Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 617 Battle of Star Gate

Chaotic scenes like this are constantly happening inside the planet!

The effect of this is obvious. The strength of the energy shield on the planet's surface has obviously begun to weaken, and those complicated and exquisite huge patterns have gradually dimmed! It was obvious that the strike of some key internal equipment affected the normal operation of the planetary defense system. .SUIMENG.lā

In the fault space, the golden spherical spaceship was still parked there, quietly watching the entire battle.

"I have to admit that humans are not as weak as we expected!" King Zhanying, who was on the leader's throne and shrouded in layers of golden light clouds, spoke: "They still have some powerful cards. of!"

"So, great master of space, do you think mankind will win this war?" the envoy of the Miriam Empire asked.

"Judging from the current situation, they have a 50% chance of winning!" King Zhanying said, "If the Kilizako people cannot solve the human method in time, then as time goes by, the destruction of the planet will be inevitable!"

"In this case, I won't have anything to wait for!" The red-skinned lizard sighed softly.

"That's true!" King Zhanying smiled coldly, "Our original intention is to make both races suffer, and to use the power of the Kilizako people to completely weaken human beings and turn them into our own. A vassal race! Now it seems that this design is really difficult to realize!"

"Then what should I do now? Shall we let it go for now?" asked the half-human, half-snake woman who was the envoy of the Yanwei Tribal Alliance.

"Reveal it for the time being? Why maybe?" King Zhanying said coldly, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to weaken mankind! If they are allowed to survive this level, it will be more difficult to curb their development trend in the future! After that, For hundreds of years, we will have to become their vassal race! Why can we let it go so easily?"

"So...what do you mean?" she asked hesitantly.

"We will take action immediately to help the Kilizako people win this battle!" it said resolutely.

In the command center, all the high-ranking generals were nervously staring at the images on the monitor in front of them. )

"Did we win?" Fang Xucheng gently clenched his fist and asked in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, judging from the current situation, the balance of victory is tilting towards us!" Gurungs said cautiously, "However, to achieve the final victory, the current results are not enough!"

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details!"

Leng Zhuo looked at the data gathered on the monitor and said: "If we don't launch an attack in advance, the 'alien space barrier' we are waiting for can still last for 8 minutes. The dimensional channel is guarded by three hundred dead soldiers from the Qianxing." It can still last for two minutes and thirty-seven seconds! During this time, we must use the dimensional star gate to project more weapons into the interior of the planet! Of course, their energy shield has disappeared, so this is not a problem !”

"We must cause as much damage to the interior of the planet within a limited time. It is best to completely paralyze its defense system! Only then in the ensuing duel can our fortress artillery group be able to completely destroy it. destroy!"

"That is to say, if nothing unexpected happens, the goddess of victory will eventually favor us! Right?" Fang Xucheng asked.

"That's right, Your Majesty!"

The emperor stopped talking and started paying attention to the movement on the monitor again.

The battle at this time has entered an extremely fierce stage, and the big lord is trying his best to stop those things from destroying the interior of the planet! On the human side, they are frantically projecting piles of deadly things through the star gate! Both sides are racing at the same time!

It's a long story, but it only takes a little more than two minutes from the time the Legion of Death was teleported to the surface of the planet! Moreover, under the attack of the multi-headed blood spirit commander, the Death Soldier Corps suffered heavy casualties, losing more than half in less than a minute! However, they were not timid at all, and still used their own flesh and blood to intercept the blood spirit leaders approaching the dimensional passage!

Those mechanical war puppets also rushed over to help in the battle. Under their desperate obstruction, seven or eight blood spirit commanders whose combat power was far superior to theirs actually lost their jobs. Judging from this, after completely solving this group of hateful people, Before the human race, more than one guy would be dragged away by them!

In just these ten seconds, thousands more antimatter bombs and black hole bombs were dropped! About 90% of them were intercepted by the big lord, and the remaining more than a hundred bombs detonated one after another, causing further damage to the planet! Once those black hole bombs detonate, they will emit a terrifying suction force, swallowing up all tangible and intangible existences hundreds of meters in radius like greedy giant beasts! Leave no trace at all!

The disaster inside the planet is still continuing. Under the influence of those special genetic viruses, many places have become deadly plague zones. All the Kilizako people who are exposed to those poisons are dizzy, their limbs are ulcerated, and they are suffering. Die from pain!

However, just when the dawn of victory was about to appear, something unexpected happened!

The universe trembled, and waves of vague fluctuations came from an unknown corner.

"No! Something is wrong with the alien space barrier!" The expressions of several engineers responsible for system maintenance changed drastically.

"What's going on? Is the energy supply unable to keep up?" Gurungs immediately asked nervously, "I remember that the energy supply is very sufficient. It will not be a problem to maintain it for at least a few more minutes! Which link is faulty?"

An engineer looked at the operating data on the photon computer and responded simply: "The mutation comes from the outside. There is a powerful energy that interferes with the normal operation of the system!"

"Is this a counterattack by the Kilizako people? It doesn't seem like it!" Gurungs said in confusion, "If they really had this ability, they wouldn't have used it until now!"

Fang Xucheng thought about it and suddenly said: "It's not the fault of those old civilizations, is it?"

Leng Zhuo's expression changed, he lowered his head and quickly deduced for a while, and said: "Maybe the probability is more than 90%! Generally speaking, it is certain!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's faces turned ugly.

How heavy a price has humanity paid since the war began? Trillions of people have been kidnapped, and hundreds of millions of soldiers have stained the starry sky with blood. Now we are finally on the verge of victory, but at this juncture, those guys got in the way! How can this make them not angry?

"I knew it! In the previous negotiations, these guys made too many unreasonable demands. When I didn't agree, they started to make mistakes! These shameless bandits!" Fang Xu cursed bitterly.

"Your Majesty, what should we do now?" Gurungs asked, "At this critical moment, are we really going to fall short?"

"That's it, there's no need to say more!" Fang Xucheng made a decisive decision, "Order all combat units and main guns to charge up and prepare to carry out a covering strike on that guy! The hyperspace detection system is activated to conduct a comprehensive scan of the nearby universe. It is absolutely necessary Find the traces of those old civilizations!"

"Success or failure depends on this! The most loyal soldiers of the empire, work hard! The future of the empire and the future of human civilization are entrusted to you!"

Beside the dimensional star gate, the officers and soldiers were still stepping up to release various weapons, but soon they found that their mission was over!

As the last dead soldier fell, the mechanical warriors who assisted in the battle were also destroyed one by one! As a price, 8 blood spirit leaders returned to the eternal darkness!

The remaining blood spirit leaders destroyed the dimensional channel as quickly as possible. However, at this time, the asteroid that lost its energy shield was powerless to teleport through the dimensional star gate!

What really made them feel relieved and a little confused was that a black translucent energy light curtain appeared one kilometer above the asteroid, blocking all the bombs, mutant beasts and other things that appeared out of thin air. !

"It seems that there is a certain force waiting for me!" The golden-robed priest said in confusion, "Does this race have other enemies?"

"No matter so much, I only know that if I don't clean up those damn things quickly! My palace will be completely destroyed in the hands of these dirty reptiles!" Alastam Qiqig gritted his teeth. "Hurry up and stabilize the situation in the palace. Then, we will retreat and rest, and let the fleets come over to protect us!"

"I can almost teach them a profound and unforgettable lesson!" The golden-robed priest suddenly said, "The traces of the human fleet have been found!"

"What?" the big lord roared excitedly, "Where are they? Where are they? These shameless reptiles! I want them to taste the power of the main gun! They have violated the honor of the great Kilizako race. and dignity, they must pay a heavy price!”

In the universe millions of kilometers away, traces of the human fleet that had been integrated with the surrounding universe have reappeared!

Due to the secret mischief of the ghost race, the alien space barrier lost its use in advance, and the dimensional star gate was blocked by the space barrier! The asteroid that was about to be destroyed finally got a chance to fight back!

"Found them! Charge the main cannon and attack immediately!" the big lord said suddenly. "Let the fleets behind come over, and we must definitely keep them all here!"

At the same time, millions of human warships were also ready. Following Gurungs's order, billions of beams of destruction were bombarded at the asteroid!

It's just that the energy light curtain is extremely tough, and the immeasurable artillery fire falling on it only causes it to fluctuate, but has no real impact at all.

"Maybe this kind of thing only exists in the ghost race, right?" Leng Zhuo said coldly, "They are indeed colluding with those devils and plotting to subvert human civilization!"

"Your Highness, there is no need to worry!" Gurungsi said, "The defense power of this energy light curtain may not have an upper limit. As long as you concentrate your firepower on the attack for a period of time, it will be broken! As long as that big guy doesn't run away, I will wait for today I must keep it here, no matter how much it costs!"

"It's just that they still have a fleet of more than three million!" Leng Zhuo frowned, "If we estimate that they are all solved, our casualties will not be small!"

Fang Xu said: "The battle has reached this point, and there is no need to use these! We must deal with these devils as soon as possible. We have more important things to do!"

In the universe, the interior of the asteroid has been severely damaged, and the charging speed of the main gun group has been greatly slowed down. Only 8 main guns have been charged until now. Under the order of the golden-robed priest, the first attack was launched!

More than ten seconds later, eight miserable green beams with a diameter of 300 meters shot into the human fleet camp! Despite all efforts to evacuate and evade in advance, more than 20,000 warships and an interstellar fortress were beaten into cosmic dust!

"The defense of this ghost is one-way?" Gurungs said in shock and anger. "They hit us, but we can't defend ourselves. We hit them, but nothing can get in! These damn group volleyball!"

"Order the fleet and the fortress to continue the attack!" He tried to calm down, and then issued the order: "However, for those logistics fleets, let them withdraw there through the wormhole first! I am waiting to arrange it in the Ziqing Star Territory Although the second line of defense has not yet been completed, it can still be used!"

"Your Majesty? How do you feel?"

Fang Xu nodded gently: "I have no objection, please watch and handle it!"

Just like this, many fleets centered on the wormhole and hundreds of interstellar fortresses as support points, then bombarded the energy light curtain, and at the same time began to cover the retreat of friendly forces!

A few minutes later, the energy light curtain finally showed signs of loosening. However, at this moment, the more than three million Kilizako fleet, which was originally behind, rushed over and entered the main gun range!

The caliber of the wormhole is limited and it cannot teleport too many warships at once, but the Kilizako people behind them have already opened fire! For a time, the casualties of the human fleet skyrocketed!

"These sons of bitches!" Gurungs cursed through gritted teeth as he stared at the fleet that was constantly turning into space junk.

After several minutes of shooting and at the cost of destroying millions of warships, the heavy energy light curtain finally began to disintegrate. The human fleet that had the opportunity to counterattack immediately swarmed up and fought with the Kilizako people!

Seeing that the situation was not good, the asteroid hurriedly accelerated to escape, and at the same time ordered the fleet to entangle humans at all costs!

The fleets of both sides fought a fierce battle to the death! In the end, the human side had to withdraw from the wormhole due to excessive casualties and retreated to the rear star field to rest!

The Hengcharhan Defense Line, after months of fierce fighting, was finally lost!

Ziqing star field, the planet of purple gold.

"Commander, look for Shuyuan You should go see His Majesty!"

On an observation deck somewhere in the spaceport, Ye Qingyuan grabbed a palm-sized, exquisitely and elegantly hand-carved wine bottle with gold crystal core, lying on his back on a queen-size bed, staring at the majestic ocean of stars outside the energy shield. . At least that's how it seems to others!

Of course, only he knows what he is doing!

Within this planetary system, this place has the densest concentration of stars, and it is also the most suitable place to absorb the energy of the stars and practice supernatural powers! Therefore, after the main fleet of the empire evacuated to this star field, tens of thousands of officers and soldiers in the entire army discovered that their immediate superiors had a habit of coming here to watch the stars after finishing their daily business affairs. .

In the interstellar age, except for a few scholars who make a career of studying celestial bodies and star maps, there are really not many people who retain this hobby! Therefore, his behavior attracted the attention of many people. However, after secretly observing it for a period of time, he found that there was nothing unusual, so he ignored it!

Hearing the voice of Deputy Commander Alves, he slowly stood up, poured the last sip of wine into his mouth, and said calmly: "Okay, I understand!" (To be continued.)

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