"Sir Speaker Sorag, can you take responsibility for your words?" Gurungs immediately asked seriously.

"Of course, I have Her Majesty the Queen's edict here!" He took out the edict and gave it to the Minister of Military Affairs to read carefully, and then passed it on to everyone to read one by one!

Suddenly, everyone in the hall started talking:

"Yes, it is indeed His Majesty's order."

"The seals and various anti-counterfeiting marks are complete, it cannot be a fake."

"Your Majesty is still alive and has not encountered any accidents."

“Then what should we do now?”

"Of course I'm following the imperial edict. Why might that Wang Guangchang be the one doing this?"

The discussion among the ministers became louder and louder, and the eyes they looked at Zhu Zhaoyuan became more and more disdainful!

Seeing that the situation was getting out of control, the fat man snorted coldly and pressed a signal transmitter hidden in his hand.

The palace door suddenly opened, and countless elite awakened people wearing sealed light armor swarmed in! The sharp blade was pointed at the ministers in the palace!

"Are you the private army of the eight great families?" Yu Gang looked startled, then said angrily:

"Wang Guangchang, how dare you lead a wolf into the house! You colluded with aristocratic families to plot the artifact, you are a traitor to this empire!"

The heads of several aristocratic families who had not spoken before showed disdain at the same time. Cheng Guiyun sneered and said, "Master Yu Gang, what you said is wrong! Aren't the eight aristocratic families also ministers of the empire? I'll wait. I don’t mean anything else, it’s just that the empire is undergoing great changes, and I’m waiting to come out to support the new king and help the royal family stabilize the situation!”

Gurungs reached out and pressed a signal controller in his pocket, but found that nothing happened.

"Dear Minister of Military Affairs!" Cheng Guiyun said with a ferocious smile.

"The legions near the imperial capital will be here soon. However, the imperial guards in the imperial palace have all been captured due to neglect of duty! So you don't have to worry!"

"Dog thief" Yu Gang was so angry that he punched him in the face!

"Chop this old thing into pieces for me!" The head of the Yun family became angry and hissed with a livid face.

A blood cloud guard rushed over and pierced his heart with a sword! This upright and upright old minister was killed in the main hall just like this! The bright red blood dyed the jade star red!

"Asshole! What are you doing! How dare you!" Sorag yelled, and then he was stabbed to death with a sword!

Zhu Zhaoyuan asked with a cold hum, "Who else dares to disobey?"

There was dead silence in the hall.

Zhu Zhaoyuan already knew that at this point, she and Wang Guangchang had no way out! Therefore, I don't care about my demeanor and influence, I just want to show off!

"Is there anyone else who is dissatisfied?" She asked solemnly, looking at the silent ministers under the jade star.

"Queen Mother, by doing this, you are risking the disapproval of the world. There is no way you can succeed!" Foreign Secretary Ryan hesitated for a moment, and then mustered up the courage to speak.

Zhu Zhaoyuan waved her hand coldly: "Execution!"

Immediately, a blood cloud guard came over and killed him with a sword!

Seeing such a bloody scene for the first time, the direct prince Fang Yuan shrank back in fear, but under the cold gaze of his mother, he had to maintain an upright posture, biting his lips, and his face was pale.

At this point, all the ministers knew that in order to sit in that seat, this woman would do anything! I don’t care what the end result is or not!

Three important ministers of the empire fell in a pool of blood in a row, which made the remaining people feel a little unsure. No one spoke out anymore, but to make them immediately change their stance and support this vicious woman, psychologically It’s really hard to accept!

Yu Ming understood that everyone invariably remained silent!

When Wang Guangchang saw that everyone present became more honest, he said with a smile:

"Everyone! Don't be so presumptuous! The direct prince is of the blood of the former emperor, and it is only natural that he will inherit the throne! Anyway, no matter who is on the throne, aren't we all ministers of the empire? Shouldn't we all be sincere? Are you loyal?"

"As long as you express your support for the new emperor's accession to the throne today, you will all contribute to his support! The Queen Mother is kind and will not hesitate to reward you! Why do you have to be stubborn to the end?"

Everyone still didn't speak, and some officials looked at him with obvious contempt and disgust in their eyes!

The gangster fat man snorted coldly in his heart, "I don't know whether these people are good or bad people. Why don't I need your help to stabilize the political situation at the moment? Do you think I will be so good-natured and stand here to discuss with you?"

Seeing how sanctimonious you all are, what kind of virtue you have behind your back? Don’t think that I don’t know the truth! Except for the three old antiques who died just now, who are still upright, do you living guys really take the word "integrity" seriously?

He stopped talking nonsense and asked the waiter to bring a table, then placed a blank document on it and said bluntly:

"Everyone! On this day when the whole world celebrates the new emperor's enthronement! I will not say anything else, as a token of my gratitude to the new emperor! Come over and sign the document of allegiance! From now on, you can still enjoy the glory and wealth. ! There are also a lot of benefits that can’t be estimated!”

"If there are still some of you who are still in doubt, hey, I have no choice but to apologize!"

As he spoke, he raised his finger and pointed at an official:

"You! Mr. Andu'er, come here and sign! As long as you stand with me, you will still be the top person in charge of the Tianhua Universe Regional Security Department from now on. The Queen Mother can also raise your title by two ranks and give you various rewards. I won’t miss you either! How about it?”

The official named Andu'er seemed to be hesitant, but when he looked back at the ministers who were staring at him, he shrank back.

"This Prime Minister! I" he stammered, as if he was planning to lower his head, but was planning to delay it for a while!

"Why? You won't agree?" Wang Guangchang said gloomily.

immediately! The two Blood Cloud guards stood beside him with swords in hand, silent.

Facing the threat of death, there are only a few people who can truly show no fear! Looking at the three courtiers whose blood stains had not yet dried up on the ground, Andul finally chose to surrender after fighting for a while among the trapped beasts!

"Okay! I swear allegiance to His Majesty the Emperor!" He said in a solemn tone, walked over and slowly signed his name on the allegiance document!

Wang Guangchang immediately changed his face and said cheerfully: "Okay, okay! Mr. Andu'er really knows the general idea! I and the Queen Mother hereby promise that the reward given to you will be cashed in immediately! From now on, if you work hard, you will be rewarded by high-ranking officials and generous salaries. your!"

"Yes! Thank you very much, the Queen Mother, and thank you, Prime Minister!" Anduer sighed in his heart and said helplessly.

"Okay! It's your turn now!" Wang Guangchang looked at the others again and said with a smile:

"Come here one by one and sign! Don't embarrass me and the Queen Mother!"

After a stalemate for a while, most of the courtiers chose to surrender! I signed my name on that document! However, not everyone is willing to succumb to the fat man's power!

"Dear Minister of Military Affairs! Are you still unwilling to change your mind?" The gangster fat man looked at Gurungs, who had a watery face and said:

"As long as you agree to support His Majesty, the Queen Mother has promised to give you a royal title! This is the empire's only glory for thousands of years! What else are you dissatisfied with?"

"Wang Jue? That's nice to say!" Gurungs snorted coldly,

"I really can't bear this kind of grace! People who are different do not agree with each other! Therefore, I can only live up to the Queen Mother's good wishes!"

"You" Wang Guangchang's face darkened, then he picked at the corner of his eyes and said:

"Okay! Since you don't think it is possible at the moment, then go back and reflect on it! When you realize it, come back and apologize to His Majesty!"

"Come here! Send the Minister of Military Affairs back to your home!"

Gurungs glanced at him sarcastically, turned around and walked away for a while with his head held high, followed by three and a half hundred generals who refused to submit!

The Minister of Military Affairs is also a veteran of several dynasties, and his disciples have old friends all over the empire! His power in the military is even more deeply rooted! He is definitely not someone who can be easily humiliated!

Although Wang Guangchang was arrogant, he still had some brains. When he saw that he refused to bow his head, he did not dare to do anything to him immediately. He just forgot about his position and took him back to the house for house arrest!

Just like this, under the threat of death, the top leaders of the Shuofeng Empire finally reached a superficial consensus on the new emperor's accession to the throne, which became an established fact amid doubts inside and outside the empire!

Regarding this result, the top management of the eight major families are naturally happy to see the result and have spared no effort to support it! He even risked being accused of treason and dispatched private troops to help Zhu Zhaoyuan control the situation in the imperial capital!

An underage child, plus a woman who, although cruel, has long hair and short knowledge! There is no way to control this huge empire! Even if Wang Guangchang helps, it will be the same! At most, we can only maintain temporary peace!

In order to usurp the artifact, he did not hesitate to cooperate with 8 major families! This stupid act of luring a wolf into the house, only Zhu Zhaoyuan could figure out such a clever strategy! Wang Guangchang could see it, but for his own selfish reasons, he chose to remain silent.

What's more, the empire today is in a troubled period. Facing various forces at home and abroad that are eyeing them eagerly, anyone with a little discernment can guess what their final outcome will be!

Of course, this has only benefits for the eight major families! Speaking of which, in the past few years, after the emperors of the two dynasties spared no effort to suppress them, they lost too many benefits! Faced with such an opportunity to turn the situation around and turn defeat into victory, why might the family heads miss it so easily?

Cheng Guiyun is undoubtedly the happiest! Because of this incident, he regained enough support within his family race, and several of the venerable Yuntianqi faction who originally didn't want to see him began to lean towards him! My originally precarious position is now as stable as a mountain!

Immediately afterwards, this smug couple began to use their power to suppress and exclude dissidents without any scruples! All officials and superiors who were unwilling to cooperate and who had had conflicts with them in the past were imprisoned on various charges and were either executed or exiled without trial!

However, in more than ten days, thousands of officials and officials were killed, deposed, or exiled! The square in front of the Imperial Palace was already filled with blood!

But that's not the most important thing! In order to consolidate the power in her hands, under the secret instigation of the eight aristocratic families, and under the cold eyes of Wang Guangchang, Zhu Zhaoyuan unexpectedly started to think about the royal race!

In addition to the fifth princess Fang Mengyan who is already in the Kingdom of Daomang, the bloodline left by the late emperor includes five princes and nine princesses. Most of them are underage children. They were poisoned one by one by this vicious woman's orders. , not even their mother-in-law was spared!

Then, she imprisoned and killed dozens of close relatives with high prestige and influence in the royal clan under various names! Including Fang Yukun who is already unemployed at home!

Such an approach undoubtedly aroused public outrage, and the royal family is not planning to fight back! However, in addition to being supported by the power of eight aristocratic families, this vicious woman also received the protection of a group of mysterious strong men. Several assassinations ended in failure!

A group of generals from the royal family mobilized all the troops they could control in order to kill this woman in a coup. As a result, they were wiped out by the private armies of eight major families who had been prepared for it!

Later, Zhu Zhaoyuan, who went crazy, simply kept doing nothing and imprisoned all members of the imperial race in the imperial capital! All people or forces who dared to question her legitimacy were ruthlessly obliterated!

In the bloody storm, Shuofeng Empire has embarked on a road of no return! Those heads of aristocratic families failed to achieve the goal despite all their efforts, but this woman happily achieved it for them!

Under the ferocious and excited gazes of the eight major families, the influence of the royal family has quickly dissipated with the deaths of many elite members! The mountain that has been weighing on them for thousands of years is beginning to disintegrate and collapse!

On an inconspicuous night, the heads of the major families gathered together and reached several secret discussions about the future situation of the empire that were unknown to outsiders!

The empire's sky is about to change!

And in the Prison Soul Star Sea nine thousand light years away, the top brass of the Daomang Kingdom are also having the most intense debate over the kingdom's next strategic direction of action!

It's a cold night in the palace.

On an open-air viewing platform somewhere, Ye Qingyuan was leaning alone on the carved white jade railing, looking up at the magnificent sea of ​​stars above his head, silent.

The accompanying palace maids and guards all stayed away, because at this time, the young majesty did not like to be disturbed.

Whenever he felt depressed, he would go to Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. He would stay alone and look at the stars in the distance to adjust his mentality.

The meeting has ended long ago, the subjects dispersed, and the matters discussed have come to an end.

In the past three months, various changes have occurred in the upper echelons of the Shuofeng Empire, causing the kingdom of Xingduan to face the most difficult decision since its founding! The powerful foreign aid in the past has now become the most dangerous enemy! And the kingdom's own fierce fighting power is far from enough to fight against such a super power!

On the other side of the Hell Soul Star Sea, the Tiloan Empire's army continued to have a stalemate with the five alliances of forces. However, the empire's army had gradually gained the upper hand, and it would not be long before they might be able to break through the Skandon Star Abyss! Enter the hinterland of the Prison Soul Star Sea!

Because of this, the most important task of the Star Kingdom is to step up its territory expansion in order to obtain as many resources as possible in a short period of time, and to have enough strategic maneuvers in the void! To cope with the upcoming war!

As the supreme ruler of the kingdom, he must plan ahead and prepare for the worst! Even if it faces the dilemma of being attacked from both sides in the near future, it is still necessary to lead the kingdom to break out of the siege! Support a free sky for yourself and your loved ones around you! (.)

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