Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 670 Only one person has the courage to die.

The family members are a little confused about her recent actions, but with her identity, they can't ask more questions! Just try your best to cooperate!

Of course, why don't they know that the backer of their own race, the emperor's favorite concubine, has actually planned to run away from home!

"They can arrive tomorrow!"

In the secret room, Luo Qingyue said to everyone: "Your family members, if they are willing to go with me, we have already picked them up. If you are not willing, we have made proper arrangements! Make sure that things flow smoothly. , they will not be discovered by the state machinery and used to vent their anger!"

Liu Xiangyun continued: "When they arrive, we will immediately inform them of our real plan and give them one day to think! Those who are willing to leave are fine, but if they are not willing, we can give them a sum of money , let them live here for a while and then let them leave!”

"What do you think of this arrangement?"

Everyone expressed no objection.

Leng Zhuo, who was sitting next to Ye Qingyuan, said, "Actually, I have another suggestion!"

"What is it? Your Highness, please tell me!" he said immediately.

"Didn't His Majesty send you another edict a few days ago? He made you a duke and appointed you as the governor of Hero Province!" She smiled, "I feel that this edict comes very well. when!"

"Teacher, are you still thinking about letting him continue to be an official of the empire?" Zhong Zixia said nervously.

"You are partly right!" The great wise man gently brushed the soft hair on the temples, and said slowly and logically: "My opinion is clear. The emperor gave you two fiefdoms in the star field, but tens of thousands of resources. There is also a large population in the star system! The annual output is a big number! We can’t just throw it away like this!”

"There is also the newly designated Hero Province, a total of twenty-nine wealthy star regions, with a population of over 100 billion, and the various outputs are even more amazing! These are all matters that the Governor has the authority to intervene and handle. ! Since His Majesty has given you such great power, there is no reason not to make full use of it!"

"You can arrange for some people to work under you and let them help you take care of everything here! However, you can leave, but a clone will be left here to exercise all the powers of the governor on your behalf!"

"Is this possible?" Ye Qingyuan was a little resistant, "Since he is the governor, his interactions with other officials are inevitable. Will others look down upon him?"

Luo Qingyue said: "This is not a problem. You may not know that in the countries of the Star Sea, it is very common for big figures to use clones to handle less important matters on their behalf and attend high-risk public events! They also know each other in their hearts, it’s better to just mess up and no one will say anything about it!”

"Is that so? That's okay!" Ye Qingyuan thought about it and agreed.

Military and national affairs are costly! There will definitely be a lot of money to spend in the future! Even though he has many adventures and his wealth is unbelievably rich, for a country, no amount of money is too much!

It is certainly acceptable to be able to rely on this position to accumulate more development capital for one's future country.

On the second day, a small Chamber of Commerce transport fleet arrived at the Imperial Regiment headquarters.

Most of Ye Qingyuan's colleagues and friends came. Even Zhao Zhixiong, whom he had not contacted for a long time, and Alsace also came after hearing the news. However, that Yun Qingshan had made a lot of money, bought a piece of land on a holiday planet somewhere, and went to enjoy his happiness safely!

That night, Ye Qingyuan summoned these people and confessed to them! Then he explained that those who are willing to follow him will naturally have generous rewards in the future; if they are not willing, they can also be given well-paid jobs locally!

"This is a risk-taking business, and I won't hide it from everyone!" Ye Qingyuan finally said, "Success is good, but the risk of failure is also not small! After all, rebellion is not a treat for dinner! Death is certain. Let’s make a decision on how to decide the matter!”

As a result, after one day, most people chose to follow him! The reason is almost the same: as long as you make the right move, you will be the founding father of the country in the future, and the prosperity and wealth of yourself and your family will be guaranteed for the rest of your life! It can also benefit future generations!

"I'm just waiting for a dead life, so there's nothing wrong with taking a gamble! I might be able to get a duke in the future!" Tongshan said.

Ye Qingyuan has already sent a large sum of money to his family, so he really has nothing to worry about!

Everyone had made up their mind, and spent another two days arranging for those who didn't want to leave. Once everything was settled, it was time to set off!

Under the vast starry sky, a battleship formation of about a thousand ships left the main channel and secretly headed towards the border of the former Federation.

Over there are several small and medium-sized countries that are dependent on the Federation, and have now been wiped out by the imperial army. After passing through this starry sky, you will reach the edge of the Hell Soul Star Sea!

The fleet stopped here for a while, met up with a caravan that had been waiting there, and then passed through a secret channel and headed towards the depths of the Hell Soul Star Sea together.

At this time, no one or force would have expected that in a few years, a new super power would be born in this starry sky, and it would cause shocking waves in the star sea world!

The Shengyuan Star Territory is located in the northwest of the Prison Soul Star Sea, about 8,000 light years away from the Shuo Feng Empire, and about 5,500 light years away from the Xuan Luo Federation. It is almost neither far nor close.

In the entire star field, there are about 20,000 star systems with planets, but only about 30 of them are suitable for human habitation!

Since mankind set foot in this starry sky thousands of years ago, and has developed to this day, some places have become quite prosperous, and Shengyuan Star Region is one of them!

However, due to various reasons, there has never been unification here, and even a dominant power has not emerged! The Sea of ​​Hell Souls with a radius of nine thousand light-years has maintained this scattered pattern for hundreds of years.

There are countless countries, gangs, consortiums, families, races, religions and other forces here. They compete with each other for their own interests and local plans, fight openly and secretly, and even fight to the death. It’s all commonplace!

The entire Xinghai has been in constant disputes for hundreds of years. We can't afford big wars, but small battles continue! There is no order at all here, fists are the ultimate order! Whoever has enough fighting power can occupy the territory and become the king, and everything on the territory can be decided according to his own wishes!

There is no country in the Shengyuan Star Territory, and more than thirty administrative planets belong to nine gang forces! The combat capabilities of each other vary, and the ultimate force is the "Meerkat Shark" Star Thief Group.

Commander Billo Gilad was a mid-level officer in the Xuanluo Federation in his early years. Because he was squeezed out by his opponents, he pretended to claim the military exploits that belonged to him. In a rage, he ran away with a group of cronies and came here to start a star stealing business! After more than ten years of development, it finally had tens of thousands of battleships, and occupied seven administrative stars, as well as a large number of nearby resource planets.

This commander, who is quite talented and not lacking in ambition, has been trying to annex the other eight small forces and take the entire Shengyuan Star Territory into his hands! However, the leaders of those forces are not stupid. Although they cannot compete with him one on one, when they join forces, their fighting power is far superior to him!

Whenever he tries to attack one or more of these forces, no matter how much hatred they had before, these cunning leaders will immediately abandon their old grudges and join hands to fight against his offensive! After a battle of overt and covert weapons, no one could do anything to anyone, and in the end they had to withdraw their troops and stop fighting. Everything was business as usual!

Gilad was very annoyed with this situation of neither getting better nor worse, but there was nothing he could do about it! There were originally solutions. For example, asking for help from the forces in the nearby star field could completely uproot those disobedient commandos! However, doing so is suspected of attracting a wolf into the house. When the time comes that I have contributed my own efforts, but I am making wedding clothes for others, I am really unwilling to do so!

Linyuan Star, because it is close to a relatively important interstellar route, has developed well and is a famous trade transit planet in the star field! Currently owned by the "Crazy Lion" society.

There are more than 50 million people on the entire planet, distributed in more than 50 cities of varying sizes! The natural environment is acceptable. After many years of transformation, the ecological conditions on the planet's surface have become more suitable for human survival.

In Yuanyu City, the most prosperous city on the planet, the power of the association here can be said to be the strongest. However, after experiencing a battle with the "Meerkat Shark" Star Thief Group not long ago, the number of battleships and awakened people owned by the Commando Organization All suffered heavy losses! The combat effectiveness is no longer what it used to be!

In order to hold on to his territory, the leader of the society, Timaison, on the one hand used the wealth he had accumulated over the years to purchase new battleships and train soldiers. On the other hand, he had no scruples in raising taxes within his sphere of influence, and he used clever names to plunder at the risk of his life! In an attempt to recover losses!

At night, the huge city welcomes its colorful and incomparable nightlife!

In the "Qun-Fang Enchantress" nightclub, there is a buzz of people and pedestrians. Under the dreamlike three-dimensional projection advertisement, countless well-dressed men file in accompanied by young girls!

The nightclub is divided into multiple floors above and below ground, offering a variety of services at different prices and levels. As long as you can afford the price, you can enjoy many of the highest-end noble services in this star area!

Located on the fifteenth floor underground of the nightclub, is the famous arena in the Shengyuan Star Territory!

There are various programs in the arena, but their common features are bloody, cruel, and pure violence!

The fights here are all about life and death! Between man and man, between beast and beast, between man and beast! There are even strong men from different races and civilizations appearing!

One of the most popular shows is the showdown between a large number of humans and dangerous alien creatures! Those participating in the gladiatorial battle, either with bare hands or with simple cold weapons, faced the powerful alien beasts, giving full play to their ultimate potential and fighting for that glimmer of hope!

At this time, in the high-end private room on the second floor of the nightclub, which was full of wild, decadent, and erotic atmosphere, a handsome young man with dark eyes and black hair came.

The nightclub foreman, who had a plump and attractive figure and an extremely bright face, was dressed in a fiery red low-cut evening dress. Her beautiful eyes lit up. Having seen countless people, she could already tell that the man in front of her was no ordinary person. He has a calm demeanor, a calm and restrained temperament, and an awe-inspiring coercion vaguely exuding from his body! It all made her heart tremble!

She had only felt this kind of aura from her boss, the supreme controller of Linyuan Star. However, she dared to guarantee with her own eyes that that person was not as magnanimous as the one in front of her. !

When did such a character appear on Linyuan Star? The foreman was puzzled, and with a feeling of embarrassment and uneasiness, he stepped forward with a sweet smile and said, "Young sir, how can I serve you?"

"Now that we're here, there's no need to ask for any services, right? You know!" Ye Qingyuan smiled softly, rubbed a few handfuls of her plump and white breasts, and then took out a large Put the crystal core coin into the deep vagina!

The foreman's beautiful eyes suddenly widened and he looked for Shuyuan www. looked at him with a look of disbelief, and then looked at the crystal core crystal coins on his chest. This handful had more than two thousand crystal cores at least, which is equivalent to more than two billion standard credit points! Is this just for yourself?

It takes more than two days to engage in this business. It is really rare to have such a generous customer as him! The foreman's attitude became more and more enthusiastic, and he immediately led him to the top-grade VIP room, where a group of beauties with first-class beauty and temperament were already waiting!

"I plan to have a lot of fun here today, so I need a guide!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smile, "I don't know which of you is willing to spend this wonderful time with me?"

"No one among them will say they are unwilling!" The foreman laughed wildly, "So, sir, you'd better make your own choice! Or, you can bring them with you? There are more than thirty sisters here!"

Ye Qingyuan shook his head and easily clicked on a tall beauty wearing a tight-fitting policewoman uniform! The other party immediately cried out and rushed over to hug him!

"Sir, where should I go now?" She asked seductively, her arms wrapped around his waist, and her delicate hands intentionally or unintentionally explored his sensitive parts. (To be continued.)

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