As soon as the two people came out of the void tunnel, they saw the big silver-gray discus-shaped thing with a diameter of more than 300 kilometers not far ahead! Countless small warships of various types are constantly coming in and out like shuttles! The muzzles of the extremely powerful first-level main battle cannons of the fortress are pointed at the entrance of the void tunnel!

In the vast starry sky on the other side, there are at least 29,000 warships of various types parked there. Although they are vaguely divided into several camps, they are at least a huge force!

There are many heavy-duty suspended mines near the entrance of the void tunnel, forming three tight blockades! If the fleet teleports here rashly, it will definitely suffer a big loss!

"It looks like that!" Su Lili said with a smile, "If it were an ordinary opponent, if we didn't risk human lives to make up for it, there would be no need to fight this battle!"

"But when you meet us, no matter how strong the fortress is, it is just a joke!" Ye Qingyuan hugged her, and with a stroke of the Sky Sword in his left hand, he broke through the void barrier, and the next moment he was near the fortress.

The fortress with a diameter of more than 300 kilometers is comparable to an asteroid of average size. On the wide and thick outer wall, there is still engraved the golden tiger emblem of the royal family of the Shermel Dynasty that has disappeared in the long history.

The two concealed their traces, followed a small spaceship, and flew quietly into the fortress.

The huge fortress extends in all directions, no different from any other big city! Living area, medical area, fierce battle command area, material storage area, duty area, leisure and entertainment area, maintenance area! They are all connected by a semicircular passage that is twenty meters high and ten meters wide! And the most important energy supply center! That is the main hub of the entire war machine!

Along the way, Ye Qingyuan stared at the various map signs on both sides of the passage, combined with the various small aircraft that passed by from time to time, and relying on his powerful mental induction, he slowly found the place almost to the core of the fortress.

It can be seen that the defense force inside this fortress is not very strong. It is roughly estimated that the number of awakened people will not exceed 20,000, and most of them are ordinary officers and soldiers. The only thing to worry about is the dozens of terrifyingly powerful first-level main battle cannons for the fortress!

About half an hour later, Ye Qingyuan and Xiao Loli arrived at the door of a spacious and luxurious cabin, and walked in with great swagger! As many as two and a half hundred high-star awakened people at the door didn't notice anything unusual!

"It seems like a big shot lives here! Maybe it's the residence of the fortress commander?" she speculated, looking at the luxurious layout in the cabin.

"It's very possible! Look, there is also a uniform of a general commander here!" Ye Qingyuan said while looking at the dark red high-grade military uniforms on a gold coat rack beside the heavy mahogany desk.

The two of them checked the outer room for a while and found that the inner door was ajar. Su Lili went up and took a look, and her pretty face turned red with embarrassment.

A bald man as strong as a bear and with a ferocious face was naked all over his body and was riding on a snow-white breast. He was breathing heavily from time to time, mixed with the fierce impact of his vagina. The woman deliberately suppressed it. The whole cabin was filled with the sound of moaning and indulgence!

"A couple of bitches!" She cursed in a low voice with embarrassment and annoyance.

Ye Qingyuan smiled and said: "We'd better go to the energy center as soon as possible! It's important to finish the business as soon as possible, but as for this guy, he will definitely not live long! Why bother!"

The core of the entire fortress: the energy supply center is located beneath the fortress commander's office! Ye Qingyuan and the two, who had already understood everything through mental induction, arrived at the entrance of the target with ease.

What made him a little unhappy was that the previously unobstructed passage was closed here! There are still a large number of awakened guards guarding the door!

"It seems like it's impossible to sneak in without alerting them! There are more than ten doors there!" Ye Qingyuan frowned slightly.

Su Lili said disapprovingly: "We're already here! Why should we worry about it? Just punch in! I don't believe there are strong people here who can resist you!"

"Yeah! That's right! I was too careful!" Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly, took out the Sky Sword, and slashed with his hand. Dozens of sword lights hundreds of meters long roared out, knocking down the defenders on the opposite side. A piece of broken limbs and broken arms mixed with various internal organs and blood were scattered on the ground! Unabated, it hit the extremely thick high-strength alloy door!

The door, which could withstand the bombardment of first-level main battle cannons from various warships, had several large pieces of metal cut off like foam! Let the surviving guys be stunned!

Several more rays of sword light flew out, and the ten-meter-thick door finally failed to withstand it and was cut to pieces!

"Enemy attack-" A surviving awakened person finally reacted, holding half of his thigh and letting out a sharp cry!

Before he finished speaking, his head flew away for a while!

Since there was no way to keep the matter secret, Ye Qingyuan simply showed up and started killing people. After a few breaths, there was no one alive at the door!

The second door was three hundred meters away and could be reached in an instant. The two of them followed the same pattern, breaking down the door and killing people! After you're done, rush to the next portal!

Except for the two Qianxings, I met no decent strong men along the way! It can be said that he is chopping melons and vegetables with overwhelming force!

By the time the last door was opened, less than two minutes had passed! There is a spacious energy center control room!

Until this time, the sharp and piercing siren finally sounded inside the fortress!

In the control room with an area of ​​several thousand square meters, nearly a thousand technicians are busy in front of numerous instruments and equipment. There are only less than a hundred awakened people responsible for the escort mission!

Hearing the commotion outside, the people in the living room raised their heads and looked towards the door. A pair of handsome men and beauties strode in with swords in hand.

"Who? Who let you in? Give me..." An awakened person with the identity of a commander shouted loudly with a straight face.

Ye Qingyuan ticked the corners of his eyes, a sharp sword light flashed, and the huge head was rushed far away by the sudden column of blood! Then he fell heavily to the ground, and his white brains mixed with red blood spilled all over the floor! The headless body fell to the ground, and its hands and feet were still fighting fiercely to trap the beast!

The vitality of the awakened ones is far better than that of ordinary people. Even if they suffer such fatal injuries, they will not die for a while!

The corpses that were still fighting for the trapped beasts gave the remaining people the most direct and effective deterrent! For a moment, the living room became quiet, and no one dared to say anything to irritate this guy who looked more like a student than a soldier!

"Who is in charge here? Please come out!" Ye Qingyuan glanced at the living room and asked.

"I... am!" A middle-aged black man in his fifties responded shyly and uneasily.

"Very good, now I order to shut down all the energy supply equipment! Cut off all the energy supply in the fortress!" he said.

The man was horrified and subconsciously said: "This is impossible. Some places in the fortress cannot cut off the energy supply at all..."

Before he could finish his words, another sword light flashed through, and half a hundred superpower guards were instantly disfigured!

Ye Qingyuan gently raised the heavy sword in his hand: "I say it again, turn off all energy supply equipment immediately! Immediately!"

Looking at Fang Fang's blue face and slightly trembling legs, he smiled and said: "My patience is limited, you'd better not let me repeat the same words for the third time! Otherwise..."

"You...Okay! I agreed!" The man seemed to be angry, but in the end fear defeated his will and made him make the most correct choice!

If he continues to refuse to cooperate, he can be sure that the other side will kill everyone here without hesitation, including him, and no one will be left alive!

Under his order, the instruments and equipment in the reception room were shut down one after another, and the entire fortress gradually fell into a state of paralysis due to the interruption of energy supply!

Then, Ye Qingyuan and Xiao Loli checked it carefully again, shut down and destroyed the two backup systems together! Make it impossible to restart it in a short time!

"Send a message over there! Just say that you have succeeded!" He said to Su Lili.

"Maybe it won't work!" she said,

"Although the energy supply has been cut off, I am sure that the first-level main battle cannon must have been charged beforehand and has the ability to fire at least once! If the people in the main control room suddenly open fire while the fleet I am waiting for comes over, Even if there is only one launch opportunity, it will cause huge casualties!"

"Well! This is indeed a problem!" Ye Qingyuan thought for a while and then came up with an idea:

"Don't worry, I'll leave soon! Let's go to the battle control room!"

"What about the prisoners here? Are they..." She looked at the nearly a thousand technical staff standing aside.

Ye Qingyuan shrugged and sent out several sword lights, cutting the main console into several pieces! Even if they are dishonest, they won't be able to do anything for a while.

The two of them followed the path they came from and rushed towards the battle control room on the higher level!

At this time, some of the already alerted fortress guards finally caught up and stopped the two of them!

Just as the leader Qianxing was trying to figure out what to say, he saw hundreds of sharp sword lights flying over him, covering him and the subordinates behind him!

A round of silver-blue sword light advanced slowly in the spacious passage. Wherever it went, a carpet of flesh and blood paved with countless internal organs, broken limbs, and large piles of blood was wildly spread. An unparalleled fierce sword storm was created!

Wherever the sword light traveled, the carpet of flesh and blood extended, and even the iron-gray alloy walls and domes were stained with a dazzling scarlet red! It was as if the god of Hades from hell had descended into the world!

Finally, in front of the huge and unbearable casualties, the superpower guards who were ordered to come to intercept hesitated and became afraid! They stopped, facing the sword light approaching at a constant speed, and they didn't know who was the first to take the lead. With a shout, they all dropped their strong soldiers and dispersed!

In the distance, the door to the main control room for the battle is clearly visible, but not many people at the door dare to stick to their posts!

In their frightened eyes, the sword light that looked like the incarnation of the god of death was still moving forward in a leisurely manner, without any change in speed.

In the fortress commander's office.

Matsuda Heizhe screamed strangely and kicked the **** behind him a long way away. Then he jumped off the big bed and rushed towards the energy knife he placed on the coffee table beside him. Violent movements, the string on the crotch does not look so majestic even in a congested state, beating moment by moment!

The piercing siren was still echoing, and two frightened supernatural guards stood at the door, waiting for their commander to come out and arrange response matters.

A powerful foreign enemy invaded the energy center and cut off the energy supply to all zones! At present, it is said that he has gone to the battle control room again. If timely and effective measures are not taken, the final result will be known to everyone!

Commander Matsuda, who was furious that his good work was interrupted, rushed a few steps, looked back and stared at the two guys who were still standing there, then turned back and slapped each of them: "Damn it! Why are you standing there? Still standing there?" Don’t you want to call someone soon?”

"Commander, you... better put on some clothes!" A guard said bravely.

After Matsuda Heizhe figured it out, there was nothing covering his whole body except the hilt of the energy sword in his hand!

He casually put on a piece of combat light armor, and the bald Commander Matsuda rushed towards the combat control room with a group of capable men and women!

In the main control room of the battle, the fire control officer looked at the cold sword hanging around his neck and reluctantly chose to cooperate! The attack star field scales of dozens of fortress-level main battle cannons were transferred to the direction of the Red Dragon Society fleet!

He couldn't help but to cooperate. The clean and tidy floor was already covered with a thick layer of flesh and blood, containing several Qianxing strong men, all of whom were killed by the sword of this strong man who looked too young!

"The star field ruler has been locked, fire!" Ye Qingyuan said with a cheerful expression.

"...Yes! Sir!" The fire control officer responded tremblingly, using his trembling right hand to press the huge red button symbolizing launch!


The entire fortress trembled, and dozens of extremely thick dark blue light pillars penetrated the universe, rushing into the Red Dragon Society fleet camp on the other side with thunderous momentum.

The violent tide of energy spreads! The universe is trembling and burning. Wherever the light pillar sweeps, large tracts of void will be squeezed by the huge magnetic field. All tangible and intangible existences cannot escape the fate of destruction!

Since they have not yet encountered an enemy, the relatively dense formation of the Red Dragon Society fleet opened several large holes under this extremely powerful salvo! Tens of thousands of warships of all kinds were directly vaporized! There were also many warships of various types injured in the periphery. Find Shuyuan and flee in panic with the partially melted hull!

The psychological shock caused by this sudden blow was far greater than the actual loss! The officers and soldiers of the Red Dragon Society, who had never personally experienced the power of the fortress cannon, retreated one after another. They did not dare to stop and regroup until they were far away from the extreme range of the fortress cannon!

They had no idea why the fortress guns opened fire on them without any problem! Has the enemy already occupied the fortress? Why maybe?

Ye Qingyuan then directed the fire control officer to use the secondary guns to clean up the three-layer suspended mine array at the entrance of the void tunnel one by one. He said: "Okay, everything is done! Let them come over!"

Su Lili nodded lightly, took out the portable ultra-void liaison device and started to contact the fleet.

"Damn bastard!" A roar rang out from the door. Commander Matsuda finally arrived with his men!

In the living room, a young man with dark eyes and black hair looked at the crazy man and said with a smile: "Sir, you came too late, just when you were in a romantic and happy mood! The overall situation is irreversible. !" (To be continued.)

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