bit of energy in his body, trying hard to maintain the balance of the light ball.

The diameter of the light ball was further compressed, and Fang Yuqing was very close to him, completely leaning against each other. The forging process of the high-grade light armor was excellent, while perfectly harmonizing her ups and downs of alluring figure, even the feeling Not affected at all!

Through the delicate, thin and extremely flexible nail leaves, the wonderful touch of the flesh and bones of her delicate body was truly conveyed! It's a pity that he is busy defending at this time and has no time to enjoy this rare blessing!

Fang Yuqing didn't seem to care about his mooching behavior. Seeing his unsustainable look, she actually reached out and hugged him. A stream of extremely pure and vast energy was continuously delivered to her, which relieved her in time. His immediate concern. The ball of light, which was already shaky and might collapse at any time, became stable again!

"Why are you so desperate?" she asked with a smile.

"I can't do it without my life!" He said helplessly, "Although you are powerful, you are not good at using brain waves. If you weren't like this, we wouldn't even think about going back!"

"You can push me away, and I will only protect you. The pressure will be much less!"

"Do you think I can handle this situation?"

How do you know I have no other means of dealing with them? The words swirled in her mind, but she didn't say them out loud. Seeing how concerned he was about his own safety, she felt a warm feeling in her heart.

The black mental frenzy raged for a full minute before slowly weakening and calming down.

The human camp suffered heavy losses. Although there are various measures to defend against mental attacks, there is no problem that the protection system has an upper limit. Under this unusually strong brain wave impact, tens of thousands of awakened people will remain forever. In the starry sky, the losses of the mecha legions and fleets were also terrible. The war machines themselves were not damaged, but all the people there were dead, leaving only a pile of empty shells!

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern, looking at her slightly pale face. The behavior just now caused a lot of damage to her.

"Fortunately! Fortunately, I had the foresight to drag you here! Otherwise today would be really dangerous!" She smiled sweetly, and the seductive charm she showed in that moment made his mind sway.

"They seem to be preparing for the next wave of offensive!" He looked worriedly outside, where the totem priests were gathering strength again, and circles of black brilliance emerged above their heads again, slowly gathering together.

As long as such an offensive happens again, the human power in this area will be wiped out, and the consequences will be serious!

"Don't worry! I'll find a way to deal with them!" She took out a few bottles of high-quality energy potions and handed them to him, and opened a few bottles herself and drank them.

"Show me that stick of yours, I can give them a good slap!" she said again.

"Okay!" He took out the ancient scepter and handed it to her, not forgetting to instruct the original consciousness of the scepter to obey her control.

Fang Yuqing took the scepter, put his brain waves into it and observed it, and said with some surprise: "You really have a lot of good stuff! Where did you get it? Didn't they all get it from fishing for seafood?"

The harvest from the federal treasury that time was all placed in the artifact space, and she naturally saw it.

With her status, what kind of good things have she not seen? It can surprise her, which shows that the value of this batch of things is really extraordinary!

"It's from the Federation!" he responded honestly.

"Oh!" She nodded lightly and didn't ask again.

"Whatever you like, just take it!" He added another sentence.

Fang Yuqing's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really? If that's the case, I'd be rude!"

"Well...of course it's no problem!" He felt a thump in his heart, and there was a premonition that something was wrong.

"Okay, let's not talk about this for now! Let's wait until we deal with these annoying guys!" He deliberately changed the topic.

"Well! Let's talk about it after we get back. Don't forget your promise!" Her smile looked sinister.

The slender hand grasped the scepter, and the source energy was poured into it with all its strength!

In the coalition command center located dozens of light seconds behind the battle line, Marshal Gurungs stared at the monitor in front of him, his eyebrows furrowed.

"It seems that the plan needs to be adjusted again!" He sighed, "Let's send that legion away for a while in advance! Otherwise, we won't be able to deal with their incredible group of guys!"

At this moment, a change on the monitor caught his attention.

"What is that?" he asked with some confusion.

In the universe, in the camp of the totem priests, a dark golden cloud suddenly appeared and slowly unfolded! It was like a huge and exquisite canopy, enveloping tens of thousands of totem sacrifices!

"This thing is so powerful!"

Watching the Yuangu Scepter erupting with such terrifying power in Fang Yuqing's hands, Ye Qingyuan's brain was temporarily confused. The power of this thing has surpassed any equipment he has seen so far. , compared to the Night Sword in her hand, the princess's folding knife is far superior!

Of course, with his current ability, he cannot fully exert the power of the divine sword, so he cannot yet determine who is more powerful. And whether the princess has reservations is beyond his knowledge! In short, this artifact is really useless to me now, just holding it in my hand as a decoration!

The whole body of the ancient scepter is bathed in a bright and soft dark golden light. On the top of the scepter are the patterns of the two unknown beasts. Countless three-dimensional golden runes that are as tiny as mosquitoes and flies emerge from the mouths of the two beasts. came out, transforming into pieces of gorgeous and beautiful golden light mist, spreading rapidly! In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of totem priests were all enveloped in it!

In the universe shrouded in golden mist, the space properties quietly changed. The totem priests living in it were horrified to find that the spiritual connection between themselves and their companions had been cut off by a powerful force! Moreover, the free energy in the surrounding universe suddenly disappeared, and the body no longer received any energy replenishment! (To be continued.)

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