Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 678 The situation suddenly changes

Okay, no problem, why did the prince of the empire disappear? Could it be that time and that incident...

"Isn't it because of His Majesty the Emperor's inexplicable arrangement?" She said with a smile, "Her Royal Highness the Princess tore up the edict on the spot, ran away in anger, and has not returned to this day! Originally, the royal family tried its best to cover it up, but as time went by, rumors gradually began to spread among the people. Appear! It embarrasses His Majesty the Emperor!"

"The royal family has sent a large number of manpower to secretly search for the princess! However, as a big shot who has been in charge of the Empire's Security Department for a long time, if he is determined to disappear, there are really not many ways to find her!"

Ye Qingyuan was silent, Fang Yuqing's running away was largely because of him! Although he has always maintained a deliberately distant attitude towards the other party because of his identity. However, it seems that my approach seems inappropriate now.

Almost, her feelings for him are real, but since she was born in the imperial family, she can't make the decision on many things by herself! This is also a helpless choice.

However, with her fighting power and intelligence, she doesn't have to worry about being wronged no matter where she goes, right? There is no need to doubt this.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Qingyue talked about some topics about the situation in the Xinghai world.

Several major powers are still waiting and watching, but the largest power, the Gnaslok Empire, has had a big event recently. Emperor Ulionov III died suddenly, and the crown prince ascended the throne as Ulionov V!

After this young emperor came to power, before his butt was even hot, he began to promote his cronies without any scruples, exclude senior officials from the previous dynasty, and suppress several of his brothers! For a time, the people in the government and the public were panicked!

Then there is the Tiloa Empire. The old and strong Emperor Philosis has not diminished in his romantic style. He married the daughter of a senior member of the Yuanshuo Commando Organization and the chairman of the third-ranked Yunluxue Consortium in the Xinghai World, and made her his queen!

Another political marriage. However, Ye Qingyuan was a little confused and understood that such a high-level marriage meant a lot! Did Yuan Shuo, one of the top five super commandos, decide to take sides so quickly? Is it too hasty?

It is true that the Tiloan Empire was a big country, and it was true that Emperor Philosis was a talented and powerful man, but after all, he was already several hundred years old! The current situation is not clear yet, so why don’t you think you are a suitable support candidate? Why do Yuanshuo's senior management think so?

At this moment, the photon computer on the forearm vibrated slightly. A contact request was sent, and it was quite urgent.

"Lord, it's not good!" As soon as he got through, he saw Liu Xiangyun's nervous expression.

"What's going on?"

"A fleet has broken into the star field. Watch it for yourself!" Liu Xiangyun forwarded the video.

"This is..." Ye Qingyuan's expression suddenly changed.

Thousands of giant battleships have already approached Jinxia Star. Engraved on the silver-gray hull is the royal five-color golden dragon emblem that he is so familiar with!

Seeing the familiar five-color golden dragon emblem, Ye Qingyuan knew that his unnecessary business had begun!

Your Highness, she finally found her!

All the girls at the dinner table looked worried. Now that the princess came over and learned what they had done, things would probably not end well!

Ye Qingyuan slowly put down his wine glass and said calmly: "What's supposed to come will always come! It's time to settle things! I'll go talk to her!"

Seeing the way Qin Yuanyuan was hesitant to speak, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, we probably won't get into a fight with each other! If she is really unreasonable, don't forget that this is our territory!"

Luo Qingyue stood up and said: "I'm going to gather the fleet. If we can't reach an agreement! There will be no need for these battleships to go back!"

Ye Qingyuan nodded gently, turned around and left the restaurant, boarded the speed car and rushed to the space port.

In the main control room of the flagship, Fang Yuqing stood in front of the spacious and bright porthole, looking at the approaching military port outside, silent.

More than two months ago, there was a scene in the main hall out of desperation. She knew that the relationship between herself and His Majesty the Emperor had inevitably cracked. If she did not risk being treated as a victim of political transactions, she had no choice but to leave that place.

Yu Mingming, after repelling the obstruction of the palace guards, left the imperial palace on her own, mobilized a group of her cronies, and rushed into the wormhole before the imperial guards could react, and then went all the way. After hurriedly running around in several large circles, she finally got rid of the pursuers, causing the official agency to lose track of her from then on!

As the controller of the Imperial Security Department, the power and resources she controls are undoubtedly huge! In order to prevent the imperial capital from detecting her whereabouts, she used many secret channels under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Security to play a long hide-and-seek game with the royal spies in the country.

When the royal family tried all possible means to find her whereabouts and began to relax slightly, she immediately used a cover-up trick and sent a substitute to appear at the northern border of the empire to attract their attention, but she led people south and committed suicide. Gu Zi came to the newly established province of Hiero in the empire.

After the princess ran away, Fang Xucheng speculated that she might go to southern Xinjiang, so he ordered the garrison there to step up vigilance and report the princess' whereabouts immediately!

After waiting for more than a month and finding nothing, the strategic command inevitably became a little relaxed. In addition, this was a newly occupied territory, and the royal family's intelligence power was not strong, so she was able to lead her people to the destination without any danger.

I thought I would see him soon, but I didn't expect that the man in the Governor's Mansion turned out to be just a chemical human stand-in with a similar appearance! She was shocked and immediately began to investigate everything that had happened in the Governor's Mansion during this period.

After summoning all the guards and servants in the Governor's Mansion, it was discovered that since the emperor issued the edict more than a month ago, the new governor had transferred the command of the supernatural army to Marshal Wang Yuexiang under the pretext of practicing in seclusion. , but he never appeared again.

With her mind, she quickly understood the key point, so she contacted Li Maci directly.

"Where did he go?" In the three-dimensional projection, the princess' face looked like ice and she asked coldly:

"If you dare to speak clearly, I will immediately order you to be taken back! No matter how much credit you have made in the past!"

Li Mace said helplessly: "Okay, let me tell you! This is what happened..."

There is no need to mention what happened next!

The huge battleship slowly approached the berth. A speeding car came quickly and stopped nearby. A familiar figure walked out from there.

"Let him come up!" she ordered softly.

The hatch on the ventral side of the battleship opened, and Ye Qingyuan hesitated for a moment before walking in.

Half an hour later, in the secret reception room on the battleship.

"That's what happened!" He said, "I don't know what you have to say, Your Highness?"

Fang Yuqing sighed softly: "What else can I say? My situation is worse than yours now! It's not easy to protect yourself, so why would you want Si Si to interfere with your affairs?"

"Actually, what you did is not wrong. If I were in your place, I would do the same thing! His Majesty the Emperor is really..."

She twitched the corners of her eyes with a gloomy expression and did not continue.

Ye Qingyuan felt a little pity in his heart, looking at her helpless expression, her face was also quite haggard, which showed how much psychological pressure she was under during this period!

She was not wrong, and what she did was not wrong. Even His Majesty the Emperor just did what he should do! Putting the interests of the country first in everything is the duty of a king!

Yu Ming understands that they were unwilling to become victims of political transactions, so they made such a choice!

"Although I know it's unlikely, I still tell you based on my guesswork!" Fang Yuqing approached him, put a pair of slender hands on his shoulders, and said with a hint of earnestness: "Come back with me?"

"What?" He couldn't help but be surprised. She still said this at this time?

"I'm serious!" She stared at him and said, "As long as you go back, I will persuade your Majesty to take back that ridiculous order. Then the wedding I am waiting for will be held immediately!"

"I can promise that I will never accept another man! The future empire will be controlled by you and me! As long as you are willing to go back now, your Majesty and I can no longer care about everything in the past!"

Ye Qingyuan was silent.

"Do you think things will go as you want?" He smiled bitterly, "Even if you become the master of the empire now, many things will not be determined by your virtue! Everything must be subordinated to the interests of the empire! "

"Did His Majesty the Emperor make this ridiculous decision in his own heart? However, for the sake of the overall situation, he still did what he should do! Promise you to that idiot who knows nothing!"

"If you ascend the throne in the future and sit on that supreme seat, all your words and deeds will definitely be based on the interests of the country! No matter how reluctant you are, you cannot violate this premise! Otherwise, you will be disloyal to the empire. responsibility!"

"In days like this, when you feel uncomfortable, I feel even more uncomfortable! Why do you need to drag me along this road?"

Fang Yuqing silently let go of his hand and turned his head to remain silent.

"Are you angry?" he asked worriedly.

She didn't speak, and her graceful back trembled slightly.

Ye Qingyuan felt a pain in his heart, put his arms around her, and gently pulled her body, and found that her face was full of tears.

"Can you... please stop being so?" He said in a panic.

Fang Yuqing leaned into his arms and said with a choked voice: "Why should I be born in an emperor's family? If I were... maybe I wouldn't have so many unnecessary things to do!"

Ye Qingyuan couldn't help but hugged her tightly and said, "I have a suggestion. I'm not sure if you will agree to it?"

"Say it!" She looked stunned and looked at him with her pretty face.

"You don't need to go back! Just follow me!" He said,

"You also know my goal! From now on, we can work together to create our own business, and we can still achieve success and fame. Wouldn't it be better than you being the constrained queen?"

Her expression changed, as if hesitating.

"That's pretty much it. You will become the emperor one day! Don't you have to be like my father and put the so-called overall situation first in everything? Is there any difference?"

Ye Qingyuan said seriously: "Of course there is a difference! Your father's empire is inherited, but I am the founder of the country!"

"This kind of empire that has been passed down for thousands of years has complicated internal relationships and intertwined interests! It can be said that before a royal child was born in his mother's womb, he himself was already regarded as a bargaining chip and placed on the interests of others. On the gambling table! Every word, deed, and move he makes after he is born, including his own feelings, marriage, freedom, and even dignity, will be restricted by many forces!"

"This kind of constraints is always present and everywhere! Even if he can sit on the throne, there is no way to avoid interference and influence from many forces! On the contrary, there will be more and more!"

"Everyone in the world believes that the emperor is supreme. However, after your father came to power, how many things can he do as he pleases? For the sake of the overall situation of the empire and to balance the interests of many forces, has he made too many decisions that went against his heart? "

"But the founder of the country is different! He built his empire with his own hands, established a new foundation, and established a new system! The various forces and factions have not yet truly transformed. At this time, his power is the least hindered. !”

"Only the founder of the country can truly arrange everything in the empire according to his own wishes, as well as everything about himself, without having to worry about too many negative impacts!"

"Relying on his own huge prestige and control! The founder of the country does not have to be like those descendants of later generations. No matter what happens, he must pay attention to a game of interests and a balance of power! Every step he takes, he must be careful to walk on thin ice! Lest the political situation between the government and the opposition is unstable !”

"The reason why I want to take this path is so that myself and the people around me will not be used by certain forces as bargaining chips in exchange of interests and sacrificed easily! I want to control my own destiny!" He finally said categorically.

Fang Yuqing stared at him blankly. In his dark eyes, she saw an unprecedented determination and persistence! The tenacity to never give up until the goal is achieved!

"It's not easy to build a country by yourself. How dare you guarantee that you can make it to the end?" After being silent for a long time, she sighed softly.

Ye Qingyuan's lips curled up slightly: "If I can conquer one star field, I can naturally conquer ten or a hundred! No matter how difficult the task is, someone has to do it. Just give it a try for your dream, even if it's If you fail, there’s nothing to be slightly unhappy about?”

She was silent again, looking for Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyua.comm Zhenshou quietly buried in his chest, wrapping her arms around him.

He was not in a hurry and waited patiently for her decision.

"Take me to the ground and have a look!" she suddenly suggested.

"Okay!" He agreed happily.

In the universe outside the space port, tens of thousands of warships appeared in the distance, vaguely surrounding Her Royal Highness's fleet.

In the flagship control room, a group of generals were waiting sheepishly and uneasily.

It wasn't until they saw Ye Qingyuan and the princess leaving the battleship and flying to the ground that they finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At night, in the living room.

"How are you thinking about it?"

Looking at Fang Yuqing who was leaning on the sofa, Ye Qingyuan asked with a smile. (To be continued.)

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