
As a torch was thrown in, a raging fire suddenly burst out from the gasoline all over the floor, swallowing up the corpses in the house and the dilapidated grocery store in an instant...

"A bunch of beasts!"

Looking at the blazing fire, Zheng Yuanqing gritted his teeth and let out a low roar with mixed emotions;

He doesn't want to kill, but someone always forces him to kill;

First it was Wang San, and then the search team... If he didn't kill, he would be the one who was killed. Even giving him a good time was a luxury; it seems that in the end of the world, people with a little bit of strength will take pleasure in killing and be proud of killing!

“I don’t understand much about the human mind;”

At this moment, the guide who had been silent suddenly spoke in a very doubtful tone:

"The earth has entered the end of the world, and humans are on the verge of extinction, but why do the surviving humans still kill each other? Not only this world, but also those worlds that claim to be advanced civilizations! Even many advanced civilizations are simply destroyed by humans In my own hands!”

"If humans can stop killing each other, with the hundreds of thousands of survivors in Yoshiwara City, at least half of the urban area can be recovered from zombies, right?"

"But why would they rather kill each other than fight zombies?"


Yes, why!

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help sighing after hearing this. He couldn't answer the guide's question at all; to be honest, he couldn't understand it himself...

Before the end of the world, he was just an ordinary otaku who even shrank from fighting;

But now...

The ubiquitous fighting forced him to learn what it means to be cold, what it means to be ruthless, and what it means to have a heart as hard as stone! It also forced him to develop the ability to kill people!

In other words, every apocalyptic person alive to this day is a master of murder!

How long will these days last?

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time;"

"Search team, right? I don't believe you are so capable that you can find out what I did from a pile of coke;"

"Next step, settlement, Chen Mazi!"

Zheng Yuanqing took a few deep breaths and stopped thinking. Then he ran all the way to a haystack in the distance, pushed out the hidden motorcycle from inside, and then sped towards a barren mountain in the distance. A few minutes later, he arrived at the mountain col. small settlement;



The harsh sound of brakes echoed in the dead mountain col. Zheng Yuanqing, who had just climbed the last hillside, suddenly stopped his motorcycle;

"Why is it so quiet? Could it be that the settlement was attacked by zombies?" Zheng Yuanqing immediately tensed up his nerves, slowly pulled out five consecutive rounds, and then carefully stepped off the motorcycle;

At this moment, there was unusually no one in the narrow and dark mountain col; not a sound could be heard in the dozens of shacks built with thatch, mud, and broken bricks. The entire settlement was filled with the eerie silence;

It's just morning now, and even if everyone goes out to hunt corpses, at least a few sentries will be left behind; even if the settlement is attacked by zombies, there should still be corpses left behind;

But now...


A gloomy mountain wind blew slowly by, and Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but feel his scalp numb——

He didn't even smell the slightest smell of blood!

Not even the slightest rancid smell!

"No danger was found within 1 kilometer of the settlement, and no corpses or abnormal traces were found;"

"But since the guide cannot detect whether there is any danger in the shack, it is not recommended for you to enter;"

It’s impossible not to enter...

Zheng Yuanqing shook his head slightly when he heard this. He knew very well that there might be danger in those shacks;

However, destroying the corpses and exterminating traces consumed almost all of his reserve gasoline, and the next shuttle would not be until 3 days later, so the remaining gasoline could not run very long at all;

The powerful mobility of motorcycles is currently his biggest advantage!

Therefore, he had to enter the settlement, because within a few kilometers, only Chen Mazi had a Jinbei car that he used to go to and from Chengshan Port, and he was the only one who had some gasoline stored there;

After observing for a while, Zheng Yuanqing slowly walked down the hillside and cautiously entered the settlement;



The heavy military boots stepped on the gravel on the ground, echoing with frightening soft sounds;

Zheng Yuanqing hunched over and held up two five-shooters in his hands, walking through the narrow corridors between the shacks cautiously, step by step, but the further he walked, the more his scalp became numb;

No living people, no corpses, no blood...

There weren't even any traces of struggle or struggle!

The entire settlement was quiet, as if it were a legendary closed-door ghost village without any sound. Only broken earthen jars and traces of water that had not yet evaporated inside showed that there were still people living here a day or two ago;

but now……

It seemed that the entire settlement, numbering three to four hundred people, disappeared overnight!

"Is it haunted?"

Zheng Yuanqing swallowed hard. He had never seen empty settlements. He had even entered settlements that had just been massacred by corpses, but he had never been so filled with fear as he was today.

Obviously, it was not zombies that killed the entire settlement, but an unknown factor...

The unknown is the scariest thing!

However, until Zheng Yuanqing reached the center of the settlement, he did not notice any abnormality at all. It seemed that the unknown factor had already left;

After finally confirming that the surrounding area was safe, Zheng Yuanqing cautiously approached the only large shack that could be called a house in the center of the settlement, which was Chen Mazi's residence;


The dilapidated door slot made a harsh sound. Zheng Yuanqing slowly opened the door and stepped in gently after finding no danger, but then——


The moment he stepped into the door, Zheng Yuanqing suddenly turned around, pointed his gun at the corner, and then took a breath of air;

The dark room was eerie. The tables, chairs and beds were still intact. There was even a plate of half-eaten tortillas on the tattered dining table...

The whole room looked no different from the outside, but Zheng Yuanqing discovered a limp body in the corner...

Or simply——

A complete human skin!

"Damn it! What the hell did this do;"

After a brief moment of shock, Zheng Yuanqing regained his composure, then gently closed the door, bolted the door, and then took out a strong flashlight and shined it on the human skin, followed by a numb scalp;

It wasn't just a complete piece of human skin, but—

It is simply a complete human skin!

This skin is so complete that not only the hair and nails are intact, but Zheng Yuanqing can even recognize from the pockmarked face that this person is the leader of the settlement, Chen Mazi;

However, at this moment, Chen Mazi was left with only an empty skin, as if it had been sucked dry, even the bones had disappeared!

After confirming that it was just a skin bag, Zheng Yuanqing resisted the urge to feel nauseous, walked over cautiously, squatted next to the skin bag and carefully examined the cause of Chen Mazi's death;

Three years of struggling in the apocalypse have long taught Zheng Yuanqing a truth——

Experience is often more critical than strength!

Understanding the cause of death of the deceased is one of the most important experiences. Only by summarizing various causes of death can we discover hidden dangers through clues and avoid making the same mistakes again;

Soon, Zheng Yuanqing discovered a thin layer of transparent material on the skin, as well as on nearby walls and floors; the entire skin was tightly sealed at the corner by this transparent material;

"After testing by the guide, this transparent object is formed by the solidification of mucus secreted by organisms; this liquid is not corrosive, so it can be inferred that its function is for hunting;"

"Based on the analysis of the gene fragments remaining in the mucus, we found that this organism is a first-level mutant; however, since many organisms have mutated into new species in the last days, it is impossible to determine what kind of organism it is;"

First level mutant...

Unable to identify what creature!

Zheng Yuanqing couldn't help but frown slowly when he heard this;

First-level mutants seem to have a clear level division, but in fact it is a very vague concept;

The original power system of mutants was divided into zombies. Those who have just mutated from humans to zombies are called first-level mutants. From then on, every time a zombie evolves, it will increase by one level, until what Zheng Yuanqing knows is " Level 5 zombies”;

But as the apocalypse progresses, animals have begun to mutate, and all kinds of mutant beasts have appeared; but the types of animals themselves are extremely diverse, which also makes mutant beasts equally complex; for example, a mutant rat is still not an ordinary human being The opponent is a first-level mutated pig, but it can't even do anything to a Type 95 rifle!

Moreover, mutant beasts seem to be much more interested in zombies than humans, and rarely come to trouble humans. Therefore, we only see mutant beasts and zombies fighting, but it is rare to hear of anyone actually competing with mutant beasts;

As a result, humans cannot classify mutant beasts at all, and can only generally classify them into the zombie hierarchy;

Therefore, Zheng Yuanqing could not judge how powerful the murderer was. He could only infer from the fact that no one survived in the entire settlement. Although the murderer was a first-level mutant——

But I'm afraid...

Even the second and third level awakeners can't do anything!

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