Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 736 The Pressure of the Empire

Daomang Kingdom, Tengyuan Universe Area.

This space area was originally the capital of the Kingdom of Lanofi. Due to its developed economy, superior geographical conditions, and the protection of the interstellar fortress, it has now been selected as the new capital of the kingdom.

At this time, the kingdom has a territory of more than 300 universes and has become one of the largest forces in the sea of ​​hell souls. Moreover, there is no comparable force within two thousand light years around the kingdom. If it weren't for I think it won’t be a problem to seize dozens of more cosmic areas even if the newly acquired territory has not yet been digested!

The kingdom currently has no shortage of land. Most mineral resources can be found on domestic resource planets. Supporting smelting and processing industries, as well as independent industrial systems, are being gradually and orderly established!

The first batch of cosmic regions that were brought under the Kingdom's rule had all infrastructure in place at this time and began to become the main source of taxes for the Kingdom! A lot of investment finally paid off!

The project commando team under the leadership of Tumuxing has made significant progress. The first batch of DNA awakening reagents processed and refined using dozens of different fungal spores as alternative raw materials have passed monitoring, and the clinical effects are in no way inferior to similar products!

The cost of this fungal version of DNA awakening reagents is only one-tenth of the first- and second-grade reagents of similar products, and only one-seventh of the cost of third-grade and fifth-grade products; and with subsequent progress, the cost will continue to drop!

However, fungal reagents for grade five or above are still under research, and qualified finished products will be available soon! By then, the fierce fighting power of the kingdom's supernatural army will surely increase again!

With the assistance of many experts stationed by the empire, the first "Xilong" battleship finally successfully rolled off the production line and passed the technical test. It is no different from the model used by the Imperial Guards!

In addition to this state-of-the-art production line, there are several similar warship production lines. For example, the "Qinghai" product production line, which is slightly less energy efficient, is a gift from the Yun Family Power Lords Association, and there are several others. It was obtained for him privately by the Clone Commando Organization. Now it has been installed and debugged and put into use one by one!

Independently manufacturing various warships requires the cooperation of thousands of supporting factories! Various warship shells, first-level main battle guns and secondary guns, energy reactors, main control photon computers, in-ship ecosystems, escape equipment, as well as various reconnaissance and detection instruments, supporting ammunition, mechas, space fighters, and more! There must be a professional department in charge!

Being able to perfectly solve these problems means that the country's industrial manufacturing level has reached a very high level!

After persistent and unremitting efforts, the kingdom has begun to truly have the appearance of a big country!

After being delayed for more than a month than planned, on this day, the camp of Queen Fang Yuqing, the supreme ruler of the Shuofeng Empire, finally arrived near the capital of the kingdom!

Ye Qingyuan brought a large number of civil and military officials to welcome him. The welcoming ceremony was held in a military fortress near the Void Tunnel.

The Prime Minister of the Kingdom, Zhong Zixia, and the Deputy Prime Minister, Crassus, were personally responsible for arranging all the matters involved in the welcome ceremony. After all, this was the first time for a foreign head of state to visit since the founding of the Kingdom, and she was the Queen of a super-powerful country, so there was no room for any mistakes!

Although the two parties have a marriage contract and are almost a family, foreign affairs activities between countries still have to be conducted in accordance with international practices and cannot be sloppy at all!

Ziyuan Lan was responsible for the security aspects of the welcome ceremony, and was also patrolling back and forth in the vast starry sky near the fortress.

The Queen's camp will arrive in two hours. After several rounds of inspections, no abnormalities were found. He relaxed slightly and ordered Yuhuang Xingyan, who had been following him, to continue on duty for him, and returned to the fortress by himself. Take a break here.

As the number one person in the Kingdom's Security Department, his treatment is naturally not bad. He has his own independent villa suite in the fortress. The interior decoration is luxurious and elegant, and all the furniture and facilities are the best specialties of the Kingdom!

After entering the door and sitting down on the sofa in the living room, the beautiful chemical assistant of life forms immediately brought snacks and latte.

Unexpectedly, before he took a few sips, a message came from the photon computer. He shook his head slightly depressedly: "Damn! I don't even have the time to drink a glass of water! Can you still survive?"

Complaints are complaints, but he got through immediately.

Crassus's image appeared directly in front of him, and he could only see him smiling and saying: "Sir, are you free? I have prepared a small amount of wine. I wonder if you would like to come and enjoy it?"

Ziyuan Lan was a little surprised. Her friendship with him was only average, so why would he treat her to a drink?

"You have wine, why don't you come?" He thought about it quickly in his mind, and replied with a smile:

"Wait a few minutes, we'll be there soon!"

With that said, he tidied himself up for a moment, got up and walked out the door.

The residences of the two important ministers were not far apart and they arrived soon.

The other party was already waiting at the door. When he saw him coming, he stepped forward and greeted him politely before welcoming him in.

A sumptuous banquet had been prepared, and the two of them were seated respectively. The housekeeper sent all the maids in the restaurant away for a while, and then closed the door.

Ziyuan Lan looked at the young man with blond hair and double eyes, and asked gently: "I don't know, sir, what matters do you need to interview?"

When the kingdom was first established, most of the people in charge of the country's important weapons were young people like them. Because of this, they have not been infected with the bad styles of hypocrisy, exaggeration, and gaudiness in the official circles of older countries!

When discussing issues, everyone goes straight to the topic and puts efficiency first in everything! There are not so many polite words to waste time.

Crassus put down the wine glass he had raised not long ago, and said with a solemn expression: "My lord, I have called you here this time because I have some questions in my mind. I would like to ask for advice. I am not sure if you are willing to answer my questions?"

Ziyuan Lan nodded gently: "You say it!"

"We are all ministers of the kingdom, and we should put the interests of the kingdom first in everything! Is that so?" he asked.

"Of course! Is there any problem with this?"

Crassus raised his hand to the wine glass in front of him, took a sip slowly and said, "Do you think the marriage between His Majesty and the Queen will have any impact on the interests of the kingdom?"

Ziyuan Lan couldn't help but hesitate, her dark eyes stared at him, and after a moment she said: "From the current point of view, it is very beneficial to the kingdom!"

"Yes, it can be said that the kingdom's ability to achieve today's territory and construction achievements so quickly is inseparable from the strong support of the empire! Currently, there are hundreds of millions of experts and scholars from the empire in the country, and technical elites are helping us with construction. !" Crassus said quickly.

"The question is clear, how long can such a situation last? In other words, how long can the honeymoon period between the two countries last? If due to some changes, the empire no longer supports us, and even speaks ill of us, at that time How should I respond?"

The smile on Ziyuan Lan's face solidified: "Why do you think that such a situation will definitely occur in the near future?"

"It's very simple. There is no eternal friendship between countries, only eternal interests!" Crassus knocked on the table and said,

"Supporting a country with absolutely fierce fighting power in the sea of ​​​​prison souls is undoubtedly beneficial to the current empire! That's why the queen is so generous! However, there is a prerequisite for this, that is, the Kingdom of Daomang must be obedient!"

"At present, the interests of the two countries are highly common! Generally speaking, there will be no problems! However, in the near future, when the kingdom continues to expand externally, and its territory and national strength grow, will the empire's senior officials still be so relieved about us? When When they find that this country is no longer willing to be an obedient little brother, will they still give me a good look?"

Ziyuan Lan said with some uncertainty: "The Queen is very fond of His Majesty who we are waiting for. She...won't do this, right?"

"No matter how kind the Queen is to Your Majesty, she is first and foremost the Queen of the Shuofeng Empire. Behind her is the empire's huge interests! Of course she will only give priority to the interests of the Empire! Whether she wants it or not!" Crassus said,

"When one day, the army of the Empire also points towards the Sea of ​​Hell Souls, how should we deal with ourselves? Surrender? This country was fought and fought with His Majesty through life and death together! How can we surrender it to others? What if? If you don’t agree, then the two countries will only have to fight each other with swords!”

"Even if His Majesty becomes her man and sleeps next to her every day, this is still an unavoidable problem!"

Ziyuan Lan was silent.

To be honest, he had never thought about this problem before! I just saw the benefits that could be gained from cooperating with the empire, but I didn't know that there was no free lunch in the world! No matter how much you get now, you will have to pay it back sooner or later in the future!

From such a perspective, we can find that the current kingdom is too dependent on the empire! You must plan ahead! To avoid suffering losses in the future!

He knew Ye Qingyuan's temperament, and he would never be careless on such a matter of principle just for the sake of a woman! So, it’s really hard to say how long this period of marital energy will last!

These two majesties can both be called masters of great talent and great strategy. There will never be any ambiguity about issues involving national interests! No matter how good the relationship between the two is!

"How are you doing?" After a moment, Ziyuan Lan raised her head, looked at him and asked slowly:

"Tell His Majesty your views? Prevent the marriage between the two countries? I'm afraid you will have to fall out with the empire now!"

Crassus waved his hand quickly: "Of course I didn't mean that. I specially invited you to talk about this. I hope you can be prepared and don't wait until the situation suddenly changes in the future, and the kingdom's top officials will be passive everywhere!"

"You must have said these words to more than one person, right?" Ziyuan Lan suddenly smiled and said, "Moreover, you also hope that I can talk to His Majesty and let him know the stakes?"

"Yes, that's it! Your friendship with His Majesty is far beyond what I can match, so if you come forward to persuade me, the effect will be better!" Crassus said calmly.

Ziyuan Lan shook her head helplessly: "Aren't you just trying to make me become a villain? You! There are so many twists and turns in your stomach!"

"However, I have to admit that you really see things about politics more thoroughly than I do! This is beyond my ability! From now on, I have to ask you to pay more attention to this aspect!"

"As it should be!" Crassus laughed.

Twenty-nine thousand warships of various types from the Imperial Guard Corps lined up in neat rows, passing through the void tunnel one by one. After reuniting with the Kingdom's welcome fleet that came to greet them, the commander of the Corps, Wu Yankong, sent a signal to the follow-up fleet that everything was normal.

Soon, 80,000 Royal Guards warships of all kinds, regardless of their size and the caliber of the first-class main battle cannon, were also transferred one by one! Then came another 50,000 flying saucer-shaped warships of various types, which looked somewhat similar to the various warships of the Kilizako people that they had seen before.

This is the "Qianyuan" warship of various types that has been successfully developed by the royal military industrial base and begun to be equipped on a large scale! Due to borrowing a lot of technology from the Kilizako people, the energy efficiency of various warships is significantly ahead of that of the "Xilong" products! Of course, its cost is also surprisingly high!

There are more than ten test models, and the one that was finally finalized and decided to be put into production costs as much as 850,000 crystal cores per unit, and the cost of use is also more than a little higher! It is estimated that the investment required for large-scale equipment is not a small amount! At present, a total of less than 150,000 ships have been produced. This time, 9,000 were brought in, and the rest are sealed as strategic reserves.

Of course, the comprehensive combat capability of this weapon is five and a half times higher than that of the "Xilong" product! As long as the future situation requires it, large-scale equipment will not be a problem! Anyway, the Queen is not short of money now!

120,000 Guards warships of various types were arranged in formation, and another 3,000 giant royal royal ships with extremely gorgeous appearance came to the entrance of the void tunnel! Thousands of powerful auras were unabashedly emanating from those ships! Finally, there is the Queen's palace: the "Lihuang" mobile interstellar fortress!

As the entrance of the void tunnel was gradually expanded by the special void extension method, the gorgeous palace with a diameter of 300 kilometers gradually revealed its huge body! And it was successfully transmitted twenty minutes later! Finally, there are 80,000 "Qianyuan" warships of various types!

In the reception fleet in the distance, in the main control room of the command ship, Crassus's face became more and more solemn. The hidden cards possessed by the imperial royal family were much more powerful than he had estimated! For example, the speed at which the palace travels through the void tunnel. Compared with all known interstellar fortresses, it comes faster!

Even the great lord's palace of the Kilizako people, look for Shuyuan www. The time spent traveling through the void tunnel was much longer than that! Although the size and quality of that palace are far greater than the interstellar fortress in front of you, the difficulty is naturally much greater! However, it can also be seen that the empire's technological level has improved rapidly!

After that war, the empire obtained a large number of Kilizako warship wreckage, as well as war fortresses, and even the remains of the great lord's palace. They were all brought back to the imperial capital for dismantling and research. After two years, many gratifying results have been achieved! and soon put into practical use.

What I have seen so far are these two exciting things, but I don’t know how many hidden methods there are!

He looked back at everyone present, and Ye Qingyuan had a thoughtful expression on his face. It was obvious that Ziyuan Lan had informed him privately. The expressions of the generals of the Strategic Command were a little complicated, but the civil servants did not notice anything and remained relaxed.

This regime is still too young! This is a great advantage, but sometimes, you may suffer a disadvantage due to lack of experience!

Crassus had mixed feelings in his heart, and he began to think about how the kingdom should deal with the pressure from the empire in the future. (To be continued.)

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