"Does Your Majesty intend to imitate Emperor Yuwen Cangqiong and complete this eternal feat?" Ye Qingyuan looked at the emperor's expression and already knew what he was thinking. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

"Yun Qing feels that with the empire's current national strength, how confident is it that it can accomplish this feat?" Fang Xu deliberately tested his knowledge.

Ye Qingyuan was silent for a long time before he said: "Based on the current situation, it's hard to say with any certainty!"

As soon as he said these words, he was a little embarrassed, not sure whether His Majesty would be angry.

Fang Xucheng said lightly "Yeah" and said, "Go on!"

"Today's empire, in terms of national strength, is by no means inferior to any major country in the human world! The Gnaslok Empire is no exception!"

"After experiencing successive wars, although the Imperial Regiment suffered heavy losses, a group of elite soldiers emerged who had experienced the baptism of fire. Their ability to survive such a cruel war can be estimated! This batch of The officers and soldiers will definitely become the mainstay in the war of reunification in the future!" Ye Qingyuan slowly relaxed and started talking.

"Moreover, the Gardley Federation adjacent to the empire no longer exists. This big country used to contain countless manpower and material resources of the empire, which greatly affected the plans of the emperors to expand territory! Now, the empire has no worries for the time being. We can also take back countless precious mineral resources in this territory and provide sufficient material support for the war of reunification!"

"Once the Gardre Federation was destroyed, there were no longer any decent big forces around the empire. They were all small and medium-sized countries that were vassal to the major powers! It is foreseeable that it would be better to make a big strategic mistake. The empire's early actions will definitely be smoother. Yes! By the time the empire's territory further expands and it begins to face off against other great powers, the empire that has taken the lead will have accumulated enough advantages, and it will not be as difficult as one might imagine to defeat them one by one!"

Fang Xu nodded gently: "It seems that the empire's chances are quite good. Why do you say you are not sure at all?"

"This is exactly what I want to say!" Ye Qingyuan sighed, "The analysis just now is only the most reasonable result! If there is a flaw in any link, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

"Furthermore, there are too many forces that don't want to see the empire unify! Not to mention the other major powers, even within the country, there is immeasurable resistance! For example, the eight major races!"

The meaning of his words is easy to understand. The empire defeated the invasion of Kilizako this time, and the prestige of the emperor and the royal family has reached an unprecedented height! There has been great suppression on several major races. If the empire is determined to launch a war of unification and progresses smoothly, the royal family with its greatly increased combat power will further squeeze the interests of these major races!

The top leaders of several major races are not fools, so why do they only see the pros and cons? At that time, our race will have no choice but to bow to the royal family, sacrifice a lot of interests in exchange for the peace of the race, and will no longer have great influence on national affairs!

Therefore, although reunification is beneficial to both the empire and the human world, these major families will never allow the royal family to implement this strategy freely! He will definitely try his best to interfere and destroy it!

Not to mention, the other big countries and the attitudes of several old civilizations all have knowledgeable people in their camps. Naturally, it can be seen that the empire's determination has its unique advantages. Of course, it will also Know its insurmountable disadvantages! If they take advantage of this disadvantage and collude with several major races, both internal and external, to work together to hold back the empire, then the royal family will never be able to accomplish anything!

Ye Qingyuan finally finished expressing his opinion and raised his head to stare at Fang Xuling, like a student who handed in his homework and expected the teacher's comments, waiting awkwardly and uneasily for the emperor to speak.

Fang Xu was silent, pacing back and forth in front of him with his hands behind his back and a gloomy expression. For a moment, the study was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Manager Yan walked in silently holding a white jade tray with two glasses of ice-cold jade berry juice. She offered one of the cups to the emperor and then brought the tray before his eyes.

He gave her a grateful smile, picked it up gently, and drank it in one gulp.

After a long time, Fang Xucheng finally stopped and sighed deeply: "At the beginning of the founding of the country, our ancestors, because of a moment of softness, named the eight brothers who worked together to conquer the world as princes, and agreed to share the power of the country and enjoy it forever. Wealth! Unfortunately, wealth and splendor are ultimately the enemy of friendship. Ever since our ancestors passed away, that friendship between descendants has long since disappeared!"

"For thousands of years, a considerable part of the empire's national power has been spent on overt and covert battles with these races! Hundreds of years ago, the late emperor Fang Hongqian almost succeeded in making these races a thing of the past, but in the end he still fell short! Now, it has become a force that cannot be lost!"

"I have great ambitions. I want to imitate the late emperor, cut down the vassals, and rectify the country's affairs! I don't know if Yun Qing is willing to help me?"

Ye Qingyuan looked solemn and said solemnly: "Your Majesty, I am a soldier of the empire. Your will is my wish!"

"That's good!" Fang Xu nodded lightly with satisfaction, "I called you here today just to have a chat with you. You have a very thorough understanding of the current Xinghai situation, which is somewhat beyond my expectation! However, this is very Okay! I was hesitant before, feeling that since you are a soldier, your understanding of certain things is inevitably biased, but now it seems that I am overly worried!"

"In the previous wars, you have repeatedly made meritorious deeds, but for some reasons, you did not receive the glory you deserve. Now, I will promote you to the rank of Imperial General, Deputy Director of the Imperial Superpower Corps, and a third-class Earl! how do you feel?"

He hesitated for a moment and said: "I dare not refuse this gift from my elders! I am deeply honored!"

"Well!" Fang Xucheng lightly patted his shoulder and said, "I will give you a task now! The 39th Legion and the 51st Legion, you have to replace all their senior leaders within ten days. No matter what method you use! You will definitely take them away from the Yun family!"

He suddenly raised his head, glanced at the emperor, and said solemnly: "I know! I will live up to your majesty's trust!"

Sure enough, his guess was correct. The emperor planned to take action against the eight major families. Reducing military power was the first step! However, these legions were still nominally part of the empire, but were only controlled by the Yun family.

First came the Yun family, followed by the legions controlled by the other five major families, and then, the fleets in their hands and the private armies they secretly cultivated. In short, the emperor has no intention of letting go of all the force they have in their hands!

However, what kind of resistance will be encountered in this process, and how much unnecessary trouble will be caused, that is the problem for him to solve!

Yun family residence.

In the meeting hall of that same time, Cheng Guiyun, who had just returned from the front line not long ago, was standing in the center of the venue. On the surrounding high platforms, all the venerables of all ranks were already seated!

"Dear lords, I have already explained what happened here recently!" Cheng Guiyun said, "Then I plan to use the power at hand to attack that kid again! No matter what, I will He obliterated it!”

The venerables were silent for a while, and then Venerable Yun Jinwen asked: "I heard that this child has been promoted to the level of eleven stars. His actual combat power is almost comparable to that of a demigod, and he has a divine weapon in his hand! With the power you currently have, Can we still succeed? It will only lead to a loss of troops and generals, so why bother?"

Cheng Guiyun said calmly: "I'm really not sure. However, for the benefit of my family's race, I, the head of the family, just have to do it with reluctance!"

"As early as half a year ago, I said that this boy would become a serious problem for the family in the future. If all the venerables were willing to listen to my advice and use the ultimate force of the family, they could kill him! Unfortunately, just It’s because of some people’s hesitation that this kid was given a chance to grow!”

"Look! A soft-footed shrimp with only seven or eight stars of combat power at the beginning has grown to a strong man with combat power that is close to that of a demigod! His status has also increased along the way. He can now be regarded as entering the upper echelons of power in the empire. How long has it been like this? "

"Now! The emperor has planned to train him as a sword, the sharpest sword specially designed to deal with eight other races like us!" Cheng Guiyun's voice became stern, "Now he has the rank of general. , coupled with his identity as the deputy director of the supernatural legion, he began to use the power in his hands to take revenge! The first step is to seize control of those legions, and then the fleet and private army that we are waiting for!"

"When all our forces are under his control, the good days of everyone here will come to an end!" He snorted coldly, "Of course, some people will almost have a way out because of their blood relationship with him! But, isn’t it too much to sacrifice the interests of the family race for one’s own selfishness..."

"That's enough!" Yun Linjie shouted angrily, interrupting the family leader.

"Cheng Guiyun! Don't think that we don't understand your selfishness!" She said coldly, "This incident originally happened because of you. You personally know who is more responsible! "

"Now that you see that you can no longer control that kid, you plan to drag your family into the water together! Use the resources of the entire family to satisfy your selfishness! Don't you feel ashamed?"

"Even if I have selfish motives, it does not conflict with the interests of my family's race!" Cheng Guiyun said arrogantly, "This kid should not have lived in this world in the first place! Most of the things that have happened to our family's race during this time are... It has nothing to do with him! Only if he dies will the interests of our race not be affected!"

"You..." Yun Linjie was furious and about to yell.

"Okay, stop arguing!" Yuntian Que spoke slowly, "At that meeting, the opinions on how to deal with this child have been determined, and everyone has voted in favor, so don't use this to argue at this time. Got it!"

"I just understand, Master of the Family! After that meeting, the most elite troops in the family race have been handed over to you! This means that you have been fully responsible for everything that follows! The matter of the child, It has nothing to do with the Elder Council anymore!”

Yun Tianque's voice was not high, but it carried an invisible pressure: "Why is that child safe and sound today? I should be the one to ask you this question, right?"

"Master of the family, what have you been doing recently? Why have you not completed what you should do, causing the family to face such a huge unnecessary trouble? Can you give me a reasonable explanation?"

Cheng Guiyun's face changed: "Your Majesty, you are right. The power of my race has been handed over to me, but these alone are not enough to kill him! With his current combat power, even the demigods can't kill him!" There is nothing we can do, Venerable Yunkong must take action himself!"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Yun Jinwen scolded, "Venerable Yunkong has been in seclusion for hundreds of years, concentrating on understanding the mysteries of the powerful divine beings. Not to mention you, even we are not qualified to easily alarm him! Now! For the sake of a small star, you actually have to work for his old man, who do you think you are?"

"But I think it's for the benefit of my race!" Cheng Guiyun argued, "If we delay it any longer, when that kid grows to a semi-divine level, what will you do?"

"Do you think that a semi-divine powerhouse is just a cabbage? Just guessing that you can break through?" Yun Linjie mocked, "In short, this matter started because of you, so it's up to you to settle it! If something goes wrong, that's also the case. Your responsibility! It has nothing to do with us!"

Cheng Guiyun's face turned gloomy with anger: "Haven't I been worrying about this matter? Why don't you hold me back? I would have dealt with that kid long ago! You old fools..."

"Pah!" He received a heavy slap on the face.

Looking at the faces of the venerables around him, he knew that he had offended everyone present with his unruly words! Even the sages of his faction showed disappointed expressions.

"Master Cheng Guiyun!" Yuntianque said calmly, "You still have three months. No matter what method you use, whether it is to eliminate or win over! You must deal with all the negative impacts of this incident on your family's race!"

"If you can't solve it, the family race elders meeting will take over the matter. As the head of the family, you will also shoulder your own responsibilities!"

Waves of cold sweat broke out uncontrollably on his forehead. Cheng Guiyun looked pale and was speechless for a long time.

Of course he knew what Yuntianque meant. If he couldn't settle the matter within the stipulated time, there would be that boy. Then the Family Council of Elders will take over the matter and re-examine his abilities and behavior to determine whether he is still suitable for his current position!

His mind is not stupid, and by now, he has already guessed the most likely ending! That is, the family's race elders meeting is very likely to compromise with that little bastard and let him step down as a condition in exchange for the little bastard's promise not to retaliate against the family's race!

Since obliteration is not feasible, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com, then the only option is to win over and compromise! This is an inevitable decision for our race, the most realistic and rational decision! Only care about profits, not personal grudges!

However, for him, the former head of the family who has lost power, I can guess what kind of fate he will encounter!

"Okay! Let's see how capable you are," he gritted his teeth in private, "Then I don't believe you can deal with several demigods at the same time!"

In the Ziqing Star Territory, the imperial army that has been assembled is waiting in full formation.

The main guns of all interstellar fortresses, mobile turrets, and armed satellites have been fully charged, and their ferocious muzzles are all pointing at the wormhole more than a hundred light seconds away.

Behind the wormhole is the last fleet of the Kilizako people and the asteroid.

All preparations are in place. As soon as those fleets show up, they will be hit by a storm! However, for the asteroid, the empire has already arranged another trump card. As long as there is another incident like that time, where the ghost race disrupts the situation, its demise will be doomed! (To be continued.)

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