Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 710: Why not retreat for three days?

The other side glanced at him, lowered his eyes and remained silent.

Tian Xuanhao sighed softly, raised the tea cup in front of him, and sipped it slowly.

Luo Qingyue pursed her red lips tightly, and her eyes swept over the faces of everyone present. There was a subtle coldness brewing in the depths of her beautiful eyes!

In fact, everyone knows that the only way to solve the current predicament is to elect a new ruler! Only then can we stop the ambitions of those forces outside! Lead this regime to move forward.

The question is, who should be elected? Who has enough fighting power and prestige to take on this burden? And can it convince everyone?

Everyone here has a deep friendship with Ye Qingyuan to a large extent. Therefore, although they know this truth, no one is willing to speak out this point of view first, so as not to be considered by others as an ungrateful person!

Staring at the empty chair at the end of the conference table, Chen Shuhua's eyes flashed with enthusiasm. She looked at her man and began to think quickly.

Ziyuan Lan was thinking about a more appropriate solution at this time. He also knew in his heart that the root of the problem still lies with Ye Qingyuan. If electing a new leader is a helpless choice, then the news of Ye Qingyuan's death must be confirmed before that. OK!

No matter what, as long as Qingyuan is still alive, no one can make any decisions about this man! He looked at the faces of everyone around him and made a cold assessment in his heart.

Meng Xuan, Randall and others remained silent.

Tongshan smiled forcefully and said: "You don't need to be so nervous, right? Isn't it just that we are trying to elect someone to stabilize the situation? You don't dare to say it, so I will say it for you!"

Everyone looked a little unnatural. Although no one spoke in agreement, no one refuted it. It was obvious that they acquiesced in his statement.

Link tugged on his sleeve angrily, but he shook it off.

"I speak more directly, I hope you don't mind! There is no right or wrong in this estimation method, it is all for everyone's future! I understand what I mean. It has only been ten days now, and His Highness's life and death are still uncertain. It’s not determined yet, so why can’t you just take a guess and make sure things are about to turn around?” he continued.

Everyone suddenly felt refreshed, and then they realized it again, and their expressions became gloomy again.

As he said, that is of course the best! But the problem is clear, this chance is too small! Almost negligible!

The human nature of the ghost race is obvious to all. If a person falls into their hands, few people will believe that they can come back intact!

When Ye Qingyuan was kidnapped, the senior officials of the principality immediately notified the Cangling Commando Organization and asked them to figure out how to save him; while Luo Qingyue mobilized almost all the intelligence resources of the Clone Commando Organization, and finally finally managed to The general location of the sea of ​​​​stars was found, but he gave up because he did not have strong enough force!

Cangling's senior management went back and forth to weigh the pros and cons, but in the end they didn't agree to take action! Without him, the cost of rescue is too high, and there are too many strong people on the other side! Not to mention anything else, the two Youhuang God Kings alone are enough for them to drink a pot!

Later, Luo Qingyue informed his brother and forwarded the news to Fang Yuqing. The Queen was quite interested, but she wanted to use the empire's force to deal with the two Youhuang God Kings and a large number of powerful men above Qianxing! The price paid will be extremely heavy, and may even shake the foundation of the empire. Therefore, under the strong opposition of Manager Yan, the Queen can only give up!

"Your Highness, I don't know why you view this matter?" Zhong Zixia shrugged and looked at his teacher, Leng Zhuo, who had never spoken!

The great wise man who had been closing his eyes to rest his eyes slightly opened his beautiful eyes and said softly: "My opinion is the same, just one word: wait! When the lord I am waiting for comes back, nothing will be a problem!"

"How long do we have to wait?" The guy immediately asked.

"How long? I don't know, at least a year and a half!" Leng Zhuo stared at the skirt of his snow-white embroidered palace skirt with calm eyes, and said without raising his head:

"Given the current situation in the principality, it is not a problem to maintain stability for a year and a half. I can understand your calculations! However, at least during this period, I hope that you can fulfill your responsibilities and don't think about the important point for the time being. topic!"

"It won't last long before he comes back? Then nothing will happen, right?"

"Okay! Since it is Your Highness's opinion, I have no objection!" Crassus said.

"I have no problem..." Tian Xuanhao said.

"I don't have a problem either!" As soon as Ziyuan Lan said these words, Chen Shuhua immediately rolled her eyes.

Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and most of them were in favor of postponing the discussion, which made Qin Yuanyuan secretly breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing his student's grateful eyes, Leng Zhuo sighed softly in his heart, trying to figure out what to say, but he didn't say it.

Silly girl, I’m not doing this all just for you! I just hope that you won’t be estranged from me in the future!

Just when everyone was planning to leave the meeting, the photon computer on Luo Qingyue's forearm vibrated slightly.

She looked down and her voice, trembling with joy, echoed in the living room: "It's a message from His Highness, back!"

Like a big stone thrown into a calm lake, the entire conference hall boiled instantly!

Outside the palace, high in the sky, a green ball of light emerged from the clouds and slowly landed on the square in front of the palace.

In the main hall, the civil servants and military generals who had regained their backbone gathered together to report to His Highness the various things that had happened during this period.

"So, these three forces won't be able to collapse for a while?" Ye Qingyuan asked from the throne.

Crassus responded: "That's right, Your Highness! Therefore, we can make some adjustments to our immediate plan!"

"That's okay!" Ye Qingyuan thought for a moment and nodded gently in agreement.

The three forces that used to work together to besiege Daomang Principality, due to the heavy defeat and the loss of all their elites, have now attracted the covetousness of several neighboring forces. Among them, the notorious Red Dragon Society has already started a war with two neighboring fleets. !

However, after all, these three forces have been operating and developing in their respective territories for many years, and their foundations have been solid. Even if they suffered such a big setback, they have not completely lost their will to resist! The left-behind forces within the Red Dragon Club have reassembled a fleet, and are having a good fight with the other party! And there are only signs of collapse in a short period of time!

Such a situation is extremely beneficial to the newly established Daomang Principality!

Although today's principality is capable of fierce fighting, its foundation is too shallow! From the time they came to this starry sky, grabbed the first foothold, to defeated the Yanlong chaebol family and won the qualification to establish a country, the total time was just over a year. It was really impossible to compete with those who had been running businesses for dozens of times. Compared with the power of years, or even hundreds of years!

In order to quickly win over people's hearts, the senior officials of the principality adopted the method of fighting and pulling. Regarding the people of the middle and lower classes, they used benevolent policies to appease them; regarding the forces of the strategic command that had originally surrendered, they adopted a strategy of dividing and pulling together; regarding those ecological planets On the other hand, the small and medium-sized families that are dependent on the original Yanlong chaebol family will depend on the situation.

It is true that some of the Xiaojia race who are aware of current affairs quickly expressed their surrender to the new ruling power. However, there are also some guys who are still hesitant to wait and see, and some are clearly uncooperative! In this regard, Ye Qingyuan did not hesitate at all, and ordered Ziyuan Lan to lead the new commando team to build the inner guard corps to kill them all with thunderous means!

Nowadays, they simply do not have enough time and energy to use gentle methods to deal with those ethnic forces and slowly win over their hearts. Moreover, the newly established political power cannot have too many constraints!

A sufficient number of old forces must be cleared away, on the one hand to deter those with dissident intentions, and on the other hand to create enough space for the new dominance to grow! When a country is first established, there is no need to retain too many vested interest groups and let them dictate high-level policies!

"Your Highness, in the past few days when you have been away, there have been some restless guys in the country who have begun to jump up and down, trying to stir up trouble! There are several heads of families and races who are even secretly communicating with outside forces. The personnel of the Security Department Part of the evidence has been seized, how do you respond to your highness?" Ziyuan Lan stood up and reported.

Ye Qingyuan said without hesitation: "Come out the entire list of which races are involved, and then mobilize the supernatural army to kill all of these people! Don't let any of them go!"

"Yes! Your Highness!" Ziyuan Lan responded solemnly.

For the stability of the regime, purges and killings are inevitable. Since these guys dare to come forward, they must have the consciousness to die and genocide if the matter is exposed!

Zhong Zixia stood up and said: "Your Highness, after the battle that day, the three forces sent envoys to request peace talks! They have been delayed until now with various excuses. How should we treat them?"

Ye Qingyuan shrugged and asked everyone, "What do you think? You might as well speak up and discuss it together!"

Liu Xiangyun thought for a moment and reported: "Your Highness, I thought I could meet them. After all, the current fierce fighting capacity of the principality is limited, and there is no problem in defeating their coalition forces. However, it would be unavoidable to swallow all three forces in one go." Be realistic!”

"Still the same sentence: The principality needs time to digest the results of the war! As these three families are busy with unnecessary affairs, there is no way to create a threatening force to us in the short term. It is nothing to let them live for a while! We are currently waiting for The most important thing is to race against time to expand the fierce fighting power! When the time is right, we will liquidate them one by one!"

Tian Xuanhao added: "The peace talks really should be carried out. However, regarding the conditions, we can not cede territory to them now. However, those areas of the universe that originally belonged to the Yanlong chaebol family's sphere of influence and were later occupied by them, It must be returned immediately!”

"There are also those three noble prisoners and a group of high-level figures. If they plan to go back, they must ask their subordinates to give up huge amounts of crystal cores in exchange!"

Ye Qingyuan muttered: "Peace talks, this can be discussed, and the conditions proposed are appropriate! Those areas of the universe occupied by them should be taken back! However, as for the people involved, it is better not to let them go!"

"Since these places will be waiting for me sooner or later, these guys will be of great use in the future, so let's take good care of them now!"

The original Yanlong chaebol family's sphere of influence, in addition to the territory directly governed by the headquarters, plus those minor forces that are attached to the chaebol family, totals forty-nine cosmic regions! Except for the fifteen owned by Daomang Principality, the rest were all divided up by three forces!

The Staias Commercial Organization occupies eight of the areas immediately adjacent to its own sphere of influence, the Red Dragon Society occupies nine, and the Principality of Baloat occupies seven! Now, they all must be returned to their original owners! In other words, their strength has been greatly damaged by the fierce fighting, and they can no longer defend these territories!

Then, he asked Link: "How is our military strength expanding? To what extent can we reach it in three months?"

Link bowed and reported: "After the war, all fleets and legions underwent a new round of integration. Some old warships of various types that were damaged or scrapped were eliminated, and a number of them were also eliminated. Soldiers of poor quality, the current regular fleet number is 450,000, the Guards fleet is 50,000! The old reserve fleet is 29,000!"

"The number of the Awakened Legion is 39,000, and the Guards Legion is 50,000! Most of the newly added troops are integrated and absorbed from the captured Awakened! Since various measures are in place, there is no problem at the moment! As long as some time passes, They will also become elite soldiers and generals who are truly loyal to the principality!"

The principality currently has a group of trained soldiers joining the army every month. Together with the new types of warships shipped from the empire, in three months, the number of the main fleet will increase by 150,000, and a group of awakened people will become military. By then, the principality’s military strength will be further enhanced!

A new group of administrative coordinators trained by the principality will graduate soon. Find Shuyuan www. is ready for use immediately! Three months, this is the time set by Ye Qingyuan to digest and integrate the new territory he received!

Three months later, the general administrative framework of the twenty-five universe regions was established, and various policies and measures were put in place and implemented one by one! You can send out troops on a large scale and wait for an opportunity to destroy one of the three forces in order to further expand your territory and increase strategic depth!

His current goal is to annex all three forces and integrate them into a powerful kingdom, and truly become a major force that ranks among the top in the Prison Soul Star Sea!

On the other side of the Hell Soul Star Sea, the millions of troops of the Tiloa Empire have begun to launch a large-scale offensive. Emperor Philosis personally led the expedition and vowed to incorporate this starry sky into the empire's territory! So far, nearly a hundred areas of the universe have fallen under the control of the imperial army!

Of course, not all the forces in the Hell Soul Star Sea are soft persimmons. Led by the Batnovita Alliance, which has the strongest fighting capacity, the five most powerful forces have united to jointly resist the invasion of the imperial army. After a series of tragic events, After the large-scale battle, the war has now reached a stalemate, and there seems to be a trend of long-term confrontation.

The fierce battle on that side will not affect this starry sky for the time being. I just need to seize the time and keep developing! (To be continued.)

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