Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 694: The foundation of a country

With this single success, nearly ten thousand awakened people perished in the sea of ​​fire before they even had a chance to fight!

Then, Tian Xuanhao seized the opportunity and continued to command the fleet to strike in a rigorous and orderly manner! And he specializes in picking the other side's weak spots to strike! The situation of the Yanlong Fleet is getting worse and worse!

At this moment, Ye Qingyuan's figure flashed and he had already escaped into the universe, and the next second he appeared in front of the supernatural army on the other side!

Raise your hand, shine your sword, and make a move! Hundreds of thousands of swords half as wide as a finger, about two meters long, and as thin as cicada wings came out of my hand! In an instant, the whole area of ​​the boss was covered!

The bright red blood springs emerged one after another in the vast starry sky, like blooming flowers of life, poignant and tragic!

More than three hundred high-star awakened people died on the spot, without even a decent counterattack!

The five Qianxing experts rushed over with their powerful soldiers, but were shaken to pieces by his mental storm, and became prisoners in the blink of an eye!

After he launched five consecutive rounds of attacks, all the awakened ones behind him had left the ship and formed their formation! Hu Mu gave an order, and all nine thousand light crossbows pointed at the seemingly huge supernatural army on the other side!

"Launch!" A cold command burst out from between his teeth.

The blue light arrows swayed out like a gust of wind and rain, changing into light rain, intertwining into light strips, and connecting into a light curtain! Overwhelming! In an instant, the vision of all the soldiers on both sides was filled with the heart-stopping blue sky!

After three rounds of attacks, the enemy's super-powerful army's formation left a large vacancy!

A bone-chilling chill rose in the hearts of all the remaining Awakened officers and soldiers!

Under such a fierce and domineering offensive, even the strong men of Qianxing could not resist it! The little numerical advantage we still have can't be used for much at all! Why are we still fighting this battle?

"Kill them, and those who surrender will avoid death! No one who dares to resist will be spared!" Ye Qingyuan ordered.

The supernatural legions on both sides are almost at the same level of speed. They merge and fight into one!

In the melee, Ye Qingyuan killed the enemy's strong men one by one in the fierce fighting, and the rest let his officers and soldiers practice!

The supernatural army on his side is still in the growth stage and cannot suffer too much damage, so he will take care of all the strong ones who may threaten his own side!

On the other side, the battle between the fleets is still going on. Under Tian Xuanhao's relentless attack, the Yanlong fleet is on the verge of collapse!

A fleet suddenly appeared from behind the planet, which was the last straw that caused the enemy's psychological bottom line to collapse! That was the reserve team deployed by Ye Qingyuan, and now it was time to use it!

"Based on this, I didn't wait too late. The other side hasn't collapsed yet!" Hou Yifeng said with a smile, "I'm really surprised that these guys can hold on until now!"

"Attack! Don't let even one ship go!"

Suddenly, the Yanlong fleet, which was attacked from both sides, finally couldn't hold on any longer! Some fleets immediately issued a surrender request!

In response, Tian Xuanhao carefully ordered them to retract and lock all weapon systems, then leave the fighting area and shut down all engines at the designated place! Then dispatch the awakened ones to receive command authority!

Anyway, the speed of his new warships is much higher than that of the other side, so he is not afraid of the other side playing tricks and escaping!

More than an hour later, the last remaining fleet finally lost its fighting spirit and announced its surrender!

The fleet is finished, and the remaining tens of thousands of awakened people have temporarily overcome the resistance and surrendered!

That Kudler tried to sneak away, but Ye Qingyuan destroyed the escape ship with a sword from afar, and became a miserable prisoner for the second time!

At this point, all the main forces of the Yanlong chaebol family have been wiped out! Two and a half million warships of various types were destroyed, and an equal number of awakened people were lost, including almost all the powerful Qianxing warriors! More than 70,000 warships of various types and nearly 50,000 awakened people were captured!

This starry sky has changed its owner!

"Okay, the fierce battle has come to an end for now, now I give the order!" Ye Qingyuan looked at the commanders around him and said loudly:

"Hou Yifeng!"

"I'm here!"

"Bring your own troops and go immediately to take over He Jun and Yuan Xi's universe. If there are still those who dare to resist, they will all be killed!"

"Yes!" Hou Yifeng responded solemnly.

"Girard, you take 33,700 warships of various types and the same number of awakened ones to take over the Uling universe area. You also know what you should do!"

"I obey!" Gilad said solemnly.

"Let me take over the Yanlong universe area!" Ye Qingyuan said to Tian Xuanhao, "It is said that this universe area is the most prosperous among the dozens of nearby universe areas. You should go and have a good look at it!"

"Understood, my lord!"

The Yanlong Universe area is said to have been the capital of a principality that had been passed down for hundreds of years. Before its heyday, it had a territory of fifty-one cosmic regions!

More than a hundred years ago, the imperial family declined and was replaced by several major races in the country. Finally, the Yanlong chaebol family took advantage of the situation and rose up. By chance, it truly established itself as the first clan and became the leader of dozens of nearby universe areas. Dominator!

Yanlong, as well as several nearby cosmic areas such as Hejun, Wuling, Yuanxi, etc., are the core territories of the original principality and the current Yanlong chaebol family! The level of economic and technological development is almost comparable to that of some prosperous cosmic areas within the empire!

The five cosmic regions add up to 18 and a half hundred ecological planets, with a population of more than 55 billion! The annual benefits add up to more than 200 billion crystal cores! It is far incomparable to other regions of the universe!

Kudler relied on the huge profits from these territories to create a force powerful enough that no one within the group dared to covet his position!

The fleet broke through the void tunnel and flew to the planet Purple Dragon Wings.

Everything is much more enjoyable than expected! A group of warships of various types were suspended over Yuanlong City, announcing the news of the change of ownership in the Yanlong Universe area, and the captured Kudler came out to speak. The group of awakened people who stayed behind obediently put down their weapons!

Yuanlong City is the palace where His Highness the Grand Duke lived during the Principality era. It is large in scale, magnificent, and full of ancient palace style buildings. It covers an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers!

The outer part of the city was originally the office space of the major departments under the principality, and later served as the headquarters of the Yanlong Chaebol family!

The inner city was the residence of His Highness the Grand Duke, and was later occupied by Kudler and his direct descendants!

Thousands of awakened people swarmed in, controlled the key parts of the palace, and combined various detection instruments to conduct a carpet-like search of the palace! After making sure it was absolutely safe, Ye Qingyuan was invited in!

"It's so luxurious!" In the palace, Ye Qingyuan sighed while looking at the various splendid decorations.

He was also a person who had seen big events, but he never expected that this small and remote principality would waste so much wealth and resources on the palace! Even compared with the palace complex of Shuofeng Empire, it is not much different!

Regarding the general economic development level of this starry sky, this may be the extreme level of extravagance, and may even be unbearable! This may be one of the reasons for the demise of the principality!

"From now on, this will be your palace, my lord!" Hu Mu said with a smile, "After taking over these areas of the universe, we should also consider the issue of establishing a country, right? Always hanging the sign of the Star Thieves Group, really It’s not like that!”

Tian Xuanhao nodded lightly and said: "That's true! As long as these cosmic regions are brought under control! And then the nearby cosmic regions are also taken over and connected with our original territory! Then we can transform into a possessor." A slightly deeper territory than ever before!"

"The new batch of fleets will be trained soon. After they form an army! Our fierce fighting power can fully resist the surrounding powerful forces that are comparable to the Yanlong Chaebol family! By that time, we will be fully qualified to build a fleet. Yuan established the country!"

Upon hearing this, the surrounding officers and soldiers couldn't help but get excited!

Everyone knows that once you get to this point, everyone present can almost become the founding fathers! The benefits they can obtain are self-evident, just like ordinary soldiers, they will receive a lot of preferential treatment!

From now on, as long as the political power is stable and expands to the outside world, the status of these people will rise! Even becoming famous in the sea of ​​stars is not impossible!

Tian Xuanhao's opinion was reasonable and reasonable, and Ye Qingyuan couldn't help but feel a little moved!

The soldiers beside him followed him through life and death, wasn't it just to see this day? They have entrusted their future, wealth and life to themselves, and of course they should be rewarded!

However, once a country is established, it will attract too much attention from nearby forces! It must have caused a lot of unnecessary trouble! This is not a good thing for them now!

He pondered for a while and said: "We can really start to think about this problem now. However, to put it into action! There are still several things that need to be dealt with!"

"First, as Tian Qing said, we must capture all the surrounding cosmic areas and implement effective control to connect the territories into one!"

"Secondly, we must investigate all the remaining moderate and medium-sized forces in the territory. Anyone who may threaten our interests, no matter who they are, must be purged with thunderous means!"

"Third, we want to take stock of the current status of various industries, rare resource reserves, population distribution, food production, etc. in these cosmic regions! This is the capital of the future country and cannot be ignored!"

"Of course, the establishment of a country is no small matter. It is most appropriate to hold a special meeting and invite everyone to discuss it together!"

While talking, everyone came to the center of the hall. On the ninth-grade ice blue crystal star, there was a huge throne. The main body was made of crystal cores and decorated with various precious and unusual gems! It looks exquisite and majestic!

This was the throne that the former Grand Duke occupied when he was in power, and was later taken by Kudler as his own.

Ye Qingyuan paused, then walked up, looked at it, and sat down naturally!

The large throne is covered with a thick sky blue brocade cushion, which feels cold and smooth, just like a woman's skin! Sitting on it really gives you a feeling of elation and excitement!

Gently stroking the thick handrail carved into the shape of a dragon's head, a voice in his heart told him: From now on, I will be the master of this place! Billions of people in dozens of surrounding cosmic regions will all surrender to their own will!

However, such a situation is only a starting point. His ultimate goal is to establish a super power like the Shuofeng Empire and the Gardre Federation!

After calming down, he asked, "Has the situation outside stabilized? Is there any unexpected situation?"

Zhao Qingyang said: "The situation is generally calm. There are only a few places where there is sporadic resistance, and manpower has been arranged to kill them!"

The entire army has received instructions before landing. Those who surrender can ensure their personal safety. If there is resistance, they will be killed without mercy!

Then, Hu Mu added: "Kudler's family members have all been found and controlled. They are currently waiting outside the hall, as well as all the family members of the high-ranking chaebol families! What do you plan to do with it, my lord?"

After a pause, he smiled and said: "I have seen it, including Kudler's daughter and his wife, there are some women who are very good-looking! Maybe, my lord, you can think about it!"

"Well..." Ye Qingyuan frowned slightly, "That's not necessary! But do you have any suggestions on how to deal with it?"

Ziyuan Lan said calmly: "These people are the former ruling star layer. They have been operating in this place for many years and are deeply rooted! Even if they are controlled by us, there is no guarantee that there will not be some lurking remnants outside, holding on to the last hope to stir up trouble." The wind stirs up the rain!”

"Therefore, for the stability of the future regime, the safest way is to execute them all!"

Ye Qingyuan thought for a moment and agreed, and the matter was considered passed.

Don't blame him for being cruel, that's what war is all about! Only talk about interests, not feelings! If they fail, the fate of their loved ones will only be even more miserable!

In the next three days, three prosperous cosmic areas, Hejun, Wuling, and Yuanxi, were easily obtained! A large number of awakened ones have moved in to conduct a comprehensive cleanup of various ecological planets! Any person or force that dares to disobey will be purged using the most direct means! No mercy!

Within half a month, eight cosmic regions including Zhengyang, Yuyang, Tianfu, Mona, Shuihuan, and Shengyu, which are adjacent to the five prosperous cosmic regions, were all captured! Connected with the five cosmic regions originally controlled!

At this point, the territory of the Sea Beast Star Pirates Group has officially expanded to fifteen! The foundation for founding a country is already in place!

A month later, Ye Qingyuan issued an order to move the headquarters and all military relatives to the Yanlong Universe area. From then on, this place will serve as the capital of the new ruling power!

Then, Ye Qingyuan held a secret meeting in the palace and asked Shuyuan to discuss in detail the specific matters of founding the country! All senior executives of the group were present!

"I feel that before the official declaration of the founding of the country, maybe we will face a fierce battle!" Leng Zhuo sent his deduction results to the monitor for everyone to watch:

"Currently, around the sphere of influence of the former Yanlong Zaibatsu family, there are three powerful commando organizations whose fierce fighting power is not weaker than ours!"

"To the south is the Principality of Baloat, which has the direct territory of ten universe regions, and also indirectly controls the surrounding three and a half hundred universe regions; to the east is the Red Dragon Society, with the territory of twenty-five universe regions; to the southwest is The Stayas business organization also controls three and a half hundred universe areas!"

"These three forces all have powerful armed forces with no less than five to nine thousand warships of various types! They are enough to pose a great threat to us!"

"Your Highness, do you mean that they might attack us?" Link asked.

"So far, all the information we have collected shows that their attitude towards us is really not friendly!" Leng Zhuo said, "So we have to prepare for a rainy day!" (To be continued.)

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