"Very good! You were able to get so many high-quality sacrifices for me! I am very happy. Even if you successfully pass this sacrifice! Remember, I will get more next time!"

"Understand, great ancestor god, your will is our wish!" Guli Ruinaya said humbly.

"Okay, let's eat and drink enough. Then, I will go to the territory of the human world for a visit!"

Early the next morning, the young couple, who were sleeping comfortably in the palace, were awakened by Shuangyan, the housekeeper.

"What's the matter!" Ye Qingyuan opened his eyes and asked lazily: Didn't I say I had a day off today and wouldn't deal with political affairs in the morning? "

"Your Majesty! There are two people outside who have named you and want to see you," Shuangyan carefully explained. "Their attitude is extremely rude! They spoke rudely to your majesty, and..."

"Why else?" Ye Qingyuan had already woken up, gently moved Fang Yuqing's delicate body, sat up and asked in a deep voice.

"They injured several palace guards! They are blocking the entrance to the palace! They said they absolutely want to see His Majesty!" Shuangyan responded.

With a hint of anger on his handsome and fair face, Ye Qingyuan got out of bed and called her over to wash up for him.

He had already guessed the general story of the matter. The only people who dared to be lawless here were people from the imperial envoys. And they are probably the two superiors of the Bojiang Empire that Fang Yuqing mentioned yesterday!

On the soft and gorgeous big bed, Fang Yuqing was also awakened by the movement outside. She poked her head out of the bead curtain and asked with some surprise: "Why are you up so early?"

"I would like to sleep a little longer, but it's a pity that your two suitors didn't agree!" Looking at her starry eyes, half asleep, half awake, he felt a slight warmth in his heart, and his tone softened unconsciously. a bit.

"Those two guys?" When she heard this, she suddenly woke up completely, jumped out of bed lightly, grabbed a gauze skirt and wrapped it around her bumpy breasts, and walked into the bathroom in the back room.

"Wait a minute, I'll leave with you for a while!" She looked back and said.

Ye Qingyuan nodded lightly, Shuangyan arranged his clothes, then took the Sky Sword and tied it around his waist.

Originally, he was thinking of using milder means to resolve the matter, but now that the other party has bullied him, there is no mercy left and he must be killed with thunderous means!

No matter what kind of wealthy family you are in the Bojiang Empire! You dare to be so unscrupulous on my territory. Do you really think that the human world is your vassal? He snorted coldly in private, having already sentenced these two guys to death in his heart!

After a while, Fang Yuqing finished washing up, still dressed as a palace guard, and walked out the door holding his hand.

Outside the main entrance of the palace, two handsome young men with silver hair and blue eyes, tall and tall as pine bodies, were blocking the door, shouting and cursing! A large group of palace guards surrounded them, but they did not dare to take action because they took into account the other party's identity and fierce fighting power.

Several injured guards have been carried away for treatment. Croland, the commander of the Guards Corps, has arrived and is arguing with Fang Fang at the door.

After Ye Qingyuan arrived, he realized why the other party dared to be so arrogant. In addition to their special status, the two of them exuded the aura of peak experts up to fifteen stars. Even the group of guards they brought with them also had the same qualities. The fierce fighting power of Qianxing grade! Croland, who only had an eleven-star level, was speechless in front of them!

Except for the strong men organized by Cangling Commando and myself, no one in the current kingdom can compete with them!

The Eridanus Empire is famous in the star sea world for its large number of high-star awakened people, and he almost really saw it today!

"Are all the high-ranking people in that empire so powerful in fighting?" He asked Fang Yuqing secretly.

"That's not true! Although the Bojiang Empire is as strong as the clouds, there are still not too many outstanding elites like them! Of course, as long as you have the blood of a superior, fierce fighting power is generally not too ugly, Qianxing's There’s always a level!” she responded.

"That's good!" He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. If even the top fifteen-star experts were running around the streets, the ambition of the Bojiang Empire might actually become a reality!

"Speaking of which, you are now a fifteen-star warrior! The fierce fighting ability has improved so fast. I remember when I saw you that time, you were only a fifteen-star warrior!" He said with some envy.

Fang Yuqing glanced at him proudly and said, "Sitting in this seat, there are always some extra resources you can use! It's difficult not to break through!"

That's true! As you control the resources of a super-powerful country, you will naturally have a lot of good things, and some rare resources may be the only ones in the star sea! No wonder she is so confident!

"However, you can't advance to level 19 for the time being, right? Can I try to find ways to help you?" he said.

"Why are you helping?" she said in confusion, wondering what other resources he could provide that the empire didn't have?

"Eighth-grade DNA awakening reagent! How about it?" As soon as she said these words, her eyes widened: "Isn't it? You are making such rapid progress?"

"Although my country is small, it still has some good things!" This time it was his turn to be proud.

Fang Yuqing glared at him angrily and thought: Yes! There are really good things, but isn’t that because of you? But now even you are theirs! I see why you are so angry...

While talking, the two of them had arrived at the palace gate.

The two guys were still yelling and cursing, but suddenly they saw a large number of guards pouring out of the palace gate. Knowing that the real master had arrived, Fang stopped talking slightly.

"Who is His Majesty the King? Please come out and speak!" a guy said arrogantly.

Ye Qingyuan tightened the hilt of the sword in his hand, took a step forward, and said calmly: "I understand, I don't know what you want from me?"

A slightly younger guy said with an arrogant face: "We come from a wealthy family of the great Bojiang Empire, and you are the leader of this small country, Ye Qingyuan?"

Another young man who looked more mature gave him a gentle tug, and then said in a relatively calm manner:

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Neptune, and this is Garen! Of course, this is the name we use when patrolling the human world! However, there are as many as one hundred and forty names about our real names in the Eridano Empire. Multiple bytes, with your human IQ, it is a bit difficult for you to understand the noble and ancient surname of our great Boji race!"

Flames slowly rose in his heart, but Ye Qingyuan still maintained a calm expression and said: "Okay! Mr. Neptune, and this Mr. Gallon! What on earth do you want to see me for?"

"Nothing else! I just want you to make a statement and temporarily unveil your engagement with Her Majesty the Queen!" Garon said arrogantly.

"Fang Yuqing is the bloodline left by our great Queen in the human world. In her body is the extremely noble royal bloodline of our Bojiang race! Because of this, her spouse can only be a noble high-ranking figure in the Bojiang Empire. You are the only one who can How could a humble human be expected to be her royal husband? I really don’t know how high the sky is and how high it is!”

"Oh? I'm not worthy of her, how can you be worthy of her?" The hand holding the sword hilt gradually increased its strength.

Neptune smiled and said: "We come from a wealthy family in the Eridanus Empire, so our status is naturally not comparable to that of the lord of a small country like you! According to blood relationship, His Majesty Fang Yuqing is still my distant cousin, why is he not worthy?"

"Your Majesty Ye Qingyuan, considering that you are also the head of a country, we don't want to embarrass you too much! Let's do this! As long as you just announce the cancellation of the engagement, we can send you a group of beautiful Bojiang women, as long as you agree Be loyal to our family race, and there will be more benefits for you in the future! How about it?"

"What if I don't agree?"

"Don't agree?" Garen's expression changed and he snorted coldly:

"Ignorant human beings, don't show shame! You don't even know what kind of character you are! Let me tell you the truth! If you don't agree today, you can't blame me for waiting for you!"

"How are you doing? Are you still thinking about killing people?" Ye Qingyuan's voice turned cold.

The guy said unconsciously: "Don't think we dare not! Even if you are the king, you are just a small country that has only been established for a short time! Kill him if you want! Is there anyone else who can't stand up for you?"

Neptune said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty, why are you so stubborn! There seems to be no strong person who can compete with us among your subjects, right? Now bow your head, you can still continue to be your king. , if we break up, hehe..."

"Huh? Now that we've come to this point! In this case, I don't have any scruples about killing you!" The Sky Sword was slowly pulled out from its scabbard, and the biting murderous intent was revealed.

Neptune was horrified in his heart, and then he twitched the corners of his eyes: "You are a fifteen-star, how can you still think that you can't fight against two of us? Although your sword looks very good!"

"Okay! Let's give it a try!"

The Sky-Destroying Sword was suddenly raised, and as the crystal sword edge oscillated at first-level speed, you could vaguely see the void that the sword blade passed through, leaving behind traces of black cracks, which disappeared quickly!

Neptune's face became solemn, and he reached out and took out a halberd that looked like bronze. With a wave of his hand, the sharp halberd tip pulled out countless bright golden threads, which were wrapped around him in layers.

Garen raised a pair of hook-shaped swords and slashed at him several times in the air. Dozens of three-meter-long red light blades struck silently through the air! It's here in an instant!

A layer of clear light ball emerged from Ye Qingyuan's body, completely wrapping him in it! The two men's attacks landed on the ball of light extremely swiftly and violently, causing a slight ripple but not hurting him at all!

Neptune frowned slightly and increased his strength! Thousands of halberd shadows landed on the same point on the light ball with great precision! At the same time, he waved his left hand, and several strange magnetic fields overlapped down, firmly fixing the light ball in place to prevent him from dodging!

A cruel smile appeared on Garen's face. He closed his swords and hundreds of thick lightning bolts fell through the air and suddenly hit the light ball defense!

"Boy! Don't think that with two good pieces of equipment, you can have nothing to worry about! Today I will show you the final result of offending the superiors of the Bojiang Empire!" He said fiercely.

Two red rings emerged from the two strong men respectively, and then transformed into twelve curved matrix shields, which together supported two tough energy shields, blocking all Ye Qingyuan's counterattacks!

The two guys really have some arrogance. In addition to their fierce fighting power, their equipment is also first-rate! No wonder you dare to be arrogant! However, this alone is not enough to save your lives!

Ye Qingyuan snorted slightly in his heart, a faint silver light flashed in his eyes, and a new offensive was brewing!

Countless silver lights about three inches long and as thin as gossamer shot out!

These weapons, which are condensed with powerful brain waves, are extremely powerful. As long as they are hit by one shot, even a semi-god-level expert will fall on the spot!

It's just that the energy shields on those two guys are really powerful. Countless silver lights hit them like a storm, which only slightly deforms the appearance of the shields, but they can't really break them!

Neptune was a little surprised. He thought that the young king was following the path of spiritual cultivation, but he didn't expect that his brainwave cultivation was even stronger! Even far above them!

Sure enough, he has some skills! However, it would be too arrogant to think of killing my two brothers based on this alone! He expected it with disdain.

Of course, the equipment on the other side is also very powerful. I guess I have to clean up the other side. It is obvious that ordinary methods will not work! You have to find another way! Not as good as...

He suddenly said: "Your Majesty, how about we stop now? Let's discuss it later! I'll wait..."

"Is it time to give in? It's too late!" Ye Qingyuan's men did not stop moving at all, and the silver light emitted became more intensive!

Garen snorted coldly: "Boy, I admit that you have some abilities, but so what? You will never be able to break through our defenses! Even if your fierce fighting power is several times stronger, you still can't use it... "

What he didn't notice was that some of the countless silver lights had a faint golden light.

"Puff puff……"

Following a few extremely dull and creepy explosions, I looked for Shuyuan www. zhaoshuyuan. ccom Several fist-sized bloody holes suddenly burst out between the chests and abdomen of the two guys! The visceral bones were shattered by the violent brain waves, and the bright red blood mixed with a large number of visceral fragments splashed out like a high-pressure faucet!

The two guys screamed, and the offensive in their hands suddenly slowed down!

"Why... why?" Neptune asked in disbelief, looking at the extremely severe wounds on his body.

He didn't know why, but the Magic Square Matrix on his body was an artifact, and his fierce fighting power was also first-rate! Why did the other party break through his own defense? And still in a situation where I have no idea, even a strong person of the Youhuang God King level is unlikely to have such fierce fighting power!

"I guess I know the truth? I'll tell you after you're dead!" Ye Qingyuan ignored their questions at all! The offensive was stepped up.

Several more silver beams were shot out, this time the target was their head!

The originally handsome face exploded in an instant, with red and white brains flying everywhere! Two mutilated corpses fell to the ground! The limbs twitched unconsciously for a while before reluctantly stopping! (To be continued.)

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