Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 683 The trump card appears

The two sides made an agreement that after the new commander of the Sea Beast Star Bandits leads the army, Saka will lead the attack, and together with the Tang family's troops, they will work together to hold down the boy! Then he led 30,000 warships of various types, taking advantage of the emptiness inside the Shengyuan Universe area, to make a quick raid, striving to wipe out the remaining resistance forces in one fell swoop!

By then, Duan Xingtian will become a powerful force with two universe regions! Thoreau's cosmic area has been managed by him for two and a half hundred years, and it is already a relatively wealthy and prosperous place. If another cosmic area is added, the fierce fighting power will be greatly increased, and he can easily get rid of his mortal enemy, and thus in one fell swoop Get the third universe area!

If this develops step by step, it is not unimaginable even for Lord Kudler to surpass this starry sky!

Therefore, he cherishes this opportunity to develop and grow. It's better to get into a fight with Dimlek and bring all the main forces here!

Of course, the strength of 30,000 warships of various types is not small. It should not be a problem to deal with this empty Shengyuan universe area, as long as the main force of that kid does not come back.

What he didn't expect from the beginning was that when the fleet was passing through the void tunnel, he didn't expect to be surrounded and attacked by a large number of suspended space mines! And it’s the kind of heavy-duty machine mine that is extremely intelligent! Just one shot is enough to destroy a devastating warship!

The other side is obviously very willing to spend money! The entire entrance to the void tunnel was densely packed with at least tens of thousands of them, blocking the teleportation place tightly!

Duan Xingtian has heard of this kind of smart machine mine. Its power is really extraordinary, but he has never used it! His fleet only contained some ordinary goods that were not of the highest quality.

Mainly because this thing is too expensive! At least five thousand crystal cores, and without deep personal connections, it is impossible to buy one! Why did the other side get so many high-quality goods?

No one answered this question, it just brought him a more difficult problem, that is, the fleet was blocked here and couldn't get through!

In order to prevent energy chaos from causing unstable electromagnetic departure, all kinds of warships have their energy shields turned off when passing through the void tunnel! As a result, none of the first batch of reconnaissance ships and escort warships returned, they were all torn to pieces by the mines!

Of course, Duan Xingtian would not just pretend that it had not happened. He used all the means at his disposal to clear out this damn mine array!

What is a little unpleasant is that this batch of mines are too intelligent, and there is also a group of fleets on the opposite side hiding behind the mine array and waiting! From time to time, give them some coolness!

He once wanted to make the fleet take a detour, but found that the several void tunnels leading to the Shengyuan Universe area were all filled with this deadly thing!

After trying to get rid of his scalp, he had to issue an order to throw more than 5,000 older large cargo spaceships over to clear the way, and use their sacrifices to clear a way! In the end, it took more than 7,000 warships of various types to successfully gain a foothold in the void tunnel!

Duan Xingtian, who had a bad start, was furious and immediately issued an order to annihilate the remaining enemies and occupy Jinxia, ​​the capital of the universe.

"They're coming!"

In the command room of the command ship, Liu Xiangyun sat in the main seat, looking at the pursuing fleet from the opposite side with a hint of excitement.

It is the first time to lead a fleet alone in a battle, and it is inevitable that you will feel a little nervous. However, he was not timid. Although the fleet on the opposite side was powerful, it was nothing.

As the grandson of a former federal staff-wielding marshal, and the student and adjutant of another marshal, he has been studying military strategy since he was a child. His military literacy is not inferior to that of ordinary famous generals. The only thing he lacks is actual combat experience.

On this day, I finally have the opportunity to prove my ability! He had exerted all his energy from the beginning and was determined to fight this battle well and live up to Ye Qingyuan's expectations of himself!

"All warships of all types, with their reverse thrust engines fully on and controlled within the ultimate effective strike range, retreat in formation! The first-level main battle cannons are charged at full speed!" He began to issue an order.

There are still more than 20,000 warships of various types on the other side. Compared with his own, he has more than double the numerical advantage. A head-on attack is not impossible, but the number of casualties will be beyond control. He does not expect to let his subordinates do unnecessary things. sacrifice.

Naturally, the other side refused to let it pass for the time being, and chased after him aggressively.

"The entire firepower part is aimed at 47 degrees on the vertical axis, 115 degrees on the horizontal axis, in the d5 quadrant, and shoots at full power! After the attack, turn on the auxiliary first-level speed engine and get out of the other side's fire range at full speed! " Staring at the star scale data fed back on the monitor, he issued the first salvo command.

Tens of thousands of beams of destruction completely covered the designated attack area according to his wishes. In an instant, hundreds of warships of various types were hit and exploded one after another!

The enemy fleet reacted and immediately fought back, but most of them fell into the air! Liu Xiangyun, who evacuated at first-level speed, gave them no chance to take revenge!

More than an hour later, Duan Xingtian's troops had suffered more than 7,000 casualties, and the fleet had shrunk by half! The casualties on the other side were less than 2,000, mostly due to lax training and insufficient reaction speed!

When they finally caught up, it was actually the other side that deliberately slowed down. The second round of strikes followed, and another batch of warships of various types were destroyed! Then speed up and get out of their range!

All kinds of warships under Liu Xiangyun's command have been equipped with first-level speed auxiliary engines and energy supply systems in advance. They can be completely out of the enemy's range and deal a heavy blow to the enemy at a low cost!

Under this "kite-flying" style of rogue play, Duan Xingtian couldn't sit still. He opened the public contact channel and yelled at Liu Xiangyun angrily:

"You are a despicable, shameless, sleazy and sycophantic person! You can only use such despicable tricks! Can't you compete with me openly and openly to determine success or failure?"

Liu Xiangyun smiled disapprovingly: "What does it mean to be inferior? A strategy that can defeat the enemy is a good strategy! What's more, you have no room for bargaining at the moment!"

"Damn it!" Duan Xingtian, who had a hot temper, cursed angrily, "If you dare, stop, we will fight with all our strength without risking it!"

"I beg your pardon! If you dare, catch up. We'll fight with all our strength!" Liu Xiangyun laughed.

"You despicable and shameless bastard..." Duan Xingtian was so angry that he cursed more and more bitterly, but he had no means at all against this fleet!

Liu Xiangyun smiled lightly, not taking his words to heart at all!

He does not have the precise forward control ability like Tian Xuanhao. However, through an in-depth understanding of the energy efficiency of various warships on both sides, a reasonable grasp of timing, and full use of terrain, he is confident that he will not be better than that guy. Poorly done!

"You have really contributed a lot to make my lord what he is today! However, don't think that without you, my lord will have no one to lead his troops into battle!" He said privately.

"Your Highness, we are almost ready. Can we start?" He turned back and asked Leng Zhuo who was sitting beside him.

The great wise man nodded gently: "If you are free, the fierce battle can be over within an hour! Now that these various warships are here, there is no need to go back!"

Liu Xiangyun's more than 7,000 warships of various types changed their arrays again and accelerated towards a meteorite belt 300 light seconds away.

"What tricks is the other side doing?" Duan Xingtian watched the enemy's reaction with some suspicion.

He didn't know why the other side suddenly retreated when they had the upper hand, but it seemed inappropriate to just ignore them. Without getting rid of this enemy, it will be impossible to truly occupy this space area!

In the end, he decided to catch up, but ordered his subordinates to be on guard.

Fifty light seconds, no abnormality!

One hundred light seconds, no abnormality!

One hundred and fifty light seconds, still no abnormality! As he watched the small meteorite belt getting closer, he became more and more nervous.

"Let's uncover it for now. We'll chase it for a while and stop near the meteorite belt!" he estimated.

Liu Xiangyun checked the star map again and ordered his fleet to carefully enter the meteorite belt according to the predetermined star field ruler.

At this point, the other side's defeat has been determined. Whether he follows or not, the result will be the same!

Duan Xingtian chased to the outskirts of the meteorite belt, stared at the various meteorites that filled almost the entire field of view outside the porthole, and finally decided to let it go for now.

The other party must have arranged some tricks there. Wouldn't it be foolish to go in and seek death?

However, when the fleet retreated not long ago, it encountered unexpected and unnecessary trouble!

"Mr. Governor! Oh no, we're trapped!" His adjutant reported back to him in panic.

"What is it?" he asked, forcing himself to remain calm.

Before the adjutant could answer, he had already seen the situation outside.

The starry sky outside quietly dimmed, and a vague black mist filled the void around the fleet, and all detection instruments failed.

"Is this... the void mirror array?" Duan Xingtian thought about it for a while before he thought of a possibility! I broke into a cold sweat for a while.

This kind of large-scale special equipment is not cheap, and requires high-star image engineers to preside over the erection. Even he didn't have the conditions to use it. In such a chaotic and remote place, why would a new and small force have such a money-burning thing?

However, he had no time to figure out this problem. A bigger crisis soon befell the fleet!

An outer cruiser disintegrated in a sudden burst of fireball, followed by the second, third...

In a few breaths, thousands of warships of all kinds were inexplicably blown up!

"What's going on?" he asked in shock and anger.

He soon learned that in the mirror array, there were intelligent suspended mines denser than at the entrance of the void tunnel. These small and flexible killers were even more at home in this environment!

Unmeasurable mines swarmed in and soon swamped the fleet!

Liu Xiangyun, the future God of War who will be famous in the Xinghai, with the title of "Fox of the Xinghai", began to rise to prominence.

Rainy cosmic area.

Yumengxing, where the Tang family's headquarters is located, finally ushered in the moment of change after decades of glory.

The grand complex of ancient palace-style buildings was the place where people of the direct lineage of the Tang family usually lived and had fun. Now it has changed its owner.

Tens of thousands of ethnic people, servants, and women gathered in the square outside the gate, waiting in fear for the new master to announce their fate!

"Lord!" Ziyuan Lan came over to report, "News came from the Yumeng Universe area that the invading fleet has been completely annihilated, most of the Awakened Army has surrendered, and Duan Xingtian himself has been captured alive!"

Ye Qingyuan said happily when he heard this: "Great! Then I know that Liu Xiangyun will not let me down!"

Everyone congratulated in unison. Everyone knows that the fleet can attack without any worries, and can quickly pacify the entire Yumeng Universe area, and even the Solan Universe area can be captured! Suddenly expanding the territory to three cosmic regions, this can be regarded as one of the most powerful forces in the vicinity!

In this battle, Ye Qingyuan personally took action at the critical moment and used the ancient scepter to kill most of Saka's men! Then the fleet used all its strength to attack, and the fierce battle ended in less than an hour!

Saka died in the battle, Tang Zide was captured alive, most of the fleets on both sides were destroyed, and the rest chose to surrender!

Immediately afterwards, he used Tang Zide to recruit and surrender the remaining forces of the Tang family, and then non-stop wiped out the remaining small forces in the Yumeng Universe area one by one!

Two days later, the entire Yumeng Universe area was under effective control!

The spoils obtained during this expedition were huge. More than 25,000 warships of various types were seized, more than 8,000 awakened people surrendered, various weapons and ammunition, energy blocks, rare mineral resources, and various The combined value of the property is nearly 30 billion!

"Lord, now that the Yumeng Universe area has been obtained, what should be the next step?" Ziyuan Lan asked at the military meeting.

Ye Qingyuan said: "The most important thing is to send troops immediately to capture the Solan universe area before it can react. In this way, we will truly own the territory of three universe areas!"

"It's just that some troops need to be deployed for defense here! Who is suitable to send to stay?" Tian Xuanhao asked.

Ye Qingyuan shrugged and said, "Girard, are you willing to stay?"

Gilad, who was sitting at the bottom, was horrified and said hesitantly: "...Me? Lord, are you sure you want to arrange it this way?"

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "I know you have concerns, but since you have decided to serve, I should treat everyone equally! With your ability, it shouldn't be difficult to defend here, as long as you do it well! There will be more important responsibilities in the future here you are!"

"Why, are you willing?"

Gilad thought for a moment, stood up, and bowed deeply to him: "Since the Lord trusts me, I must do my best! Guard this territory for the Lord!"

"Very good!" Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly with satisfaction, "I will leave you seven thousand warships of various types, and I will also send some people to assist you!"

"Reid, Zhao Qingyang!"

"Here!" the two of them shouted.

He ordered: "You two will also stay and garrison. You will be responsible for commanding the supernatural troops here. Is there any problem?"

The two of them accepted the order solemnly. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com

Reid and Zhao Qingyang were among the first retainers to follow him. With his supply of high-quality cultivation resources and his training at all costs, they have now reached the peak of the Nine Stars, and are just around the corner to break through to the Qian Star!

"Zhao Zhixiong!" he called again.

"Here!" A tall and sturdy middle-aged black-haired man stood up and bowed gently to him: "What are your orders, my lord?"

Ye Qingyuan looked at the old man whom he had known before he became rich, with mixed feelings in his heart. He saved the other party's life, and since then the other party has always respected him very much, but he always agreed to anything he asked for. This time I heard that I was determined to leave the empire and start my own business. Without saying a word, I sold all my property and brought my family and a group of loyal brothers to join me.

The road ahead is dangerous and unpredictable. There may be success, but more likely it will be complete failure, death and genocide! The other party is able to come and work for him regardless of risks, which can be classified as the most trustworthy type of subordinate!

No matter which camp, there are only a handful of ministers as loyal as him! They are the most precious wealth beside the king! He is also a confidant who can work together to plan big things! (To be continued.)

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