Traveling through the infinite wasteland

Chapter 900 Yu Luo’s family background

Yu Luo gritted her teeth, a fierce light suddenly appeared in her eyes, and after a long time she said coldly:

"In this case, the empire has no way to retreat! Pass my order to mobilize all the troops left behind in the imperial capital! Rush to the Minke Universe area! I will fight with all my strength against Ye Qingyuan!"

"Your Majesty! You must not..." The ministers were shocked and tried to dissuade him. . Fastest update

"Victory or defeat is a matter of military strategism. Why do you, Your Majesty, put yourself in danger?" Yu Lang also advised.

Yu Luo waved his hand and said disdainfully: "No need to say any more! Ye Qingyuan has bullied others too much. I can only avenge my shame by personally leading the troops to fight! I want to see how much fierce fighting power he has and how much he can endure." There are so many elite legions in the empire!"

Yu Lang urged: "Even if there is a decisive battle, Your Majesty, you don't have to go out in person, you can just sit in the imperial capital and command! Let the generals do the frontline charge!"

No matter how the ministers tried to persuade him, Yu Luo just refused to listen!

Minke universe area, where the emperor's camp is.

"Your Majesty, the battle damage statistics are out!" Ziyuan Lan presented a stack of documents in front of Ye Qingyuan, and then said:

"I didn't expect that the Eridanus army would be so difficult to deal with. Although we won, the losses we suffered are really unbearable! Hey, these guys are a damn alien race!"

"As long as we can defeat them, this level of loss is still tolerable!" Ye Qingyuan sighed,

"I just don't know how many such legions Yu Luo still has in his hands. If there are more, it might be very difficult for us to win!"

"I heard that Yu Luo has set off with his last remaining capital! We need to plan carefully how to deal with him as soon as possible! Inform the generals to come over for a meeting!"

Although the war in the Twilight Universe region ended with the victory of the Daomang Empire, the number of casualties in this battle was far beyond the expectations of the empire's monarchs and ministers!

The losses of various warships are nothing, the main loss is the casualties of the supernatural legions! In order to deal with the surprising number of high-star supernatural warriors in the Bojiang Legion, Tian Xuanhao sent all the five-star or above supernatural warriors in his hands away for a period of time. With numerical superiority, supplemented by the combat puppet army and other supernatural equipment, after a long and hard battle, the other side was finally defeated! .

The price is that the total number of awakened ones, which is almost ten standard legions, was killed in battle, and all of them were five-star or above powerful ones. Three divine-level experts died, and there were even more demigod-level experts! certainly. There were also five Youhuang God Kings who fell on the other side, all killed by the Juntian Divine Cauldron!

One day later, the Minke Universe area where the emperor's camp was located was also besieged by the Yilong Empire's army. However, with the "Kunluo" legion commanded by Yu Xinzhe, the Bojiang fleet was completely defeated without doing anything!

However, regarding the supernatural army, with the war situation in the Dusk Universe area as a warning, Ye Qingyuan ordered the supernatural army under his command to make many targeted arrangements in advance. At the beginning of the war, they used the "Kamikaze Crossbow" machine crossbow array, the Fire of Hell, the "Doomsday Samurai" battle puppet army and many other special equipment to inflict a lot of damage on the other side!

Then, all the awakened beings with five stars and above in the army were dispatched, including His Majesty the Emperor's personal guards. Ye Qingyuan even went to battle in person, holding the Ancient Divine Halberd in his hand, and successively killed eleven strong men of the Youhuang God King category, including a seventeen-star strong man! And used extremely powerful spiritual storms to break up the formation formed not long ago many times! It creates great convenience for our own army's attack!

After a fierce battle, the Bojiang race was defeated again! Among the fifteen supernatural legions, all the strong men above Qianxing suffered casualties, and in the end, less than two legions were able to escape! However, the losses on the side of the Daomang Empire were much less than those on the other side! Of course, relative to previous battles, the absolute numbers are quite surprising.

Once these two battles were over, Yu Luo had very few chips left! As long as there is another big defeat, the entire regime will collapse and there will be no chance of comeback!

The wall fell, everyone pushed. At present, the hearts of the people within the empire are floating. Even many generals who originally firmly supported him are beginning to become hesitant and hesitant. Some people even secretly send their cronies to contact the Dao Mang Empire. , arrange a way out for yourself!

Yu Luo is not stupid. He has already seen this extremely dangerous trend. However, he can't do anything at this time. If he really starts to clean up, it will only make everyone feel at risk, and the already shaky regime will accelerate towards the trench!

The most obvious way to solve the problem is to concentrate the remaining strength, fight a big victory, and reverse the situation! Only in this way can all ministers feel at ease.

Therefore, Yu Luo was determined and determined to personally lead the army to fight against Ye Qingyuan! At this time, he has no choice!

However, before the emperor's army set off from the Wenelk universe area, the Xuanluo Federation's fleet was approaching!

"Did these damn guys finally get together with that Ye Qingyuan?"

Looking at the scene on the star map, Yu Luo's expression became more and more gloomy, and she cursed with clenched teeth:

"Things like grass on the wall, if I can turn defeat into victory, I will definitely kill all these bastards!"

In the star map, with the temporary imperial capital Winelk universe area as the center, three thick blood-red arrows are approaching inch by inch! The federal fleet of more than three million men is approaching from the east; to the west, Ye Qingyuan's camp is coming at full speed; to the southwest, Tian Xuanhao's troops are also stepping up their encirclement! In a few days, the entire cosmic area will be completely sealed!

"Your Majesty, the situation in the empire is worrying. How should we deal with it now?" Yu Lang asked worriedly.

How to introduce it? At this point, the easiest way is to leave everything here behind, concentrate all our strength, and break out of the siege! This is the most feasible method at present!

However, even if the breakthrough is successful, the fundamental ground has been lost, there are not many troops left in hand, and the sea of ​​​​stars is so vast, how can there be room for him?

"The Federation's fleet is currently the closest to us, right?" He cheered up and said slowly:

"The other two armies are still a few days away from the imperial capital. Therefore, we can only survive in death. We mobilize our elite forces to attack directly. We will catch them by surprise and defeat them one by one! Only then can we hope to reverse the situation!"

The ministers in the palace debated for a while, and they all concluded that the idea was just a better idea, so they had to agree to this extremely risky plan!

This method seems feasible, but if you can't achieve a quick victory, you will definitely be held back by the other side, and then the remaining two armies will arrive later, and you will be made a dumpling by the enemy!

Yu Ming understood that the army that had decided to go west temporarily changed its direction and faced the federal army to the east! It is said that this side is the easiest to deal with, and the sword army in the other two directions cannot be provoked!

In the palace of "Teng Yuan".

"Did Yu Luo really change her mind?" Ye Qingyuan looked at the latest message and smiled.

Luo Qingyue teased: "It seems that this guy is not too stupid, and he went directly to the Federation! I hope Yan Qinghong's performance will not be too bad, at least he will last until we get there!"

"Well! I'll be there soon when their fierce fighting power is almost exhausted!" Ye Qingyuan said with a smirk,

"In this way, the Southeast Star Sea will be calmer in the future, and we will feel more at ease, okay?"

Luo Qingyue glared at him angrily: "Since you took this position, people have discovered that you have become even more sinister!"

"It's not insidious! I guess it's going to take a group of people who are used to playing

If the politicians who advocate public opinion honestly submit to us and don’t use up the fierce fighting power in their hands, why can we expect them to feel at ease? "Ye Qingyuan sighed pretending to be helpless.

The plan for the three armies to encircle the imperial capital was proposed by Ye Qingyuan. Naturally, the Federation agreed and sent its most elite fleet of more than three million men there. However, the speed of the two armies on the side of the Daomang Empire was slightly slower, two days behind the federal army! Of course, if you go at full speed, with the energy efficiency of the empire's various warships, you can reach the battlefield in half a day!

This was Ye Qingyuan's deliberate move, in order for Yu Luo to see the opportunity and send troops to have a big fight with the Federation first, further depleting the bargaining chips of both sides, and then let the legions of the Dao Mang Empire pick up the pieces! This is the best thing for the empire!

Sure enough, before long, messages came from the front line one after another indicating that Yuluo's troops had started fighting with the federal army!

The fleets of both sides met half a day ago. After a short trial, each used their full strength!

This time, with the help of fifteen Bojiang supernatural legions, Yu Luo had the upper hand, suppressing the federal legions from beginning to end! Yan Qinghong tried her best, but still couldn't avoid the outcome of defeat!

In the vast starry sky, there are scattered wreckage of various warships everywhere! Countless milky-white escape cabins were floating around, and more officers and soldiers were turned into mutilated corpses, and some even had no bones left!

Groups of Bojiang warriors wearing white light armor were waving their powerful soldiers, slaughtering the few remaining federal supernatural legions without any scruples. The remaining federal fleet was also desperately resisting!

"Hasn't the army of Daomang Empire arrived yet?"

In the "Freedom" interstellar fortress, Yan Qinghong asked with a haggard expression.

"It is said that we are almost there!" Yan Junyou responded angrily, "Marshal, are we being tricked by them? We obviously agreed to encircle them together, why did the other side delay it for so long, which made me Are you going to have to bear Yu Luo's offensive alone?"

"You are right, that emperor did it on purpose!" Yan Qinghong sighed softly.

"But haven't we already agreed to surrender to the empire?" Yan Junyou lowered his voice. As a direct descendant of the Yan family, he naturally knew the secret agreement between the top leaders of both parties.

Yan Qinghong said bitterly:

"However, after all, the Federation still has such a huge force. As long as these fleets still exist, the emperor will not feel at ease, and neither will the old guys in the Federation! Therefore, they must be wasted on the battlefield! "

Yan Junyou's young face suddenly turned red: "You haven't even crossed the river yet, and you're going to demolish the bridge? The top brass of the Dao Mang Empire are too shameless! These damn guys..."

"Enough!" the marshal reprimanded in a low voice,

"What's the point of talking about this now? If you want to blame it, just blame the master race and those guys in the federation for being such jerks! It's not as if they and the federation have fallen into the current situation?"

"Yan Junyou, now that fate is no longer on our side, so there is some meaning, you don't have to hold on to it anymore! From now on, just be a minister of the empire with peace of mind. Maybe you can make great contributions in the future. The glory of Zhenjia’s race!”

"I understand, I understand!" Yan Junyou responded dully.

"If we could have obtained this batch of reinforcements a year and a half in advance, the Federation would have been destroyed by us!"

In the imperial fleet's camp, Yu Luo said in annoyance.

Shiriya smiled softly: "We never expected that the human country opposite would be so difficult to deal with! These military forces are already almost all the elites of our race! Until the critical moment, what will happen to the elders of the race? Will you make up your mind to send them all here?”

The people in power of these two races made mistakes from the beginning. Because of their contempt for the combat power of the human supernatural legion and their overconfidence in the combat power of their own legion, when they decided to start supporting Yu Luo, They did not send out too much force. Of course, they did so because they were worried that the move would be too big and might cause the Queen of Eridanus to intervene.

Later, they found that the troops were not enough, so they just adopted a refueling approach, adding more power bit by bit. Unexpectedly, the federation was able to survive until now!

When the Dao Mang Empire's army came over, the elders of the two major races gritted their teeth and spent their money, sending out all the elites that the races could mobilize!

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, their approach is already too late!

An hour later, just when the federal army was about to collapse, Ye Qingyuan's camp arrived, and the situation on the battlefield suddenly began to reverse!

"Ye Qingyuan, are you looking for Shuyuan finally here?"

Yu Luo looked at the star map and muttered to herself. In the dark starry sky, as far as the field of vision can be seen, it has been filled with endless saucer-shaped warships coming at a rapid speed!

In the previous war, the federal army suffered extremely heavy casualties. Nearly half of the fleet and almost all of the supernatural army were lost! However, the price paid by the Yilong Empire was not small. After half a day of fierce fighting, the physical and morale of the officers and soldiers were no longer at their peak! .

At this time, the Daomang Empire's army arrived, and as soon as the battle started, they had the upper hand!

The Bojiang Super Corps, which was killing so much, had to let go of the federal fleet that was about to collapse, and quickly assembled to prepare for the attack of the Daomang Empire.

However, this time, the Imperial Regiment, which already knew their background, had no intention of confronting them head-on!

"All prepared fleets will, after five seconds, cover the predetermined area with ten seconds of firepower, and immediately retreat to recharge after the end..."

"The enemy's central ship formation has shown signs of instability. Order the 9044th to 9097th squadrons to immediately launch a 90% power injection salvo against it. The specific star field scale is..."

Yu Xinzhe paid close attention to the torrent of data gathered on the monitor and nervously issued instructions one after another. As a newly surrendered general who was favored by His Majesty, he was under a lot of psychological pressure at the moment! I'm afraid that if I accidentally make a mistake, it will affect my position in His Majesty's heart!

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