Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 631: Make a prompt decision

The female adjutant of biochemistry lowered her head and thought for a few seconds before giving the answer: "There are still more than 172.59 billion, and this amount of money is only enough to sustain my expenses for ten days!"

"Then let's pay the money first!" Ye Qingyuan said, "But for the funding gap, I will figure out the means!"

"Since you have decided, let's just do this!" Yang Wentao said.

"Next, I have to discuss how to make up for the insufficient staff!" Ye Qingyuan asked, "I don't know if you have any means?"

"This is even more difficult to handle! The sources of troops for the Empire's supernatural legion were originally supplied through the military academies of supernatural powers located in the major star regions of the empire! The sources of students came from civilians who had awakened DNA of third grade or above and had supernatural powers. Selected from the young men who inspired the omen! However, after this war, all the recruits in the major military academies were exhausted! Later, those idle awakened ones had to be forcibly recruited from the civilian population! Now, the empire has lost a lot of blood in the field of awakened ones, and in a short time It will be difficult to make up for it within this period!" Hu Mu said.

"There are still ways!" Yang Wentao said, "First of all, those large private companies and large consortiums still secretly support many awakened people, especially those underground forces hidden in the darkness. The awakened people they have The quantity and quality are extremely surprising! If we can get some people from them, this problem can be effectively solved!"

"The second is to select children with good basic qualities among the civilians who have not undergone DNA awakening. We will pay for them to perform third-level and fifth-level DNA awakening surgeries for them! If they activate their superpowers, they can be sent to the military academy. Training! If you just do this, the probability of successfully activating the ability is too low, and the usage cost is too high! It’s really not cost-effective!”

Ye Qingyuan thought about it and said, "The first method is feasible, but it will definitely offend a lot of people!"

"Of course!" Hu Mu said. "As long as we dare to use this method, in just a few days, your Majesty's study will be filled with documents of complaint!"

"However, it is the only feasible way at present! Isn't it?" Ye Qingyuan made a decision immediately, "Then let's do this for now! Prepare the materials compiled by the civilian commando team! Get ready to take action tomorrow!"

"Very good! You are the boss, everything is up to you!"

After a busy day, by the time he got off work in the evening, Ye Qingyuan already had one head and three heads. All kinds of reports came to him, and they could all be summarized into two issues: money and people.

There is already a solution to the human problem, but this matter needs to be carefully planned. It is best to achieve the goal and get as many people as possible, but not to react too violently to those monsters and monsters!

These private consortiums, chambers of commerce, and adventurous commando organizations, however, all of them with absolute scale have more or less connections behind them, not to mention those underground commando organizations hiding in the dark! What they are doing is a largely illegal business. Without a strong backing support, there is no way they can survive! I guess it's not that easy to snatch food from their mouths! They were really punished, and the forces behind them all ran to His Majesty to complain, and they themselves would have a lot of trouble.

It seems that if I can’t do it alone, I have to find a helper! It definitely needs to be someone who has a strong background and is willing to help share the pressure. Of course, he will not be stingy with the benefits and will definitely share some of the benefits with the other party!

Yu Mingming, in the luxurious ship, the recently appointed director began to think about which big man to drag into the water so that he could better complete his plan to poach people! Marshal Gurungs? No, no, no, even though the old guy gave him a new reward, he was very shrewd and would never get involved in such an offending thing!

Why not ask the second prince Fang Yanren to help? I was planning to take refuge with him anyway, but this guy lacked the courage, and his influence in the court was not big enough. Apart from his status as an imperial race, he was worse than a general with no foundation! He may not dare to do such a thing!

Fang Yukun is a suitable candidate. The two sides have fought side by side before, and they have some friendship. Unfortunately, he already knows what His Majesty means, so naturally he can no longer think of him!

It's best to go to the Prime Minister, that naive super fat man. With his status and small arms, if he is willing to help, things will be easy! However, this old guy is also a cunning person who can squeeze oil out of stones! I guess dragging him into the water is unlikely!

Just as he was figuring it out, a contact request came from the photon computer. He pressed the receive button smoothly, and a second later, Fang Yuqing's three-dimensional image appeared directly in front of him.

"It's your first day at work, are you feeling okay?" As soon as the call was connected, before he could salute, she asked with a smile: "Have the guys down there ever been rude to you?"

"It's okay! I'm just a little tired!" As soon as he saw her appear, Ye Qingyuan's mind suddenly became clear. Isn't the person in front of him the most suitable candidate? hey-hey! I am so wise!

Fang Yuqing looked at him with something wrong. The guy opposite him suddenly had his eyes shining brightly, and he stared at her intently, and he smiled so... sinisterly, or should I say it was vulgar?

For a moment, she didn't know how to react. Ever since she was a child, no man had dared to look at her like this!

After coughing lightly, she finally woke up the guy. She glared at him angrily and said, "You must be very tight on money right now, right? Don't ask me why I know that. The war is over, and now all major departments in the empire have money." It’s not easy for anyone! I guess you will be no exception!”

"I still have some working capital here, plus the debt you owed me that time, it's about more than 100 billion crystal cores, so I'll give it to you first! I'll pay it back when you have money in the future!"

He was slightly startled and quickly declined: "Why is this okay? You must not be rich now? I am not short of money for the time being, you don't have to be like this!"

Her pretty face sank, and her beautiful eyebrows slowly raised: "Why are you pretending to be a big-tailed wolf? Do you think I don't know the situation on your side? Or do you think you would rather ruin your father's errand?" Will you let me help?"

"...No, that's not it..." When he saw that she seemed to be angry, he felt a little embarrassed. If he really annoyed her, his life might not be so easy in the future! Besides, I still have something to ask of her!

"Okay! I'll accept it!" He immediately changed his words.

Fang Yuqing's expression softened and she smiled again: "That's more or less the same! I'm worried that if something goes wrong when you take this position for the first time, your father might be unhappy! Don't worry, I won't charge you any interest this time! "

"This money should be able to support me for a few days. If it's not enough, I'll figure out what I can do!"

She seems to care more about the financial situation of the Superpower Legion than I do? Even the funds that originally belonged to the Security Department were transferred over. Some of them should be her private money, right? Ye Qingyuan was a little moved and immediately said: "Actually, I have a method that can almost solve the current problem!"

"Oh? What is it?" She leaned forward slightly, looking at him unblinkingly with her big, delicate and noble eyes. The effect of the three-dimensional projection is almost as real as the real thing, conveying her expression flawlessly.

"It's like this..." He repeated his estimation, and then said: "According to the preliminary investigation, there are a lot of high-level awakened people in those places. As long as they can withstand the pressure, it only takes a month. We will gather all the required manpower, and even the vacancies on your side can be filled!"

In an instant, her eyes lit up, and her voice was filled with a hint of excitement: "You are so bad, you can imagine such a brilliant idea! Do you know? You can support a large number of awakened assaults." Team Organization, the backers behind you are not too small! I guess it only takes one or two to attack them. If the attack is too broad, I'm afraid you will have a lot of trouble!"

"Therefore..." he said.

"So, you're here to pull someone into trouble, so that I can help you share the pressure! Right? It's just that you look so polite and have a righteous face! But you are full of bad things!" Although it was meant as a reprimand. But why couldn't she hide the smile in her eyes: "Okay! Now that you have opened your mouth, I will reluctantly help you!"

"Speaking of which, I am really short of manpower here! Very few of the capable Awakeners are left! If we can make up for it this way, it will be worth the scolding from my father!"

Ye Qingyuan took a breath and said: "Then let's do it tomorrow! Choose a few targets first, and I'll wait for the people on both sides to act together! Why won't we return empty-handed!"

"Yes!" She nodded lightly and added: "However, I can't help you in vain! I want half of the manpower obtained, and I have to choose first. Also, interest must be added to the money. Yes! If you have done your best, you have to pay some labor fees, right?"

"Scare! I won't be able to pay for it for a while! According to your interest rate, then why can't I get the money together even if I risk my life!" He said awkwardly.

"Don't worry, just return slowly! Anyway, you will have a long life in the future!"

He rolled his eyes: "...What if I can't pay it off for the rest of my life?"

"Can't you pay it off? Then I'll pay it off with money and flesh!"


That night, the personnel of the two powerful departments, the Superpower Corps and the Imperial Security Department, began to be busy, one by one, reporting the distribution status of the consortiums, security organizations, mercenary corps, and underground forces on the major planets in the Tianhua Galaxy. Collect and sort out the records, and then select the first batch of objects to test the knife!

Early the next morning, Ye Qingyuan arrived at the headquarters of the Superpower Legion. On the apron on the roof, 800 specially selected high-star awakeners were already ready to go!

Seeing him coming, Pedroel and Liu Xiangyun, who had been waiting for a long time, came over and said, "Sir, the life insurance you want is ready! I don't know what other orders you have?"

Ye Qingyuan nodded slightly, his eyes casually sweeping over the officers and soldiers in front of him.

This batch of people are all capable people specially selected under his instruction. The lowest stars are all above seven stars, and each person is equipped with a complete set of five-star supernatural powers, as well as a pocket light crossbow of the same grade. . It is no exaggeration to say that this batch of elites who have returned from the front line and have experienced the test of blood and fire are fully capable of dealing with awakened people from the same star that are several times their own size!

After a while, a fleet of floating chariots also appeared in the Imperial Security Department office center thousands of meters away, speeding towards this side. It took only a dozen breaths to reach them.

In an ice blue heavy-duty suspended tank, a heavily armed Li Mace got out of the vehicle.

"Are you here?" He greeted him with a smile, "I suggest you go to Tiansong Leisure Club first. What do you think?"

Li Kai was a little surprised and whispered: "You have a big appetite, but that place..."

He did not continue, but turned back and pointed at a female awakened person who came out of the speeding car not long ago and was wearing sky-blue light armor.

The thin and delicate nail leaves cover the curvy and concave breasts very closely, with a slim neck, sharp shoulders, bulging peaks, a waist like a willow, and round and slender thighs that make everyone present. All the men were vaguely excited!

The mask on the woman's face was not removed, so few people knew her identity, but Ye Qingyuan saw her coming out.

"Your Highness, why did you come in person?" He took a few steps forward and communicated with her through mental fluctuations.

"I'm going to see the fun too! I've never done anything like this before! It's definitely fun! Hehe..." You can see her expression under the mask, but listening to her voice, she is in a very moody mood. good. It was obvious that this situation gave her a very novel feeling!

"Let's go! We'll discuss why we need to clean them up after we set off and get in the car!" She walked over, naturally took his arm in her lotus arms, and walked towards the chariot.

Li Maci's eyelids twitched next to him and he looked at Pedrol opposite. His Majesty's former head of bodyguards ticked the corners of his eyes but said nothing.

Others didn't know clearly, but the two of them knew who the woman was, and what His Highness's actions meant was unknown.

"If one day, he really becomes the prince-in-law, find Shuyuan How can I help my sister?" Li Hao looked worriedly at the princess and his back disappearing into the car.

Tiansong Leisure Club is located near the Arctic Circle of the fifth planet.

It is said to be a club, but in fact it is a small city covering an area of ​​thousands of square kilometers. There are high-end shopping malls, hotels, casinos, entertainment centers, health care bases, supernatural martial arts gyms, red light districts and many other facilities!

Here, in addition to various legal businesses, there are also many shady transactions secretly, including drug abuse, smuggling, assassination, and the reselling of various prohibited items! As long as you can afford the price, you can get the services you need here!

In the underground world, this leisure and entertainment club has a great reputation! There are so many outrageous things that can't be described, but because of the clever cover-up and the hard work of the backstage, there have been no incidents since the opening!

But today, its good days seem to be coming to an end!

Hundreds of heavy-duty suspended tanks rushed in here at lightning speed, and landed in the square in front of the clubhouse in an extremely arrogant manner! Then, thousands of fully armed awakened people swarmed out, led by a pair of young men and women, and walked through the door with their heads held high! (To be continued.)

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