Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 705 After the first victory

The coalition's approach of leaving three to nine thousand warships and all the supernatural legions here to cut off the rear, apart from causing dissatisfaction among the officers and soldiers, did not have much positive use!

A dark golden canopy-like cloud slowly bloomed in the vast starry sky! In an instant, it surrounded a large area of ​​awakened people and various warships, and the ancient scepter showed its power!

Within the coverage area of ​​the canopy, countless dark golden runes condensed into a sword that was as sharp as a sword. Each sword had power that was close to that of a sub-artifact! Countless swords transformed into strips of light filled with death and murderous intent, killing the targets there to their heart's content!

Under that extremely powerful light belt, all tangible existences were torn to pieces, and nothing could be avoided!

When the canopy closed and disappeared, the whole place was empty, with no trace of any life left!

This move completely shocked the entire audience! The coalition commanders and soldiers whose psychological defenses finally collapsed finally made up their minds and issued a request for surrender!

"Finally found you! Cunning human!"

In the Void Fault, Chief Kotila felt the dark golden cloud in the distance and said proudly.

"Now that it's confirmed, can we take action now?" a venerable asked.

"Of course! Everyone, be prepared. This young human still has some fierce fighting power and is not easy to deal with!" said the chief of the race, Kotila.

"I will take action personally, all you need to do is help! He must be captured!"

The fierce battle in the vast starry sky was basically over. A large number of surrendered coalition commanders surrendered their weapons and equipment and entered the transport ship under the escort of the principality's special forces. Transferred to the prisoner of war camp in the rear to await death.

After this battle, the elite armies of the three parties were wiped out, and even several of the family members became prisoners! The number of captured warships of various types amounted to two and a half million, and the number of captured Awakeneds was nearly three to nine thousand! There are countless logistical supplies of all kinds!

Although they still have an absolute number of troops on their respective territories, their elites have been lost, and the remaining cronies will no longer be able to do anything in the short term! Immediately afterwards, the Daomang Principality will launch a massive counterattack! Wipe out their territory one by one!

"Your Highness, we have gained a lot today!" Reid came over to report the results and said with a look of reverence: "It won't be long before the principality can be upgraded to a kingdom!"

Ye Qingyuan sighed: "These are all the results of the soldiers who fought bravely to kill the enemy and went through life and death! It is not the result of me alone!"

"Has the statistics of the casualties we are waiting for come out?"

"Back to Your Highness, we have lost more than 50,000 warships of various types, and there are about 20,000 awakened people! The detailed list is still being compiled!" Reid said.

Compared to the results achieved, this loss is almost nothing! I just understand that in absolute terms, it’s tens of millions of lives! A large-scale interstellar war is so tragic!

"After the arrangement is completed, the pensions that should be paid, the awards that should be commended, and the treatment and placement of the disabled should all be in accordance with the established standards. Don't be careless!" he ordered.

"Yes! Your Highness, I will not dare to slack off!" Reid looked solemn and responded loudly.

After he retreated, Ye Qingyuan stayed there for a while before planning to return to the command ship.

Suddenly, a streak of silver rainbow appeared suddenly, winding towards him as quickly as a giant python!

Ye Qingyuan's figure moved slightly, and the surrounding void suddenly changed, like ice that suddenly solidified, sealing him firmly in place! Dozens of personal guards also suffered.

"What the hell? Open it for me!" That round of starlight suddenly increased sharply, and countless silver-flickering light arrows shot out. Wherever they went, the solidified void structures were scattered. Being torn apart, the pleasure allowed him to escape.

Several transparent light whips chased after his figure. No matter why he dodges, the thing could always accurately lock his position, and it was getting closer!

The void mirror formation "An Luo Xumi Jambu Barrier" was activated, and the whole person disappeared instantly!

Those few light whips couldn't hold back their momentum and lightly brushed over the place where he had just stayed. The stable void structure suddenly turned into countless pieces and collapsed like pieces of paper that had been weathered for thousands of years! From the void fault, a brilliant energy storm spurted out! Turn this void into a mess.

Nearby, Ye Qingyuan appeared. Just as he was about to make some movement, a more powerful energy suppressed it again!

Despite being protected by the artifact, the energy still sealed the surrounding void, and there were more light whips coming this time! faster! He was about to be sucked into the electromagnetic field before his eyes!

Dark golden canopy-like clouds slowly emerged in the vast starry sky, easily resisting all visible and invisible attacks! Whether it's the beautiful light whip like a work of art, the extremely powerful electromagnetic departure, or the completely solidified void structure! In front of this cloud of dark golden runes, there was no power at all!

Ye Qingyuan took a breath and immediately launched his most powerful counterattack! A huge spiritual storm was launched, and a bright star seemed to light up in the vast starry sky! Extremely violent silver waves swept out in waves, sweeping away everything that dared to hide in the dark!

"Kaka... squeak..." Several strange and undetectable sounds came, as if they were the screams of some kind of life form after being injured!

Half a hundred volleyball-like life forms jumped out of the hidden void fault in embarrassment. A trace of cyan blood oozed from the surface of the body that was originally smooth as a mirror, and the light blue magnetic field around them also dimmed obviously!

"It's you again! These damn volleyballs!" Ye Qingyuan was furious, and the mental storm started again!

This group of alien races who don't know life and death have made enemies of him time and time again. Do they really think that they are weak? Well, since they dare to come today, they must be prepared to die! None of them need to go back!

Just when those guys were terrified and planning to accept their fate and wait for death! Something unexpected happened!

"Human beings who overestimate their own capabilities!" An inhuman sigh sounded.

The five-week void has been blocked by a cyan energy light belt for some time. The light belt is extremely powerful. While it is re-confining the void structure, the confinement range is also rapidly shrinking. Correspondingly, the power is becoming more concentrated. !

Soon, a cyan light ball with a diameter of half a hundred meters appeared around him! The ball of light is beyond the imagination of the elephant. Even with the power of the ancient scepter, there is no way to break it for a while!

The Sky Sword was struck out at a high speed, instantly stimulating thousands of light blades as thin as cicada wings, which suddenly struck the same place on the wall of the light sphere.

The power of the divine sword was also restricted at this time! The ball of light shook violently, but it did not collapse as he expected!

Ye Qingyuan was a little horrified. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation since he broke through Qianxing! Even that time when I was besieged by eight aristocratic families and many strong men from the ghost race, it was not as dangerous as it is now!

"Humans, stop engaging in meaningless fights between trapped beasts! You can't break the void barrier! This is a method deployed by God King Youhuang himself! With the assistance of the artifacts of my race, with your fierce fighting power, there is no way I guess we can get away! It’s better to cooperate!”

A strong man of the ghost race who was obviously two sizes larger finally emerged from the void gap! A pale golden magnetic field surrounds the round body. On the smooth surface, countless exquisite and complicated textures are flashing and swimming according to some strange rhythm. A huge and suffocating pressure is coming towards the face!

"A nineteenth-level strongman? Or two! No wonder..." A trace of bitterness appeared on his face.

Behind him, a peerless strongman of the ghost race who was also a member of the Youhuang God King appeared!

"Let me introduce myself. I am the great Zhanying race, the ancient and noble chief of the Kotila tribe, Mor. Kotila! Human beings, my race has been paying attention to you for a long time! Your fierce fighting ability is good, I didn't expect it. It actually took the two god kings of my race to take action to trap you!"

The strong man from the ghost race who appeared earlier spoke slowly.

"How are you... planning to deal with me?" Ye Qingyuan asked calmly, "With my status, it seems that it is not worth taking action from such a powerful being like you!"

"Well! Young and powerful human being! Don't you know your own value yet? Not to mention that you have obtained the great lost civilization - the last inheritance of the ancient god race! It is these artifacts on your body that also It’s enough to make me tempted!”

Ye Qingyuan finally figured out the cause of the matter. It turned out that it was the matter on the Blue Algae Star. I just didn't expect this group of volleyball players to be so persistent! I didn’t expect that I would trace it all the way here!

"Let's do it! How about you hand over all the items you have from the ancient civilization and those artifacts, and we can let you go?" Kotila said.

"Will you let me go if I hand over my things?" Ye Qingyuan snorted coldly.

Ketila heard this and said slightly unhappily: "That... is very disrespectful. We can only ask you to come with me!"

The green light ball suddenly tightened, and then was dragged into the void fault by a huge force!

In the distance, the fleet that noticed the enemy's situation immediately responded! A large number of high-star awakened people rushed over, led by the two demi-god-level experts organized by the Cangling Commando!

It's a pity that with their fierce fighting power, they can deal with ordinary ghost race people. In front of the two Youhuang God Kings, they are no different from ants! Even though they were far away, they were forced to close by the raging electromagnetic field!

Tian Xuanhao gritted his teeth and ordered: "The fleets should immediately aim at the target location and fire at full power! His Highness must be rescued!"

His Highness has many artifacts on his body, so it is not a problem to block possible artillery fire! As long as the heavy imprisoning light ball is shattered, I guess he can escape, right?

Two and a half million warships of various types launched a sweeping attack on this place! Thousands of death beams spurted out from the muzzle, rushing forward with thunderous momentum, but were blocked by another cyan void barrier that suddenly appeared!

"Concentrate and bombard with all your strength. I don't believe how long you can hold on!" Tian Xuanhao's eyes were blood red and he issued an order to continue attacking at all costs!

The violent tide of energy rushed through and caused the void barrier to sway gently, stirring up large swaths of cyan light rain! However, how could the methods used by God King Youhuang himself be so easy to crack?

"Chief of the race, the target has been captured. Let's leave immediately!" Another Youhuang God King said.

Although it is not afraid of attacks from all kinds of warships, it does not expect it to consume too much extra energy because of this!

Ketila followed suit: "Of course, our target is this human being! Everything else is unimportant! Retreat from here immediately and return to the Sea of ​​Expanding Stars!"

Under the control of the Youhuang God King at both ends, the cyan light ball finally escaped into the void fault! They also retreated together with the dozen or so injured guys!

After a flurry of void fluctuations, the place was empty, cleaner than a dog licking it!

In an instant, there was deathly silence in the entire command ship's main control room!

Everyone knows how important the symbolic and practical significance of His Highness's existence is to the current regime that was established not long ago! If something happens to him, the final consequences this regime will face... are really hard to fathom!

"You two, what should we do now?" Tian Xuanhao asked in fear with cold sweat on his forehead.

Liu Xiangyun immediately said: "In this extraordinary period, we should immediately block the news and not spread it outside! Then we should calm down the morale of the military, and we must not affect the stability of the political situation just because of this!"

Ziyuan Lan also said: "For the current plan, there is no other way to figure it out! The only way is to inform the top management of the Cangling Commando Team and ask them to make up their minds! Almost they can rely on their own influence to negotiate with those volleyball players. People matters!”

"That's all!" Tian Xuanhao sighed softly and began to issue orders.

"You don't need to be so panicked!" Leng Zhuo, who had not spoken until now, stood up and said, "His Royal Highness has fierce fighting ability and is resourceful! And his luck has always been incredible! He will be fine!"

"But now he was kidnapped by those volleyballs! Who knows where he will go!" Tian Xuanhao said anxiously. Find bookstore

He is worried about what will happen to this regime once the master is gone! At present, there is no second candidate with strong prestige and fierce fighting ability who can take on a major role in the commando organization to preside over the overall situation!

Is it possible that this newly established country is coming to an end?

"Even if he is kidnapped, he will come back within a short period of time!" Leng Zhuo looked at the deduction routine on the photon computer that had recently obtained the results, and said calmly.

This famous wise man in Xinghai obviously has several secret methods at hand, and he will never use them unless absolutely necessary!

Now, with her unique methods, the road ahead seems to be looming with some changes beyond expectation! Although I can't see it clearly, I'm sure it's not a bad thing!

"You have never really suffered in the past. I hope you will not disappoint me this time! But they put everything on you!" Leng Zhuo's beautiful eyes stared at the bright starry sky outside the porthole, privately prayed. (To be continued.)

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