Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 783: Second-rate Country

According to secret discussions among several major races, the Shuofeng Empire in the future will still retain the original country name and emperor's position. However, the huge territory of more than 900 universe regions will be determined based on its population, resource distribution, economic development, etc. Wait, it will be divided into 8 parts in a balanced manner, and each major family will control a piece of private territory as a practical matter! The family race exercises direct jurisdiction over everything in its territory! No longer obey the decrees of the imperial capital!

The eight great families have become the eight electorate races of the empire. The position of emperor no longer belongs exclusively to any one race, but rotates among the eight great races! Each emperor is decided by drawing lots among eight family heads!

The imperial capital and the three and a half hundred prosperous cosmic areas surrounding it will be treated as an independent territory, and the profits from the territory will be controlled by the current emperor. The emperor is nominally the supreme ruler of the entire empire, but in reality, he has no right to interfere with other territories. As for affairs on the territory of each race, you can only do whatever you want on your own piece of territory!

If this plan is implemented, the entire empire will actually be dismembered! It's just that unity is maintained in name only!

However, as for the candidate of the first emperor, after this step of the plan is successfully completed, several family heads will draw lots and choose one from among them!

To be fair, Cheng Guiyun was not satisfied with this result. Of course, not only him, but also several other family heads were dissatisfied! If possible, they would all like to completely replace the Fang family's status and become a veritable royal family of the empire!

However, the fierce fighting power among the eight races is similar, and no one is big enough to stabilize the other races! Therefore, we can only come up with such a compromise plan!

Moreover, when the empire launches foreign wars in the future, the territory it acquires will be equally divided among the eight major families! It’s not exclusive to any one company! To ensure a balance of interests between each other!

Yunhui's suggestion was that he had determined that Ye Qingyuan could definitely survive this test, so he was hypocritically announcing the restoration of his family status as a member of the family race. He was waiting for his death to use this as an excuse to claim the inheritance rights of the entire kingdom. Home race!

In this way, the fierce fighting power of the Yun family will be greatly improved, and it will steadily surpass other races. The huge benefits that will be obtained in the future are self-evident!

Cheng Guiyun was overjoyed to know that he had come over, and said repeatedly: "Okay! Very good! Why didn't I expect that? However, just coming so directly might cause a backlash from other races. If they infiltrate, they should What should I do?”

"Father, didn't sister Yun Xun'er marry him? By then she will be in charge, and as long as the kingdom falls into her hands, it will also fall into your hands! I'm sorry they can't come up with any excuses!" Yun Hui analyzed calmly:

"Write a letter yourself and apologize for what happened that time! I guess she won't hold a grudge anymore! Send your mother to persuade her again, I believe she won't refuse!"

"As long as you become the emperor, she will be the princess of the empire. Her status is much higher than that of the princess! Don't be afraid that she won't be tempted!"

Cheng Guiyun thought for a long time and nodded gently: "Okay! Everything is as you said! Let's do it immediately. When it is done, my Yun family will be the well-deserved first family in the empire!"

The Kingdom of Daomang, the Molek universe area.

"What's going on?"

Wang Yuexiang looked at the wreckage of various warships floating everywhere in the vast starry sky and asked with a gloomy face.

The generals looked at each other, and no one dared to respond to his question.

Just half a day ago, the main fleet finally received a signal for help from forward General Geraldine! Wang Yuexiang immediately issued an order to dispatch a fleet of 39,000 to speed up and rush over for reinforcements!

However, by the time the general leading the army arrived, the fierce battle was already over! The 29,000-strong imperial fleet was so neatly wrapped up that not a single one of them escaped!

The guy didn't dare to be negligent and immediately reported the surprising news to Wang Yuexiang. He himself didn't dare to underestimate the enemy and rush forward again. Instead, he waited where he was to avoid following in the footsteps of the unlucky Geraldine!

What he did was correct. At the other end of the void tunnel, the Kingdom's fleet was already waiting for him to take the bait! In this case, there is no way to start!

Not long after, Wang Yuexiang's main fleet also rushed over. A hundred and a thousand elite warships from the empire gathered here. The huge and neat marching array stretched for half a million kilometers in front and back. It was so solemn and spectacular!

Wang Yuexiang was very angry, very angry!

Regarding the fierce fighting power of Daomang Kingdom, he rated himself as extremely overestimated! Because of this, 29,000 warships of various types were dispatched, eight supernatural legions served as the vanguard, and his confidant and beloved general Geraldine served as the commander to ensure that the war progressed smoothly!

Although it cannot fight against the kingdom's main fleet, with the fierce fighting power of the empire regiment, self-protection is not a problem! And he didn't think that the other side had the ability to detect the marching route of the Imperial Regiment in advance without being discovered by himself!

The distance between the forward and the main army is not too far. Even if they encounter an ambush, as long as they hold on for a while, when the main force arrives, it will be the other side's turn to be surrounded and annihilated!

But he didn't expect that Daomang Kingdom not only dared to attack directly, but also ate 29,000 of his elites under his nose! Together with eight supernatural legions! How could this make him not angry?

After a while, bad news came from another front. The 39,000 various warships led by Zhu Yin also hit a snag near the entrance of the void tunnel near the royal capital's space area. The 29,000 kingdom fleet cooperated with the three large-scale The interstellar fortress brought his plan of raiding the royal capital to naught!

"Your Majesty, has our plan been discovered by the other party in advance?" Fulton, his confidant, said worriedly. ***

"Why maybe? The Imperial Regiment's warning network has been extended to its limit! The Daomang Kingdom does not have the same level of equipment, so why might they detect our movements in advance?" A major general retorted.

Fulton snorted coldly: "That's what I say, but there is no guarantee that there won't be a spy in the Imperial Regiment. It's possible to tip them off secretly!"

"A mole? Why do you say that? Do you have evidence?" The major general's face was a little ugly. He was in charge of intelligence work. If the other party believed so, he was actually accusing him of being incompetent!

"I just feel that there is such a possibility, otherwise how could the other side have foresight of the Imperial Regiment's movements?" Fulton said leisurely, "Maybe you should discipline your subordinates!"

"You..." A look of anger appeared on the major general's face, and he was about to scold him, but when he saw Wang Yuexiang in the main seat, he forced himself to endure it.

"Stop arguing!" Wang Yuexiang's plain words immediately silenced the two ministers and kept silent! You can see that he is quite authoritative!

"I still believe that the destruction of the Vanguard Legion was more due to accidents! Their luck is really good!" He said:

"Notify Zhuyin to immediately change the original plan and join the baggage fleet at the rear. The ten mobile interstellar fortresses I brought this time are all there, and he can transfer half of them!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!" The subordinate immediately took the order and left.

"Now, let me see what is so unexpected about the Kingdom's fleet that it can completely eat up 29,000 Empire elites!" Wang Yuexiang said through gritted teeth.

On this side of the void tunnel, Wang Fang's senior management looked at the video image sent back by the scout commando team with a solemn expression.

"The empire's elite army! It is indeed well-deserved!" Ye Qingyuan sighed softly.

In fact, he is very familiar with the fleet opposite! I have led a large number of supernatural legions before and went on expeditions with this huge fleet, so I naturally know that its fierce fighting power is astonishing! And Gurungs beside him was the former number one person in the empire. Now, most of the generals in the fleet are his disciples!

Now, for the sake of his own kingdom, he must figure out the means to destroy such a fleet! There is no principle in the changes of worldly affairs, so this is what matters! It’s really amazing!

No matter what, do it for your own reasons and for the people around you! No matter what kind of opponent he is, as long as he dares to be his enemy, he will spare no effort to attack him! Even the elites of super powers! The fate of destruction is inevitable!

"They are coming, everyone, prepare to fight!" He ordered calmly.

At this time, the number of fleets on both sides has been equal, and in terms of supernatural legions, the kingdom has a clear advantage! However, the empire has some trump cards, so it is very difficult to deal with them!

At this point, it has become a fight to the death, and no one has any way out. They can only fight with all their strength! Fight a bloody path for your own camp!

The entrance to the void tunnel in front of me slowly began to react, and began to expand under the influence of unknown power!

The diameter of this void tunnel is not too small. It is difficult for the previous door-blocking tactics to achieve the same effect. However, for the sake of safety, Wang Yuexiang still issued an order to use special equipment to temporarily expand the entrance of the void tunnel so that the fleet can be quickly transported there. !

A circle of dazzling golden light emerged from there, and then turned into a thin film of light, covering the expanding entrance to the void tunnel!

Then there were two more layers, layer by layer superimposed on the previous layer of light film, tightly protecting the entrance to the void tunnel!

"You should be careful!" Tian Xuanhao said with a smile, "Let me see how thick this guy is and whether it can block the concentrated bombardment of various Qianyuanpin warships!"

"Star ruler xxxx...seventy percent power injection can fire a salvo!"

Under his command, nine thousand fully charged "Qianyuan" warships of various types aimed at the predetermined star field ruler and launched a tentative first strike!

Facing the nine thousand beams of destruction that were as powerful as the fortress's secondary artillery attack, the light film quickly dimmed, but it did not collapse.

At the entrance of the void tunnel protected by the light film, the phantoms of a large number of warships of various types have slowly emerged!

"It's not that big of a deal!" Ye Qingyuan said, "Just two more times and we'll almost be done with it!"

Tian Xuanhao nodded lightly, commanded calmly, and launched a second wave of attacks twenty seconds later!

The light film is getting darker and darker, and there are vague signs of collapse!

After three attacks, the light film was accidentally torn apart by a powerful energy tide! Tens of thousands of warships of various types that had been teleported over were so unobstructedly exposed to the firepower of the Kingdom's fleet!

Of course Tian Xuanhao would not be polite, and one salvo turned them all into space garbage!

Wang Yuexiang seemed not to have expected the energy barrier to collapse so quickly. He frowned slightly and ordered: "Put half of the remaining 'Zhixu' void mirror array in and leave it for a while. It is estimated that this move can block the empire's attack." Elites, you are too strange and you might as well think that the sky will open!"

Yu Ming understood that this time the golden light film emerging from the entrance of the void tunnel reached half a hundred layers! Although Tian Xuanhao kept attacking, this time the energy barrier lasted for more than ten minutes before collapsing!

During this period of time, at the entrance of the void tunnel that had been greatly expanded, the teleported fleet had reached a scale of one million ships!

"All fleets maintain their formations and retreat to safe positions according to the predetermined plan!" Tian Xuanhao saw that he could not do anything, and it would be difficult to achieve his goal by blocking the door, so he decided to retreat, integrate and gather to fight again!

After a while, all the empire's various warships were teleported over and completed the transformation array!

"As expected of the elite of the empire, they are not easy to clean up! We still have to see the result of the head-on confrontation!" Ziyuan Lan sighed softly:

"I don't know how much I have to suffer this time to win!"

Leng Zhuo said: "Probably about half! For those special weapons in the imperial fleet, please find Shuyuan I guess you will be familiar with it, general! By then, we can only use human lives to fill them! We don't have the means to do so. It’s not enough to completely compete with them!”

Ye Qingyuan suddenly said: "If Wang Yuexiang suddenly dies unexpectedly, will this battle end early?"

Everyone was horrified, and Gurungs immediately asked: "Your Majesty, what do you think you are doing?"

"It's okay, I estimate I want these three million imperial regiments!" Ye Qingyuan clenched his fists and said:

"If this elite fleet can fall into my hands, the kingdom's military strength will be greatly improved, and we can take action against the Shuofeng Empire next year!"

Leng Zhuo objected without even thinking about it: "Absolutely not! Even without the solid defense of the interstellar fortress, the enemy's command ship is still hidden in the tight protection of numerous ship arrays! Even if you are lucky enough to discover him, There is no way to break through the various protective measures of the command ship!"

"My Majesty, although your fierce fighting power is strong enough, it is impossible to fight against such a huge fleet alone! Moreover, your safety is related to the stability of the kingdom's political power. How can you risk yourself so easily?"

The remaining people also spoke out against it, forcing him to give up his intention.

After the imperial fleet on the opposite side completed its formation preparations, it launched a tentative attack on the kingdom fleet!

It was only at this time that Wang Yuexiang had a more intuitive understanding of the fierce fighting power of Daomang Kingdom!

Although he knew in advance that the Queen's Guards Corps was already at his disposal, and that the kingdom also had advanced production lines for various warships, time was still short and it was impossible to produce too many warships of all kinds!

The secret trade between the Queen and the Kingdom of various warships was produced through the military industrial base directly under the royal family. Although he had heard about it, he did not know how big it was! (To be continued~^~)

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