"You're still thinking about getting a prince, right?" Zhu Zhaoyuan said unhappily.

"According to the empire's practice, no king with a different surname has been granted the title of a king since several major families. Your request really puts me in a difficult position!"

"Wang Jue and all that are just false names, what I want is real benefits!" Wang Guangchang said slyly,

"Praise the power of all government affairs! How about it?"

Zhu Zhaoyuan suddenly changed her expression and rebuked angrily: "Then you might as well say that I will let you sit on the emperor's throne for now! You are going too far!"

The greedy fat man was unmoved at all, and said leisurely: "Why can this be said to be excessive? You have to know how difficult it is to help your child rise to power!"

"The current situation in Xinghai is treacherous and changeable. With an underage child in power, it is obvious that the country is under suspicion and the political situation is turbulent! I estimate that I will have to protect this family business for you two, but it will be a very hard job. ! For this little benefit, not much, really not much!"

"You are quite scheming!" Zhu Zhaoyuan suddenly stared at him and said,

"Okay! Even if I can give it, can you afford it? Don't forget that in this empire, no matter how powerful your Wang Guangchang is, you still haven't reached the point where you can cover the sky with one hand!"

"Then it's not a problem you need to worry about!" Wang Guangchang shook his head slightly and said confidently:

"Of course I have the means to manage this empire in order for you two! However, before that, you must first ensure that your plan can be successfully realized! Otherwise, the previous agreement will not be mentioned! I only regard you as Never been here!”

"You don't need to worry about this!" When Zhu Zhaoyuan mentioned this, she regained her noble and calm demeanor and said arrogantly:

"I have found strong foreign aid! I can assure you that His Majesty will never be able to return to the Imperial Capital!"

"Are you that confident?" the fat Prime Minister said in confusion.

"I know that you are relatively close to those half-human, half-snake guys from the Yanwei Tribal Alliance! But it seems like they can't do anything to the current His Majesty, right?"

"Your Majesty has the blood of the royal family of the Bojiang Empire. Because of this, she is always protected by a large number of high-star awakened people. It is said that there are two great practitioners from the royal family. She herself is also a peak powerhouse of fifteen stars. ! It is estimated that if we want to assassinate him, the probability of success is almost negligible!"

"Have I ever said that there will be an assassination?" Zhu Zhaoyuan smiled sweetly, "Kill clearly! I am talking about assassination! Do you understand?"

"Are you crazy?" Wang Guangchang's face changed wildly, and he couldn't help lowering his voice and said:

"His Majesty is flanked by nine thousand warships of all kinds. In case of an accident, he can mobilize a large number of legions from the Southern Xinjiang Military Region to rescue him at any time. What are you going to do to kill him openly? This is the work of those brainless monsters again. Bad idea, right? It’s ridiculous!”

"Why do they say it is an old civilization that has existed for nine thousand years! How can you predict the various powerful killing moves it possesses?" Zhu Zhaoyuan said proudly,

"Don't be too busy doubting! Anyway, you don't need to worry about this matter. They will take charge of everything. You just need to wait for the good news!"

"How about we wait until the other side succeeds and then we take action? I also care about my life!"

Wang Guangchang nodded gently when he heard this: "Very good! We will not take action until the news of His Majesty's death is truly confirmed! Otherwise, I will admit nothing!"

"Of course, I knew you would say that!" Zhu Zhaoyuan glanced at him with contempt.

"However, before that, we have to complete another thing! Only when this matter is resolved can we discuss the next step of cooperation!" Wang Guangchang, who was relieved, had his usual lustful look on his face again. .

"You...shameless!" When Zhu Zhaoyuan saw his expression, she couldn't figure out what this old gangster had in mind. Jump up and wait to leave.

"Then you're not willing to cooperate?" the gangster fat man said sullenly,

"Even if His Majesty dies, without your support, you orphans and widowers can't expect to get that position easily! You don't know this, right?"

Zhu Zhaoyuan's pretty face was filled with frost, and she stared at him for a while. She finally softened her expression, managed a smile and said, "Of course, this... is not non-negotiable! If you want to be someone's lover, then... wait……"

"Stop doing this!" The gangster fat man suddenly became ferocious, and a beast-like roar erupted from his throat. He suddenly rushed over and hugged her, biting her smooth and smooth face with all his strength!

"Don't talk to me about those frivolous things! Lover? Oops!"

"I'm going to fuck you right now!"

Zhu Zhaoyuan bit her lower lip tightly and tried hard to endure the abuse of this old gangster.

With a "chila" sound, the gorgeous palace skirt was torn into pieces by his force, and a pair of fat and greasy hands roughly kneaded the plump body!

"Unexpectedly! I am a country bumpkin from a humble background. I never thought that I would have the opportunity to fuck the most noble woman in the empire! My life will not be in vain! I will not live in vain..."

"****, please cooperate with me! Don't make such a dead look! I'm not cutting corpses! Twist your waist and raise your butt! You are the queen, you don't need me to teach you why you do it..."

Zhu Zhaoyuan's eyes flashed with a look of humiliation and extreme resentment, but she still did not resist his request!

The secret room echoed with the crisp sound of flesh hitting flesh, painful moans, and the sick and arrogant laughter of the fat gangster...

While this pair of fallen men and women were hatching a shocking conspiracy, far away at the other end of the Hell Soul Star Sea, in the Scandon Star Abyss, the war was now in full swing!

Five major forces that dominate the Hell Soul Star Sea, including the Bart Novita Alliance, the Seton Federation, the Monroe Star Thief Group, the Ulotar Conglomerate Family, and the Nanyu Star Business Organization, after the full-scale invasion of the Tiloa Empire, At that time, the joint commando team established a coalition and worked together to intercept the imperial fleet outside the Scandon Star Abyss!

Zhongyu universe area, coalition headquarters.

In a large study room in the "Dark Demon" Star Fortress, Wibert was sitting at the table handling affairs!

The Bart Novita Alliance is the largest force in the Hell Soul Star Sea! It has a vast territory of more than 500 cosmic regions, and a standing army of millions of warships of various types! There are more than three hundred supernatural legions!

In terms of political influence, economic development level, scientific and technological strength and many other hard indicators, this power is not inferior to any big country outside!

As the leader of the alliance, he is also the person with the ultimate authority and the highest status in this star sea. His life is not as glorious as the world sees it, at least not yet!

There are two paper documents on the table, one is news about the intelligence department of the Tyroa Empire infiltrating at all costs to instigate members of the own coalition forces.

Since a year ago, the army of the Tiloan Empire, under the order of the madman Emperor Philosis, has launched a massive attack on the Sea of ​​Hell Souls. The pressure faced by these five ultimate forces suddenly increased.

Philosis is determined to win and attacks with an army that will overwhelm the country! The top leaders of the five forces reacted very quickly and immediately united with a large number of second-rate forces below. The joint commando team built a coalition force that was far larger than the imperial fleet and went to fight. However, hundreds of territories in the universe were still eaten by the other side!

Although this old guy is old, his mind is not sloppy, and his ability and ability can be worthy of the evaluation of "talent and strategy". There is no one with enough weight in the Joint Strategic Command who can compete with him!

In addition, the composition of the coalition forces is complex, and the leaders of many forces have their own agendas, so it is inevitable that the orders will be unified! Of course, there is no way to fight against the empire's tiger and wolf troops!

It would be better if the Skandong Star Abyss natural barrier blocked the footsteps of the imperial army, and the leaders of the five forces worked together to suppress the second-rate forces below by relying on their own influence and prestige. The Hell Soul Star Sea has become the hunting ground of the Tyroa Empire!

In this year's work, relying on the geographical location, the coalition forces consumed more than three million warships of various types in the empire at a small cost, and the losses in personnel and materials were even more incalculable! While effectively containing the imperial army's offensive, it also allowed the small and medium-sized forces that were originally panicked to relax, spend money and effort, and work together to resist the enemy!

After all, once the defense line is breached, they will not be able to fall back! They will definitely be slaughtered by the imperial army who lost all their troops to vent their anger!

Of course, for an empire that has strong national strength and has entered a state of full mobilization, although these losses are high, they are nothing! It just made Emperor Philosis feel depressed!

The strength of the troops in Scandon Star Abyss has reached an astonishing number. However, the emperor also knows that it is incorrect to invest too much force in this natural danger. Only by making strange moves and taking detours can we The purpose can be achieved!

He had turned to the ghost race for help before. With the skills of those volleyball players, it was not difficult to find a secret passage for the army to pass through in this extremity!

However, no matter how high the price he offered, the other party was unmoved! He also said, "It is the custom of my race to never intervene in the internal disputes of any civilization" and so on!

Damn it, you guys who are only interested in profit, when did you start talking about morality? What a big joke!

The Emperor is naturally aware of the specific reason. It is nothing more than fear of an imbalance in the balance of power in the human world!

Once all this star sea is included in the territory of the Tyroa Empire, the empire will have the capital to aspire for the hegemony of the star sea with its fierce fighting power! Even unifying the entire star sea is not impossible! This is obviously not in the interests of volleyball players!

Since it was difficult to find foreign aid, the emperor gave up his thoughts and instead relied on his own strength to estimate the means. Under his order, the elites of the empire's intelligence department became fully active, attacking in all directions, looking for any weakness in the coalition forces that could be exploited!

The least problematic method is of course infiltration and instigating rebellion! As long as one or two forces can be instigated to defect, it will be enough to collapse the entire coalition's defense line!

At that time, there will no longer be any force that can intercept the footsteps of the imperial fleet! The coalition forces that have lost the natural protection they rely on cannot possibly be the opponent of the empire's tiger and wolf divisions! The big cake of Prison Soul Star Sea is within easy reach!

After a year and a half, the intelligence department has really gained a lot. If Wibert and the others had discovered it in time, they might have allowed the empire to succeed!

After purging the renegade forces, the top leaders of the coalition, who had learned their lesson, strengthened their precautions in this area. After several rounds of brutal and bloody secret battles in the intelligence field, the empire finally took back its hand temporarily after paying a heavy price.

However, continuing like this is not an option. It is estimated that in order for the empire to truly give up its covetousness for the Hell Soul Star Sea, it must demonstrate strong enough and fierce fighting power! Just give the other party a profound lesson! Does the current coalition have this capability?

Just a few days ago, the great emperor saw that he was too tough, so he became soft! They sent a special envoy over and pretended to ask for negotiations, but in fact they were just trying to make them bow their heads!

The envoys offered extremely generous terms, as long as they were willing to fall into the arms of the empire! Of course, this suggestion of seeking skin from a tiger was unexpectedly rejected by them!

Wibert knew that this was just a tactic used by the empire to delay the war. On the surface, he was using negotiations to delay the war, but secretly he didn't know what evil plot he was thinking about!

Anyway, the two sides are already at odds, so there is no need to worry about anything at this time. The soldiers will come to cover up the water and the earth, and just use them as they see it!

However, this was not the most unnecessary thing to worry about. It was the contents of another document that really gave him an overwhelming headache!

That document said that in the east of the Prison Soul Star Sea, a new force called the Kingdom of Daomang had arisen.

Originally, this was nothing. In this vast sea of ​​​​stars, a large number of new forces and countries would emerge every day. Similarly, many forces would be wiped out for one reason or another and become history!

I heard that this kingdom is very powerful in fierce fighting and the king is a very outstanding person? There's nothing strange about it. If you can conquer such a large territory in just two years, your ability will certainly not be that bad!

But if something unexpected happens, maybe the eight forces will jointly decide the future of the Prison Soul Xinghai! Although he was a little reluctant, under normal circumstances, maybe he would have beaten the other side as a big brother to make the young man calm down. But now, the situation is stronger than the people, so I can’t care about so much!

Having one more powerful ally to help resist the pressure of the empire is not only not a bad thing at the moment, but on the contrary it is very necessary!

However, the information in the second half of the document made him feel threatened from the bottom of his heart!

Not long ago, another super power: the Queen of the Shuofeng Empire led a delegation to visit the Daomang Kingdom and announced their decision to marry! The relationship between the two countries is self-evident!

He has now determined that the reason why this young man has risen so quickly is because there is a super power standing behind him!

what does that mean?

Has the Shuo Feng Empire begun to show interest in the Prison Soul Star Sea?

The result of this reasoning made Wibert very frustrated! They can still cope with a super power, but if there is another one, and they still light a fire in their own backyard, it will be a bit overwhelming for him!

He knew that there were not many powerful forces in the eastern part of the Hell Star Sea. Since that young man already had the current foundation, he estimated that he would expand aggressively and double his territory in a short period of time. These are not too difficult things!

Although that place is poor and backward, the foundation is too poor! However, with the support of the Queen of the Empire, it will not be a problem to develop, and his fierce fighting power will only become stronger!

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