Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 81: Completely destroyed


A thunderous thunder streaked across the sky, carrying a strong smell of blood, rolling over the dead Chengshan Port...


He, he, he... what did he just say?

Is he sure he is not scared or fearful, but really appreciates the King of Giant Spirits?

As the voice of appreciation exploded in everyone's ears like rolling thunder in the sky, at this moment, whether it was everyone from the Iron Wolf Gang or the Black Ling Gang, almost everyone looked at their companions at the same time, but Almost at the same time, I saw deep disbelief in my companion’s eyes! is this possible...

How can this be--! !

Doesn't he know that this is not a wilderness or a mountain, but a narrow street?

Doesn't he know that to deal with the Awakened in such terrain, the red cannon, which is capable of full coverage and bombarding without blind spots, is even more powerful than the sophisticated self-propelled artillery?

Doesn't he know that awakened people are just stronger than ordinary people? Doesn't he know that no matter how strong the awakened person is, he can't withstand the bombardment of the oldest cannon?

He must know!

How could a person who can smash the head of a fourth-level awakened person with a gun butt not know such a simple truth!


Why should he!

Why is he so confident instead of afraid!

Who is he? !


Another gust of shrill cold wind swept up a few rags and quietly passed through the cold and dead streets;


As the cold wind passed by, a faint sound of exhalation floated out again, but Zheng Yuanqing was seen holding a heavy machine gun in one hand while slowly exhaling a puff of light green smoke, and then flicked it gently in the eyes of countless people. After flicking the ashes from his cigarette, he looked up at the black-clad army in front of him and said calmly:

"Okay, that's it. Let's fire quickly and let me see. Your Dongshui Base's search team -"

"How can it be better than Chengshan Port?"

you……! !

Hearing those casual words, as if an adult was watching a group of children fighting, everyone's cheeks twitched almost at the same time. Even the coffin-faced soldiers in black couldn't help but twitch their brows, and a hint of disdain flashed in their eyes;


And just as Zheng Yuanqing finished speaking, the long roar that was obviously coming from the Awakened Ones sounded again, and all the black-clothed soldiers regained their hair-raising style... But they always felt that there was something missing... the indifference, the indifference. The hands on the trigger and torch also tightened their muscles, and then——

"Stop, stop for a moment;"

However, at this moment, that disgusting indifferent voice sounded again, and then Zheng Yuanqing was seen calmly waving his hands towards the gun array, then tilted his head slightly, and looked at the stone sculptures not far behind him. The Black Ling Gang said calmly:

"Why are you stunned? Why don't you run away quickly?"


Is he talking about us?

Listening to the sudden voice and looking at the nonchalant figure holding the barrel of a gun, hundreds of Black Ling Gang members were stunned almost at the same time, and then——

"Run! Run!"

Hula la...

With a scream, all the members of the Black Ling Gang reacted immediately, and then turned around hurriedly, crying and wailing towards the streets and alleys around the main road, the nooks and crannies, the houses, kennels, and rat holes...

"Turn on the fire!!"

It was at this moment that the loud roar exploded like thunder, and then more than a thousand rough fingers suddenly exerted force, and a dozen crackling torches quickly stretched out the fuse, Countless members of the Iron Wolf Gang raised their hands and covered their ears... At the same time, the corners of Zheng Yuanqing's mouth also followed -

A slight hook!


With an inaudible sneer, Zheng Yuanqing flicked the middle finger of his left hand, and the cigarette butt, which was still smoking, slowly detached from his finger, drawing a beautiful and shining arc in the dark cold night. Time is flowing rapidly, as if at this moment——

Slowed down suddenly!

call--! !

As the heavy sound of breaking through the air suddenly appeared, Zheng Yuanqing's body slowly bent down, and his legs that did not look strong slowly exerted force, leaving a gap on the hard asphalt road under his feet. At the same time as the deep shoe prints were made, the strong body pushed out one after another, like water waves, in the sticky air;

Immediately afterwards, Zheng Yuanqing slowly lowered his body, slowly swung his arms, and opened his legs. In the waves of slowly spreading air ripples, leaving clear shoe prints one after another, Slowly running towards a Wuling light truck that rolled over on the side of the road...

At the same time, just as Zheng Yuanqing ran out slowly as if the camera was in slow motion, the huge Chengshan Port seemed to freeze, and there was a strange pause;

At this moment, the members of the Black Ling Gang who were crying for their fathers and mothers raised their arms high, or opened their mouths, or burst into tears, or held their faces with their faces as if they were aggrieved, leaving their legs off the ground, or tripping on the ground. The corpse stared with frightened eyes, and the whole body jumped forward...

Similarly, the members of the Iron Wolf Gang at the other end of the road also have frowning faces, ferocious eyes, grimaces, aggrieved, pitiful, cute... In short Various expressions were frozen on the spot, forming a lively and lovely, but frightening picture...

The only thing that could still move, except for Zheng Yuanqing, seemed to be the snowflakes dyed red by the blood mist, slowly drifting by with blood-colored romance and tranquility like red flowers flying all over the sky...

It was in this weird scene that Zheng Yuanqing slowly ran to the overturned light truck, then stretched out his rough hands, slowly grabbed the spring steel of the rear wheel of the car, and then slowly opened his mouth. , slowly pulled up the entire car body, and then slowly, slowly...


The thunder was deafening!

As a flash of white lightning streaked across the sky, as a thunder exploded, time——

Also at this moment——

The flow rate suddenly resumed!


A roar suddenly erupted, and Zheng Yuanqing was seen with ferocious eyes, with bulging veins all over his head, grabbing the heavy light truck, his legs suddenly exerted force, and his waist suddenly twisted, and he was piercing his legs. The hard ground was half a foot deep, and at the same time, the heavy light truck, together with the things tied tightly by chains in the truck bed, were directed towards the formidable array of guns and artillery——

Throw it high!

It was too late, then too fast, at the moment when the heavy light truck was released, more than 1,500 fingers suddenly pulled down the trigger, and a dozen crackling torches were also suddenly pressed against the stubby On top of the fuse, next——


There was a loud noise and the earth shook!

When the forest of guns opened fire instantly, the dozens of red cannons also erupted with ancient roars, and dazzling flashes burst out from the countless small tongues of flames. Then the endless iron sand, lead bullets and copper angle steel nails, like flying fire all over the sky, instantly formed a death net with no dead ends——

With a terrifying aura and overwhelming momentum, it headed straight towards the light truck flying high!



A red-hot steel nail penetrated the rusty iron sheet, passed through the thick waterproof cloth, passed through the thick moisture-proof layer under the waterproof cloth, and then penetrated deeply into the moisture-proof layer behind the waterproof layer. A "stick" wrapped in light yellow kraft paper;

However, before the "crack" sound could be heard from a distance of three meters around the light truck, the second, third, fourth... an unknown number of red-hot iron-sand, steel-nailed, copper-horned lead bullets... came one after another. He got into those seemingly ordinary "sticks" and quickly ignited the gray-black stuff inside the sticks...

And then——

Boom——! ! ! !

There was a loud noise, the sky and the earth shattered, walls collapsed and houses collapsed, earth and rocks flew everywhere, and flesh and blood flew everywhere!

In the slight tremor of the ground, in the dark night, as a group of delicate and dazzling flowers of death rose up along with billowing smoke on the huge Chengshan Port Central Road, the terrifying gunfire and cannons The formation and countless Iron Wolf Gang members around it, at this moment——

Completely destroyed!

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