The idea behind Tumuxing's research is to start with various types of fungal life forms that exist widely on major planets in the star sea, develop and refine substances that can replace the raw materials of existing optimization reagents, and fundamentally reduce the cost of optimization reagents!

There are more than billions of life forms in the star sea world! Fungal life forms are one of the largest racial groups among them! There is no other reason. They have requirements for the living environment, which are much simpler than those of higher life forms!

The growth environment of mutant fungi is mostly in dark and humid areas. They only need absolute organic matter to survive. Many species do not even need oxygen. This makes them have a large number of races on many uninhabited planets!

They can even be found in some extremely harsh environments! In volcanic craters, under glaciers, near underground magma, almost to the surface of cold planets in a vacuum, etc.! It can be said to be the most powerful type of life form in the vast starry sky!

And their types, as far as the current number of major countries know, has exceeded one billion! The distribution range is also the widest! A large number of fungal life forms will be found on almost all planets with life!

Such a huge ethnic group has a long history and extremely powerful vitality! Naturally, it has become the subject of research by many well-known human scholars!

The ultimate advantage of the human race is that it can adopt and learn from the advantages of many alien life forms for its own use! And this attitude has also brought huge benefits to the human world!

Tumuxing's grandfather has been dealing with all kinds of fungal lifeforms since his debut, and his father is still working hard in this direction! In the end, this career was inherited by him and finally carried forward!

By studying these ancient and magical communities of life forms, Tumuxing produced a number of commendable results in just a few years after graduation! One of them is a gene stabilizer extracted from certain fungal hyphae! The effect is not inferior to the top products currently on the market, but the cost is only one-fifteenth of the latter!

However, what he did not expect was that when the relevant patent application was submitted, it would be met with a cold reception by the federal authorities, which was delayed for a long time. In the end, they simply cited inexplicable reasons such as "the pharmacological data are unreliable and the clinical trial results are not up to standard." Refuted back!

He did not give up and applied again after making extensive preparations. The result this time was even worse. Not only was the application rejected, but the project hosted by his father was also cut off by Top Rank, the funds were frozen, and the position was dismissed!

Later, I met an official with my father and explained the reason to them in private: DNA awakening reagents and related derivative products have become important economic sources for the Star Sea countries! Its status in the national economy is no less than that of pillar industries such as energy, military industry, and mineral development!

The large chaebol families that operate these genetic products have relied on their fierce economic combat power to gain considerable say in the government departments! In other words, it has transformed into a very solid vested interest star layer!

They use the products in their hands as a medium to earn huge profits from the trillions of federal citizens, and then use the money to bribe government officials to serve their own interests! Its purpose is to pursue more profits and power and maintain its monopoly position!

If this cheap gene stabilizer is put on the market, it will directly endanger the interests of those plutocratic families! Let their monopoly become an empty talk!

Not to mention that the cheap DNA awakening reagent plan he plans to launch will cause these chaebol families and raw material suppliers to close down! Just guess, when this cheap and high-quality reagent is put on the market, who will buy their high-priced products?

Although the common people will benefit greatly from it, what does this have to do with them? They only care about their own profits! No matter how high the cost of your products is, it will only be the common people who pay the bill, and they will lose nothing!

However, as for government officials, they have long been bribed by these plutocratic families, and of course they will only speak for them! No one is willing to take a serious look: if this plan is implemented smoothly, the quality of the population of the Federation will be comprehensively improved! The improvement of the country's overall fiercely competitive combat effectiveness is not just a little bit!

At that time, the Federation might even be able to unify the star sea!

After this blow, his father became ill and the frustrated Tumuxing turned to business. Not long after, the Kilizako people invaded, and he moved his family all the way, first to the Shuo Feng Empire, and later to the Hell Soul Star Sea due to business reasons.

He also thought about restarting his career in the empire, but in the end he didn't do it! The reason is simple. This country also has huge vested interests in the genetic field. Its own plan will cause intolerable harm to their interests! The result is of course needless to say!

As long as there are countries with these genetic plutocratic families, there will be no hope of realizing one's own ideals! This is the conclusion he has reached after thinking over and over again!

By that time, he had really given up!

However, it seems that God has not forgotten him. By chance, he came to stay temporarily in the territory of the Yanlong Chaebol family, just in time to catch up with the battle between the Ye Qingyuan Group and the Yanlong Chaebol family for dominance in the starry sky!

The war had little impact on the civilians on the surface of the planet. The Yanlong chaebol family was destroyed, and the Daomang Principality was quickly established. Then it expanded its territory and was promoted to a kingdom in less than a year!

This kind of drama of changing dynasties is performed almost every day in the Prison Soul Star Sea, so it is not unusual! What really made him notice that this new ruling power was different were certain policies issued by the kingdom's top officials. For example, the DNA awakening reagent distribution policy aims to quickly improve the quality of the population.

From the beginning, he thought that this was an expedient move by the new ruling power to win over people's hearts, but later he discovered that the kingdom did not retain any private genetic tycoon families! All industries in this field have been nationalized and developed as social welfare industries similar to education, medical care, and housing!

At this time, he seemed to have judged the purpose of the young King, and he had the idea of ​​giving it a try.

After hesitating for a while, he walked into the door of the Kingdom's Security Department, informed Zi Yuanlan, and successfully persuaded the other party to give him the opportunity to meet the kingdom's supreme ruler!

"The refreshments in the palace are indeed extraordinary. These items alone probably cost more than a hundred crystal nuclei, right? At least equivalent to a fifth-grade DNA awakening reagent refined from twenty fungi!"

He played with the delicate tea cup in his hand, appraising it with mixed feelings.

After a while, the Minister of Security who looked younger than him walked out, smiled and said to him: "Your Majesty lets you in!"

He put down the tea cup, stood up a little awkwardly and said, "I...what should I say when I see His Majesty?"

"No problem! His Majesty is very easy to talk to! Moreover, he is very interested in your invention. You just need to tell the truth about your opinions!" Ziyuan Lan explained calmly.

The heavily armed palace guard stepped out of the way and introduced the young talent with the title of "Spore Genius" into the main hall.

In the center of the magnificent hall was a tall and majestic throne. A young man in military uniform with a kind expression sat on it, looking at him with a hint of something wrong in his black eyes.

Sure enough, he also has black eyes and black hair, and like me, he has a bloodline inherited from the ancient Chinese country in the earth era! Tumuxing felt more at ease, walked to the center of the Jade Star, and bowed.

"No need to be too polite!" A gentle voice came from the throne, "According to Su Qing, do you have the means to comprehensively improve the quality of the kingdom's citizens? I hope to hear your detailed plan!"

"If it is really possible! Then you are a hero of the kingdom! I will not hesitate to reward you generously!"

"Understood, Your Majesty! As you wish!" Tumuxing took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and began to tell about his invention, as well as the feasibility and development of using fungal life forms to develop more genetic products. prospect!

Ye Qingyuan and several important ministers beside him listened attentively, interjecting a few questions from time to time. There was also a female official at the scene who was responsible for taking notes.

As he described, not only were these important ministers more and more surprised, but even Ye Qingyuan's face became excited!

Low-cost high-level DNA awakening reagents are of great significance to a country, no matter how you describe it, it is an understatement!

Even if the cost is reduced by half, it is an inestimable result! What's more, once this plan is implemented, the cost can be reduced to at least one-tenth! even more! This is about a huge improvement in national strength, and it is no longer possible to use specific numbers to measure it!

Ye Qingyuan immediately ordered someone to invite Leng Zhuo and asked her to evaluate the impact of this matter on the kingdom!

"Once this technology is promoted, it will really cut off the financial resources of many people and forces," Crassus sighed. "No wonder you will always be depressed!"

"Fortunately, Your Majesty has the foresight to nationalize all industries in this field! Otherwise, there will definitely be another group of guys coming to make trouble in front of you!" Link said with a smile.

Ye Qingyuan said: "The DNA awakening reagent affects not only the quality of the people, but from a human perspective, this thing even determines the future life and death of a race! I estimate that if half of the citizens of the Gardley Federation can possess third-grade The above DNA awakening physique! In that war, did they really want to subjugate the country? "

"I have nationalized all the industries in this field, just to make the common people work for the big guys of the genetic tycoon family for the rest of their lives! Then those guys use the money to bribe high-ranking government officials to protect their interests. convoy!"

"The wealth of the entire people has been plundered by a few vested interests, resulting in all the national power being accumulated in private households! This is a misfortune for the country, and a disaster for the people! Therefore, as long as I am still here, I will never allow such a situation. Appear!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" All the ministers said with sincerity.

"Hu Qing! You can now work at the Kingdom's Academy of Genetic Sciences! I will make you a third-class baron, and together with Dean Tian Song, you will preside over the development and production of new DNA awakening reagents!" Ye Qingyuan said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! It's a great honor for me!" Tumuxing breathed a sigh of relief.

The significance of this technology to the Kingdom is so important! At a rough estimate, if only one-fifth of the entire kingdom's 500 billion population reaches the level of DNA awakening of level three or above, the improvement in national power will be obvious!

By that time, the kingdom will completely surpass the other countries in the Star Sea in terms of population quality! However, the price paid was far lower than expected. The saved manpower and material resources can be used to develop more and more problem-free genetic medicines...

One step ahead, every step ahead! In the coming chaos of the Star Sea, this new regime has another advantage that other forces cannot match!

That's how things settled. After Tumuxing met with Tian Song, they only talked for less than an hour before being accepted as his student. And decided to list the research on fungal life forms as a priority project in the next star segment.

It's a win-win result. Tian Song's considerable experience and knowledge in the field of genes is an opportunity for Tumuxing to further improve himself; and Tumuxing's unique insights in this field also provide Tian Song with a brand new research direction!

Before long, the Kingdom will be far ahead of the Star Sea countries in the field of genetic technology, reaching an unprecedented height! Moreover, such results will benefit hundreds of millions of citizens of the kingdom, not just a handful of interest groups!

This is the advantage of the new regime! On the other hand, for those established countries, when trying to do something, especially when it is necessary to sacrifice those with vested interests in the star layer, the difficulty is no less than that of an ordinary person breaking through to a strong star! No one with vested interests will let others take advantage of him, no matter who he is!

But the Kingdom of Daomang is different. As long as the top management reaches a consensus, there is almost no obstacle to the implementation of the order! All policies that benefit the people can ensure justice and fairness to the utmost extent. Occasionally, if there is any non-compliance with the rules, it will be resolved as soon as possible!

Therefore, although they are inferior to those old powers in many aspects, Ye Qingyuan and his ministers are not afraid at all! They know their own advantages, and will use these advantages to near perfection, leaving the leaders of the big countries who have been subject to countless constraints no means at all to take advantage of this new regime!

What's more, once the existing results are consolidated, a new round of large-scale external expansion of the kingdom will soon begin! It won't take long, look for Shuyuan and the kingdom will grow into an empire! Truly on an equal footing with those big countries in the first power group!

In the back garden of the palace, exquisite and elegant pavilions can be seen everywhere, small bridges, flowing water, rockeries and rocks, and the air is filled with a light, refreshing fragrance. All kinds of exotic flowers and plants decorate this place like a paradise.

Two women in palace attire with extremely beautiful appearance and elegant temperament walked along the gravel path, whispering along the way, as if they were discussing something. The accompanying maid was sent away far away.

"Auntie! What you said really makes me a little embarrassed!" Yun Xun'er said slightly helplessly,

"I have nothing to do with that family race now! You asked me to speak for the family race in front of him, not to mention whether I will agree! Even if I agree, how effective will it be?"

"A person who can create a great empire on his own, no matter how young he is, cannot be easily fooled! He is such an independent person and will never give up his own principles just because he favors someone!"

"My child, my aunt knows your opinion, and so does the person in the empire!" Su Qinghan said gently and honestly, (To be continued.)

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