Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 775: High Quality Potion

"What? This is really happening!" Xiao Yulin felt like she was hearing a fantasy, "A peak-level expert in his twenties! Is this possible? Are you sure you read it correctly?"

Xiao Wenyue said with certainty: "Absolutely not! Moreover, the five Heavenly Punishment killers sent by the commando this time... were actually subdued by him on his own! No strong man from the Cangling Commando took action! "

Xiao Yulin frowned and thought about it for a long time before she said slowly:

"Okay! I will immediately summon all the nobles of the family race to discuss this matter! After we have the result, we will discuss it with the other five old guys!"

"But what about this optimization reagent..."

She looked down at the box in her hand, smiled slightly, took out the injection with the auto-injector, and pressed the photon sensing device on her forearm. The small needle pierced the skin in an instant, and injected the medicine into the box. Slowly press into the blood vessel!

"If I meet those old guys again after I get promoted, maybe I will be more convincing to them!" she said.

Are you afraid that this good thing will be snatched away by them for some reason? Xiao Wenyue said privately that she discovered for the first time that her grandmother, who had been in charge of her family's race for many years, would be a little childish when dealing with things! But she didn't dare to say it!

"Maybe we can buy some more from the king! Let them be used by the venerables in our race!" she suggested.

Xiao Yulin shook her head: "Why can such an important strategic resource be sold so easily? If it were me, even if it were 50 billion crystal cores, I wouldn't sell it! The value of this thing is so precious compared to the so-called sub-artifact equipment. too much!"

"What if I can figure out how to get a few more?" Xiao Wenyue asked tentatively, assessing the relationship between her sister and him.

"Don't talk about how many! Even if there is only one! You have almost made great contributions to your family's race!" Xiao Yulin said with a smile.

For such a human race, a seventh-grade DNA awakening reagent basically means the birth of a divine-grade powerhouse! The benefits to our race can no longer be simply measured by crystal nuclei!

Xiao Yulin, who has been promoted to the divine level, will naturally have an invisible deterrent effect on other major races, which will unknowingly enhance her voice. If the Xiao family can have more than two divine level experts If he sits in charge, then the status and power of this family's race will only increase a little bit again, maybe!

In the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed!

The situation in the Star Sea is changing rapidly all the time. As the forward army of the Gnarslok Empire approaches the Salestine Alliance, the Pope of the Alliance and the supreme controller of the state machine, Innocent VIII, has sent a special envoy to Surya. Republic, discuss the armistice!

As a result, two days later, the top leaders of the two countries announced the cessation of all hostile military actions against each other and concluded an alliance to jointly resist the ambitious Gnerslok Empire army! The life-and-death enemies who used to be at loggerheads have suddenly become close allies sharing life and death!

However, this is a common phenomenon in human political life! There is no eternal hatred or eternal friendship between countries, only interests are eternal!

Facing the huge pressure of the First Empire, any leader with a right mind will know how to choose!

This time the two major countries not only formed an alliance, but also brought in all nearby small and medium-sized countries to jointly contain the empire's military front!

In the frontier space area facing the imperial army, this hurriedly transformed alliance is racing against time to use the terrain to build star defense. Countless fleets and supplies rush to this place day and night!

Yu understands that the Genasrock Empire will face the joint counterattack of two superpowers at the same time! This is also the most powerful enemy the empire has encountered since its campaign on the Star Sea! The brutality of the war can be estimated!

Of course, Ulionov V will not hesitate to launch an attack for a while. The army that has been fighting for two years needs time to rest and recuperate. The newly acquired territory needs to be reorganized and digested. The logistics support system required for the army's campaign needs to be further improved. Get ready for the upcoming battle! Therefore, both parties are at peace at this time!

Moreover, the incident in the imperial palace made King Ulionov V furious. Under his crazy roar, the imperial intelligence system had to divert a large part of its energy and resources to the investigation of this major incident! However, even the most optimistic intelligence experts have no hope of getting something useful in the short term!

On the Xuanluo Federation side, the war between the Yilong Empire and the Federation has entered a fierce phase! Although the losses were relatively large, the fleet under Yu Luo's command was still up to par and brought back seven and a half hundred cosmic areas for his majesty, all of which are fertile lands with developed economies!

Yuluo, who had tasted the sweetness, worked up her strength and put all her chips on it. She must eat this super power in the shortest possible time! In order to win the qualification to participate in the next round of competition for star sea hegemony!

And Ye Qingyuan was not idle either. After signing an agreement with the special envoys of the five major alliances, he immediately ordered Liu Xiangyun to lead a fleet of one million to take over all the agreed-upon areas of the universe! At this point, the territory owned by the kingdom has reached as many as three hundred and seventy-seven and a half hundred cosmic regions! It has a radius of more than 20,000 light years, which is almost the same as the twelve provinces in southern Xinjiang!

A large number of engineering fleets immediately followed up and began to build fortresses and star defenses in the predetermined space areas to connect with the defense system of the entire kingdom!

Thousands of ecological planets, trillions of people, and countless resource galaxies. Just looking at these numerical indicators, it is already very close to becoming a super power! Of course, it is estimated that this regime still has a long way to go before it can live up to its name!

At this time, the situation in the Shuofeng Empire became increasingly tense!

Tianhua universe area, Imperial Palace.

Zhu Zhaoyuan on the throne is reviewing documents on the photon computer. The fate of the entire empire, nearly a thousand universes, and nearly two trillion people now all depend on her thoughts! Every decree she issues is related to the future and destiny of countless races and individuals in the empire!

Even with a casual command, countless people will rush to serve her. Be careful and do their best to please her! And she was like a high-altitude goddess, enjoying all this with peace of mind!

After taking the position for more than half a year, she has become obsessed with the feeling of having everything under control! No one can disobey her will! Even the heads of the eight major aristocratic families who used to be unruly and defiant now treat her with respect! Don't dare to show any slight or contempt!

"It looks like! This seat is more suitable for me to sit in!" Judging from their soft yet hard attitude in front of the emperors of the previous two dynasties, they were unruly and unruly! Now facing her own submissiveness, Zhu Zhaoyuan felt very proud!

If that dead ghost Fang Xuting could be kinder to me and let me help him share some of his tasks, the current empire would probably not be like this at all, right?

After holding power for so long, his position has become more and more consolidated! All those annoying guys in the royal family have been killed by me! No one dares to make irresponsible remarks in front of themselves anymore!

Of course, the power controlled by the royal family is still very powerful! There is no way to deal with them on your own, so during the purge process, the private armies of the eight major families contributed a lot! It is precisely because of their efforts that I was able to secure this position!

Therefore, in order to reward their loyalty, she awarded many important properties that originally belonged to the royal family to these aristocratic families! And I don’t worry at all about the negative impact this will have on the future of the empire!

Those ethnic forces loyal to the royal family were all exiled and genocide by her on various charges! All the property was confiscated!

In addition, those generals of the strategic command who have strong military self-respect have also been dismissed, imprisoned, and executed in the past six months or so! Most of the empire's military power is already in her hands!

The only fly in the ointment is that the hateful imperial prime minister Wang Guangchang, relying on the previous agreement, dictates everything to her! All the government decrees that have been issued are being obstructed! He also said that he should not rely too much on the power of aristocratic families and foreign races!

Especially the ugly way he acted when he was riding on her to vent his beast jade, she felt the urge to vomit just by looking at it!

"This dirty, obscene, disgusting fat man! Do you really think that I will always keep my previous promise and let him stay in that position?"

It was cold and cold, and the sound of gnashing teeth suddenly sounded in the spacious hall. This made the palace maids who were accompanying them shudder involuntarily, and became more and more cautious, not daring to show off their anger!

The thirteen-year-old little emperor Fang Yuan sat beside her, watching his mother exercise the power that should belong to him with a dull expression, not daring to question it at all!

As for his mother, he has been more afraid of it since he could remember! In her place, I never felt the warmth that a mother should have.

The way Bifang looked at him was always sinister, disdainful, even with a hint of hatred! In fact, it seems that she has no kindness to anyone in this palace! When Han Han faced his father, his radiant smile revealed a coldness that came from his bones! Just like...just like that long, wet, terrifying poisonous cold-blooded life form!

Although he was young, he still vaguely felt that his mother's temperament had become extremely twisted and biased, and how much negative impact it had on the empire! However, he could only watch, but nothing could be changed!

"Okay, Yuan'er! Come and sign!" Zhu Zhaoyuan took his hand, put the light pen close to his hand, and tried to put on a gentle expression.

According to the tradition of the empire, all decrees sent from the imperial palace to all parts of the country must be signed by His Majesty the Emperor to be legally binding!

At least for now, her son is the emperor of the empire, and she is only the queen regent, so she still needs to work hard to save face!

Fang Yuan did not dare to disobey and obediently signed his name on the monitor. After confirmation by the top-secret photon computer center, the approved document took effect! However, he had no idea what those documents actually said!

After he finished signing, Zhu Zhaoyuan snatched the light pen and said disdainfully: "Go outside and play by yourself! You have nothing to do here!"

"Yes! Queen Mother!" The little emperor responded solemnly, walked down the Jade Star, and slowly left the imperial study!

The king of a country is a noble man! Unexpectedly, he was ordered around by his mother like a servant!

Outside the gate, there were crystal palaces, carved imperial railings, and under the bright palace lanterns, the palace maids and guards were performing their duties. When they saw him coming out, they all bowed and saluted!

It’s only at this time that I feel like an emperor! Fang Yuan smiled bitterly in his heart and walked through them without changing his expression. As he walked along, he walked to an empty viewing platform somewhere.

The imperial palace suspended in mid-air is still guarded by half a hundred layers of tough and thick light blue energy shields! In the sky above our heads, the magnificent ocean of stars stretches across the sky, and the bright starlight shines down forever!

The little emperor looked back at the several palace maids who were following him close behind him, and sighed softly! Although he is young, children who grow up in a place like the palace are extremely precocious! Besides, he is also thirteen years old! He is not ignorant of certain things!

On the day he ascended the throne, the bloodstains of several important ministers in the Juntian Palace were still vivid in his mind. He already knew at that time that his mother had joined forces with the fat man with a hateful face to take away the place that belonged to the imperial sister by some disgraceful means, and then took control of it. The power of the empire! As for myself, it's just a pretense they use to block Youyou's mouth!

These days, during the weekly court meeting, the original number of courtiers in the hall has become smaller and smaller, and those veteran ministers who dared to question the Queen Mother's orders have disappeared without exception! The new people who come in are all yes-men who follow orders!

The eight heads of aristocratic families standing closest to the throne occasionally looked at him with hard-to-find pity, ridicule, and ferociousness in their eyes! Even though he concealed it very well, he still managed to hide it from him!

But my mother was completely unaware of it! In other words, she doesn't think those ambitious and secretly evil family heads are a threat to her at all?

Mother, maybe you don’t know yet, but your current behavior is no different than playing with fire! Perhaps, before long, this empire and the final glory of the royal family will become history!

such a pity! Even though I am my father's bloodline, I can't change anything!

No! There should still be something that can be done! No matter what, I can't insult the dignity of the royal family! We cannot let the glory of our ancestors fall from grace!

Expecting this, the little emperor couldn't help but clenched his fists and began to think privately in his heart!

The Yun family's mansion.

In the secret room, Cheng Guiyun sat quietly on the sofa, with a top-secret communication photon computer in front of him. Five vivid three-dimensional images were forming a circle in front of him relatively close!

This is not the first time that the 8 masters have gathered together. Whenever they need to discuss some highly confidential matters, they communicate in this way!

After a brief exchange of greetings, Cheng Guiyun said bluntly: "It has been more than half a year since the empire changed. Since that woman came to power, I believe that all the family heads have gained a lot, right?"

"Of course! Ever since Her Majesty the Queen's accident, she has supported such an idiot woman to rule! It has really brought countless benefits to several major races including us! Even the previous losses have been completely made up!" A cruel and cruel man The voice sounded, this is the head of the Song family, Song Guangyu! (To be continued.)

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