The eight ghost race experts of the Youhuang Commandery category left in such a dejected manner. The Blood Spirit God King and his equipment were all taken away by Ye Qingyuan and handed over to the emperor's special envoy, who was said to be the Imperial Academy of Sciences. I guess I'll do some research. ***However, before that, more than half of the energy there had been plundered by Lan Yu without leaving a trace!

"Is the war over just like this?" Looking at the distance, the last Kilizako people's saucer-shaped fleet was surrounded by the overwhelmingly superior human fleet, killing them one by one! Ye Qingyuan breathed a long sigh of relief, and the nerves that had been tense for several days finally relaxed!

On May 17, 7933 in the interstellar calendar, the war that lasted for more than one year and eight months finally came to an end! After paying heavy casualties, at the cost of the destruction of eight small and medium-sized countries and one super-powerful country, mankind finally annihilated all the invading foreign fleets! Known in history as the "Kilizako War".

This is the first time since mankind entered the interstellar age that it has suffered such heavy losses! More than one trillion people were kidnapped by the Kilizako people and taken to the Haoting Xiaodutian Galaxy. The outcome can be estimated! The losses in manpower and material resources of all the great powers were extremely surprising, especially the Shuo Feng Empire, which lost 70% of its supernatural legion, and a large number of high-star awakened people were killed; just the strong ones above the Qian star alone lost thousands of people, including semi-divine grade ones. More than ten people! 8 The losses of all races were also horrific, with more than half of the elite force and fleet being wiped out!

There is no need to mention the fleet! More than 500 integrated fleets have had their designations revoked, and more than 8 million warships have been lost in total, as well as mecha legions, space fighter legions, and billions of soldiers staining the starry sky with blood!

Reinforcement losses from other countries were similar, and the number of soldiers who could return home alive was less than 50% of what they had when they went out for the expedition! It is certain that without sufficient manpower and material support, the military strength of the Star Sea World will be difficult to recover for a long time!

According to common sense reasoning, the human world will go through a long period of rest and recuperation. Those warlike countries will be peaceful for a while, and the long-lost peace will eventually come.

However, only the top leaders of the major countries know that this war is not over at all! This battle is just an informal warm-up before the battle! Facing a super overlord civilization with a territory that spans tens of millions of light-years, the entire human world's wealth is not even close to what others can think of!

It could be more than ten years at a time or decades at a slow time. When this civilization's unique fragile period, that is, after the transformation ceremony, is over, the silicon-based empire that already knows the ancient wormhole will inevitably invade with all its strength! By then, the entire Star Sea World will be reduced to a playground for this group of ugly and cruel life forms!

What should be done? Facing such a heterogeneous race that feeds on humans, surrender is obviously not feasible, so the only option is to fight! According to human nature, when you can move your hands, you will never speak! Many examples in the past have proven this! Many of those civilizations that were once extremely powerful and arrogant have been driven to the brink of extinction by humans!

Although today's opponents are much stronger and have even exceeded the limit that the human world can bear, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, humans will definitely fight to the end!

In fact, it is not difficult to deal with this powerful alien race. As long as the human nations are completely unified, the resources that the monolithic star sea world can use will definitely be many times that of the current ones. At that time, it can completely resist the huge pressure from the other side of the starry sky!

However, how to unify and who will unify? Regarding this unavoidable problem, the top leaders of various countries and major forces all have their own accounts in their hearts! Those countries or forces that think they are qualified have begun to become active secretly. They are making necessary preparations, communicating with forces close to them, and at the same time closely monitoring every move of potential opponents!

Alliance, co-optation, coercion, inducement, differentiation, disintegration... All kinds of means, both behind the scenes and behind the scenes, are used in public or in the dark! The major countries are trying their best to gain as many bargaining chips as possible so that they can take the upper hand in the ensuing war!

As Dr. Sergei, a famous news commentator in the empire, said: "Human beings are such a contradictory and complex life form! At one moment, major countries can work together to overcome difficulties regardless of past grudges, in order to safeguard the inheritance and development of human civilization; The next moment, the former close allies turned against each other and fought to the death, in order to safeguard the inheritance and development of human civilization!"

Of course, no matter what these politicians have in mind, all a soldier can do is obey orders, sacrifice everything for the benefit of his country at any time, and fight bloody battles!

After the war ended, the major legions and fleets that were originally concentrated here began to be mobilized one by one under the emperor's order. Some returned to their original stations, some were transferred to designated bases for dismantling and rectification, and some were arranged to take turns guarding in border areas!

Ye Qingyuan's 97th Superpower Corps was following Duke Fang Yukun's fleet to the southern military region of the empire. After a short rest there, it was transferred to the border to garrison!

There, several small and medium-sized states that were originally leaning towards the empire have made some vague changes, which attracted the attention of the empire's security department! Maybe it won't be long before soldiers like them can use it!

"Sir, your vacation application has been rejected from above!" Liu Xiangyun said to Ye Qingyuan slightly unhappily in the office center on the flagship.

"What do you mean? So many officers have long leave, why was mine rejected?" he asked with some confusion. "The war is over. According to the usual practice, the officers and soldiers who participated in the war can apply for a period of leave to go home and reunite with their relatives! Why don't I have this right?"

"This old guy Gurungs, I have to talk to him later!"

"Sir, the marshal had already agreed! However, before the order was issued, it was intercepted by His Majesty the Emperor!" Liu Xiangyun said with a smile, "His Majesty asked you to go with the fleet to the Imperial Capital to participate in the victory celebration! It is said that there is something more important. Please run the errand! This is a good thing!"

"But I am still a human being, and I generally have the right to rest, right?" Ye Qingyuan was a little depressed, "You really treated me like a donkey!"

Liu Xiangyun gently nodded and said: "His Majesty the Emperor also knows your thoughts, so he allows you to bring all your relatives and friends to the imperial capital! Moreover, he said that there are some things that must be told to you face to face. For the future of the empire, we must also You have your own future, so you must get there as soon as possible this time!"

Ye Qingyuan thought about it and said: "Very good! However, His Majesty's palace has already set off a month ago, why can't I catch up? There are many various matters to be dealt with along the way. It won’t be until a few days later, right?”

"What are you planning to do?" Liu Xiangyun's face became serious and he said solemnly: "My lord, you are my superior and my lord. There are some things that I have the obligation to remind you! As a minister, I regard the emperor's will as my own. A person's code of conduct is a natural obligation, especially in your current situation, with a shallow foundation and a powerful enemy eyeing you! At this time, except for getting closer to the emperor and working hard to manage your own combat power, all other thoughts are on your mind. It’s inappropriate, at least not currently!”

Ye Qingyuan said in surprise: "Where did you expect to go? I just need some time to do some personal things! Do you think it's so serious?"

Looking at his still somewhat incomprehensible eyes, he said helplessly: "Okay! Let me explain to you that when the war broke out, most of the civilians in the Hengcharhan Star Territory had moved to Baishui not far from here. Star Territory, then I just plan to take some time to visit them and give them some advice! Are you satisfied with this reason?"

This guy has a good mind and is loyal enough to him. Unfortunately, sometimes he likes to get into trouble, which leaves him speechless.

When Liu Xiangyun heard this, his expression instantly softened, he nodded slightly and said, "Since that's the case, it doesn't matter! The fleet has been on the road for such a long time, and they just rested for a whole day and a half in the White Water Star Territory. It’s normal, you can just leave for a while!”

"That's good!"

More than 8 hours later, the huge fleet that passed through several wormholes entered the capital planetary system of the Whitewater Star Territory and stationed itself in several large military bases nearby.

Many warships have been on the road for days, and the complicated equipment on the ship has more or less malfunctions. The mechanical repair part on the ship cannot solve all the problems, so it is necessary to rely on the large facilities of the ground base to deal with them! In addition, the energy, food, and various ammunition parts required by the fleet need to be replenished in large quantities on a regular basis. Therefore, Fang Yukun is very busy, and he is too busy to ask about the whereabouts of a certain general!

In fact, while the fleet is stationed, the officers and soldiers accompanying the ship can move freely on nearby planets, except in a state of war! Therefore, his actions did not violate military regulations. It's just that he ran a little further!

The Whitewater Star Territory is already the hinterland of the empire, and its development level is naturally very prosperous! The star system where the capital planet is located has as many as fifteen administrative planets, all of which are second-grade or above. They have beautiful environments and a total population of more than 8 billion! There are hundreds of mineral planets rich in rare resources nearby!

Along the way, you can see a large number of spaceships traveling to and from the galaxy, hundreds of thousands of caravans, and even large caravans of tens of thousands of ships are also spotted from time to time! The war that happened not long ago didn't seem to have much impact on them!

Since he went out with the army, he had lost contact with his former colleagues. Later, when he retreated to the empire, he learned the message they left for him and learned that they had all been transferred here with the military academy. Now, taking advantage of this If you have the opportunity, come and see them, catch up on old times, and have some long-planned plans that need their help to be implemented!

"We're here! It's the eighth planet called Enamel Star. They should all be there!" Ye Qingyuan said to Luo Qingyue beside him.

She nodded meekly, controlled the small spacecraft, and rushed into the atmosphere at first speed.

Enamel Star, Basalt C Zone in the Eastern Hemisphere. The Luhua Academy, which was relocated from the Hengcharhan Star Territory, is temporarily settled here together with tens of thousands of teachers and students.

During the war, these students were not affected too much. Except for a rise in prices and a food rationing system that had to be implemented for a period of time, their lives were generally relatively comfortable.

In a high-end student apartment, Tongshan is sitting on the sofa in the living room, taking apart a small photonic computer layer by layer, and then restoring it one by one in commando equipment. Since he chose the photonic computer design major, this is what he has to do every day. One of the things to do!

When the palm-sized, high-quality machine that had just come out on the market was "dismembered" three times in his hands and then restored, this guy finally stopped.

"Damn it! The so-called 'Tianyu' Type 3, which is the most complete and powerful among similar products, is not much different from the old model at such a low level. It is not technically difficult to crack at all!" He shouted angrily, "Apart from the fact that the movement function is slightly more powerful and the response is a bit faster, it is just replaced with a better-looking casing! You don't use this to cheat money!"

Link, who was playing a game on the side, raised his head, glanced at him and said: "There are no good things that can be bought on the market. If you have the ability, go and fiddle with the big guys used on Taiwan's battleships. ! If it can be so easy, I will really admire you!"

"How can it be so easy to get military supplies? Aren't you talking nonsense?" Tongshan said depressedly, "You think I don't care about it! But there is no one up there, so even if you try to get an old-fashioned one, it won't work!"

"Who said there is no one?" Zi Yuanlan, who was watching a movie with Chen Shuhua in her arms in the corner of the living room, turned around and said, "Didn't that guy from Qingyuan join the Imperial Regiment? I heard he was doing pretty well! I almost told him Say, maybe you can get what you want!"

"That's right! Why didn't I expect this level?" Tongshan slapped his forehead and said excitedly: "I heard that the war is over and that guy is coming back! I don't know when I can see him!"

"Right now, right now!" Link raised the photon computer in his hand, "Just an hour ago, the Imperial fleet entered the White Water Star Territory, and the car of the deputy director of the Imperial Superpower Corps is coming here. It is said that Qingyuan It’s on that spaceship!”

"Isn't it? He has already contacted you?" Tongshan said with surprise and joy, "Being able to travel with such a big shot, it seems that his status is not low, right?"

Zi Yuanlan nodded lightly: "Yes, that's it! I remember that when he left, he was already a five-star awakener. He was at least a school officer in the Imperial Regiment. If he had breakthrough powers and made military exploits, he might still be Lieutenant colonel, colonel or something!”

"Almost a brigadier general?" Link laughed, "That guy's luck has always been incredible! If he comes back with a general star on his shoulder, I wouldn't be surprised!"

"A general in the supernatural army? He is definitely a big shot!" Chen Shuhua smiled softly and looked for Shuyuan www., "However, I guess to be a general there, you need at least eight or nine stars, right? He has only been away for more than a year, and he must have been promoted to three stars in such a short period of time. It seems that It’s still a bit difficult!”

"You can't say that!" Tongshan said firmly, "That guy often has some unexpected performances. Maybe this time he can give me some joy!"

For a while, several guys were arguing about the military rank of this long-departed old colleague.

"Okay, okay! Stop arguing, okay?" Chen Shuhua said with some confusion, "It's almost noon! It's time for me to greet him! We'll find out if he's a brigadier general or not when we meet later? It's really..."

"That's right!" Zi Yuanlan said with a smile, "Let's go! Call those familiar colleagues, as well as the beautiful lady Meng Xuan. Ever since we said goodbye, she has never forgotten that guy!"

When Yu understood, everyone immediately took action, tidied up their appearance, sent messages to their closest colleagues, and then walked out together and took the speed car straight to the space port. (To be continued.)

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